Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.340.394
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:256
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63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaRethink + build Omni-Channels with Bolt

15.11.14 11:46
In the very near future, over a quarter of a Trillion
($US) in premium will go to the winners who solve the insurance omni-channel distribution puzzle.

We have the solution.

Consumers are now accustomed to the easy-to-navigate, information-rich shopping experience offered by most popular retail vendors. Through these shopping channels, they can determine their needs, research information, look up referrals and reviews, compare options and consider solutions before purchasing. In this new retail environment, distribution models must offer consumers the option to shop for and buy insurance through both direct and agency channels.  

The BOLT Platform offers the opportunity to rethink and build Omni-Channel Distribution.


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaStreamline End-of-Year Tax Management

15.11.14 18:45
FolioDynamix Helps Wealth Management Firms Streamline End-of-Year Tax Management across Client Portfolios

NEW YORK, NY – November 13, 2014 – FolioDynamix, a leading provider of wealth management technology and advisory services, today announced that its platform delivers the foundation wealth management firms need to effectively manage end-of-year tax considerations across client portfolios. FolioDynamix provides a full tax optimization toolset as part of its trading and rebalancing solution, giving investment advisors access to the same tools used by institutional investors. In addition, FolioDynamix is offering tax optimization as a turnkey managed service through its FDx Advisors affiliate for firms that are seeking to outsource oversight of this critical function.
With the FolioDynamix platform, financial advisors and portfolio managers are able to leverage a suite of tax-conscious trading tools that help advisors minimize tax consequences for their clients. For example, advisors can harvest losses through quick trading tools, as well as rebalance client portfolios, while preventing short-term gains or wash sale violations – all with the click of a button through an easy-to-use web interface  For ultra-tax-sensitive clients, full risk-adjusted tax optimization rebalancing tools can be leveraged, taking tax management to the next level.
“During end-of-year crunch time, advisors are busier than ever and managing the tax implications of investment decisions across multiple client portfolios can be challenging,” said Joseph Mrak, CEO of FolioDynamix. “The FolioDynamix tax optimizer provides advisors, trust officers and portfolio managers with a framework for decomposing portfolio risk and the tools they need to execute effective tax management actions in line with client objectives. The fact that advisors have access to an industry-leading tax optimization engine within the FolioDynamix wealth management platform gives them the end-to-end visibility they need to deliver better results with greater efficiency.”


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaHier ein paar Details zu FolioDynamix

16.11.14 12:02
aus der Zeit unmittelbar vor dem Verkauf an Actua:

Separately, FolioDynamix, which is backed by Edison Ventures and ABS Capital Partners, is also on the block, two sources said. Evercore is advising on the process, the persons said.
New York-based FolioDynamix provides software for wealth management firms and their affiliated investment advisers. FolioDynamix is seeking a majority recap with a private equity firm or a strategic investor, one banker said. The company produces $40 million in revenue while EBITDA is break-even, the source said.
FolioDynamix could sell for $200 million or more, the source said.



63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaOhne neue Fundamentals okay

16.11.14 22:30
Actua Corp Coverage Initiated by Analysts at Evercore Partners (ACTA)

Posted by Scott Davis on Nov 12th, 2014 // No Comments

Analysts at Evercore Partners assumed coverage on shares of Actua Corp (NASDAQ:ACTA) in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday. The firm set a “buy” rating and a $21.50 price target on the stock. Evercore Partners’ price objective would indicate a potential upside of 26.69% from the stock’s previous close.

Shares of Actua Corp (NASDAQ:ACTA) traded up 0.77% on Tuesday, hitting $17.10. The stock had a trading volume of 30,867 shares. Actua Corp has a 52-week low of $13.24 and a 52-week high of $22.73. The stock has a 50-day moving average of $17.05 and a 200-day moving average of $18.26. The company has a market cap of $638.4 million and a price-to-earnings ratio of 3.78.

Actua Corporation, formerly ICG Group Inc Common Stock, acquires and builds Internet software and services companies.


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaMSDS Online

17.11.14 22:59
With more than 9,000 customers worldwide, MSDSonline is the leading provider of cost-effective, cloud-based solutions that help thousands of businesses across a variety of industries manage global hazard communication (HazCom) regulatory compliance requirements.

Key to our mission is helping workplace safety professionals around the world prepare and manage the transition to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals – better known as GHS – perhaps the most significant regulatory change to hit the EHS industry.  We're here to be your partner in EH&S compliance


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaGut für Bolt

21.11.14 11:52

63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaFür weitere Kurssteigerungen brauchen

21.11.14 22:31
wie vermutlich Erfolgsemeldungen, die meines Eraxchtens auch kommen werden.

Geduld ist, wie ich immer wieder betont habe, hier angesagt - und Rein-Raus-Zocker sollten gefälligst abhauen, denn die sind hier eigentlich falsch am Platz, obwohl sie anderseits allerdings auch Kursverwerfungen produzieren, die man nutzen kann.  


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaNun bin ich hier bald neun Jahre im Thread

21.11.14 22:41
- und da sind 88,27% sicher nicht die Welt. aber man muss eben manchmal auch mit nur 7,28% Verzinsug zufrieden sein. Und viele Stücke von Local Corp habe ich schon vor 12 Jahre gekauft und auch zu besseren Preisen wieder verkauft als sie heute sind.

Aber von meinem Rokordbestand von 20.000 Stück habe ich immer nch 3.000 und gedenke sieauch längerfristig zu halten - zumal wegen des Anschaffungsermins Kursgewinne steuerfrei sind.  


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaNeues Outfit okay

21.11.14 22:50

9251 Postings, 9013 Tage ByblosDas war's doch für den Wert !

22.11.14 09:46
War jahrelang im Vorgängernamen "Internet Capital" investiert.
Libuda versucht alles, doch es hilft nichts.
Wer sich die Charts der verschiedenen Zeiträume anschaut, wird ganz schnell sehen, das
diese Bude ihr Highlight hatte und seit dem erreichen der 22 US Dollar, wo sie noch "Internet Capital" hieß und ich sie glücklicherweise ( 750 Stück ) bei knapp 22 US Dollar verkauft hatte, nur noch am fallen ist.
Es hat sich mittlerweile ein schöner Abwärtstrendkanal ausgebildet.
Bis dieser sein Ende erreicht hat, können Jahre vergehen. Ein erneutes Erreichen der aktuellen Kursstände dann wieder X Jahre. So Wie Libuda hier schreibt, muß man ein halbes Leben investieren,um hinterher mit einem Taschengeld als Gewinn raus zu gehen.

Ich sage nur, Finger weg von dieser Aktie.

Bin von den ganzen kleinen Buden weg und nur noch bei Wirecard 26,95 Kaufkurs, aktuell 33,50 Euro, sowie Airbus Group 49,00 Kaufkurs, aktuell 47,95 Euro investiert.
Mit Wirecard bin ich schon ordentlich fett im Plus.
Mit Acuta ist das nicht zu schaffen.

Acuta hat keine Story und keiner will sie haben !



63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaKleine Bude ist bei knapp 600 Millionen Markt-

22.11.14 16:37
kapitalisierung etwas übertrieben.

Actua Corporation (ACTA)-NasdaqGS  Watchlist
15.59  0.02(0.13%) Nov 21, 4:00PM EST

Prev Close: 15.57
Open: 15.88
Bid: N/A
Ask: 16.00 x 1000
1y Target Est: 24.13
Beta: 1.43
Next Earnings Date: N/A
Day's Range: 15.25 - 16.00
52wk Range: 13.24 - 22.73
Volume: 140,208
Avg Vol (3m): 147,712
Market Cap: 579.92M
P/E (ttm): 3.48
EPS (ttm): 4.49
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaWarum ich hier "nur" noch 3.000 von

22.11.14 16:48
ehemals 20.000 halte, habe ich Byblos auf einem anderen Board heute schon erklärt:

Von meinen auf dem Höhepunkt einst 20.000 Aktien   11:50 #7457  von Internet Capital (die jetzt Actua) heißen, habe ich noch 3.000 Stück. Nicht allle habe ich zum Tiestpreis von $3.40 gekauft, aber die weit überwiegende Zahl zwischen $4 und $6 - verkauft habe ich dann zwischen $15 und $22. Hinzufügen muss ich, dass wir hier über einen Zeitraum von sage und schreibe 12 Jahren reden, denn so lange reicht mein Anlagehoizont bei Papieren, die ich genau beobachte, schon - die durchschnitliche Haltedauer ware dabei grob geschätzt fast 8 Jahre.

Das ist zwar "nur" eine Rendite von 12%, die zudem mit hohen Schwankungen erkauft wurde - aber die Zeiten waren ja auch sehr bewegend.

Mit einem Teil de Verkaufsrlöses bin ich Bei Local Corp eingestiegen - die Gewinnchwelle habe ich da bei dem momnentanen Dip noch nicht erreicht.Die Chance halte ich für größer als bei Internet Capital, aber auch die Risiken. Und wie Du dem Ausgangsposting entnehmen kannnst, bin ich aus dem gleichen Grund eingestiegen wie damals bei Internet Capital: Überdimensionales Shortsellling (vor allem nicht publiziertes nacktes Shorten), das ich fundamental für nicht gerechtfertig halte.

Die momentane Umstrukturierung bei Local Corp zeigt allerdings, wie groß die Risiken in dieser Branche sind. Im Gegensatz zu dem Geheul der Shortseller halte ich die Verschuldung  von Local Corp für sehr gering und beherrscbar Und der Hauptgrund für mein Engagement ist das Know How, das man hat, und die Patente und auch die immer wieder gezeigte Anpassungsfähigkeit in einem sich sehr schnell wandelnden Markt.

Und besser als bei Internet Capial ist bisher, dass Kapitalverwässerungen durch die Ausgabe neuer Aktien, bisher weitgehend vermieden werden konnten. Die bei Internet Capital einmal durchgeführte Verdreifachung der Aktienzahl besetigte die Riisken zwar dramatisch, aber vermutlich wäre ohne sie der Kurs von Internet Capial doppelt so hoch.

Nichtsdestotrotz halte ich die vier Plattformen von Internet Capital (Actua) für sehr aussichsreich (und habe daher auch noch ca. 3.000 Stück), aber das Kurs-Umsatz-Verahältnis liegt hier bei durchaus angemesenen zwischen vier und fünf, während es bei Local Corp (bei alllen Problemen mit der Vergleichbarkeit wegen der hohen cost of reveneus bei Local Corp) unter 0.4 liegt - das ist ein Unterschied von mehr als einer Zehnerpotenz.  


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaErste Plattform:Govdelivery

22.11.14 23:41
Letzte presentation zu GovDelivery
• Increased revenue approximately 21% from Q3 2013
• Hired more than 50 new employees, doubling both the engineering and sales and
marketing teams
• Added 34 new customers in Q3 in the following markets: 14 in state and local, 9 in
the U.K. and 11 in federal
• Continued growth investments have paid off in several ways:
• Clients are highly engaged with solution
• Bringing new capabilities to market that will grow pipelines as well as total
addressable market
• Currently have five large federal deals in mid-to-late pipeline stages


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage Libudanach anfänglicher Skepsis Zustimmung zu dieser

22.11.14 23:53

November 12th, 2014

3 Reasons We’re All In on FolioDynamix

Last week we announced that our acquisition of FolioDynamix has closed and that FolioDynamix is now officially an Actua company. To punctuate this announcement, Joe Mrak, CEO, FolioDynamix, joined our Third Quarter 2014 Earnings Call, and provided some additional insight into the business. Building on that, we also wanted to share the three reasons why we are so excited about our latest addition to Actua. These are:

•FolioDynamix is playing in a HUGE market and one that is significantly under-served by cloud-based solutions; representing an enormous opportunity.  FolioDynamix serves Brokerage firms, Banks (trust & retail), Large RIAs & RIA networks and other fee-based managed account providers – with banking and large brokerage firms representing their sweet spot. Although the total addressable market is difficult to precisely quantify, some suggest between $2B and $5B, on upwards, and more than 320,000 U.S. financial advisors across a variety of channels – there is no doubt that it’s massive.  And with well over 100 opportunities in the FolioDynamix pipeline, we are ready to capture the value in this market and grow it over time.  In addition, FolioDynamix typically competes against old legacy systems and methods (i.e. Excel spreadsheets) that are siloed and/or often times homegrown. Many of these legacy platforms and processes were formed through evolution rather than with clients in mind, which is where FolioDynamix can really add value.  Depending on the historical choices of their clients, their modular products are ideal for solving whatever their customer pain points are – however big or small.

•FolioDynamix is alleviating severe customer pain points. As discussed, FolioDynamix is primarily selling against the old ways of doing business.  Advisors are under tremendous pressure to attract the best and the brightest talent, and often, technology can be a key point of differentiation in the recruiting process, especially when it can make advisors more efficient and free up their time to better serve customers, like FolioDynamix’s platform can. In addition, this market is facing growing complexity and compliance requirements, seeking solutions to help better manage those pressures. And finally, this market can’t afford lengthy, time consuming and expensive system implementations – they need a solution that can be easily set up and ready to go, as well as one that will innovate along with the industry to keep pace with trends and drivers. For all of these reasons (and more) we firmly believe that FolioDynamix is well positioned to serve their market and alleviate the biggest pain points of its customers now and ongoing.

•FolioDynamix offers a very differentiated and comprehensive solution.  FolioDynamix is the first and only single code-based, comprehensive wealth management platform – designed to manage the whole wealth management lifecycle across all account types. Their growth to date has been a product of focused and innovative R&D efforts – rather than piecemeal acquisitions, which has resulted in a comprehensive platform that has kept pace with industry trends and pressures.  Furthermore, given the integrated nature of their platform, new product development is fast to market and available to all customers simultaneously – without further investment or implementation. But you don’t have to take our word for it, watch this video, featuring FolioDynamix’s client, Cetera Financial, on how the use of the FolioDynamix platform has transformed their business for the better.

Finally, we are bullish about FolioDynamix because of what they have accomplished to date. We have watched from the sidelines as they have grown into a rapidly growing business. On an annual revenue run rate of over $30 million and cash flow positive at the end of 2014, FolioDynamix is well positioned for future growth and success. We are looking forward to fortifying the foundation they have built and capturing the enormous market opportunity we have in front of us.

In the meantime CEO, Joe Mrak is, “excited that FolioDynamix is now an Actua Company.  Actua has a strong track record of turbo-charging their companies through the Actua Growth Engine which drives growth in five key ways. Now, with the deal closed, I am looking forward to turning my full attention and focus back to our clients and Sales and Business Development efforts to drive growth and continue our quest to bring the transformative effects of the cloud to the wealth management industry.”



63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaZweite Plattform: MSDSonline

23.11.14 15:34
• Added more than 500 new customers to platform, bringing total customer count to
approximately 10,000
• Experienced 44% year-over-year revenue growth, along with 40% increase in
• Acquired KMI, adding extensive cloud-based incident management capabilities for
environmental, health and safety market
• Effectively doubled the size of the addressable market, particularly with large
enterprise customers
• In its first two months as a MSDSonline/Actua company, KMI had a record
quarter, adding seven new customers

Source: Slide Presentation of last Q3/2014-report  


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaBest Practices Awards

25.11.14 20:19
BOLT Solutions Congratulates Citizens on Its First Place Win in the INN Vanguards in Insurance VIP Best Practices Awards
3 Hours AgoGlobe Newswire

NEW YORK, Nov. 25, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BOLT Solutions, Inc. (www.boltinc.com), provider of the leading online sales and service platform to the property and casualty (P&C) insurance industry, congratulates its customer Citizens Property Insurance Corporation on being named the first place winner of this year's Insurance Networking News (INN) VIP Best Practices Award, presented at the recent 2014 Vanguards in Insurance Practices (VIP) Awards ceremony held in New Orleans.


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaFolioDynamics

26.11.14 00:06
Innovation & Efficiency for Investment Advisors and Portfolio Managers

The right technology solution will enable you to be more productive, free up more quality client advisory time each day, and ultimately attract more wealth.

As someone on the front lines of investment management, you struggle daily with manual processes, paper-based or one-dimensional account and portfolio management systems, lack of a single view of all of your accounts and assets under management, and outdated, cumbersome technology. These frustrations lead to a time and productivity drain and leave you with increasingly less time to focus on client advice, client service and new business development.

Your reputation and performance are at stake – it is time to demand modern, integrated technology, business process automation solutions, and a unified desktop toolset.

The good news is that there is a single solution that will meet the front-, middle- and back-office needs of the home office, while also giving asset managers, portfolio managers, overlay managers, and advisors a powerful and intuitive user interface to manage all of their activities with support throughout the full wealth management lifecycle.

All of your accounts on a single software platform with a unified desktop interface, built-in business process management, support for multiple programs, and the research, investment models and connectivity you need to be successful – now that is a dream come true. Tell your firm to contact FolioDynamix today.
- See more at: http://www.foliodynamix.com/clients/...novation/#sthash.xVqioVxD.dpuf  


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaWie man ein solches Unternehmen bewerten

26.11.14 00:11
muss - daran tue ich mich schwer.

Und so geht es wohl einigen, was meines Erachten den Rückgang von fast ca. 23 Dollar auf das momentane Niveau erklärt - nachdem 200 Millionen Cash in eine Beteiligung an FoliaDyamix umgewandelt wurden.  


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaLöschung

02.12.14 17:21

Zeitpunkt: 03.12.14 08:15
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt




63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaLöschung

02.12.14 18:03

Zeitpunkt: 03.12.14 08:14
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt




63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaSeit man dieses Unternehmen

02.12.14 22:02
für das 6-fache Umsatzmultiple gekauft hat, ist der Kurs zurückgegangen, was meines Eechtens zumindest im Vergleich mit anderen Unternehmen unverständlich ist:

FolioDynamix Background - FIRM OVERVIEW
Award-winning provider of investment management programs and wealth management platform solutions to financial service organizations

•Brokerage firms,
•Banks (trust & retail)
•Large RIAs & RIA networks
•Other fee-based managed account providers

•Net revenue over $30M
•Growing 40%
•Cash flow and adjusted net income positive

•$668B in AUA,
•$20.7B in AUM

•208 including LPL, Raymond James, Pershing, Cetera, BB&T and many others


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaDenn diese zugekauften Umsätze sind zum Beispiel

02.12.14 22:04
haushoch besser als sie Umsätze von Rocket, das mit dem 30-fachen seiner Umsätze bewrtet wrid.  


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaAlleinstellungsmerkmale von Foliodynamix

03.12.14 11:04

• Automated trading across entire book with real-time executions and allocations
Trade model changes, single securities or product swaps

• Trade Supervisor Portal provides pre-trade edit and review & release functionality

• Multi-custodian client base supported on single platform

• Real time allocations allow for positions to be traded more than once a day

• Complex order support including trading options



63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaNoch zu Foliodynamix

03.12.14 12:54
• Large market

• Increasing fragmentation

• Severe customer pain point

• Increased complexity driven by customers needs

• Limited cloud penetration

• Provides a strong ROI to customers

• Extremely sticky; 100%+ revenue retention

• Unique asset with a significant competitive moat

Quelle: siehe #6173  


63726 Postings, 7372 Tage LibudaPflichtlektüre

08.12.14 19:22

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