Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.339.880
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:123
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63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaIm Detail kommuniziert wurde das nicht

08.11.15 18:19
• The cash flow from operations were 3360 million negative in Q2/15, if ..................

Without an decrease of the accounts receivable of  1.676 million, which has a positive effect on the cash flow with this amount, and an increase of the accounts payable of 2.678 million, which has a positive effect on the cash flow with this amount, the numbers of the cash flow were 4.354 million lower – not positive 994 million, the cash flow from operations were negative with 3.360 million.

Period Ending Jun 30, 2015
Net Income (15,282)

Operating Activities, Cash Flows Provided By or Used In
Adjustments To Net Income 7,975  
Changes In Accounts Receivables 1,676  
Changes In Liabilities 2,678  
Changes In Inventories -  
Changes In Other Operating Activities (121)

Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities 994  

         •§The cash flow from operations were 2.947 million positive in Q3/15, if ..................
Without an increase of the accounts receivable of 7.322 million, which has a negative effect on the cash flow with this amount, and an increase of the accounts payable of 2.688 million, which has a positive effect on the cash flow with this amount, the numbers of the cash flow were 4.634 million higher – not negative 1.687 million, the cash flow from operations were 2.947 million.

(In thousands) 2015 2014 2015 2014 Operating Activities - continuing operations Net income (loss) (14,633) $ (11,864) $ (46,601) $ (37,287) $ (Income) loss from discontinued operations, including gain on sale, net of tax - (2,426) - (3,789) Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 4,804 3,386 14,873 9,582 Equity-based compensation 6,661 6,357 21,004 16,972 Impairment related and other 89 256 429 1,092 Other (income) loss 144 (83) (796) (1,020) Equity loss - 144 - 776 Deferred tax asset 47 (2,131) 123 (2,931) Changes in assets and liabilities, net of effect of acquisitions: Accounts receivable, net (7,322) (4,844) (6,308) (6,150) Prepaid expenses and other assets (243) (276) (1,000) (34) Accounts payable 2,688 (2,309) 1,185 (381) Accrued expenses (356) 437 118 (655) Accrued compensation and benefits 1,835 741 1,439 (1,408) Deferred revenue 4,448 4,061 9,233 6,822 Other liabilities 151 42 1,202 (356) Cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities (1,687) (8,509) (5,099) (18,767)


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaIm Gegensatz zur US-Version des Cash Flow

08.11.15 21:35
werden bei uns Veränderungen der Kundenforderungen und der Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Lieferanten nicht in die Berechnung einbezogen, sondern der Cash Flow aus der betrieblichen Tätigkeit ergibt sich aus: Betriebsergebnis plus Abschreibungen plus Zuführung zu den langfristigen Rückstellungen. Danach hätte sich der Cash Flow in Q3/15 von Local Corp mit plus 2,9 Millionen überaus positiv entwickelt, nach der U-Version wird ein Minus ausgewiesen. Da insbesondere kurzfristige Veränderungen von Forderungen und Verbindlichkeiten eher zufallsbedingt sind und fast beliebig manipuliert werden können, halte ich die deutsche Version für sehr viel aussagekräftiger.                                                      


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage Libudazu #6501

08.11.15 21:37
I can't understand, why Local Corp has not serious communicated this aspects, that Q2/15 was not so excellent like the published numbers and Q3/15 was a lot better than the published with a positive swing of the real cash flow from operations of six millions in only one quarter.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaGovDelivery Connects With More Than 100 Milliom

10.11.15 16:12

GovDelivery Now Connects Government With More Than 100 Million People

Communications Platform Combines Unprecedented Reach With World Class Capabilities to Transform the Citizen Experience by Driving Behavior Change and Promoting and Enhancing Online Services

ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 10, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GovDelivery, the leading provider of cloud-based solutions enhancing the citizen experience, today announced that government is now reaching over 100 million people using the GovDelivery Communications Cloud.


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaQuelle zu #6504 und zum Weiterlesen

10.11.15 16:14

348 Postings, 8584 Tage w2505gähn, ACTUA immer noch im

10.11.15 17:36



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaGrowth through three quarters of 2015

10.11.15 21:53

� Bolt's revenue grew approximately 20% in the nine-month period ended
September 30, 2015 from the corresponding prior year period. During the
nine months ended September 30, 2015, Bolt served approximately 2,100
independent commercial and personal property and casualty insurance
agent customers, six large commercial and personal property and casualty
insurance carrier-agency customers, five customers who are
non-traditional sellers of commercial and personal property and casualty
insurance products and one state commercial and personal property and
casualty insurance exchange customer;

� FolioDynamix's revenue grew 15% from the corresponding nine-month prior
year period (for which Actua did not own FolioDynamix), and, during the
nine months ended September 30, 2015, it served over 200 financial
services organizations, such as brokerage firms, banks (trust and
retail), large RIAs and RIA networks and other fee-based managed account

� GovDelivery's revenue grew approximately 26% from the corresponding
nine-month prior year period, and, during the nine months ended
September 30, 2015, it served over 1,000 government entities, agencies
and organizations at the national, state and local levels in both the
United States and Europe; and

� VelocityEHS' revenue grew approximately 39% from the corresponding
nine-month prior year period. During the nine months ended September 30,
2015, VelocityEHS served close to 11,100 customers; approximately 75%
are platform customers, consisting of large and mid-market North
American businesses in a wide variety of industries.


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaBei einer Marktkapitalisierung von 490 Millionen

10.11.15 22:00
und einer vorhandenen Cash von 80 Millionen ist Actua mit einem etwas mehr als 3-fachem Umsatzmultiple und den Wachstumsraten aus dem vorhergehenden Posting klar unterbewertet.

Und völlig außer Acht gelassen wird zusätzlich die über 15 Jahre aufgebaute Fähigkeit, mit Hilfe von Tuck-In's das Umsatzwachtum weiter zu erhöhen.  


348 Postings, 8584 Tage w2505ob über- oder unterbewertet, dass entscheiden

11.11.15 16:24
die Marktteilnehmer, diese sind wohl in diesem Falle anscheinend mehrheitlich der Auffassung, ACTUA sei noch überbewertet, bis zur 10$ Grenze ist ja noch etwas Luft.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaDer Makrteilnehmer hat auf 15% Anteil

11.11.15 20:40
an den ausstehenden Aktien erhöht:

Owner Name


Shared Held

Change (Shares)

Change (%)

Value (in 1,000s)

FMR LLC 09/30/2015 6,122,912 33,979 .56 74,332

Read more: http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/acta/institutional-holdings#ixzz3rDFqqu48


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaWarum unterbewertet? - Eine AntWort

11.11.15 20:53
Growth-rate of the four core-companies

VelocityEHS: Revenue Growth: 34% in Q3 2015 compared to Q3 201

Govdelivery: Revenue Growth: = 29% in Q3 2015 compared to Q3 2014

Bolt: Revenue Growth = 16% in Q3 2015 compared to Q3 2014

Revenue Growth of Foliodynamix: 15% in Q3 2015 compared to Q3 2014

Overall we achieved 19% organic revenue growth and 64% on a GAAP basis. We continue to see healthy operating leverage across our platform, particularly from a cash flow perspective

Quelle 10-Q  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage Libudaorganic growth: 20% to 25% as a good range

11.11.15 22:42

CEO Buckley to organic growth: I think 20% to 25% as a good range for 2016

Jeff Houston:
"Looking at the 20% - 25$% organic growth guidanane for 2016, It sounds like some of the buisiness inits will be a bit bellow the target ?

Walter Buckley:
"I believe that right now we've got Gov and i see it's above at and Föloo shoold over time be above it and posssibly through our fast growing business and I think Bolt should be within thet guidance at a minimum.

So wee think we fgeel that all our four buisinesses have the opportunity to be in the past range and we can execute at high level we can be, here is no reason why they can't above that long-term. but ."

Quelle: Ungefähre Mitschrift des Conference Call


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage Libudazu 6512: Denn exaktes Kopieren mit Quellenangabe

11.11.15 22:47
ist nicht mehr möglich, obwohl gestern noch möglich, sodass man auf Abhören angewiesen ist.

Ein Schelm, der Böses dabei denkt.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaEine Transcriptquelle ist wieder aufgetaucht

11.11.15 23:05

63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaMarkt reagiert hier meines Erachten aberwitzig

12.11.15 20:22
und daher geht der momentane Dip auch schnell vorüber:

"Explanation of Responses: Shares of common stock were withheld by the issuer to satisfy certain tax withholding obligations resulting from the vesting of restricted stock"

Quelle: Filing an die SEC

and therefore is the reaction of the market on the the sale of 10,000 dhares of Buckley a joke and excellent chance to enter.


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage Libudazi 6515

12.11.15 20:25
Auf das momentan oberste Filing klicken:



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaZu den momentane Kursen

12.11.15 22:58
passt das sicher nicht:

Overall we achieved 19% organic revenue growth and 64% on a GAAP basis

We continue to see healthy operating leverage across our platform, particularly from a cash flow perspective.

Source; Conference Call


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage Libuda6515 sehe ixch entgegen dem Markt nicht negativ

12.11.15 23:47
Buckley had got shares for free as part of his salariy and don't want to pay the tax - and therefore must Actua selll some of the shares for Buckley.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaCurrent Opportunities of Govdelivery a sign

13.11.15 10:09
for strong growth

Current Opportunities


◾Implementation Consultant – SAINT PAUL, MN

◾Digital Engagement Strategist – Washington, D.C.


◾Client Success Fellow – Washington, D.C.

◾Editorial Fellow(s) – Washington, D.C.

◾Design and Multimedia Fellow(s) – Washington, D.C.

◾Events Fellow – Washington, D.C.

◾Digital Marketing Fellow – Washington, D.C.


◾Market Development Strategist (Federal) – Washington, D.C.


◾NuCivic - Project Manager – Various Locations

◾Senior UI/UX Specialist – NEW YORK, NY




◾Vice President, State and Local Government Sales – Washington, D.C., New York City, Sacramento, or Austin

◾Client Solutions Executive – Washington, D.C.

◾Sales Engineer – Washington, DC

◾Territory Representative, State and Local Government - Eastern US – Eastern US

◾Federal Account Manager – WASHINGTON, DC


◾Quality Assurance Engineer – SAINT PAUL, MN

◾Cloud Engineer – Saint Paul, MN

◾CRM Platform Manager – Saint Paul, MN

◾MySQL Database Administrator – SAINT PAUL, MN

◾Software Engineer – Saint Paul, MN; San Francisco, CA; New Jersey


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaQuelle für das letzte Posting

13.11.15 10:10


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaVelocityEHS Reminds Safety Professionals

13.11.15 16:06
of Upcoming GHS Deadline

CHICAGO, Nov. 13, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VelocityEHS, a leading cloud environmental, health and safety (EHS) software provider, is reminding safety professionals that the next compliance deadline for the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is quickly approaching. December 1, 2015 is the date by which OSHA expects distributors to only ship hazardous chemicals properly labeled under the new GHS format. This most recent deadline is the third in a series of four dates OSHA established as part of the agency's official adoption of GHS.

Source: actua.com



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage Libuda1,000 clients connecting with 100 million+ people

13.11.15 23:17
GovDelivery set out over 15 years ago to use technology and connectivity to bring government in more direct touch with the people it serves. Today, we are pleased to announce a milestone that validates this vision and creates new opportunities for the future. Our more than 1,000 clients are now connecting with over 100 million people. You read that correctly… 100 million people. It is an unprecedented amount of direct connectivity to the public for the governments we serve. It is a number that is real and that underscores the incredible potential for governments to transform the citizen experience over the next decade. Less


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaPlfichtlektüre

15.11.15 12:36

63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaSkepsis gegenüber Foliodymnix übertrieben

15.11.15 13:37
"That said, in the third quarter, FolioDynamix signed five new customers, and one subsequent to quarter end, bringing total new deal signings since the beginning of the year to 22. These six new deals were a mix of small to medium size six figure year deals and large seven figure a year RIA platform sale.
And should note, that we will not see much impact if any 2015 from these 22 signings. As it takes six to 12 months to implement the software and get the assets on the platform. We would expect revenue growth to get back to a more historical levels of 25% plus in the second half of next year as these new contracts – these new customers are fully implemented."

Quelle: #6523


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaSolutions of Govdeliery

15.11.15 22:05

More than 1,000 agencies use our end-to-end solutions to increase digital engagement, tap into a network of over 100 million civically engaged citizens, build communities around data, and support training initiatives.


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