Local.com aussichtsreich
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Addressable market is
5x greater
than everything sold online today.
(Source: Forrester Research – Web-influenced retail sales forecast)
... More
Products and Services of Local Corp
We offer a range of local search advertising products and services. Our Consumer Properties products are consumer facing web sites specializing in providing local search results to consumers on the internet. We use a combination of our proprietary Keyword...
• Local.xxx Website and App. Local.xxx reaches approximately 20 million MUVs and provides users with relevant local business listings, product and services, among other things. Consumers reach Local.xxx by coming directly to our site or via our SEO efforts. The majority of users find Local.xxx and....
• Hosted Network. Our syndication network consists of over 1,600 partner websites and reaches over 7 million MUVs. Our Network product is a nationwide database of local business and product listings along with ad feeds which monetize those listings. We provide our product in the form of a hosted...
• Syndication Network. Our syndication network product is a nationwide database of local business and product listings along with ad feeds which monetize those listings provided via a feed solution. Our ad feed solution is provided to sites that prefer to maintain their own look-and-feel, and we...
• Display and Pre-Roll Video Networks. Our display and pre-roll video networks provide advertisers with additional reach and exposure for their brands through distribution of customized display and pre-roll ads through networks of industry-leading content publishers and sites. The growing networks...
• Krillion: Our patented Krillion localization engine provides aggregated and structured local product shopping data to our business customers and channel partners. We pioneered local shopping search and are committed to the continuous growth of our dynamic platform that supports multi-channel...
• Pay-Per-Call Network. Our new pay-per-call lead generation network connects online and on-the-go consumers searching for local businesses and services in specific categories with relevant advertisers who provide those services via pay-per-call ads. Based on the valuable pay-per-call ad model, the...
• Havvit Shopping App. We launched our Havvit shopping app, which is powered by our Krillion platform, at the end of 2013. Havvit, one of the first shopping apps of its kind designed for iOS ® 7, enables consumers to find products near them, track savings, compare prices and ultimately to make a...
Schaun mer mal, vll. kommt heute bisschen "Feuer" rein.
Diese Short-Bande soll verglühen, wird nicht einfach....
LOCM's NASDAQ Last Sale (NLS) NLS Volume Previous Close Today's High / Low 52 Wk High / Low
2.05 0.07 ▲ 3.53% 27,510 $1.98 $2.18 / $2.01 $ 2.30 / $ 1.44
Data as of 4/9/2014 - Market Closed
Read more: http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/locm/real-time#ixzz2yOYcT1gx
Bestandteil dieser Manipulation durch diese Webseiten und der sie ergänzenden Akteure, die auf Akteinboards wie z.B. dem von Yahoo posten, ist die Legende, dass Local Corp hohe Schulden habe und vor dem Aus stehe. Dabei hat sich Local Corp lediglich 8 Millionen von einer Bank geborgt und es steht eine Wandelanleihe über 5 Millionen aus, die aber ab einem Kurs von 2,02 in Aktien getauscht würde. Und auch der operative Cash Flow war in 2013 positiv.
Cash Flow from Operations of Local Corp was positive in 2013
Cash 12-31-12: $3.7 million
Cash 12-31-13: $5.1 million
Increase of cash: $1.4 million
Increase of Accounts Receivable: 6.6 million
Complete Increases of Cash and Accounts Receivable: 8 million
Debt 12-31-12 : $10.0 million
Debt 12-31-13: $12.7 million
Increase of debts: $2.7 millioin
Increase of Accounts Payable: 4.4 million
Complete Increase of debts and Accounts Payabl: 7.1 million
The positive Cash Flow was only 0.8 million in 2013, because the Accounts Payable increased 2013 6.6 million, but the Accounts Payable only 4.4 million - that are 2.2 million lower.
Without this 2.2 million the positive Cash Flow from Operations in 2013 were 3.0 million (0.8 million + 2.2 million). Less
"Let me now turn to cash and liquidity. We had another quarter of positive cash flow. The company’s cash balance was $5.1 million as of the end of the fourth quarter up from $4.8 million at the end of the third quarter. Our core business is generating positive cash flow. We’re investing the returns from our core business into new initiatives. We have several new opportunities ahead in 2014 including the expansion of our Local’s Krillion shopping platform and new mobile advertising solutions."
Source: Read the complete transcript of the Conference Call direct on Seeking Alpha
Growing base of consumers and partners
• 27 million consumers/month
• 1,600 network sites
Positioned to be leader in mobile
• Mobile traffic up 24% Y/Y
• Expanding mobile search landscape
Multiple avenues to value
• Display/pay-per-click/... ads
• Leverage Krillion data technology
• IP monetization
Improving financial performance
• 4 consecutive quarters of revenue and
Adjusted EBIDTA growth
• Positive cash flow from operating
activities in 2013
Our local shopping data is growing daily!
retail store locations
Over 4,300
consumer shopping categories
Nearly 3 Million
localized products
Average HH Income of Visitors = $100,212
67% of Visitors are College Educated and 75% Own a Home
Monthly Page Views: Approx. 50 million
Page Views Visit: 2.5 views average
Click Through Rate: Up to 8x more than industry standard
50 million ad impressions served daily
Additional facts to the market of Local Corp:
Mobile-influenced in-store sales greater than online: Addressable market is 5x greater than everything sold online today
Web-influenced retail sales forecast: Over the next three years mobile-influenced stroresales are projected to reach 689 billion.
Somit bleiben die 5 mille als Kredit stehen.... Strategie der Shorties? Bin eher nicht der M , das dies kleine Spinner wären, sind Profis.
Die jucken keine 20mill oder 30mille $ Verluste , Ziel ist die Pleite der AG , dann sind sie die Champions. Was soll´s, Börse ist kein Pferdemarkt.
Die Spinner von US- Board´s schreiben in deren Sinn,bzw.sind einfach Trittbrettfahrer, sie wollen die Firma kaputt shorten.
Als Aktionär muss man hier Nerven haben,ist nicht leicht.Unsere Chancen stehen nicht schlecht.
Der CEO kann nun vll. eine wunderschöne Roadshow durch Amerika starten, dann schaun mer mal was sie Shoerties machen?
(Roadshow: Präsentation des eigenen Betriebes)
Die Roadshow ist eine Präsentation des eigenen Unternehmens, eines Projektes oder einer neuen Kooperation. In Finanzkreisen spricht man von einer Roadshow, wenn das eigene Unternehmen präsentiert wird, wobei hier internationale Geschäftsfelder keine Seltenheit darstellen. Die Zielgruppe einer solchen Präsentation sind mögliche Investoren, die auf die Vorzüge des Unternehmens und damit auf die Gewinnaussichten für Investitionen aufmerksam gemacht werden sollen. (..)http://www.wissenswertes.at/index.php?id=roadshow
Bei diesen Marktaussichten sollten die Banken doch freiwillig anklopfen, oder vll. wird sich dann ein "Übernahme-Raubtier" zeigen?
Gute Geschäfte!
Rational investors will sell all.Yelp-share at once and buy from the amount shares of the extreme undervalued competitor Local Corp.
Den Anstieg haben wir bereits, die Marke von 24% ist aber noch zu niedrig, wenn man die letzten bekannten Zahlen vom 30.3. nimmt. In ca. 4 Wochen haben wir dann die Zahlen zum 30.6. - dann sehen wir einmal weiter.
Network-Unit of Local Corp (63% of complete revenues of Local Corp) growing faster than Twitter and Yelp.
The integration of Krillion booooooooooooooost all acitivites of Local Corp - most network.
By combining our patented Localization Engine™ and real-time StockCheck™ technology, our solutions empower you to fully engage web-savvy consumers and lead them down the path to purchase.
Retailers - Join our retailer program to gain instant access to a wider consumer audience
PUBLISHERS - Implement our turnkey solutions to add real-time shopping content to your site
MANUFACTURERS: Capture more customers and increase retail channel sales using a dynamic local shopping where-to-buy solution
DEVELOPERS: Leverage our API services to build robust applications that deliver a fully integrated shopping experience Less Less
Growth of the revenues of the network-division of Local Corp (now 61% of all revenues of Local Corp) beats the growth-rates of the revenues of Twitter and Yelp and had go in Q4/2013 and will fastening in 2014.
Revenues of the Network-Division of Local Corp:
Q3-12 5.0 million
Q4-12: 7.6 million
Q1-13: 8.3 million
Q2-13: 11.6 million
Q3-13: 14.5 million
Q4-13: 16.1 million
Growth of 8.5 million from 7.6 million in Q4-12 to 16.1 million in Q4-2013 is a growth of 112%.
Yearly reveneus of the network-unit on the base of the 16.1 million of Q4/2014 are 64.4 million.
My question to you; What is the value of a company with 64.4 million and a growth-rate of 112%?
Yearly reveneus of the network-unit on the base of the 16.1 million of Q4/2014 are 64.4 million.
My question to you; What is the value of a company with 64.4 million and a growth-rate of 112%?
Owner Name
Shared Held
Change (Shares)
Change (%)
Value (in 1,000s)
Current Openings
1-10 of 10
Advertising Operations Analyst
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Business Development Manager
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Database/Software Engineer
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Developer, Core Systems (Java)
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Human Resources Assistant
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Python Developer
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Sr. Search Engine Marketing
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Sr. Software Engineer Search Expert
Irvine, CA (Corp)
UX/UI Designer
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Windows System Administrator
Irvine, CA (Corp)
Beantworten kann das wohl keiner.
So richtig glaube ich eh nicht an die Zahlen, die Institis können auch über Zweigstellen auf den Sonstwo Inseln Stücke kaufen/verkaufen.Die veröffentlichen eher zu wenig, aber ein paar wenige machen es.Man will sich ja an die US-Vorschriften halten.
Die Meldepflichten sind für sie doch Schall u.Rauch,egal in welche Richtung.
Denke ,die haben ihre Taschen (noch?) nicht richtig Voll. Die ganze Börsen-Mechanik
braucht daher noch Zeit,um in Gang zu kommen......m.M.
(Yelp,Angi oder VEEVs = hier läuft das System auf vollen Touren,jeder Kursverfall erzeugt automatisch eine neue Kaufempfehlung...man hat also Glück, wenn man z.b. Yelp bei 25$ gekauft hat.mein Glückwunsch!)
Mich wundert,warum springen keine Anal_sten auf den Locm Zug auf?
Decken sich noch ein.....?
Jede gute News schadet hier der Aktie, dem Kurs.
Wegen Peanuts von 5mil.$ Kredit(Wandelanl.) wird eine riesen Story gemacht.Andere Startups AG´s verkünden aller zig Monate eine KE und steigen trotzdem. Verwässerung spielt dort überhaupt keine Rolle.
Der Markt bucht die Pleite bei LOCM aktuell schon ein,bei Kurs 1,70$ sind doch nicht mal alle Verwertungsrechte der Patente eingepreist.
Jedes andere Geschäft interessiert kein Schwein am Markt, davon ist im Kurs absolut null pepreist.Klar, der Markt hat immer recht. Na ja...
Warum stehen die Banken nicht Schlange ,wollen an diesem Wachstum profitieren ?
??? K.Ahnung.
Anderseits rennen die Banken bei so tollen Versand+Rückversand-Buden wie Zalando ,mit NULL-Profit,die Türen ein;Verrückt
Ich weiß, Überkreuzvergleiche sind an der Börse Unfug,sorry.
Und noch etwas zur Zeit des Geduldens: Das kann Jahre dauern wie z.B. bei ICGGroup, zu denen ich schon mehr als ein Jahrzehnt poste (neun Jahre bei ariva und davor auch schon comdirect) und die mehr als ein Jahrzehnt brauchten, um von $3,40 auf $20 zu steigen. Von meinen in der Spitze ca. 20.000 Aktien von ICG-Group bin ich aber auf 3.000 zurück und habe einen nicht unerheblichen Teil dazu genutzt einen Bestand von Local Corp aufzbauen, wo ich inzwischen bei ca. 102.000 Stück liege. Dass man Engagement bei Local Corp nicht ganz so heftig ausfällt, obwohl 102.000 Stück schon gaz schon heftig sind, wie bei ICG Group, hängt damit zusammen, dass ich die Risiken bei Local Corp etwas höher sehe als bei ICG Group.
Locm sehe ich vll. als Startup,manchmal reicht hier schon eine Idee für den Zündfunken.Sie sind aber schon viel weiter,hier sind konkrete Strategien klar.
Der Markt ist da, nun muss es noch vergoldet werden.Diese Fantasie kommt am Markt in den Wert dzt. nicht rein. Warum, weiß keiner? Da sind wir wieder bei siehe Oben......
Der Funke kann dann vll. das Urteil zum aktuellen Patentstreit mit Fry sein?
Oder z.b. eine Partnerschaft mit BING ....;-))
.....ist völlig Untergegangen.
$ in Millions Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13
Network Revenue $5.0 $7.6 $8.3 $11.6 $14.5 $16.1
(Source: Last 8K-Report to the SEC)
Important too:
- 209% CAGR Mobile Traffic over the past five years
- Mobile traffic represents 39% of total overall traffic
"Let me now turn to cash and liquidity. We had another quarter of positive cash flow. The company’s cash balance was $5.1 million as of the end of the fourth quarter up from $4.8 million at the end of the third quarter. Our core business is generating positive cash flow. We’re investing the returns from our core business into new initiatives. We have several new opportunities ahead in 2014 including the expansion of our Local’s Krillion shopping platform and new mobile advertising solutions."
(Source: Read the complete transcript of the last Conference Call direct on Seeking Alpha)
Den Vergleich habe ich auch nur gewählt, weil ICG Group ähnlich von Shortsellern angegriffen wurde wie Local Corp, auch nur beherrschbare, aber verhältnismäßig mehr Schulden hatte, also in einer etwas weniger komfortablen Lage als Local Corp war. Das Ergebnis war bei ICG Grroup dann eine Kapitalerhöung, die die Aktienzahl um ca. das Zweieinhalbfache erhöhte, die Schulden auf 0 fuhr - und trotz dieser Verwässerung stieg der Kurs dann (allerdings in 10 Jahren) von $ 3,40 auif $20.
Wo da Shortseller bei Local Corp eine Chance wittern, ist für mich nicht nachvollziehbar, denn Local Corp hat 8 Millionen Schulden bei der Square Bank und eine Wandelschuldverschreibung von 5 Millionen, die bei 2,02 gewandelt werden kann. Würde Local Corp, was ich nicht befürworte, seine Aktienzahl auch nur um ein Drittel erhöhen, wäre es schuldenfrei - aber das wäre überflüssig und Unfug. Auch bei ICG Group habe ich damals die Verzweieinhalbfachung der Aktienzahl kritisiert und war der Meinung, dass es weniger auch getan hätte.
• Increase growth drivers. Key to driving our growth is: the expansion of both our reach (the number of MUVs we serve) and the monetization of that reach (how much ad revenue we generate from those users) across desktop and mobile.
• Increase organic traffic. Our O&O growth strategy continues to be focused on increasing organic traffic to our websites, which includes organic and SEO traffic and expanding the monetization of the users we reach today. We believe that adding more content, such as product pricing and inventory information from Krillion, and presenting that content in a useful way to our users, will ultimately drive more organic and SEO traffic over time, both of which are our high margin traffic sources, compared to SEM sourced traffic. We plan to add more content to the website by launching verticals that appeal to our core demographic – for example: shopping; education; and health & wellness. If we are able to increase the amount of type-in and SEO traffic that our Flagship-website receives, we may be able to reduce our reliance on lower-margin traffic we acquire from other search engines.
• Diversify product offerings and revenue sources. Over the last few years, we have taken steps to diversify our revenue sources, while maintaining our focus on local offerings through various acquisitions and initiatives, including the acquisition of Krillion in 2011, which provides local shopping data, such as location-based product data and in-stock availability. We also recently launched several new initiatives and ad formats, including our pre-roll video ad network and our pay-per-call ad network in our efforts to diversify our offerings and revenue sources. Our development and acquisition efforts also represent a point of differentiation from an increasingly crowded field in online advertising. We believe that a diversity of offerings will differentiate us from certain of our competitors that may offer only one or two of our services, but not the full suite of our product offerings which we believe appeals to our customers and partners alike.
• Add new targeted brands, products and services. We also expect to add new brands, products and services to our O&O business unit over time. Additionally, we anticipate that much of the content we develop or acquire for our own O&O properties may also be useful to enhance the product and content offerings we make to our Network partners. In December 2012, we announced the launch of certain vertical sites that focus on lead generation opportunities and expand our monetization methods and in January 2013, we announced the launch of the United Kingdom (“UK”) version of our flagship-site to expand the geographic footprint of our offering.
• Add new targeted brands, products and services. We also expect to add new brands, products and services to our O&O business unit over time. Additionally, we anticipate that much of the content we develop or acquire for our own O&O properties may also be useful to enhance the product and content offerings we make to our Network partners. In December 2012, we announced the launch of certain vertical sites that focus on lead generation opportunities and expand our monetization methods and in January 2013, we announced the launch of the United Kingdom (“UK”) version of our flagship-site to expand the geographic footprint of our offering.
• Add Network websites and expand Network content. Our Network growth strategy includes: adding new websites; expanding the content and products available to our Network partners; growing the user base of our existing products through SEO efforts and content expansion; and improving our overall monetization per visitor through continued page optimization. We believe that expanded distribution increases our value in the local search ecosystem, thereby attracting new advertisers. This, in turn, allows us to compete for expanded distribution, creating what we feel is a virtuous cycle, with strategic defensibility originating from our significant base of traffic on our O&O properties.
• Deploy new products on the Network. We continue to develop new products for our Network partners with the intention of driving additional revenue and creating many new opportunities and channels with the intention of building a stronger and more defensible long term relationship with our Network partners.
- Local is a leading player in the high value, high growth Local Search market.
- The market is undervaluing Local's shares relative to competitors even on extremely conservative valuation measures.
- The Company's recent management transition when complete will be a catalyst to a much higher valuation of the Company's shares.
- Local Corp. continues to execute with cost reductions, new product initiatives to drive growth and strong performance in its high margin network product.
- Finally, Wall Street is taking notice with three Wall Street institutions taking a collective position over 20% of the shares.
Case Study: Ace Hardware Uses Mobile Tools to Drive Shoppers In-Store
Merchant: Ace Hardware
Location: Worldwide
Size: 4,700 locations
Bottom Line: Adding location-based technology to a mobile app encourages online shoppers to make purchases in-store.
The trend toward consumers making purchases on the web isn’t slowing down — with 70% of those surveyed in 2013 reporting that they prefer shopping online — however national hardware chain Ace Hardware is doing its part to bring online shoppers back in-store. The company has recently debuted a new mobile iPhone application, meant to enhance the shopping experience and encourage customers to complete their transaction at local Ace Hardware locations.
“It allows the consumer to find more information about what they’re standing in front of, the product they’re looking at,” says Mark Lowe, Ace’s e-commerce marketing, and digital department manager. “
Source: Read the complete text direct at Street Fight Less
Ace is a client of Local Corp
A: AT&T, Ace Hardware, Ann Taylor, Apple Less
Other clients of Local Corp:
T: Target, Teavana, The Children's Place, Toys R Us, True Value Hardware
W: Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Williams Sonoma, Wrangler
P: PC Mall, Pauls Tv, Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids
R; REI, RadioShack, Restoration Hardware, Rite Aid
S: Saks Fifth Avenue, Sears, Sony Store, Sperry Top-Sider, Sur La Table
K: Kmart, Kohls
L: L'Occitane en Provence, Lane Bryant, Last Call by Neiman MarcusLee, Levi's, Lowe's
M: Micro Center
N. Nordstrom
F: Foot Locker, Fossil, Fry's
G: GameStop
H: Harbor Freight; Home Depot
C: CVS, Carters, Catherines, Coldwater Creek, Costcocrocs
B: Babies R Us, Bed Bath And Beyond, Best Buy, Big 5 Sporting
We offer a range of local search advertising products and services. Our Consumer Properties products are consumer facing web sites specializing in providing local search results to consumers on the internet. We use a combination of our proprietary Keyword DNA™ and geographic web indexing technologies to provide relevant search results for local business, products and services and sponsored listings. We generate revenue each time an Internet user initiates a search on our sites and network and clicks-through on a sponsored listing from our advertisers. We also generate revenue from monthly fee arrangements and display advertising (banners).
• Mobile Display Ad Network - The company’s new mobile display network provides advertisers with additional reach and exposure for their brands through the distribution of relevant display ads across Local’s extended network of mobile-enabled sites and apps.
• Krillion's Patented Local Shopping Technology: Krillion® delivers the most robust and accurate location-based product search data available. Our solutions provide dynamic, up-to-the minute information about where specific branded products are sold, and which retailers have them in stock the instant shoppers are ready to buy.
Our patented Krillion® localization engine provides aggregated and structured local product shopping data to our business customers and channel partners. We pioneered local shopping search and are committed to the continuous growth of our dynamic platform that supports multi-channel retailers and brands looking to engage consumers wherever they research products and where to buy.
As a result, our patented data normalization platform offers the most comprehensive cleansing and distribution capabilities in the available today. Less
• Havvit Shopping App: We launched our Havvit shopping app, which is powered by our Krillion platform, at the end of 2013. Havvit, one of the first shopping apps of its kind designed for iOS ® 7, enables consumers to find products near them, track savings, compare prices and ultimately to make a purchase. The Havvit app showcases just one of the many ways our shopping data can be utilized by consumers. We anticipate the next version of the Havvit app, which is powered by Krillion, will be released sometime in the first half of 2014, and will include an in-stock availability feature. Additionally, we expect to release a HTML5 mobile responsive companion desktop site, which will enable Havvit to work across other devices and operating systems, including Android Less
• Pay-Per-Call Network. Our new pay-per-call lead generation network connects online and on-the-go consumers searching for local businesses and services in specific categories with relevant advertisers who provide those services via pay-per-call ads. Based on the valuable pay-per-call ad model, the network provides advertisers with a new channel to generate quality consumer leads in local markets and convert them to customers via mobile.
• Syndication Network. Our syndication network product is a nationwide database of local business and product listings along with ad feeds which monetize those listings provided via a feed solution. Our ad feed solution is provided to sites that prefer to maintain their own look-and-feel, and we share revenues with those partners based on how consumers on their sites interact with the ad feeds.
• Hosted Network. Our syndication network consists of over 1,600 partner websites and reaches over 7 million MUVs. Our Network product is a nationwide database of local business and product listings along with ad feeds which monetize those listings. We provide our product in the form of a hosted solution designed to generate SEO traffic to our partners’ sites and this helps those partners to increase their reach to new online users. As with Local.xxx, we monetize those users with ads placed alongside our content, and we share revenue generated from those ads with our partners.
(Additional; You must substitute xxx through the right letters.)
• Local.xxx Website and App. Local.xxx reaches approximately 20 million MUVs and provides users with relevant local business listings, product and services, among other things. Consumers reach Local.xxx by coming directly to our site or via our SEO efforts. The majority of users find Local.xxx and its app via SEM campaigns on the major search engines. We generate ad revenues from those users by placing a variety of ad products alongside the search results we display to our Local.xxx users, regardless of how our users found us.
(Additional; You must substitute xxx through the right letters.)
The consumer shift to mobile devices presents a tremendous opportunity for us. Today, consumers are using their mobile devices more than ever before to search for local products and services.
We believe that Krillion can become the engine which powers third party apps and sites that seek to provide on-the-go mobile consumers with the local product information they want, when they need it, along their path to purchase. We believe that our role in this emerging marketplace may enable us to be at the forefront of the ongoing transformation of consumer shopping behavior with what we believe could be a potentially disruptive solution. If this happens, we believe we will be in a better position to control our financial future by having direct relationships with retailers and brands and as a result we expect to be able to reduce our reliance on third party advertisers.
Source: 10-K Less
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