Local.com aussichtsreich

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Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
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63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaUnd noch ein Hammer zum Abend

27.05.14 22:53
Local Corp has with about 28 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors  the 9-fold than Travelzoo with about 3,054,345 Monthly US-Unique Visitors

The Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Local Cors Flagshipsite increased from 20,166,283 in March to 21,016,559 in April. Together with between 7 and 8 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors from the network has Local Corp between 28 and 29 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors against 3,054,345 Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Travelzoo.

132 Postings, 5914 Tage ICJensMarken-Produkte ggn. Ebay u.Co

28.05.14 01:02
Die großen werden sich etwas Einfallen lassen...?
Die letzte Meile im Lokalen Einkauf wird extrem wichtig, die Patente von Locm immer wertvoller.

Schnäppchen über Preissuchmaschinen  ist jedem  Markenhersteller ein Dorn im Auge,verbieten wird man es wohl nicht können. Na ja...
Wer aufmuckt verliert einfach seine Händlernummer, was sonst.
So richtig sehe ich in einer Klage da wenig Sinn.


Auch viele andere wollen ihre Produkte nicht auf Ebay sehen >>http://www.focus.de/finanzen/news/unternehmen/...weg_aid_1037629.html

Der Markt Lokale Suche mit Echtzeit Angeboten wird GIGantisch!  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaEin Stern für das letzte Posting war nicht möglich

28.05.14 08:05
Von Ihnen kommen bereits 7 der letzten 20 (oder weniger) positiven Bewertungen für ICJens  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaTausch sinnvoll

28.05.14 10:10
Sell all your overvalued und from criminal incubators and criminal invesment banks pushed Yelp-shares at once and buy for the amount extreme undervalued shares of Local Corp!

Key Highlights of Q1/2014 from Local Corp

- Grew total revenue 22% year-over-year to $26.2 million.

- Increased Network revenue 78% year-over-year to $14.8 million.

- Reduced net loss 16% year-over-year, reporting net loss of $2.8 million.

- Delivered Adjusted EBITDA* of $712,000 while investing in growth.

- Reported $189 revenue per thousand visitors (RKVs), up from $178 in fourth quarter 2013.

Read additional more in the transcript of the conference call direct on Seeking Alpha;

“We entered 2014 focused on three avenues to drive long-term shareholder value:

- growing our core business,

- leveraging our Krillion® data technology and

- monetizing our intellectual property.”

Local Corp has with about 28 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors more than Yelp with about 25.7 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors
The Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Local Cors Flagshipsite increase from 20,166,283 in March to 21,016,559 in April. Together with between 7 and 8 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors from the network has Loccal Corp between 28 and 29 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors against 25, 669,108 Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Yelp.

Idiotic Divergence
Guidance of Yelp of revenues of 365 million for 2014 are by the market-cap of 4.41 billion on Friday 12.09-times-revenues - the 32-fold valuation of every $ revenues of the idiotic low 0.38-times-revenues of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never lasting. Guidance of 107 million revenues and more of Local Corp are by a market-cap of only 41.0 million last Friday only 0.38-times-revenues  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaDie Webmaster auf Yahoo lassen folgende

28.05.14 20:24
Aussage vom letzten Conference Call nicht zu:

"As discussed in detail last quarter, Krillion, our patented local shopping platform, represents another avenue for accelerating our company’s growth and increasing shareholder value. Krillion enables retailers of all sizes to reach more connected consumers by providing the most accurate, current, and comprehensive local shopping data along the path to purchase.

According to Google’s new local shopping behavior study, over 80% of smartphone and tablet users conduct local searches on their devices, with most of those searches focusing on store hours, directions, addresses, and product availability.

We are in the early stages of implementing initiatives to capitalize on this growing trend and monetize this increasingly relevant technology. Our local shopping data is hard at work powering consumer discovery experiences, and I’ll share more on recent milestones shortly.

To further highlight Krillion’s importance to our business, we are consolidating all of Krillion’s assets, including its IP, into its own subsidiary, which enables us to better manage and measure its performance and contribution to the overall business. How we can best derive value from the technology is important to consider, given that $1.1 trillion of in-store sales are influenced by the web."

Source: Read the complete text of the transcript of the last Conference Call direct at Seeing Alpha  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaIntroducing nStore by local from Local Corp

28.05.14 20:38
Introducing nStore by local from Local Corp: Consumers found you online - now drive them in-store

Add dynamic, localized where-to-buy functionality to your online product pages that will engage ready-to-buy shoppers. Leverage our turn-key JavaScript® implementation or tap our powerful API to support your retail channel and help shoppers find your products at stores nearby. Desktop, mobile and tablet compatible, our solution supports your customers by providing local buying options.

Local Corp’s from the subsidiary Krillion powered solution nStore features:
• Real-time store availability
• Dynamic nightly pricing updates
• Rich-store level details
• Flexible API
• Powerful reporting analytics Less

Partner with the pioneer in local shopping

We built the first inventory-aware where-to-buy shopping solution, and partner with numerous major brands to drive both online and local retail channel sales.

We help you turn more of your online visitors into in-store customers by providing a seamless, dynamic experience that drives more sales to your authorized dealers.
Partner with the pioneer in local shopping

Krillion local shopping data is growing daily!

~120,000 retail store locations

Over 4,300 consumer shopping categories

Nearly 3 million localized products

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage Libudazu #6681

29.05.14 08:15
Minimize cost with a scalable solution

nStore is a web, mobile and tablet-ready solution that offers three tiers for integration from a turn-key simple widget to a fully customizable API solution. Save money and time by implementing a where-to-buy solution that is a perfect fit for your business as you need it.  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage Libudazu #6681

29.05.14 11:31
Drive Qualified Shoppers to Your Retailer Partners

Turn online consumers into in-store buyers with real-time StockCheck™ technology.  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaAdjusted Ebitda was positive in the last six years

29.05.14 13:57
Adjusted Ebitda of Local Corp was positive in the last six years

FY-09: 3.041 million

FY-10: 13.775 million

FY-11: 3.247 million

FY-12:0.777 million

FY-2013: 4.533 million

FY-20114: 4.000 million L

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaContinued strong network revenue growth

29.05.14 15:58

- Addition of new ad technolgy and partners

- Serving more than 3 billion monthly impressions

- In the last seven quarters, Network reveneu has grown over 3.5x  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaKrillion monetization

29.05.14 18:12
Krillion monetization: Krillion's dynamic platform powers innovative solutions for retailers & brands across mulitple channels

Channel 1: Product Search Solution

Channel 2: Where-to-buy-solution "nStore" by local

Channel 3: Dynamic rich media ad unit "nFuse" by local

Krillion's Last Highlights:

Krillion, the enterprise-ready flexible platform, seamlessly integrates local shopping data across multiple distribution channels. The initiative is in its early stages and will enable the company to generate revenue from data licensing and performance ad units.

-- Launched nFuse(TM), a hyperlocal, data-driven mobile ad solution powered
by Krillion. The company has conducted an nFuse beta test with a national
retailer in two markets with positive initial results, prompting the
retailer to extend the test by adding new cities.

-- Launched nStore(TM), which is powered by Krillion's where-to-buy
StockCheck(TM) technology to enable manufacturers to drive shoppers to
retailers through their branded websites, mobile sites and apps, social
channels and rich media ads.

-- Released Version 1.5 of the Havvit(TM) app for iOS(R) 7-enabled devices
powered by Krillion to provide real-time inventory availability that
informs shoppers if their desired product is in stock and available at
nearby stores. Version 1.5 also includes Krillion's smart price
comparison feature that alerts shoppers if their desired product is
available at a lower price from another retailer nearby.  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaVerrückheiten sind selten von langer Dauer

29.05.14 21:04
Idiotic Divergence

Guidance of Yelp of revenues of 365 million for 2014 are by the market-cap of 4.87 billion 13.34-times-revenues - the 34.2-fold valuation of every $ revenues of the idiotic low 0.39-times-revenues of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never lasting. Guidance of 107 million revenues and more of Local Corp are by a market-cap of only 41.9 million only 0.39-times-revenues  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaUnd noch so eine Verrücktheit

30.05.14 10:54
Open Table has only the double revenues of Local Corp, but the 39-fold market-cap (1,630 million against idiotic low 42 million of LOCM)

OpenTable, Inc. (OPEN)
Income Statement
Get Income Statement for:
View: | Quarterly Data
All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Mar 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013
Total Revenue 53,779 52,291 46,693 45,565

Local Corporation (LOCM)
Income Statement
Get Income Statement for:
View: Quarterly Data
All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Mar 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013
Total Revenue 26,180 26,805 23,471 22,657

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaAdjusted Ebitda of Local Corp was positive in the

31.05.14 00:36
last six years

FY-09: 3.041 million

FY-10: 13.775 million

FY-11: 3.247 million

FY-12:0.777 million

FY-2013: 4.533 million

FY-20114: 4.000 million Less

lAnd therefore can 0.4-times-revenues only be the result of manipulation, falsification and naked shortsellling, which has not any chance.


132 Postings, 5914 Tage ICJenszu 6686

31.05.14 01:07
So funktioniert es>

Das man nun auch auf der "IRCE"  ab 10.06.14 dabei ist. Sehr,Sehr Gut.

PS: Der momentane Kurs ist eine Lüge,nicht hinschauen.Die Zukunft wird Dunkelgrün. ;-)))  

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaExcellent development in direction to profitable

31.05.14 01:10
units: "Our Consumer Properties includes our O&O business and our Network business. O&O accounted for 46% of our revenue in 2013 and 44% of our revenue for the quarter ended March 31, 2014. Network, our most profitable revenue source, accounted for 53% of our revenue in 2013 and 56% of our revenue for the quarter ended March 31, 2014. At the beginning of 2013, we ceased our direct SMB sales efforts, recording an immaterial amount of revenue relating to this business unit for fiscal 2013."

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaVorrratsbeschluss für Kapitalerhöhung

31.05.14 08:50

132 Postings, 5914 Tage ICJensMal sehen..

31.05.14 10:45
Sehe dies nicht negativ,obwohl eine späteres vll. verwässern  "droht". Siehe dazu auch im Prospekt aktuelles Veräßerungs Verbot ....
Für mich ist dies nun die einzig richtige Strategie ggn. ein mögliches Kaputt-Shorten.Einige wissen sicher was ich meine. Ich bewerte diesen Vorratsbeschluß = POSITIV.

Gibt nun die Möglichkeit(!) für Google-Yahoo-BING oder XY Investor sich jederzeit(!) über ein fettes Paket an der AG zu Beteiligen.
Der tägliche Kurs ist da nicht von Bedeutung , ein Investor hat die Möglichkeit mit einem Schlag z.b. 10 mil. Papiere außerbörslich zu erwerben,der Preis kann da weit über Tages Kurs liegen....
Im täglichen Börsenhandel ist es doch unmöglich(Handelsvolumen) große Positionen zu erwerben.
Was für mich bisher hier ein Nachteil ist, Fonds Scheuen das geringe Volumen.
Nun liegt es an CEO Thiel die Papiere so teuer wie geht anzubieten.
Das Präsentieren auf zahlreichen RoadShows ist ja auch schon gestartet und weitere angekündigt.
Schaun mer mal.....

Kleines aktuelles Überkreuz- Beispiel: Einstieg von Scheich aus Katar  bei Deutscher Bank- außerbörslich.Hat den Kurs nicht groß geschadet.

132 Postings, 5914 Tage ICJenszu 6693

31.05.14 18:02
Die einzige Frage ist , wann der Kurs endlich auch wieder steigt...
Ob nun weiter kleinere  Institutionelle aufspringen.
Oder  2. Möglichkeit ein  paar Kleingeldtrader/Taschengeldzocker nun schnell verkaufen...
Mittel oder langfristig machen die eh keine Kurse.
Sollte Thiel es aber schaffen eine Beteiligung mit AG xy zu vermelden, dann ist das m.M. der Durchbruch (Ähnlich Beteiligung  25% Yahoo an ALIBABA )
Die Fa kann sich dann auch international vermarkten??
Denke CEO Thiel arbeitet an einer Strategie,die LOCM ohne "gefressen zu werden" überleben lässt. Dazu braucht er den Vorratsbeschluss zur KE.
Aufkommende Unsicherheit oder Zweifel an der Strategie kann ich hier nicht erkennen.
Werde Nachkaufen!

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaZustimmung zu #6694

01.06.14 08:36
We may from time to time issue, in one or more series or classes, up to $40,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of our common stock, preferred stock, debt
securities, warrants and/or units. We may offer these securities separately or together in units. We will specify in the accompanying prospectus supplement the
terms of the securities being offered. We may sell these securities to or through underwriters and also to other purchasers or through agents. We will set forth
the names of any underwriters or agents, and any fees, conversions, or discount arrangements, in the accompanying prospectus supplement. We may not sell
any securities under this prospectus without delivery of the applicable prospectus supplement.

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaAbout 28 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors

01.06.14 16:07
Local Corp has with about 28 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors more than Yelp with about 25.7 million Monthly US-Unique Visitor

The Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Local Cors Flagshipsite increase from 20,166,283 in March to 21,016,559 in April. Together with between 7 and 8 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors from the network has Loccal Corp between 28 and 29 million Monthly US-Unique Visitors against 25, 669,108 Monthly US-Unique Visitors of Yelp

"This was a very busy quarter and a strong start to 2014. In terms of revenue, I’m pleased to report that we delivered $26.2 million in revenue for Q1. Our first quarter revenue results were almost equal to our seasonally strong fourth quarter revenue for 2013.

Overall, year over year revenue for the first quarter increased 22%, supported by continued strong revenue growth of 78% across our network. Adjusted EBITDA was $712,000, reflecting an improvement on historical seasonal trends and our continued efforts to regain organic traffic and improve monetization."

Source; Read the complete text of the conference call direct at Seeking Alpha

Continued strong network revenue growth by Local Corp
- Addition of new ad technolgy and partners
- Serving more than 3 billion monthly impressions
- In the last seven quarters, Network reveneu has grown over 3.5x


63718 Postings, 7371 Tage Libudahelp quickly find, compare + buy products locally

01.06.14 17:21
Our Krillion™ technology provides cross-channel shoppers with instant intelligence to help them quickly find, compare, and buy products locally.


63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaExpanding

01.06.14 21:43

Search Engine Marketing Manager
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 29. Mai 2014
Search Engine Marketing Manager Job Description The successful Search Engine Marketing Manager will drive increased revenue and profit from search marketing..

UI Software Engineer
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 21. Mai 2014
Software Engineer / UI Developer Local.xxx is looking for engineers that love technology and its potential. The environment at Local.xxx requires everyone..

Online Product Manager
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 19. Mai 2014
Job Description: The Online Product Manager will lead a development team focused on designing and building digital properties and mobile applications that will...

Windows System Administrator
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 19. Mai 2014
Local Corp. is looking for an experienced Windows System Administrator who is passionate about supporting our systems and users. We are looking for a System...

Linux System Engineer
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 14. Mai 2014
System Engineer Overview: Local Corp. is looking for an experienced Linux engineer who is passionate about building the platform to support large scale online...

Business Development Manager
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 13. Mai 2014
Job Description Krillion by Local pioneered location-based product search by connecting online and mobile shoppers with comparison pricing and real-time stock... Less

Software Quality Engineer
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 10. Mai 2014
Software Quality Engineer Local.xxx is looking for engineers that love technology and its potential. The environment at Local.xxx requires everyone to be...

Advertising Operations Traffic Analyst
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 5. Mai 2014
Advertising Operations Analyst We are seeking an advertising operations analyst to support multiple advertising products and monitoring tools.

Software Engineer/Database Developer
Local Corporation - Orange County, California Area - 5. Mai 2014
Software Engineer / Database Developer Local.xxx is looking for engineers that love technology and its potential. The environment at Local.xxx requires...


132 Postings, 5914 Tage ICJenszu 6693

02.06.14 16:56
Heute zeigt der negative (Ironie off) Vorratsbeschluss nun schon seine positive Wirkung,blitzen schon hohe 4stellige  Bid-Gebote auf. ;-))))))))
Jahres Umsatz´14 ca. 110 mill. $ + Vorratsbeschluss KE von 40 mill$ - Heute bei MCap von rund 42mill.$ = Irre ...Wer hier  >Short<  predigt ist Unzurechnungsfähig.
Oder , hochgradig Kriminell.

Die "2$ Front-Linie" ist bald Geschichte,da stehen noch einige Termine im Juni an.
Siehe weiter o.g.
Allen Investierten viel Erfolg

63718 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaGünstige Einstiegskurse

02.06.14 19:46
“We presently have no plans to offer any securities under the shelf registration, or otherwise, but we believe it is prudent to always be prepared. The new shelf registration replaces the company’s prior shelf registration, which expired in April of 2014.”

Local Corporation (LOCM), a leading local advertising technology company, today announced that it has filed a new shelf registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Once effective, this shelf registration would allow the company to issue various types of securities, including common stock, preferred stock, debt securities, and warrants, from time to time, up to an aggregate of $40 million. The new shelf registration replaces the company’s prior shelf registration, which expired in April of 2014.

“We believe that replacing our expiring shelf registration will allow us continued financial flexibility, if and when a need or opportunity should arise,” said Fred Thiel, Local Corporation chairman and CEO. “We presently have no plans to offer any securities under the shelf registration, or otherwise, but we believe it is prudent to always be prepared.”

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