Local.com aussichtsreich
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- Tuesday, May 27, 2014 (Retail TouchPoints)
Customers are using their smartphones to compare prices and products while in stores or on the go. In order to make the best decision, these customers need quick and easy access to product and brand information.
Digital solutions provider Local Corporation developed mobile app Havvit to help streamline the mobile browsing experience. The app, which is powered by the company’s Krillion shopping platform, allows shoppers to select and follow their favorite stores and categories so they can receive information on the products that matter most to them. Products also can be filtered by store, category or price.
Havvit includes an intelligent price-tracking feature, so users can set an “ideal price” for the items they want, follow price trends and receive alerts when there are sales or special offers.
StockCheck technology from Krillion is embedded in the app, which outlines which products are in stock at nearby stores. A comparison shopper engine has “Best” or “Better Price” indicators, so customers can see where they can find the products they want for the best price.
The app is designed for iOS 7 software and can be downloaded from the iTunes store.
More Info:retailtouchpoints
As we have said before, Havvit is a showcase for the platform, and as we learn more about how consumers interact with our data, we will begin to roll out more consumer experiences across our properties like our flagshipsite and in other places where consumers spend time researching online. We will also launch Havvit for desktop, Android, and tablets.
Our vision is to create a new standard for retail shopping data that allows retailers and brand manufacturers to create new value added applications that drive consumers to purchase both online and in store, as well as gain further insight from consumer interactions within our data.
Our vision for Krillion is centered on providing the most accurate, current, and comprehensive local shopping data in the industry, making Krillion the de facto shopping data standard. We are in the early stages of a multiphase plan which focuses on three main areas: distribution, data acquisition and quality, and coverage."
Source: Read the compete text of the Conference Call direct at Seeking Alpha
Do you have Habit download metrics as far as how many phones or subscribers, users, you have to date?
Fred Thiel - Chairman and CEO
Again, let me preface it by saying Havvit is a demonstration platform for the technology. It’s a way for us to show people what you can do with it. I believe the downloads have crossed the 10,000 mark. The reviews in the app store, I think, are 4.5 stars out of 5. And I think we’re seeing good engagement somewhere in the 3 to 4 minute range typically, on average, with the app. So all good metrics.
Havvit’s not meant to be the millions of downloads type of product for us. We’re not spending lots of money to drive downloads. We’re really using it, again, as a demonstration of hey, here’s what you can do with the technology. As you look at the Krillion business model and if you sort of go back to what I said earlier during the call, our vision is to be the de facto data provider.
Havvit will play a role out there, but we believe the much bigger play is providing Krillion data to all of the large search engines, to all of the large discovery apps, and to the retailers and to the brands, as a way of getting not just real-time product availability in a very hyperlocalized sense, but more importantly, being able to drive significant business insights regarding retail sales.
Source: Read the complete transcript of question-answer-phase on the last Conference Call direct on Seeiking Alpha
Klar, keiner macht Werbung , keiner braucht Werbung... der Kursverlauf wird daraufhin heute dunkelrot -ironie off-
Heutige News würde bei Angi-Yelp und Co die Kurse explodieren lassen.
Bei LOCM schaue ich da besser heute gar nicht erst hin ;--)))
Alles andere als 100% ist für heute ein Witz,man kann den Kurs ohne Probleme "kontrollieren"
Kleine Shorties drehen hier gar nichts, m.M.
Bei dieser geringen MarketC. läßt sich der Kurs gut steuern,beweisen kann man´s nicht. Na ja.
Vll. die Konkurrenz oder ein x beliebiger Fonds,die abgehaltenen Roadshows zeigen da noch wenig Erfolg.
Offenbar wird bezweckt,was wollt ihr mit Patenten=Keine Kohle für Rechtstreit = Patent nichts wert. ??
Vll.sollte CEO Thiel den Bevorratungsbeschluß zu KE ziehen, und z.b. 2mill Aktien komplett in einem Paket außerbörslich anbieten, Stckpreis 20$.....; Warum Nicht?
Vorteil ganz klar,über den Börsenhandel kann man keine hohe Stückzahlen einkaufen.
Kennt sich dazu jemand im Aktienrecht USA aus?
Umgerechnet auf die Gesamtaktienzhal wären wir dann nur(!!) bei einer MarketC von 500mill.$ = wo wir dann schon wieder bei dem nächsten Kurs-Witz wären....
Viel Erfolg
Wie ich schon mehrfach betont habe, muss man bei einem Kauf von Local Corp Zeit mitbringen, obwohl die Aktie sich schon heute oder morgen plötzlich verdoppeln kann - es kann aber auch noch viel länger dauern.
(CFO on the last Conference Call)
Local Corp has with about 28 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors more than Yelp with about 25.7 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors
The Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Local Cors Flagshipsite increase from 20,166,283 in March to 21,016,559 in April. Together with between 7 and 8 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors from the network has Loccal Corp between 28 and 29 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors against 25, 669,108 Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Yelp.
And in March the number of Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Local Corp had increased against February.
Andere Möglichkeiten kann ich nicht so erkennen,wie man aus dem Kurs- Debakel rauskommen kann.Will ich mal so bezeichnen.
Über exorbitante Gewinne ?..
Nun, die fressen dann evtl. die Patentstreitigkeiten mit der Konkurrenz auf.Ein nur kleiner Hedgefonds ,vll. Volumen von 1 Mrd., macht mit dem Kurs was er will.
Und dabei ist zu Beachten,dass wir uns momentan im Bullen-Markt befinden....
Die Patente sind viel Wert ,und evtl. Rechtstreit (der wird kommen..m.M.) auf Einhaltung bzw.Verletzung ist von LOCM nicht zu stemmen.Soll man mit einer MC von 40mill.$ vll. ggn. Google/Appl usw. klagen . Und dann noch gewinnen wollen....in drei-fünf-10 Jahren......???
Das ist m.M. auch die Ursache für dieses rumtrampeln auf dem Kurs,der Markt "spielt" die Patente nicht.(negative Beispiele zu Patentklagen gibt es genug)
Wie man da rauskommen kann....k.A.
Daher meinte ich viel weiter unten,LOCM ist für mich ein klarer Übernahmekanditat.
Dies wird nicht <1,5 MRD $ passieren.(10xUmsatz +Patente) m.M.
Kommt hier diese Fantasie in den Markt, dann "hält" keiner mehr den Kurs.
Viel Erfolg!
PS. Wie viele Patente hält eigentlich Yelp?
Viel Efolg
The Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Local Corp’s Flagshipsite increased from 20,166,283 in March to 21,016,559 in April. Together with between 7 and 8 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors from the network has Local Corp between 28 and 29 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors against 167,783,540 Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Facebook
LOCM = AGGRESiV kaufen.
Lest mal den Text, Yelp vergleich FB ......LOL... Die knapp 30 mill. M-USA-Visitors von LOCM selber mal bisschen einordnen, dies bei einer MC von 40mill. $..
Hier >http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/06/05/...he-long-haul.aspx
...And the local advertising market is a huge one worldwide. According to a study by Google, consumers are increasingly using smartphones to figure out the business hours, directions and address of local businesses, and the online platforms like Yelp stand to benefit from this consumer trend. And advertisers are chiming in. According to eMarketer, national advertisers and local advertisers will spend $54.4 billion and $83.6 billion in 2014 to target local consumers in the U.S. ....
• Strong profitable core business
• Innovative Krillion data
• Untapped IP portfolio
• Local Corp use the strong cash flow from the core buisines to invest in Krillion and the IP portfolio.
(CFO on the last Conference Call)
Krillion monetization will win pace: Krillion's dynamic platform powers innovative solutions for retailers & brands across mulitple channels
Channel 1: Product Search Solution
Channel 2: Where-to-buy-solution "nStore" by local
Channel 3: Dynamic rich media ad unit "nFuse" by local
Local Corp has with about 28 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors more than Yelp with about 25.7 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors
The Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Local Cors Flagshipsite increase from 20,166,283 in March to 21,016,559 in April. Together with between 7 and 8 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors from the network has Local Corp between 28 and 29 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors against 25, 669,108 Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Yelp.
And in March the number of Monthly US-Unique Visitors had increased against February.
Local Corp increased the guidance in the last quarterly report from reveneus between 103 and 107 million to 107 million - an increase of about 2 million.
And I am sure, we will see an additional increase by the report about Q2/2014.
Financials: We now expect performance to be at the high end of the guidance range
• Ended Q1 with $3.7M in total cash
• Reached Q1 revenue of $26.2M and Adjusted EBITDA of $712,000
• 2014 guidance: Revenue between $103M and $107M, and Adjusted EBITDA between $3M and $4M
• We now expect performance to be at the high end of the guidance range
That is an increase of revenues of two million.
that the following published numbers of Loca Corp are not an increase of the revenues-guidance from 105 to 107 million in 2014.
Financials: We now expect performance to be at the high end of the guidance range
• Ended Q1 with $3.7M in total cash
• Reached Q1 revenue of $26.2M and Adjusted EBITDA of $712,000
• 2014 guidance: Revenue between $103M and $107M, and Adjusted EBITDA between $3M and $4M
• We now expect performance to be at the high end of the guidance range
Older Guidance.
“Fiscal 2014 Financial Guidance:
Revenue - The company expects 2014 revenue of between $103 million and $107 million, which at the mid-point, is an increase of 11 percent, over 2013 revenue.
Only stupid or criminals can post, that this is not an increase if the guidance or revenues of two million.
Create the new standard for retail shopping data that allows retailsers and brand manufacturers to create new value added applications that drive consumers to pruchase both online and in-store, as well as gain further insights from consumer interactions with our data.
Top priorities:
1. Distribution
2. Data acquisition & quality
3. Coverage
Additional facts about Krillion:
- 90% comverage of the top 100 U.S. retailers
- Over 120,000 national and regional retailer stores
- 3 million Localized products
Source: Corporate Overview Q2/2014 of Local Corp (Krillion is a division of Local Corp)
local.com/coupons/online/?keyword=Restaurants&location=Los Angeles, CA
Yoz must only substitute xxx through the right letters!
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Offline retail influence
- 1.1 trillion store sales influenced by the web
- 1.7 tirllion store sales not influenced by the web
- Digital is projected to influence 50% of all retaqil sales by the end of 2014 Less
Coupons.com, Inc. sees FY2014 revenue of $217-223 million. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be between $12 million and $17 million.
Local Corp continues to expect 2014 revenue of between $103 million and $107 million with the additional now on the high end The company reiterated expected Adjusted EBITDA for 2014 to be between $3 million and $4 million
Benefitfocus is extreme overvalued in compare: Similar revenues like Local Corp, but 21-fold market-cap with 936 million against 43 million of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never lasting.
Key Highlights of Local Corp from Q1/2014
• Grew total revenue 22% year-over-year to $26.2 million.
• Delivered Adjusted EBITDA* of $712,000 while investing in growth.
First Quarter 2014 Financial Highlights of Benefitfocus
• Total revenue was $30.7 million, an increase of 29% compared to the first quarter of 2013.
• Adjusted EBITDA was ($8.8) million, compared to ($2.9) million in the first quarter of 2013.
Increase traffic and enhance yield on ad inventory
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nList allows you to seamlessly integrate search ads relevant to your site content through our new Javascript implementation. We offer qualified publishers access to thousands of top-tier advertisers in every local market, plus access to organic listings to complete the experience. nList offers simplified ability to modify font, color, size or location of ads – in a fraction of the time it would take via XML. We deliver relevant search ads, reliable uptime, fast response time, clear reporting analytics and some of the highest RPM opportunities in the industry. Up and running in just days, our nList solution generates revenue from local search traffic immediately.
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Leverage the captivating power of Video with highly engaging, relevant advertising. specifically tailored to your audience. With more consumers watching video content, we add another proven engagement tool that increases your revenue stream.
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