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2580 Postings, 4992 Tage JapetusYellen hält Facebook, Yelp etc. für überbewertet

15.07.14 20:54
Janet Yellen: Fed-Chefin hält Technologie-Firmen für überbewertet

Zu ihrer üblichen Zurückhaltung passt das nicht: US-Notenbank-Chefin Yellen äußert sich besorgt über die hohe Bewertung von Social-Media-Unternehmen wie Facebook oder Yelp. Deren Aktien stürzen prompt ab.


63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaFighting against Ebay and Amazon

15.07.14 21:29
can be a big success, if brick and mortar use the right help

RETAILERS & MANUFACTURERS: More exposure means more local shoppers
Take advantage of Local Corp's vast network of publishers and partners.

nStore™ by Local
Consumers found you online. Now drive them in-store at one of your authorized dealers.
Provide online and on-the-go shoppers with a seamless shopping experience that makes it easy for them to buy your products anywhere they are sold, nearby or online. Increase retail channel sales with nStore, ™ a leading, multi-channel where-to-buy solution powered by Krillion ® by Local. Today’s consumers often research and compare products online before completing their purchase at a local store. That’s why nStore is the smartest, fastest way to drive online and mobile shoppers to local stores that have your products in stock.
Our solution features:
• Real-time store availability
• Dynamic nightly pricing updates
• Rich-store level details
• Flexible API
• Powerful reporting analytics

nFuse™ by Local
Make your ads more than an introduction
Engage more on-the-go consumers with nFuse by Local, the most intelligent, location-aware, data-driven retail mobile ad solution, powered by Krillion ®. The first of its kind, nFuse combines the power of hyper-local targeting and dynamic shopping information for a more intelligent rich advertising solution that helps you drive higher consumer engagement and more cross-channel purchases. We leverage your ambient data with precision geo-location and dynamic insertion of store hours, products, and pricing, reaching the right people with the right message at just the right time.
• Up-To-The-Minute Accuracy
• High User Engagement
• Flexible API for Easy Integration

Krillion by Local
Engage more cross-channel shoppers wherever they research products online.
We work with you to integrate your product and location catalog into our dynamic database — including local store assortment — to help you deliver the most robust and accurate local shopping experience for connected consumers. Less

According to Retailing 2020, successful retailers will need to transform themselves to grow in an increasingly polarized world of greater channel fragmentation that will result in greater non-store retail growth and smaller retail formats. In addition, retailers will need to cater to a future retail landscape, driven by income polarization, where income classes will define retail channel dynamics resulting in a disproportionately large impact in the future development of the US retail marketplace by 2020.

“As we enter an increasingly complex retail landscape with accelerating competitive pressures and digital shopping options, retailers will need to prepare for a wall-less omnichannel retail world, one where shoppers will come to expect a seamless brand experience online, in-store and across multimedia touch points,” said Susan McPartlin, PwC’s US retail & consumer industry leader. “This multi-format portfolio combined with the proliferation of small, urban, alternative retail formats will pave the way for future growth, dismantling the mass homogenization and scale assumptions that propelled two decades of retail growth.”
According to Retailing 2020, successful retailers will need to transform themselves to grow in an increasingly polarized world of greater channel fragmentation that will result in greater non-store retail growth and smaller retail formats. In addition, retailers will need to cater to a future retail landscape, driven by income polarization, where income classes will define retail channel dynamics resulting in a disproportionately large impact in the future development of the US retail marketplace by 2020.

“As we enter an increasingly complex retail landscape with accelerating competitive pressures and digital shopping options, retailers will need to prepare for a wall-less omnichannel retail world, one where shoppers will come to expect a seamless brand experience online, in-store and across multimedia touch points,” said Susan McPartlin, PwC’s US retail & consumer industry leader. “This multi-format portfolio combined with the proliferation of small, urban, alternative retail formats will pave the way for future growth, dismantling the mass homogenization and scale assumptions that propelled two decades of retail growth.”

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaBei umgerechnet 1,447 ist 1,459

15.07.14 21:34
ein sehr fairer Preis, um zu kaufen.

Geld- und Briefkurse










1,395 €

1,458 €




63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaWenn es umgekeht läuft. ist das Ergebnis ein

15.07.14 21:46
Short Squezze, den ich für Local Corp sehe:


63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaDynamic local shopping data is ALWAYS EXPANDING

16.07.14 22:57


~120,000 retail store locations


Over 4,300 consumer shopping categories


Nearly 3 Million localized products

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaYahoo weigert sich momentan das zu posten

16.07.14 23:14
RETAILERS & MANUFACTURERS: More exposure means more local shoppers

Take advantage of Local Corp's vast network of publishers and partners.

This retailers trust on Local Corp:


You must only substitute xxx through the right three other letters

"According to Retailing 2020, successful retailers will need to transform themselves to grow in an increasingly polarized world of greater channel fragmentation that will result in greater non-store retail growth and smaller retail formats. In addition, retailers will need to cater to a future retail landscape, driven by income polarization, where income classes will define retail channel dynamics resulting in a disproportionately large impact in the future development of the US retail marketplace by 2020.

“As we enter an increasingly complex retail landscape with accelerating competitive pressures and digital shopping options, retailers will need to prepare for a wall-less omnichannel retail world, one where shoppers will come to expect a seamless brand experience online, in-store and across multimedia touch points,” said Susan McPartlin, PwC’s US retail & consumer industry leader. “This multi-format portfolio combined with the proliferation of small, urban, alternative retail formats will pave the way for future growth, dismantling the mass homogenization and scale assumptions that propelled two decades of retail growth.”

23601 Postings, 6510 Tage Chalifmann3nungut

16.07.14 23:25
Buffett sagt zu Recht kaufe nur aktien von companys,deren Geschäfte du verstehst. So ungefähr verstehe ich das Geschäft hier zwar,aber ich verstehe nicht ,warum Yelp so teuer und Local so billig ist,wo doch beide haargenau dasselbe machen ! Local ist nun schon so mlange im Seitwärtstrend,dass mir meine Erfahrung sagt,dass man warscheinlich auf den ST. Nimmerleinstag warten müsste,bis sich die Mcap von Locm der von Yelp angeglichen hat,zumal man auch das Risiko eingehen würde,dass es genau anders rum kommt,also dass sich der Börsenwert von Yelp dem von Local annähert,dann wäre es ohnehin vergebene Liebesmüh jetzt eine Posi in Local zu starten .....


63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaIch bin leider zu dumm, um die Argumentation

17.07.14 08:33
von Chalifmann3 zu verstehen und kommentieren zu können.  

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaInterview (Teil 1)

17.07.14 08:49

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage Libudazu 6859

17.07.14 11:55

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage Libuda3.2billion impressions/month across mobile/desktop

17.07.14 17:34
Through our extended ad network, we serve approximately 3.2 billion impressions a month across mobile and desktop channels
Display & Mobile Display

Connect with online and mobile consumers who are searching for products and services.

We help advertisers reach high purchase intent consumers with a full range of display advertising options. Through our flagship site and over 1,600 highly desirable partner sites in our network, we provide direct access to nearly a million consumers a day. We understand how to fully deliver against advertiser's goals, no matter how complex.

And, through our extended ad network, we serve approximately 3.2 billion impressions a month across mobile and desktop channels. Display formats include industry standard IAB units in brand safe environments, across iOS and Android – ensuring high conversion rates and maximum production value.

• Guaranteed inventory

• Excellent traffic quality

• 100% delivery

• Brand-safe content

• IAB standard units

• Across iOS and Android

• Full range of targeting capabilities

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaGut für Local Corp

17.07.14 21:26
Two out of three big business brands are planning to increase their focus and investment in engaging small to medium-sized business (SMB) customers over the next 12 to 36 months,  

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage Libuda31% CAGR from 2006 to 2013

18.07.14 09:23
Compound annual growth rate: 31% CAGR from 2006 to 2013 of Local Corp are excellent

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a business and investing specific term for the geometric progression ratio that provides a constant rate of return over the time period. [1] [2] CAGR is not an accounting term, but it is often used to describe some element of the business, for example revenue, units delivered, registered users, etc. CAGR dampens the effect of volatility of periodic returns that can render arithmetic means irrelevant. It is particularly useful to compare growth rates from different data sets such as revenue growth of companies in the same industry.

313 Postings, 6194 Tage p.huettlVerhandlungstermin Frie's Electronics

18.07.14 09:46
Der Verhandlungstermin wegen des Patentes sollte doch am 15.Juli sein. Ich habe noch nichts gefunden/gelesen. Weiss da jemand etwas drüber durch Internetrecherche?  

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaMobile is merging digital and local

18.07.14 22:48
Mobile is merging digital and local - Extreme Excellent for Local Corp

"In five years, local stores will merge digital with the instant gratification of phyiscal retail to offer a more immersive and peronalized shopping experience."

Simon Nadler, IBM researcher

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaAuch ein gutes Zeichen für Local Corp

19.07.14 08:29

Google Rises On Solid Q2 Sales But Earnings Miss


Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) stock rose Friday to a four-month high after the search powerhouse posted Q2 revenue that beat Wall Street expectations, fueled by a 33% jump in paid ad clicks on its own sites.
The No. 1 search provider's earnings per share actually missed analyst views, but analysts and investors liked the top-line numbers.
Google stock was up 3% in afternoon trading in the stock market today ex items jumped 27% to $6.08, its best year-over-year gain in three years. But that fell below the $6.24 Wall Street had projected, according to Thomson Reuters.

View Enlarged Image
"Google is pursuing absolutely the right strategy" with its aggressive investments in its core segments of search and display/video advertising as well as its new businesses, including Google Play and cloud computing, wrote Mark Mahaney, an analyst with RBC Capital Markets, in a research report.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/technology/...rnings-miss.htm#ixzz37tQWgHUS
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook  

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaContinued strong network revenue growth

19.07.14 16:55
- Addition of new ad technolgy and partners

- Serving more than 3 billion monthly impressions

- Network revenue has grown over 3.5x in the last seven quarter

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaOnly 2.5-fold revenues,but the 106-fold market-cap

19.07.14 17:32
Zillow has only 2.5-fold revenues, but the 106-fold market-cap with 4.91 billion against the idiotic low 46.32 million of Local Corp

First Quarter 2014 Financial Highlights of Zillow
• Revenue increased 70% to a record $66.2 million from $39.0 million in the first quarter of 2013.
• Basic and diluted GAAP loss per share was $0.16 in the first quarter of 2014 compared to basic and diluted GAAP loss per share of $0.11 in the same period last year. Basic and diluted non-GAAP net income per share was $0.02 in the first quarter of 2014 compared to basic and diluted non-GAAP net income per share of $0.01 in the same period last year, which excludes share-based compensation expense.
• Adjusted EBITDA was $8.7 million in the first quarter of 2014, or 13% of revenue, which was an increase from $5.1 million in the first quarter of 2013, or 13% of revenue.

Key Highlights of Local Corp from Q1/2014
• Grew total revenue 22% year-over-year to $26.2 million.
• Delivered Adjusted EBITDA* of $712,000 while investing in growth

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaDiese Entwicklung dürfte sich Q2/2014

20.07.14 06:58
fortsetzt haben, wozu noch keine Zahlen vorliegen.

Hier die Entwicklung in Q1/2014:

Ownership Summary

Institutional Ownership 23.74%
Total Shares Outstanding (millions) 23

Active Positions, Holders, Shares
Increased Positions 12 563,953
Decreased Positions 7 223,139
Total Institutional Shares 27 5,514,864

New and Sold Out Positions, Holders, Shares
New Positions 3 436,711
Sold Out Positions 2 144,941
27 Institutional Holders

Read more: http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/locm/institutional-holdings#ixzz37yteeoHq

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaSehr guter Artikel

20.07.14 16:01
Local Corp. Uses Krillion API to Grow in New Markets
Jul. 18 2014, 05:10PM EDT
Expertise in working with APIs and big data is paying off for Local Corp. Local built a $100 million business by aggregating huge amounts of data and then serving ads to consumers searching for local business and product listings. Local is now using APIs to extend its local-search business into fast-growing markets such as mobile shopping apps.
"Krillion by Local" offers powerful API access to real-time data about 120,000 retail stores, 4,300 shopping categories and 3 million product SKUs.
Local acquired local-search startup Krillion in 2011 for its local-shopping data engine. Local invested heavily in Krillion's technology development, leveraging Local's expertise in working with large data sets to scale Krillion's API resources. Local reaches 10% of U.S. Internet users through its sites and syndication network and serves more than 3 billion ads a day. These huge traffic numbers are supported by sophisticated back-end technology. Local made it easier to get data into Krillion programmatically, and its product data set grew exponentially.
Krillion by Local now powers local-shopping experiences for apps, brands and retailers. Krillion provides apps with real-time access to data on products, pricing and in-store availability at popular retailers, including Best Buy, Sears, Target and Wal-Mart.

Read more: http://www.programmableweb.com/news/...rkets/2014/07/18#ixzz3817fEyAq
Follow us: @ProgrammableWeb on Twitter | ProgrammableWeb on Facebook

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaLocal also demoed some cool products

20.07.14 16:58

Local also demoed some cool products at the Seimer Summit this week in Santa Monica, Calif. "Geofencing" technology allows brands and retailers to message consumers with offers that incorporate real-time product data when they come within a certain distance of a store. "Ambient data" feeds allow retailers to place store hours and location information next to product-related YouTube videos.

"Krillion's dynamic data feeds enable advertising and app data to be delivered in highly personalized ways," says Local CEO Fred Thiel. "Marketers can reach targeted consumers based on where they happen to be, where they are going and what products they have been researching."

Investing in APIs is strategically important for Local. The Krillion API allows them to work with large corporations willing to subscribe to expensive data feeds. Local previously focused more on selling advertising packages to small and medium-sized business. Also, more than half of Local's revenue comes from partnerships with Yahoo and Google, so Local is now able to diversify its revenue and reduce dependence on those two tech giants.

The Krillion by Local's developer site gives a broad overview of what is possible with Local's APIs.

About the author:Will M Raised by sea lions in the Santa Monica bay

Read more: http://www.programmableweb.com/news/...rkets/2014/07/18#ixzz381LAphO1
Follow us: @ProgrammableWeb on Twitter | ProgrammableWeb on Facebook  

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaLocal Corp ist der geborene Geofencer

20.07.14 17:08
"Local mobile marketing has tremendous potential for businesses that are trying to break free from the traps of old marketing methods. Geofencing offers one option for businesses to consider. Here’s what you need to know and how to get started.

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing is a term you’ve likely heard a lot recently. It’s referring to the technology that enables most location based marketing efforts. Geofencing allows a business to use the GPS in someone’s phone to locate them. If they’ve opted into your program and come within a zone that you’ve specified (ayou’re your “geofence”) they’ll receive notification of your campaign. This could come in the form of a text message, a mobile advertisement or other notification."


63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaRetailers can beat eBay and Amazon with solutions

20.07.14 20:47
of Local Corp

"Local mobile marketing has tremendous potential for businesses that are trying to break free from traps of old marketing methods. Geofencing offers one option for businesses to consider

Geofencing allows a business to use GPS in someone’s phone to locate them. If they’ve opted into your program and come within a zone that you’ve specified they’ll receive notification of your campaign. This could come in form of a text message, a mobile advertisement or other notification."

Complete article at exploreb2b

Krillion by Local now powers local-shopping experiences for apps, brands and retailers. Krillion provides apps with real-time access to data on products, pricing and in-store availability at popular retailers, including Best Buy, Sears, Target and Wal-Mart.

Local also demoed some cool products at Seimer Summit this week in Santa Monica. "Geofencing" technology allows brands and retailers to message consumers with offers that incorporate real-time product data when they come within a certain distance of a store. "Ambient data" feeds allow retailers to place store hours and location information next to product-related YouTube videos.

"Krillion's dynamic data feeds enable advertising and app data to be delivered in highly personalized ways," says Local CEO Thiel. "Marketers can reach targeted consumers based on where they happen to be, where they are going and what products they have been researching."

Investing in APIs is strategically important for Local. The Krillion API allows them to work with large corporations willing to subscribe to expensive data feeds. Local previously focused more on selling advertising packages to small and medium-sized business. Also, more than half of Local's revenue comes from partnerships with Yahoo and Google, so Local is now able to diversify its revenue and reduce dependence on the two tech giants.

Krillion by Local's developer site gives a broad overview of what is possible with Local's APIs.

Complete text at programmableweb

63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaGeofencing poised to be major mobile trend of 2014

20.07.14 20:58

Geofencing is poised to be a major mobile trend of 2014 as retailers use location-based technology to deliver highly targeted advertising and promotions.

Across the retail space there are dozens of little signs that retailers are growing comfortable with integrating consumers’ mobile habits into stores.

For John Lewis this includes something as simple as fitting mobile ChargeBoxes in its Watford and Peter Jones stores, where shoppers can lock their phones away to charge for 30 minutes as they keep shopping; meanwhile, a whole host of retailers are concentrating on offering quality wi-fi in their stores. But what retailers need to do now is not just accommodate mobile technology, but use it to their own advantage to enhance the traditional shopping experience.

It’s an idea that is catching on. In January EMA Retail Research released the findings of a survey of 50 international retailers. It reported that 55% already have their own smartphone apps and that 87% are using digital strategies to increase revenues. Four-fifths of the chains said they expect these strategies to increase footfall.

So it’s no wonder that one of the hot trends tipped for 2014 is location-based technology. Put simply, this gives retailers ways to communicate with smartphone-owning customers in their stores without having an assistant ask them ‘are you being served?’



63717 Postings, 7370 Tage LibudaMobile Developers should take a look at Local Corp

21.07.14 07:24

Build robust applications with leading local data.

Power web and mobile apps with our patented local product search technology and provide consumers with tailored, real-time shopping data.

The best applications start with superior local shopping data

We partner with over 120,000 nationwide to capture the most robust and accurate data –including product, pricing, and inventory availability – across thousands of consumer brands.

- Clean, Powerful Data: All of our shopping data passes through a vigorous, ongoing data normalization process to ensure its integrity and accuracy.

- Product discover: Provide consumers with information they want on in-stock products with real-time StockCheck™ technology.

- Full feature APIs: We support all major programming languages and platforms to enable full integration with a wide range of applications.  

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