silverado goldmines (867737)
United States Senate takes action on Coal to Liquids amendments
Thursday June 21, 6:00 am ET
WASHINGTON, DC, June 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Tuesday, June 19, the United States Senate voted on two separate Coal-to-Liquid amendments to the Senate version of the Clean Energy Act of 2007. The amendments were offered by Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) and Senator Jon Tester (D-MT).
The Bunning amendment was designed to reduce our Nation's dependency on foreign oil by investing in clean, renewable, and alternative energy resources, promoting new emerging energy technologies, developing greater efficiency, and creating a Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve to invest in alternative energy. Likewise, the Tester amendment supported coal-to-liquid technology and also addressed America's dependency on foreign oil by investing in clean, renewable, and alternative energy resources, promoting new emerging energy technologies, developing greater efficiency, and creating a Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve to invest in alternative energy.
The two amendments failed to pass the Senate by a vote of 39 to 55 and 33 to 61 respectively. "On the surface, this may seem like a blow to the coal-to-liquids technology and industry," commented Silverado Green Fuel Inc. CEO Garry L. Anselmo. "While we would have preferred the Senate to deal with the issue during the debate on the Clean Energy Act of 2007, our Capitol Hill sources have told us that the leadership in both the Senate and House do not want to bring up the coal-to-liquids issue as an attachment to the legislation. Several Congressmen and Senators have assured the American public that the issue of coal-to-liquids will be brought up as a separate issue and receive the full and fair debate it deserves."
As an assurance to those supporters of the Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel project, Anselmo continued, "We are actually encouraged by the two votes that took place in the Senate yesterday. First, if you look carefully at which Senators voted for or against each amendment, you will see that overall, a healthy majority (69 Senators) cast their vote FOR one or the other amendments. That means that 69 out of 100 members of the United States Senate actually voted in favor of the coal-to-liquids technology! The second encouraging fact is that the Hydrothermal Treatment process we use on sub-bituminous coal and lignite is different than the processes used on bituminous coal. Our process does not require the tremendous capital investment needed for the gasification process, the Shift-gas reaction, and the Fischer-Tropsch reactions. Hydrothermal Treatment is a much simpler and less capital intensive process to create a non-hazardous, environmentally friendly oil substitute for use in oil fired systems. It converts a dusty, solid fuel that is prone to spontaneous combustion into a safe, non-hazardous, low-cost liquid fuel for commercial, industrial, and utility boilers. It is a very suitable feedstock for gasification using General Electric technology to produce synthesis gas, the start point for the Fischer Tropsch production of clean burning synthetic transportation fuel. We continue to work with both Congress and the Federal Agencies as we move forward with our Mississippi LRCWF project. We are involved in ongoing meetings with the Mississippi architects and engineers as well as the political interests who have been supporting this project."
In a related development, a recent 3rd party article published by Small Cap Media contained some inaccuracies regarding the current status of the Mississippi Green Fuel Project. "Unfortunately, statements were made that indicated we had already received government funding and other forward-looking comments were also made," said Mr. Anselmo. He continued, "A corrected version of the article has been released and is now available on our website. ( We apologize for any miscommunication and continue to move forward with the project in Mississippi. We also are looking toward beginning construction of the new facility in Mississippi."
Silverado Green Fuel Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of its publicly traded parent, Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. For more information about Silverado Green Fuel Inc., please visit and the parent public corporation,
This Release may contain, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs, and involve risks and uncertainties. These statements may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from the results implied herein. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this Press Release.
CONTACT: SILVERADO GREEN FUEL INC. Mailing Address - 505-1111 W. Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6E 4M3, CA, Toll Free: (800) 665-4646 or (604) 689-1535, Fax: (604) 682-3519,;; Field Address - 3180 Peger Rd, Ste 270, Fairbanks AK, 99709-5485, USA
gute nacht
Ganz einfach aber solche Tips stehen wahrscheinlich nicht in den Erklärungen zu Charttechnik.
Guten Morgen Allen.
Nur ich habe noch nie irgendeinen Schein wegen fundamentalem oder irgendwelcher News geholt! Sondern steige ein wenn ein klarer boden zu sehen ist, wie z.B bei Silverado
habe mich vom 12.09.2006 an eingedeckt! habe noch Luft...
Und einen Entschluß oder eine Meinung muß man ständig anpassen, nur "Rosa" geht nicht in der großen Welt der Börse!
ps.kommen wir über die 0,085€ geschwindt bin ich auch wieder der liebste und beste mensch
Die nächsten Wochen sollten doch Aufschluss geben wo die Reise hingehen wird.
Der Senat tagt ,ein gewisses Risiko ist vorhanden und deshalb ist auch ein leichtes Fallen des Kurses eingetreten.
Läuft jedoch alles optimal so werden die 0.2 bald
erreicht werden , investiert oder nicht ;-)
ps. Sway , Silverado könnte wirklich zu einem gut verdienenden Unternehmen heranwachsen und darum bleibe ich dabei, egal wie der Senat abstimmen wird.Denn im Moment frage ich mich ob Silverado nicht doch bald Gelder genehmigt
bekommt ,unabhängig von der jetztigen Senatsabstimmung ?
Hier noch ein weiterer Artikel über die Wichtigkeit der Kohle.
Damhirschkuh bedeutet DOE = Department Of Energy
Ist doch mal eine gute News und soll sicher auch an den Senat gerichtet sein
Hier noch mal der Orginaltext:
The utility of the future will be powered by low-rank coal, America’s lowest cost energy resource and with reserves measured
in centuries, not years or even decades, its most abundant natural energy resource. By utilizing technology developed by
private industry as part of the US DOE’s Clean Coal Technology Program and Clean Coal Power Initiative, tomorrow’s utility
will meet the most stringent air, water, and solid byproduct standards ever promulgated by the US Environmental Protection
Agency. Furthermore, this utility will not contribute to global climate change by releasing any green house gases, since the
only fuel produced will be H2, which will produce water when combusted in a gas turbine or used in a fuel cell. All the CO produced
while making H2 from coal, air, and steam will be sequestered in underground reservoirs while enhancing oil recovery
from declining oil fields.
The coal conversion and power generation process consists of the following unit operations. As soon as bulk low-rank coal
enters into the Ecoplex the environmental drawbacks associated with the use of “dirty coal,” that is dust generation and
tendency towards spontaneous combustion are eliminated. LRC is ground, mixed with water, most of which is recycled from
the process, hydrothermally treated, and formulated into a concentrated, stable liquid fuel that is a low cost, non-hazardous
alternative to oil. From this point forward the coal in low-rank coal-water fuel (LRCWF) is used sight unseen just like oil.
LRCWF is then fed at elevated pressures to an advanced high temperature slagging gasifier originally developed by Texaco
and now available from GE. During gasification the C and H O in LRCWF is reacted with oxygen to produce carbon monoxide
(CO) and hydrogen (H2). Here O rather than air is used in order to maintain temperatures above the melting point of the ash,
most of which is removed as a molten slag. The slag is recovered as an inert glassy frit that will be sold for use in roadbeds
and or high strength concrete. Small quantities of impurities such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides (SO and NO ) and particulates
from coal ash (ROx) can be efficiently removed from the hot product gas by commercial processes, since the volume of
gas is not diluted by a factor of four as it would be if air rather than oxygen was used as the gasifying agent.
In the next unit operation, synthesis gas (CO + H2) is reacted with water via the water gas shift reaction to generate additional
H2, (CO + H2 + H O CO + 2 H2). The carbon dioxide can be separated efficiently from the hydrogen fuel via commercial
processes and sold for use in enhanced oil recovery processes. The CO will be used to repressurize oil fields to increase oil
production from declining US oil fields and remain sequestered in the underground formation.
In the last step H2 is the resultant fuel and can be used in an advanced GE gas turbine where it is burned in air to generate
power and water. It could also be used to generate power in one of the advanced fuel cells now under development. In either
case power is generated without the production of any greenhouse gases that could contribute to climate change. In addition
to generating power cleanly from America’s most abundant natural energy resource this process would help to decrease
dependence on imported oil, not only by the power generation, but by increasing production from our dwindling indigenous oil
resources by means of pressurizing of oil wells with the CO which is a recovered saleable by-product of our process.
so long
schaut euch mal sunwin an..
ich behalte aber meine silverado auch im auge..
der 2007 widerstand ist nun auch gebrochen!
jetzt kommen die 0,08$, aber auch die werden sicherlich nicht halten, mit dem kaufen kann man ganz getrotzt bis zur o,065$ marke warten! wer Überhaupt noch kaufen möchte!
Im deutschen Chart sieht es noch viel schlimmer aus...
Es würde mich schwer wunder wenn es anders kommt! da die 0,08$ kein guter Widerstand sind! die 0,065$ aber schon, eigenartig ist doch das dies der wert ist wo Silverado unregistrierte Aktien an Investoren abgegeben hat für 0,062$! dahin wird nun der Kurs gedrückt von wem auch immer...........
Fundamental hat sich nichts geändert und Gold News stehen bald an. Andere Stocks wären froh wenn mal ein Termin kommen würde wann überhaupt mal begonnen wird. ;)
Es ist bitter aber dafür wird es dann um so süsser wenn man am Ende noch dabei sein sollte wenn sich Alles aufklärt und der Stockpreiss zum Mond geflogen ist.
Alle die gehofft haben nen schnellen Euro zu machen sind natürlich frustriert und evtl. schon raus.
Hoffnungslose Optimisten, bzw. Longies glauben weiterhin an die Möglichkeiten die Garry publik macht und bleiben investiert. Auch wenn es bis 0,62 $ runter geht.
Auf endlich wieder grüne Zeiten und das Ende aller Basher.
Haltet die Ohren steif.
Vielleicht weht uns ja mal ein Sturm in die richtige Richtung.
Silverado hängt da auch mit von ab... siehe chart!
ah und noch was zählt mal die wochen kerzen im nasdaq chart! silv. geht 25wochen hoch/ 25wochen runter/ und wieder 25 Wochen rauf/ derzeit sind wir in der 11woche runter.... nennt sich Zyklus... und darf sich nicht bewahrheiten... ich hab da einfach keinen bock drauf mit nehm durchschnittskurs von 0,055€ noch 50% in minus zu kommen!!!