€€€ Wow !! €€€ Poly Pacific startet durch !! €€€
Sehr sehenswert!!!!!!!!!!Mit aktuellem Video!!!
http://www.poly-pacific.com /
finde das poly gut im plan liegt und die jungs sich richtig ins zeug legen. geduld sollte man schon mitbringen wenn man in diese aktie investiert. ich denke das es hier noch bis september dauern wird bis der kingston deal unter fach und dach ist. bin jedenfalls zu 1000% ueberzeugt das alles so eintreffen wird wie es sich die bosse bei poly vorstellen.
wie gesagt, man sollte gedult haben und nicht gleich ausflippen wenn der kurs man 10% faellt oder steigt.
abkassiert wird zum schluss
rechnet euch doch selber mal aus was poly fuer einen umsatz mit seinen deals machen wird.
alleine der kingston deal soll sich um 320.000.000 pfund nylon belaufen. wenn man sich die preise anschaut kann man sich schnell ausrechnen wo der kurs stehen wird. macht einfach mal die rechnung mit ca 60mio shares. ihr werdet erstaunt sein
Nylon Resin Pricing
A. Recycled Resin Market Prices- US $
Grade 1 - Repro (Pellet) $ 0.80 - 1.20 /lb
Grade 2 - Reground (Flake) $0.40 - 0.75 /lb
Grade 3 - Scrap (Fiber) $ 0.10 - 0.44 /lb
der kingston deal soll angeblich nicht der einzige deal sein, weitere sollen folgen. ausserdem wurde anfang des jahres der erste deal unterzeichenet der sich auf ca 18mio$ belaeuft.
poly pacific ist klar unterbewertet alleine des zuletzt genannten deals.
Poly-Pacific Signs Nylon Deal
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Aug. 7, 2007) - Poly-Pacific International Inc. (TSX VENTURE MB)(OTCBB LYPF)(BERLIN:A0LGDN)(FRANKFURT OZ) ("Poly-Pacific" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, it has successfully completed a Joint Venture Agreement with Fando Holding (Canada) Ltd ("Fando").
Under the terms of this agreement, both companies will share equally in the revenues of the McKendry Landfill Site, located near Kingston, Ontario Canada. The McKendry Landfill Site, which is currently operational, is a private site containing an estimated minimum of 25 to 30 million pounds of commercial grade Nylon Type 6/6.
Fando will complete the reclamation, transportation, cleaning, pelletization and sales of the nylon, while Poly-Pacific will provide all the inclusive costs. Over the term of this agreement, Poly-Pacific and Fando will share equally in the anticipated net profits (after all costs), estimated at $9,000,000 to $10,000,000 US dollars. The term of the Joint Venture calls for the project to commence immediately and is expected to conclude on or before the fall of 2008.
Randy Hayward, President, stated: "This Joint Venture is a significant event for both Poly-Pacific and its shareholders. The income to Poly-Pacific combined with the benefit of gaining nylon reclamation experience will enable the Company to expedite future reclamation projects throughout North America."
The Company also invites its shareholders to visit the Company's new and updated website at www.poly-pacific.com.
Poly-Pacific is actively developing its business model to include the reclamation of industrial polymer fibre throughout North American landfill sites. Poly-Pacific is a recycling company that manufactures and distributes MultiCut(TM), an environmentally safe, technologically advanced plastic media for paint stripping and coating removal for sensitive substrates. It is an environmentally friendly alternative to using sand and harsh chemicals in the removal of paint and other coatings.
This release may contain forward looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of US laws. These statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward looking statements. Poly-Pacific does not assume any obligation to update any forward looking information contained in this news release.
The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Poly-Pacific International Inc.
Randy Hayward
President and Chief Executive Officer
(604) 293-8885
Fax: (604) 293-8234
Website: www.poly-pacific.com
Euro 0,242 (no RT)
Wo wird der Höhenflug heute enden?
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Knacken wir wiedermal die 0,27? oder sogar die 0,3 vom 26 Juni?
An den Tagen, wo es gut läuft freue ich mich, an den Tagen wo es schlecht läuft, denke ich an die Tage, wo es gut lief!