Local.com aussichtsreich

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Eröffnet am:03.11.09 12:52von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.314
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9794 Postings, 6654 Tage TykoEigentlich sind

15.12.13 13:09
"Shorter " nur dann erfolgreich wenn das Unternehmen die angestrebten Ziele nicht erreicht bzw. zukünftige Erwartungen nicht erfüllen wird.

Und Dein" local" scheint nicht in der Lage zu sein dies zu ändern bzw. zu können....folglich wird neben weiteren kommenden Shortangriffen ein Longie sich mit Zukäufen zurückhalten....(never catch a falling knife)

Da kann es eigentlich nur weiter abwärts gehen....

Bin kein Chartanalyst aber das sieht einfach nur schlecht aus.....
(Bauchgefühl) , da nutzt es auch nix zigmal täglich irgendwas zu posten...dennoch viel Glück..

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnd das ist der Chef des Street Sweeper

15.12.13 13:23
"The Streetsweeper-website is run by an individual named Hunter Adams, a felon previously convicted of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, money laundering and racketeering stemming from his participation in "pump-and-dump" stock schemes and his ties to the Gambino organized crime family."

Source: Motley Fool  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDas sehen andere und ich völlig anders als Tyko

15.12.13 13:34
so zum Beispiel Merriman Capital mit einem Kursziel von $4,50 - das ist fast dreimal so hoch wie der momentane Kurs von 1,62. Und dass sich Analysten so weit aus dem Fenster wagen kommt selten vor (siehe dazu auch den nachstehenden Bericht aus dem Wall Street Journal) - es ist also keineswegs so, dass ich hier mit meinen Analysen allein auf weiter Flur bin

"Merriman Capital Initiates on Local Corporation with a Buy Rating

SAN FRANCISCO - September 16, 2013 - Merriman Capital, Inc. ("Merriman"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Merriman Holdings, Inc. (OTCQX: MERR), announced today that it has initiated equity research coverage of Local Corporation ("the Company") (NASDAQ: LOCM) at Buy and a $4.50 price target.

Headquartered in Irvine, California, Local Corporation provides a powerful & localized online search platform that leverages strong distribution agreements with the world's leading web search gorillas: Google and Yahoo!/Bing. The company was founded under the name eLiberation in 1999 as a search aggregator working with a network of websites to publish national advertisements. It then launched a new web site, www.local.com, as an internal web portal, which shifted the company's focus away from national advertisements to regionally-based ads. Now the company has grown further by leveraging this platform with established digital media companies across the country to create new local venues for online local search and advertising.

The company's "owned & operated" (O&O) web portal, www.local.com, represents a powerful search engine and online shopping data aggregation platform. It can be used as a basic search platform to search for anything, especially if it is focused within a select location. When consumers use the platform coupled with its many regional media publishers, Local provides a wealth of community-based search data that sets it apart as a unique data resource."


63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaBei kleinen Marktkapitalisierungen können

15.12.13 13:55
finanzstarke Shortseller und/oder viel angeklickte Intenetseiten wie The Street Sweeper den Kurs durchaus einige Zeit beeinflussen - und sei es auch nur, wie ich das bei Local Corp sehe, um Lemminge auch noch während der Zeit zum nackten Leerverkauf zu verleiten, in der man selbst schon kauft, um seine Leerpositionen einzudecken bzw. erste Positionen aufzubauen. Denn genau das ist die von einige Gruppen in den USA praktizierte Strategie, die zu meiner großen Verwunderung von der SEC toleriert (noch) wird - in Deutschland wäre das meines Erachtens eine Marktmanipulation nach dem Wertpapierhandelsgesetz.

Ein ähnliches Spielchen wurde bei dem anderen Wert, zu dem ich insbesondere in den letzten Jahren hier und anderweitig viel gepostet habe durchgezogen: ICG Group. Dort stieg der Kurs mit der gleichen Begleitmusik von $3,40 auf $18, wobei man mit ca. zehn Jahren gigantische Geduld aufbringen musste.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaZum Beispiel sieht der Disclaimer des

15.12.13 14:19
The Street Sweeper wie folgt aus:

I can't understand that the SEC, Finra and the Attorney of New York tolerating such a criminal part of an disclaimer:

"THE STREET SWEEPER'S OWNERS DO HOLD STOCKS IN COMPANIES THAT ARE REVIEWED ON THIS WEBSITE and will regularly take long or short positions in the securities of any publicly traded company at any time before or after the company is the subject of, or otherwise discussed or referred to in articles or other writing on our website. .................................

THESE POSITIONS WILL AFFECT OUR OBJECTIVITY. Each investor must make his or her own decisions based on independent research and their judgment of the market as well as consultation with a qualified licensed investment professional."  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDass ich bei den günstigen Kursen in 2013

15.12.13 16:19
massiv aufgestockt habe, habe ich ja hier nie verschwiegen. Und auch damit war ich beleibe nicht allein auf weiter Flur, sondern hatte dabei promienente Begleiter (auch wenn die hier anführten Goldmänner nicht mit Goldman Sachs identisch sind):

12 Institutional Holders increased the ownership in Q3/2013

Owner Name
Shared Held
Change (Shares)
Value(in 1,000s)























































D. E. SHAW & CO., INC.


















63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaLocal Corp in compare with the Competitors Quadant

15.12.13 21:08
Fusion by Local represents the largest regional news network
while offering the premium positioning, guaranteed placement,
and targeting capabilities that agencies demand for their clients.

Local Corp in compare with the Competitors Quadant One and Centro

Type of Network
Near Premium Content
Rich Media/Mobile/Video
Targeting Capabilities
Publicly Traded
Hyper-Local Sites

Local Corp
Independent Company

Quadrant One
Media Consortium

Run of Network
Independent Company

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaMein Kursziel sind $11,80 in the next 12 month

15.12.13 21:29
That are only a market-cap of 271 million and by revenues of after my estimates 115 million in 2014 after 95 million in 2013 only low 2.4-times-revenues.

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDenn auch das zuletzt stark schwächelnde

15.12.13 21:59
Owned & Opeated-Geschäft schein wieder Boden unter den Füßen zu spüren:

"Switching now to overall trends in the business, O&O has faced monetization headwinds for about two years now due to the decline in RPC as the large ad supplier. So you are seeing that trend in year-over-year comparisons. Third quarter is seasonally weak, but we expect a seasonally strong fourth quarter. As we look to 2014, we believe that the addition of real-time shopping content opens up an entirely new dimension to our O&O business.

For example, we are bidding on millions of active key words today, but less than 3% of those keywords are for products. We think there is an enormous opportunity to expand our SEM activities, once we integrate our shopping data into our O&O sites which will begin early in the New Year.

This additional traffic to our site has the potential to really expand our reach in a material way, which would lead to greater revenues for our O&O division and would also serve to reduce our reliance on third-party ad suppliers."  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaTrack savings, compare prices and find it near you

16.12.13 00:12
Havvit™ - Shop for what you love, track savings, compare prices and find it near you.

By Local Corporation

View More By This Developer

Open iTunes to buy and download apps.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaFive key patents in the mobile pay-per-call space

16.12.13 10:13
Pay-Per-Call Ad Spending Projected to Reach $8.1 Billion by 2018

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--November 21, 2013-- Local Corporation (NASDAQ:LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that it partnered with Borrell Associates on a forecast of the online pay-per-call advertising market.

The research, which was commissioned by Local Corporation and conducted by Borrell Associates, estimates that online pay-per-call ad spending will grow from $1.7 billion in 2013 to $8.1 billion by 2018. The forecast also estimates that use of pay-per-call advertising among U.S. businesses that market online is projected to more than double by 2018.

Local Corporation has been issued five patents related to pay-per-call advertising solutions, including U.S. patent number 8,359,049, which is directed to various aspects of mobile, pay-per-call directory assistance and advertising systems and/or methods.

"Industry experts are projecting that within five years, 80 percent of local searches will be done on a mobile device(1) . We believe the pay-per-call mobile lead generation ad model will be instrumental in monetizing these local consumers on mobile devices," said Heath Clarke, Local Corporation chairman and CEO.

"This new research validates the investments we've made in building our intellectual property portfolio over the past decade," added Clarke. "With five key patents in the mobile pay-per-call space, we feel we're uniquely positioned to generate royalty revenues from the growing pay-per-call market."

Quelle: The Wallstreet Journal  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage Libudazu #6036

16.12.13 10:34

"Advertisers are continually looking for new ways to harness consumer demand for their products and services. The mobile pay-per-call lead generation ad model allows them to reach these consumers and convert them into customers," said Michael Sawtell, Local Corporation president and COO.

Local Corporation has been issued five patents related to pay-per-call advertising solutions, including U.S. patent number 8,359,049, which is directed to various aspects of mobile, pay-per-call directory assistance and advertising systems and/or methods.

"With industry experts projecting that within five years, 80 percent of local searches will be done on a mobile device(1), we believe the pay-per-call mobile lead generation ad model will be a crucial component to monetize these local consumers on mobile devices," added Sawtell. "Our new mobile pay-per-call lead generation network leverages our valuable intellectual property to take advantage of this rapidly growing segment."

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDa kommt nich einmal Libuda dran vorbei, der

16.12.13 15:25
bekanntlich überall vorbeikommt, und schon gar nicht die vielen kleinen nackten Shortseller, die sich momentan noch von The Street Sweeper zum nackten Shorten animieren lassen, während der criminal crime behind The Street Sweeper schlon längst auf der Kauferseite steht:
Revenues in Q4/2013 will be 27 million

Revenues in 2013
Q1/2013: 21.8 million (reported)
Q2/2013: 22.7 million (reported)
Q3/2013: 23.5 million (reported)
Q4/2013: 27.0 million (result of the last guidance of 95 million, if you subtract from this 95 million the revenues of Q1 - Q3).

EBITDA of Local Corp was positive during all the last three quarters in 2013 and increased from quarter to quarter

Financials and Key Metrics at a Glance
$ in Millions Q3-13 Q2-13 Q3-12
GAAP Consolidated Revenue $ 23.5 $ 22.7 $ 24.4
Consolidated Revenue ex-Network TAC $ 15.7 $ 15.8 $ 22.3
GAAP Net Loss $ (1.7) $ (3.6) $ (3.8)
Adjusted EBITDA $ 1.3 $ 1.2 $ 0.2

And the justed EBITDA will be positive with 1.8 million after the guidance (4.5 million for all quarters of 2013) und grow the fourth more in a row.

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDas neue App von Local Corp

16.12.13 17:37

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDie neue App ist meines Erachtens vom Feinsten

16.12.13 19:30
und daher hat der kriminelle Crime behind The Street Sweeper auch alles unternommen, damit sich niemand auf dem Aktienboard von Yahoo über diese App informieren kann. Vermutlich haben sie dem Webmaster, mit welchen Mitteln auch immer, den Bären aufgebunden, dass eine Erläuterung der neuen App Werbung sei - nach der Meldung, dass es diese Web gibt, würde jede Anschlussinformation nicht mehr akzeptiert.

Dies zeigt, dass die Manipulateure befürchten, dass ihnen die nackt shortenden Lemminge von der Stange gehen.  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage Libudazu #6039

16.12.13 21:43
Aus der App-Ankündiung - und schon diese wenige Zeilen tilte der Webmaster von Yahoo, weil die nackten Shortseller ihn vorab, durch was immer auch (was ich mir aber gut vorstellen kann), dazu gebracht haben, weitere Informationen zu unterdrücken. Das ist zwar kriminell, aber die SEC hat schließlich viel zu tun:

Shop Like You've
Never Shopped Before.

Havvit finds what you love, tracks what you want, checks who else has it, compares everything you're craving and works even when you're not on the app. Now you can finally have it the way you want it. You have to shop it to believe it!

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage Libudabig challenge in mobile

17.12.13 08:47
Monetization is a big challenge in mobile, and we believe pay per call is a natural solution
We have five pay per call patents.

» First one filed in 2002


Reply Pay-Per-Call Ad Spending Projected to Reach $8.1 Billion by 2018

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 21, 2013-- Local Corporation (NASDAQ:LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced that it partnered with Borrell Associates on a forecast of the online pay-per-call advertising market.

The research, which was commissioned by Local Corporation and conducted by Borrell Associates, estimates that online pay-per-call ad spending will grow from $1.7 billion in 2013 to $8.1 billion by 2018. The forecast also estimates that use of pay-per-call advertising among U.S. businesses that market online is projected to more than double by 2018.

Local Corporation has been issued five patents related to pay-per-call advertising solutions, including U.S. patent number 8,359,049, which is directed to various aspects of mobile, pay-per-call directory assistance and advertising systems and/or methods.

"Industry experts are projecting that within five years, 80 percent of local searches will be done on a mobile device1. We believe the pay-per-call mobile lead generation ad model will be instrumental in monetizing these local consumers on mobile devices," said Heath Clarke, Local Corporation chairman and CEO.

"This new research validates the investments we've made in building our intellectual property portfolio over the past decade," added Clarke. "With five key patents in the mobile pay-per-call space, we feel we're uniquely positioned to generate royalty revenues from the growing pay-per-call market."

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaVon Leistung aus Leidenschaft nichts zu sehen

17.12.13 10:08
Lloyd Walmsley from Deutsche Bank is an idiot, because he overlooked, that the multiple of Local Corp with an EBITDA of 4.5 million and a market-cap of 47 million is for 2013 better than the for 2015 estimated multiples for Trulia

Trulia Cheapest Internet Growth Stock For 2015, Deutsche Says

BY Shanthi Bharatwaj| 12/13/13 - 10:28 AM EST

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Online real estate search company Trulia(TRLA_)is among the cheapest internet growth stocks around, according to Deutsche Bank analyst Lloyd Walmsley.

At a market price of $29.75, shares trade at roughly 12 times its 2015 EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization). That is cheaper than real estate company Move(MOVE_), even though Trulia is forecast to grow much faster.

Deutsche predicts Trulia will grow revenue 30% in 2015, versus 11% at Move. Meanwhile, EBIDTA is expected to grow 78%.

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaHavvit in Screenwork

17.12.13 19:52
Havvit: New Local Product-Inventory App from Local Corp
Monday, December 16, 2013 (Screenwerk)

Local Corp. has released Havvit, a local-shopping app that leverages the Krillion data and infrastructure that it acquired a couple of years ago. The company intends the app to be a stand-alone consumer experience as well as a “showcase” of what can be done with its data.
I found Havvit overall to be a well designed and visually appealing app, though less complete in several respects than Find&Save. The latter is cross platform and has additional features not present in Havvit. However the two are not strictly competitors, Local/Krillion could supply data to Find&Save.
Like Find&Save, Havvit can be customized (follow stores and product categories) and equally supports e-commerce. In addition it has a useful product price-tracking capability not present in Find&Save. But like Find&Save, Havvit doesn’t have product reviews. Krillion product lead (former Krillion CEO) Sherry Thomas-Zon says that reviews are definitely on the roadmap.

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaAnd Screenwork added:

17.12.13 20:38
"The advent of mobile shopping and the use of smartphones in stores makes Havvit and the underlying product data/technology immensely more valuable to Local Corp and its partners.

The company has a publisher ad network and it could easily syndicate these local product data to that network and well beyond, via an API. The company describes the Krillion platform “data as a service.” In the past some Krillion partners (e.g., the old Superpages) have not known what to do with local product data on their PC sites. With mobile and new consumer behaviors it’s self evident."

Source: Read the complete text direct on Screenwork  

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage Libudahavvit-shopping-app-air-check

17.12.13 23:39

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaTime finally right for these local inventory apps

18.12.13 10:35
and services

Sherry Thomas-Zon told me yesterday on the phone that, since the acquisition, Krillion has worked very hard to improve the quality, accuracy and real-time nature of the data through a combination of retailer feeds, manufacturer data and enhanced web crawling. She also was especially pleased about the accuracy of Krillion’s product pricing data, which was updated daily if not more frequently.

In the local shopping/real-time product inventory segment Krillion is something of a survivor (although now part of Local). NearbyNow, Milo, ShopLocal and several others were present but are essentially now gone from the market.

Gannett’s ShopLocal pivoted and there’s little evidence of NearbyNow’s or Milo’s continued post-acquisition vitality. Now in this space are Find&Save, Retailigence and Goodzer. Google has also been in the “real-time inventory” market for some time but only in a limited way (now in doubt post PLA). Then there are a host of local coupon providers, which operate in a similar but adjacent segment.

It’s amazing how long it has taken for retailers to “get on board” with real-time inventory (and participation is uneven). But the time is finally right for these local inventory apps and services.

Havvit: New Local Product-Inventory App from Local Corp
Monday, December 16, 2013 (Screenwerk)

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSpotlight on the Mobile Local Shopper

18.12.13 10:54
IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Local Corporation (NASDAQ: LOCM), a leading online local media company, today announced the launch of version 1.0 of its Havvit™ local shopping app for iOS® 7-enabled devices, powered by the company’s Krillion® local shopping platform.

“Mobile Momentum: Spotlight on the Mobile Local Shopper”

The app supports busy, local consumers, enabling them to track savings, compare prices and find products nearby, all from their selected favorite stores and brands. Havvit delivers a powerfully personalized shopping experience, allowing users to select items from the shopping categories and stores they love most and want to follow.

The Krillion local shopping data index, one of the largest and most comprehensive in the industry, now includes over 84,000 retail stores, covering over 3,000 shopping categories, representing millions of localized products. The Krillion platform aggregates national and regional retail shopping content, including retail locations, brands, product categories, product images and inventory availability data. The Havvit app and the company’s shopping content solutions for online publishers and search engines are just two of many possible integrations of the Krillion data into websites and apps that local consumers rely on to get the information they need to make purchasing decisions.

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWachstum vom Feinsten

18.12.13 20:30
Strong Growth of Network Rev (GAAP, in million) and Network Reveneus ex TAC
Network Rev (GAAP, in million) – Traffic Aquisitions Cost (TAC) = Network Reveneus ex TAC

Q2/12 $4.1 – 2.0 = 2.1
Q3/12 $5.0 – 2.1 = 2.9
Q4/12 $7.6 – 3.7 = 3.9
Q1/13 $8.3 – 4.2 = 4.1
Q2/13 $11.6 – 6.8 = 4.8
Q3/13 $14.5 – 7.7 = 6.8

And this strong growth will going on if you take a look at this from CEO Heath on the last Conference Call: "Network is growing very rapidly and we will take a bit of breather during the fourth quarter to deploy new network traffic management tools in order to resume growth in this business in 2014. Once again, shopping data represents the whole new dimension to our Network business for 2014. More content usually means more traffic and more revenue and we are rolling that content out on next year."

Source: Read the complete transcript of the last conference call direct on Seeking Alpha.

63746 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWas Havvit nschlagbar macht

19.12.13 00:11
fankenguru fankenguru • 0 seconds ago Flag0 users liked this posts users disliked this posts 0 Reply The company has a publisher ad network and it could easily syndicate these local product data to that network and well beyond, via an API
The advent of mobile shopping and the use of smartphones in stores makes Havvit and the underlying product data/technology immensely more valuable to Local Corp and its partners.

The company has a publisher ad network and it could easily syndicate these local product data to that network and well beyond, via an API. The company describes the Krillion platform “data as a service.” In the past some Krillion partners (e.g., the old Superpages) have not known what to do with local product data on their PC sites. With mobile and new consumer behaviors it’s self evident."

Source: Read the complete text direct on Screenwork Les

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