Local.com aussichtsreich

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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 00:22
Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 00:22von: Franziskakuf.Leser gesamt:670.074
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63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaZu #6274:Noch vor wenigen Wochen war es nur 85.000

01.02.14 10:50
stores satt der inzwischen 120.000, die mit Local Corp zusammenarbeiten - und vor drei Monaten, als onkel james seinen letzten vierteljährlichen Besuch machte, gar nur 75.0000.

Dieser Anstieg von 75.000 afu 120.000 in nur drei Monaten zeigt den großer Erfolg der Integration von Krillion. Denn für die ersten 75.000 waren viele Jahre erforderlich.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnd wenn man so wenig reinschaut wie

01.02.14 12:57
onkel james, besteht auch die Gefahr, dass man die atemberaubende Entwicklung der Network-Unit nicht mitbekommen hat:

Biggest growth-driver: Network-revenues increaded 19% year over year from 5.0 million in Q3/2013 to Q3/2013. Percentage of the network-revenues of 14.5 million in Q3/2013 on the complete reveneus in Q3/2013 of 23.5 million was 63%.

The Network of Local Corp
$ in millions in the quarters


Network Revenues after GAAP


63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaAuch diese Fakten scheinen an onkel james vorüber

01.02.14 18:05
gezogen zu sein:

Simple the facts
From the first three quarters of 2013 were reported from positive EBIDA's and Q4/2013 will be positive, too
Q1: 0.6 million (reported)
Q2: 1.2 million (reported)
Q3: 1.3 million (reported)
Q4/2013: 1.4 million (result of the guidance of 4.5 million positive EBITDA in 2013)

Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities increased $326,000 in the first 9 month of 2013: 1,441,000 - 2,172,000 + 1,057,000
View: Quarterly Data All numbers in thousands
Period Ending Sep 30, 2013 Jun 30, 2013 Mar 31, 2013
Net Income (1,744) (3,586) (3,353)
Operating Activities, Cash Flows Provided By or Used In
Depreciation 1,163 1,302 1,267
Adjustments To Net Income 1,449 3,484 1,261
Changes In Accounts Receivables (1,653) (3,156) (42)
Changes In Liabilities 1,885 167 2,293
Changes In Other Operating Activities 341 (383) (369)
Total Cash Flow From Operating Activities 1,441 (2,172) 1,057

Strong Cash Flow from Network: The company's efforts to increase sales from its high-margin Network business could help to generate substantial cash flow in the years ahead
The company's efforts to increase sales from its high-margin Network
business could help to generate substantial cash flow in the years ahead.
Local has revved up its sales initiatives within its high-margin Network Publishing
business. This business helps merchants and community websites monetize
consumer traffic through genre-specific advertisements carefully targeted to
consumer interests and local communities. As more revenue accrues from this
business, the company's margin mix should improve leading to more consistent
profits and cash flow.
(Read the complete text with 17 sites direct by Merriman Capital9

Steady increase of revenues during 2013 will continue in 2014:
Revenues in 2013
Q1/2013: 21.8 million (reported)
Q2/2013: 22.7 million (reported)
Q3/2013: 23.5 million (reported)
Q4/2013: 27.0 million (result of the last guidance of 95 million, if you subtract from this 95 million the revenues of Q1 - Q3


63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaH a v v i t kennt man nach 3-monatiger Abstinenz

01.02.14 18:28
auch nicht:


Und  H a v v i t  is wirklich teuflisch gut.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnd die Neuzugänge kennt onkel james auch nicht

01.02.14 19:18
Newest Strong Expanded List of Krillion-Retailers
         •  AT&T          §
         •§Ace Hardware
         •§Ann Taylor
         •     Apple          §
         •§Bed Bath And Beyond
         •§Best Buy
         •§Big 5 Sporting Goods
         •       CVS 
         •   Carters 
         • Coldwater 
         •     Creek 
         •ColumbiaCostco §
         •§Dicks Sporting Goods
         •   Express          §
         •§Foot Locker
         •    Fossil
         •     Fry's 
         •  GameStop §
         •§Harbor Freight
         •§Harry & David
         •§Home Depot
         •      IKEA          §
         •§JC Penney
         •     Kmart
         •    Levi's 
         •    Lowe's 
         •    Macy's §
         •§Micro Center
         • Nordstrom          §
         •§Orchard Supply Hardware
         •§Office Depot
         • OfficeMax          §
         •§PC Mall
         •§Pauls Tv
         •     Petco          §
         •§Pottery Barn
         •§Pottery Barn Kids
         •       REI
         •RadioShack §
         •§Rite Aid
         •§Saks Fifth Avenue
         •§Sony Store
         •§Sperry Top-Sider
         •   Staples          §
         •§Sur La Table
         •    Target
         •   Teavana §
         •§The Children's Place
         •§Toys R Us
         •§True Value Hardware
         • Walgreens
         •  Wal-Mart §
         •§Williams Sonoma


63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaVielleicht liest onkel jame auch nur auf Yahoo mit

01.02.14 22:50
und hat damit Pech, denn da verhindert der Criminal Crime behind The Street Sweeper, dass man diese Liste der Kunden von Krillion überhaupt posten darf.

Vielleicht sollte Yahoo einmal die Beziehungen seiner Webmaster zum Criminal Crime behind The Street Sweeper unter die Lupe nehmen, denn ich glaube nicht, dass Yahoo selbst gegen Bezahlung seinen Aktienboard manipuliert.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaWas Krillion so tut

02.02.14 12:55
An example: You look after a Mr Coffee Coffee 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemakter in Kitchen Appliances near Irvine, CA. The result (inlude a picture) is:

1.97 Miles
Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker

1.97 Miles
Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker

7.50 Miles
Mr. Coffee 8-Cup Thermal Programmable Coffee Maker
Costa Mesa

0.84 Miles
Mr. Coffee® 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker
Office Depot

7.50 Miles
Mr. Coffee 4-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker - Black
was $25.99
33% OFF
Costa Mesa

2.40 Miles
Mr. Coffee Stainless 10-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker

7.50 Miles
Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker - Stainless Steel/Black
Costa Mesa

2.40 Miles
Mr. Coffee Programmable Coffee Maker

2.40 Miles
Mr. Coffee Programmable Coffee Maker

3.06 Miles
Mr. Coffee - 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker - Black
was $29.99
50% OFF
Best Buy

3.06 Miles
Mr. Coffee - 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker
was $34.99
14% OFF
Best Buy

3.06 Miles
Mr. Coffee - 4-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker - Black
Best Buy

0.63 Miles
Mr. Coffee Programmable 12 Cup Coffeemaker

3.26 Miles
Mr. Coffee DWX23-NP Coffee Maker, 12 Cup Programmable

7.50 Miles
Mr. Coffee 12 Cup Black w/ Stainless Steel Programmable
was $59.99
12% OFF
Costa Mesa

8.66 Miles
MR Coffee DWX23 12-Cup Programmable Pause N Serve Coffee Maker, Black
Fountain Valley

0.84 Miles
Mr. Coffee® 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker With Brew Strength Selector, Black/Silver
Office Depot

0.84 Miles
Mr. Coffee® 12-Cup Power Serve Programmable Coffeemaker, Black/Silver
Office Depot

2.40 Miles
Mr. Coffee Programmable Coffee Maker

2.40 Miles
Mr. Coffee Black with Chrome Accents 12-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaAuch heute setzen sich die Mätzchen der

02.02.14 17:07
Yahoo-Webmaster fort, denn offensicht gefällt einem dieser Vergleich nicht - und daher wird er gar nicht erst als Posting akzeptiert.

Angie’s List has only the 2.8-fold revenues of Local Corp, but with 1050 million the 29-fold market-cap of the idiotic low 36.4 million of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never lasting. Local Corp has a positive Adjusted EBITDA of 1.3 million – Angie’s List an Adjusted EBITDA loss of 11.3 million.

Local Corp., the company that connects consumers with all local businesses, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013
• Sequential revenue growth up 4% to $23.5 million in Q3-13 from $22.7 million in Q2-13.
• Adjusted EBITDA up 12% to $1.3 million in Q3-13 from $1.2 million in Q2-13.

Angie’s List that for its third quarter it lost $13.5 million, or 23 cents a share, on revenue of $65.5 million, compared to a loss of $18.5 million, or 32 cents a share, on $42 million in sales in the same period a year ago.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaFür Alibaba wäre Local Corp ein idealer Enttry

02.02.14 23:16
Over 16 million business listings by Local Corp are a sensationel number.

Fill out this form to claim your business listing

First Name*

Last Name*

Business Name*

Business Website

Business Category



Street Address*




I'm also interested in: (Check all that apply)

Phone Systems

Postage Meters

Web Design

Online Marketing

Credit Card Processing

Hiring Employees

This over 16 million buisiness-listings is one of a lot other reasons, because my favorite for an acquistion of Local Corp is Alibaba - no other US-company offers a better entry in the strong growing US-local-search-market.  

4403 Postings, 8505 Tage GuidoWas soll mein Chart schon aussagen

03.02.14 08:33
das seit 3 Jahren die Aktie fast nur gefallen ist, von 5,5 Dollar auf 1,50/1,60 Dollar und die Durchschnitte 100 und 200 Tage noch einiges entfert sind. Wer hier früh eingestiegen ist, hat nur Geld verbrannt...
Charttechnisch für mich daher kein Kauf.
Daher gebe ich Onkel James vom Posting #6275 völlig recht.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaOkay - damit habe ich kein Problem, denn

03.02.14 09:31
Charts interessieren mich nicht, denn ich arbeite nur fundamental.

Allerdings kannst Du Dich da nicht auf onkel james berufen, der - wenn man da überhaupt etwas erkennen kann - in Ansätzen fundamental argumentiert.

Allerdings kenne ich viele Charttechniker, die bei hohem Shortselling keine technischen Aussagen machen bzw. nur unter Vorbehalten.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaHavvit - Shop for what you love

03.02.14 22:04

Havvit™ - Shop for what you love, track savings, compare prices and find it near you.

By Local Corporation

View More By This Developer

Open iTunes to buy and download apps.


Shop on your iPhone like never before with Havvit, the mobile shopping app built for people who just have to have the things they love at the price they want.

How to Havvit:

1. Follow all your favorite stores, departments and brands so you only see the stuff you want. No more digging through a bunch of stuff you don"t care about.

2. Use Havvit"s intelligent price-tracking feature to set your ideal price for the things you want. Havvit tells you when the price is just right. Don"t rely on coupons.

3. See if the things you want are available for purchase near you or buy it online, so you get it exactly how and when you want it.

And that"s just a taste of what Havvit does. Find, track, compare and share all your favorite brands and retailers -Target, Home Depot, Best Buy, Nordstrom and more – all in one place, whenever and wherever. Download Havvit today and start shopping smarter.

When you gotta have it, Havvit.

The Fun Stuff

My Departments:
Follow what you love so you only see what matter most to you.

Tracked Offers:
Watch pricing trends so you know when the price is just right.

Detail Page:
See what products are available near you so you can pick up in-person right now.

My Offers:
Compare who has what you want and at the price you want.

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUch hier wird wieder die extreme Unterbewertung

05.02.14 17:50

One of the last IPO's Benefitfocus has with 26.3 million similar revenues like Local Corp with 23.5 million in Q3/2013, but with 1,600 million the 43-fold market-cap of the idiotic low 36.6 million of Local Corp.

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaVielleicht gibt es morgen in Deutschland

05.02.14 23:01
etwas für unter 1,20.

Aber gar zu knippig sollte man meines Erachtens bei den gigantischen Vervielfachungschancen nicht sein.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaFeatured Speaker at Street Fight LocalDataSummit

06.02.14 16:37
Local Corporation to be a Featured Speaker at Street Fight"s Local Data Summit
IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 6, 2014-- Local Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that it will be a featured speaker at the Street Fight Local Data Summit, Feb. 25, in Denver, Co.

Local Corporation's vice president of local shopping, Sherry Thomas-Zon, will join other industry executives on a panel titled "The Quantified Shelf and The Promise of Real-Time Inventory" at 12:20 p.m. Mountain time on Tuesday, Feb. 25.

Street Fight's Local Data Summit will include insight from industry experts and explore big data"s impact on local in a one-day intensive event. Street Fight is an essential source of daily information, events and research for insights into hyperlocal marketing and commerce

132 Postings, 5916 Tage ICJensIrre,

06.02.14 18:17
man kann sagen was man will- Die Jungs von YELP haben es drauf.....der Kurs heute Explodiert.
Schaun mer mal, welches Wachstum LOCM am 13.02.13 ankündigt. Ich hoffe  man drückt 200%
in den News ticker 2015.

Yelp (YELP) also soared on strong earnings. Shares jumped 21% after the company matched estimates for a loss of 3 cents a share. Sales growth was strong again, rising 72% to $70.7 million. In fiscal 2014, Yelp is expected to earn 17 cents a share. Annual profit is seen soaring 229% in fiscal 2015.

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaWer zu spät kommt, den bestraft die Börse

06.02.14 22:23
Sell all your extreme overvalued Zillow-shares at once an buy for the amount shares of extremde undervalued Local Corp
Zillow has only the 2.3-fold revenues of Local Corp, but with 3.29 billion the 87-fold market-cap of the idiotic low 37.78 million of Local Corp. Such a divergence will never lasting.

Local Corp., the company that connects consumers with all local businesses, today announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2013
• Sequential revenue growth up 4% to $23.5 million in Q3-13 from $22.7 million in Q2-13.
• Adjusted EBITDA up 12% to $1.3 million in Q3-13 from $1.2 million in Q2-13.

Financial Highlights of Q3/2013 Zillow
• Total revenue for the quarter was just over $53 million.
• Our EBITDA for the quarter was $4.1 million

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnd logischerweise wird die Börse auch unseren

06.02.14 22:28
Jens abzocken, der die seit den Zeiten um das Jahr 2000 meist gepuschte extrem überbewertete Aktie Yelp gut findet - vermutlich war er um 2000 ein Fan von Commerce One und ähnlichem Grobzeug, vielleicht war er allerdings damals auch noch im Kindergarten und hat keine Erfahrung mit Betrügern wie denjenigen, die dieses Teil mit einem Kurs-Umsatz-Verhältnis von 30 immer noch pushen.

Das Kurs-Umsatz-Verhältnis von Local Corp liegt auch nach dem heutigen Kursanstieg immer noch bei 0,4.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaMore simple

06.02.14 22:37
Local Corp has only 0.4-times-revneus, Zillow about 15-timer-revenus - this is a divergence with the factor (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 38. Such a divergence will never lasting for a longer time.

Oder noch einfacher: Wer immer noch in Zillow drin ist und noch nicht zu Local Corp gewechsel ist, muss meines Erachtens als kleines Kind zu heiß gebadet worden sein.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNachbörslich in den USA möglich

06.02.14 23:12
Excellent Chance: You can buy 17,100 shares for only $1.64 now
- an excellent chance for small stupid from the criminal behind The Street Sweeper manipuled naked shortselling-lemmings.

Hoffentlich gilt hier nicht: "Und wenn Du denkst Du hätt's das Glück, dann zieht der Manipulateur den Auftrag zurück."

(frei nach J.W. Goethe, Wilhelm Busch oder vielleicht auch nur Libuda)  

132 Postings, 5916 Tage ICJens#6293...die Nerven liegen Blank......

07.02.14 00:01
Irgendwie schnallst du es nicht, wo pusche ich Yelp? Bitte; ich bin nicht dein Jens!
Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil, ich gönne jeden die Kohle. Ich finde  hinter Yelp  steht ein gutes Shareholder-Value-Mangement.(fehlt noch bei locm)  Wer dem Kurs dort  nach springen will ist mir völlig egal, ich halte KEINE Yelp.
zu LOCM;
hoffe  am 13.02.14 auf eine aggressive Wachstums- Ansage 2015........

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaIm Gegensatz zu IC Jens finde ich ein Management

07.02.14 11:27
und/oder Inkubatoren eines IPO's, die auch ihre Restbestände noch teuer abstoßen wollen, kriminell, wenn sie die eigene Aktie pushen.

Denn wie beim brennenden Streichholz verbrennen sich die letzten, die so etwas anfassen, die Finger.

Oder einfacher ausgedrückt: Während sich Local Corp meines Erachtens im Laufe des Jahren im Kurs verzehnfachen kann, sehe ich Yelp eher bei einem Dirttel seine Kurses, wenn sich 2014 seinem Ende zuneigt.  

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDenn bei den meisten Konsumprodukten liefert

07.02.14 11:34
Local Corp über Krillion und H a v v i t die relevanteren Informationen. Wenn ich ein S4 von Samsung suche, benötige ich dazu keine Bewertungen von Yelp, sondern Informationen, wo ich das in welcher Nähe zu meinem Standort zu welchem Preis bekomme.  Und derartige Infos benötige ich immer wieder, wenn ich neue Produkte kaufe. Habe ich dagegen mit Hilfe von Yelp erst einmal die richtige Kneipe und einen guten Frisör oder Handwerker gefunden, brauche ich Yelp nicht mehr. Der Sättigungseffekt tritt ein - und den haben wir in den USA bei Yelp bereits, die dort in 2013 bei den Monthly Unique Visitors stagnierten. Sie haben das kaschiert, indem sie in Auslandsmärkt gingen - die sind inzwischen ershcöpft, denn in China und Japan ist ein Entry ähnlich schwierig wie auf dem Mond.

Local Corp's powerful shopping infrastructure is unparalleled

Benefit from our dynamic shopping engine that indexes products from over 120,000 retail stores nationwide. Powered by the patented Krillion localization engine, we capture the most current product, pricing, and inventory information across leading consumer brands to deliver locally relevant, up-to-the minute shopping content to your audience. You a looking for a samsung galaxy s4 near Irvine, CA . I am sure you will never use Yelp, but Krillion or the new App H a v v i t from Local Corp-

3.91 Miles
Galaxy S 4 Active - Grey (AT&T)
Micro Center

2.91 Miles
T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S4, Black
was $799.99
21% OFF
Orange County

2.91 Miles
T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S4, White
was $799.99
21% OFF
Orange County

2.01 Miles
RadioShack Samsung Galaxy S4 No-Contract Phone

1.17 Miles
Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB AT&T (Pre-Owned)
Orange County

1.17 Miles
Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB Verizon (Pre-Owned)
Orange County

8.67 Miles
Samsung Galaxy S4 Unlocked
Orange County

1.17 Miles
Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB T-Mobile (Pre-Owned)
Orange County

8.67 Miles
AT&T Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB White $44.99* With 2 Year Contract
Orange County

2.91 Miles
AT&T Samsung Galaxy S4
was $799.99
88% OFF
Orange County

and a lot more.
You a looking for a samsung galaxy s4 near Irvine, CA . I am sure you will never use Yelp, but Krillion or the new App H a v v i t from Local Corp-

3.91 Miles
Galaxy S 4 Active - Grey (AT&T)
Micro Center

2.91 Miles
T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S4, Black
was $799.99
21% OFF
Orange County

2.91 Miles
T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S4, White
was $799.99
21% OFF
Orange County

2.01 Miles
RadioShack Samsung Galaxy S4 No-Contract Phone

1.17 Miles
Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB AT&T (Pre-Owned)
Orange County

1.17 Miles
Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB Verizon (Pre-Owned)
Orange County

8.67 Miles
Samsung Galaxy S4 Unlocked
Orange County

1.17 Miles
Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB T-Mobile (Pre-Owned)
Orange County

8.67 Miles
AT&T Samsung Galaxy S4 16GB White $44.99* With 2 Year Contract
Orange County

2.91 Miles
AT&T Samsung Galaxy S4
was $799.99
88% OFF
Orange County

and a lot more.

fankenguru fankenguru • 25 minutes ago Flag0 users liked this posts users disliked this posts 0 Reply Question: Do you need Yelp or Krillion/Havvit, if you want to buy a smarttphone in the near anc compare the prices?

63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaÜberraschung pur

08.02.14 08:07
The time was never better for a change than today: Local Corp is a tenbagger and Yelp will have at the end of the year only a third of the value of today.

1 Reply to fankenguru fankenguru fankenguru • 38 seconds ago Flag0 users liked this posts users disliked this posts 0 Reply If this will happen, Local Corp's multiple will increase from idiotic low 0.4-times-revenues to 4-times-revenues and the high 27-times-revenues of Yelp will decrease to 9-times-revneues.

And the surprise for you: After this change wiht factor 30 the multiple of Yelp is more than double, too.


63732 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNoch einmal die Ausgangslage

08.02.14 23:00
nach dem letzten Quartalsergebnis vom November:

Key Takeaways from Q3-13 of Local Corp with an idlotic low market-cap off 37 million
Key Takeaways from Q3-13 of Local Corp with an idlotic low market-cap off 39 million yesterday

• Revised 2013 guidance:
» Annual revenue for 2013 is expected to be at the low end of previously provided guidance of $95 to $97 million
» Adjusted EBITDA is expected to be approximately $4.5 million
• Sequential revenue growth up 4% to $23.5 million in Q3-13 from $22.7 million in Q2-13
• Adjusted EBITDA up 12% to $1.3 million in Q3-13 from $1.2 million in Q2-13
• Continued expansion of our highest gross margin business –Network revenue up 190% from Q3-12
• Significant progress related to local shopping
» Launched next generation Krillion®local shopping platform
» Announced agreement to provide location-based product data for major search engine
» Powering shopping channel for Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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