Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.340.743
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:311
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63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaWhiteFence Releases New Consumer Savings Tool Box

20.07.13 11:55
Houston, TX (PRWEB) June 28, 2013

Today, WhiteFence announces a brand new resource tool box that displays three useful informational links for consumers to utilize. The tool box provides access to three savings resources: a free change of address utility, a content library of money saving tips, and a blog full of the latest new on home services and utilities. This tool box can be found on WhiteFence.com between the recently launched home utilities index and price tracker widgets.

The change of address form tool lets consumers file a no-cost official change of address request with the USPS. WhiteFence has partnered up with Updater.com, an online service that helps consumers manage the moving process from start to finish. The process to change an address is a simple three steps and takes only a few minutes to complete. Users enter their old address, new address, name, the date they plan on moving, who’s moving, and if it is permanent or temporary. Once that is complete, consumers can check out exclusive offers, and then update their magazine subscriptions as well as any other accounts. This is a safe and secure service offered without charge.


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInstis kaufen weiter zu

22.07.13 17:56

PEMBROKE MANAGEMENT, LTD bought additonal 611,000 shares in Q2

Owner Name


Shared Held

Change (Shares)


Value(in 1,000s)






29,569 L


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaFreeborders boomt

23.07.13 19:59

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaIch finde diese Liste schon umwerfend

23.07.13 23:13

Current Listings


.Net Developer (318-542)
Beijing, , China

.Net development manager (322-542)
Beijing, , China

.NET Engineer (454-542)
Guangzhou, , China

.Net Engineer (407-542)
Wuxi, , China

.Net Senior Developer (C#) (421-542)
Guangzhou, , China

.NET/VB/PB Engineer (453-542)
Guangzhou, , China

PMO C# Engineer (328-542)
Beijing, , China

VB Engineer (363-542)
Guangzhou, , China

VB/.Net Engineer (TIPS SE/SA) (439-542)
Guangzhou, , China

VBA (480-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Senior Andiord Developer (482-542)
Guangzhou, , China


.Net architect (155-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Solution Architect (429-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Sr . Java Architech (154-542)
Shenzhen, , China


AS400 Engineer (335-542)
Guangzhou, , China

AS400/COBOL Engineer (423-542)
Guangzhou, , China


BI Engineer (478-542)
Guangzhou, , China

BI Engineer (235-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Informatica/CR (Information System Analyst) (440-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Business Analyst

Senior BA (461-542)
Shenzhen, , China

BA (459-542)
Beijing, , China

BA (477-542)
Guangzhou, , China

BA (449-542)
Shenzhen, , China

BA (463-542)
Beijing, , China

BA 2 (464-542)
Beijing, , China

Sr. Business Analyst (487-542)
Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

Credit Clearing Business Analyst (RE4)
New York, New York, United States

Implementation Consultant (187-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Intermedia BA (460-542)
Shenzhen, , China

PM/Architect/BA (431-542)
Shenzhen, , China

PMO(BA经纪风控) (250-542)
Beijing, , China

Developer - Database

QA Engineer (448-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Developer - IT Systems

.Net Developer (127-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Powerbuilder Engineer (413-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Sybase/SQL Engineer (425-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Testing (78-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Wave Supporter (404-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Developer - Software

Automation testers (444-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Web Service Backend Developer (445-542)
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Talent Pool (68-542)
Shenzhen, , China

UniVerse Engineer (2584885)
Greensboro, , United States

Developer - Storage

UniVerse Engineer (2584885)
Greensboro, , United States

UniVerse Engineer (2584885)
Greensboro, , United States

UniVerse Engineer (2584885)
Greensboro, , United States

Developer - Web

HTML5 Engineer (434-542)
Beijing, , China


Flex Technical Lead (361-542)
Shenzhen, , China


Front-end developer (484-542)
Wuxi, , China

Front-end Developer (476-542)
Beijing, , China


Front-end developer (372-542)
Beijing, , China



63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaFortsetzung von #5854

23.07.13 23:14
Java & Orcacle Engineer (473-542)
Beijing, , China

Java developer (462-542)
Beijing, , China

Java Developer(ESB) (411-542)
Beijing, , China

Java Engineer (401-542)
Wuhan, Hubei, China

Java Engineer (SSA/SA/Web) (438-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer (472-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Java Engineer (1)
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Java Engineer (333-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer-1 -CITICS (433-542)
Beijing, , China

Java Engineer-2 (442-542)
Beijing, , China

Junior iOS developer (457-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Loan IQ API Lead (RE2)
Jersey City, , United States

Middle Coldfusion (475-542)
Shenzhen, , China

PMO Java&Python Engineer (358-542)
Beijing, , China

Professional Services Software Engineer (199-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Senior iOS Developer (458-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Sharepoint Engineer (427-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Snior Coldfusion (474-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Sr Java Engineer (452-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Web Developer (Java) (422-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Mainframe Engineer (481-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Oracle Engineer (432-542)
Beijing, , China


PHP Engineer (379-542)
Wuhan, Hubei, China

Project Management

Transition Manager - NY (RE3)
New York, , United States

PM (88-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Project Manager (450-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Project Manager (298-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Quality Assurance

Middle QA (486-542)
Shenzhen, , China

QA Engineer (443-542)
Beijing, , China


Ruby & Rails Developer (402-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Ruby Developer (383-542)
Beijing, , China


Assistant Account Manager(GZ) (371-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Sales Excutive (312-542)
San Francisco, California, United States


ESB Engineer (483-542)
Beijing, , China

ETL Developer (485-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Production Support (479-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Team Lead

Finance Cost&FA Manager (471-542)
Shenzhen, , China

QA lead / Test Lead (378-542)
Miami, California, United States


QA Engineer (447-542)
Shenzhen, , China

QA Engineer (319-542)
Beijing, , China

QA Engineer (437-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Senior implement Analyst (382-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Senior QA Engineer (301-542)
Shenzhen, , China

QA lead / Test Lead (375-542)
Miami, California, United States

QA lead / Test Lead (376-542)
Miami, California, United States

QA lead / Test Lead (377-542)
Miami, California, United States

Tester (418-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Tester (435-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Tester (441-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Solution Consultant (317-542)
Shanghai, , China

UI Designer (403-542)
Guangzhou, , China

UI Designer (412-542)
Beijing, , China

UI Designer (137-542)
Shenzhen, , China  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaICG Group hat den Anteil an Bot (früher Seapss)

27.07.13 00:28
auf 51% aufgestockt:



63738 Postings, 7373 Tage Libudazu #5856

27.07.13 10:08
Advantage Bolt
Expand your distribution channels while providing complete coverage for all of your customers' risks

The Bolt Platform provides agents and consumers with a better way to choose and buy insurance through their preferred channel. Channel flexibility is critical for today and into the future.

The consumer is the clear winner in this insurance paradigm. Given the technology platforms and buying behavior exhibited today and expected in the future the consumer is telling carriers "Sell me insurance the way I want to buy it." Direct-to-consumer models, agency models, wholesale models, and even alternate distribution models are now a significant part of the mix. Bottom line: The flexibility of your distribution model must fit the flexibility of your product set. Technology and process cannot get in the way of the insurance buying decision.

We have the answer in the Bolt Platform.

According to a recent McKinsey study, consumers now want to buy insurance their way, through whatever distribution channel works best for them – whether that be through Agents, with a direct model or some combination. Your systems and products have to accommodate the way people shop for and buy insurance today. Carriers use the Bolt Platform to serve all of the insurance needs of their customers, while driving market share, retention, increasing revenue per customer and providing the best possible customer experience.

“The Bolt Platform supported the creation of a new distribution channel for Hiscox—agency distribution partnerships. In the first few months of Bolt’s production, over 400 Hiscox small business policies were issued via the platform. With additional Hiscox states, classes of business and products subsequently added, production expanded rapidly on a national basis. Hiscox has also seen an increase in quotes presented on Hiscox small business products. On average, quote volume increased by 5% in Q4 2012 as a result of this initiative and since the consumer does not have to re-enter data and the transactions are online, quotes are presented in real-time rather than days.”
— Celent Model Carrier Award

A significant part of the Bolt Platform is its built-in optionality. There’s no one size that fits all – you’re unique. We will work with you to provide you with the platform you need. Your needs and our service model can be configured to what you need today and in the future. The Bolt Platform has an inherently flexible business model built-in and carriers can choose one or all of the following Bolt Platform offerings based on your needs. Less

SeaPass Hub User Community Exceeds 6000 Agents – Growth of 1000% over the Past Year
Press Release: SeaPass Solutions, Inc. – Wed, Feb 27, 2013 9:00 AM ESTEmail0Share0Print

SeaPass Solutions, Inc. (hub.seapass.com), a leading independent provider of web-based insurance distribution solutions to the property and casualty (P&C) insurance industry, today announced that the SeaPass Hub’s registered number of users now exceeds 6,000, representing an annual growth of more than 1000%.

The SeaPass Hub was developed to provide independent agents, wholesalers and aggregators a way to shop for and quote insurance online. With access to multiple product lines, from multiple carriers, agents are able to quickly obtain and compare premiums, and quote the majority of popular risks for their customers, including business owners policy (BOP), general liability (GL), package, commercial auto, workers compensation, and now surplus lines. This unique platform helps insurance industry partners serve all of the insurance needs of their customers, while driving market share, retention and increasing revenue per customer. The addition of the Hub offering for wholesalers, aggregators, and MGAs has added significantly to this year’s growth.

“This latest milestone validates the competitive value the SeaPass Hub provides for carriers as well as for independent agents and other distribution channels,” said Tim Attia, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for SeaPass.“Given the rapid and broad adoption of our Hub, we are continually looking for and investing in new and better ways to deliver insurance to the industry – whether it’s buying, selling, or servicing.”
SeaPass Hub User Community Exceeds 6000 Agents – Growth of 1000% over the Past Year
Press Release: SeaPass Solutions, Inc. – Wed, Feb 27, 2013 9:00 AM ESTEmail0Share0Print

SeaPass Solutions, Inc. (hub.seapass.com), a leading independent provider of web-based insurance distribution solutions to the property and casualty (P&C) insurance industry, today announced that the SeaPass Hub’s registered number of users now exceeds 6,000, representing an annual growth of more than 1000%.

The SeaPass Hub was developed to provide independent agents, wholesalers and aggregators a way to shop for and quote insurance online. With access to multiple product lines, from multiple carriers, agents are able to quickly obtain and compare premiums, and quote the majority of popular risks for their customers, including business owners policy (BOP), general liability (GL), package, commercial auto, workers compensation, and now surplus lines. This unique platform helps insurance industry partners serve all of the insurance needs of their customers, while driving market share, retention and increasing revenue per customer. The addition of the Hub offering for wholesalers, aggregators, and MGAs has added significantly to this year’s growth.

“This latest milestone validates the competitive value the SeaPass Hub provides for carriers as well as for independent agents and other distribution channels,” said Tim Attia, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for SeaPass.“Given the rapid and broad adoption of our Hub, we are continually looking for and investing in new and better ways to deliver insurance to the industry – whether it’s buying, selling, or servicing.”


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage Libuda10% Marktwachstum im Bereich Procurement

27.07.13 22:30
Outsourcing, dem mit Abstand wichtigsten Berich von ICG Group, sind zwar nicht berauschend, aber bei einem Umsatz-Multiple von unter weit unter drei und einem  extrem hohen Wertschöpfungsanteil, da nur wenig zur Schaffung der Umsätze von außen bezogen wird, sind die Umsätze von ICG Group im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Umsätzen nicht ausreichend bewertet.

Procurement Outsourcing Posts 10% Growth
by: Sarah Joson

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Outsourcing News |

In Everest Group’s The Procurement Outsourcing Annual Report, it was found that the total value of contracts involved with procurement outsourcing has already reached $1.72 billion (£1.13 billion), and managed spend now amounts to $220 billion (£144 billion).

One of the key propellers of the procurement outsourcing market is the increased demand from tech firms and financial services. Meanwhile, consumer goods and manufacturing companies are still the biggest adopters of the practice.

Although it is uncommon to outsource direct spend to third party service providers, more and more companies are doing so. The top players taking up 50 percent of the market share in the procurement outsourcing segment are IBM and Accenture.

The study also revealed that a growing number of businesses are tapping different countries for new deals to reinforce their global expansion plans. Other firms that are looking to outsource procurement processes try it with spend analytics first to understand how it works.


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaProcurement Outsourcing geht nicht ohne Qualität

28.07.13 21:13
Why procurement outsourcing needs a company like Procurian

ProcurianSM recognizes that optimizing indirect and other under-resourced areas of spending can be a complex challenge. Spending is driven across hundreds of supply markets, each with different dynamics, economics and providers. In addition, the spend flows through tens of thousands of end users and suppliers, creating thousands of potential pitfalls in which people may purchase from the wrong supplier, stray from purchasing policies and pay the wrong price - all of which erode savings.

Addressing this challenge requires an extensive infrastructure. This task demands the right combination of highly specialized and experienced supply market procurement experts, highly integrated spend management processes, real-time market intelligence, best-in-class technology, and strong collaboration with suppliers, end-users and business leaders - for each category and subcategory of spend, and all on a global basis. We understood the need for this confluence of capabilities over a decade ago and, when we couldn’t find a solution in the marketplace, we built it.

Procurian’s Specialized Procurement InfrastructureTM combines everything you need to optimize your spending and achieve significant, sustainable savings that your company can use for reinvestment in growth and innovation. Our proprietary infrastructure combines people, process, technology and real-time market intelligence to manage indirect spend from end-to-end, which is the best way to realize and sustain significant savings.


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaProcurian has now 100+ clients

29.07.13 19:13
Procurian has now 100+ clients
source: c-suite-spending-remains-cautious

PHILADELPHIA, July 29, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- An analysis released today of Fortune 1,000 spending trends shows that while overall spending is up, continued caution in the executive suite is driving a more aggressive focus to ensure the most value for every dollar spent.

The report was compiled by Procurian utilizing insights gained in the first half of 2013 from billions of dollars in spend reduction projects with the company's 100+ clients. Procurian helps the Fortune 1,000 optimize spend habits and save dollars that can be reinvested in innovation, growth, and people. Specifically, the report revealed the top areas of focus for cost savings and the global trends that are driving these discussions.


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage Libuda26.9% of Consumer Product company revenues go to

29.07.13 21:59
indirect, or non-product purchases (in procent of this 26.9%):

9%HR Services
9%Construction/Capital Equipment
8%Secondary Packaging
7%Rent/Real Estate/Banking
6%Professional Services
3%Facility Services

The complex nature of this spend - involving hundreds of unique supply markets and thousands of purchase decision makers - make managing it an incessant challenge. Understandably, most companies have focused their procurement investments on their core commodities. But without the deep expertise, market intelligence and specialized technologies across the array of categories and processes needed to optimize this spend, a margin point is left on the table – real dollars that could be driven to the bottom-line or redeployed to support brand and innovation.

Procurian helps Consumer Products leaders capture this missed opportunity and generate funds that can be reinvested in growth.

As procurement specialists, we saw the need for an infrastructure dedicated to optimizing all indirect spend on a global basis. When we couldn’t find it, we built it. The result? Our Specialized Procurement Infrastructure™, a new and transformational approach to procurement that is being deployed by innovative consumer products leaders to accelerate real savings and drive growth on a sustainable basis.
The complex nature of this spend - involving hundreds of unique supply markets and thousands of purchase decision makers - make managing it an incessant challenge. Understandably, most companies have focused their procurement investments on their core commodities. But without the deep expertise, market intelligence and specialized technologies across the array of categories and processes needed to optimize this spend, a margin point is left on the table – real dollars that could be driven to the bottom-line or redeployed to support brand and innovation.

Procurian helps Consumer Products leaders capture this missed opportunity and generate funds that can be reinvested in growth.

As procurement specialists, we saw the need for an infrastructure dedicated to optimizing all indirect spend on a global basis. When we couldn’t find it, we built it. The result? Our Specialized Procurement Infrastructure™, a new and transformational approach to procurement that is being deployed by innovative consumer products leaders to accelerate real savings and drive growth on a sustainable basis.


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaSeaPass Hub used by over 6,000 independent agents

30.07.13 07:44
The SeaPass Hub used by over 6,000 independent agents and over 2 million consumers.



63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaFreeborders brummt nach einem Dip

30.07.13 22:44
wieder ohne Ende, wenn man sich die offenen Stellen ansieht:


Current Listings


.Net development manager (322-542)
Beijing, , China

.NET Engineer (454-542)
Guangzhou, , China

.Net Engineer (407-542)
Wuxi, , China

.Net Senior Developer (C#) (421-542)
Guangzhou, , China

.NET/VB/PB Engineer (453-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer (363-542)
Guangzhou, , China

VBA (480-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Junior Android Developer (501-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Middle Android Developer (502-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Senior Andiord Developer (505-542)
Shenzhen, , China


Solution Architect (429-542)
Shenzhen, , China


AS400 Engineer (335-542)
Guangzhou, , China

AS400/COBOL Engineer (423-542)
Guangzhou, , China


BI Engineer (478-542)
Guangzhou, , China

BI Engineer (235-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Business Analyst

Senior BA (461-542)
Shenzhen, , China

BA (449-542)
Shenzhen, , China

PM/Architect/BA (431-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Universe Engineer (487-542)
Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

Developer - IT Systems

.Net Developer (127-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Java Engineer (404-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Lifeasia Engineer (424-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Sybase/SQL Engineer (425-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Testing Engineer- HSS (78-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Developer - Software

Talent Pool (68-542)
Shenzhen, , China

UniVerse Engineer (2584885)
Greensboro, , United States

Developer - Storage

UniVerse Engineer (2584885)
Greensboro, , United States

UniVerse Engineer (2584885)
Greensboro, , United States

UniVerse Engineer (2584885)
Greensboro, , United States


Flex Technical Lead (361-542)
Shenzhen, , China


Front-end developer (484-542)
Wuxi, , China

Middle Front-end developer (504-542)
Wuxi, , China

Senior Front-end developer (490-542)
Wuxi, , China

Sr Front-end developer (491-542)
Wuxi, , China


Java Engineer - Equities (492-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer - Finance (493-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer - FXMM (495-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer - GMB&TSC (497-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer - GPB (496-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer (72-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer - Risk (494-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Java Engineer (472-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Junior iOS developer (457-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Senior iOS Developer (458-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Snior Coldfusion (474-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Web Developer (Java) (422-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Mainframe Engineer (481-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Oracle/BI/BO Engineer (503-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Finance Assistant Accountant (499-542)
Shenzhen, , China


PHP Engineer (379-542)
Wuhan, Hubei, China

Project Management

PM (88-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Project Manager (450-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Project Manager (298-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Quality Assurance

Middle QA (486-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Middle QA - RCCL (489-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Senior Network Engineer (152-542)
Shenzhen, , China

Senior QA (488-542)
Shenzhen, , China


Ruby & Rails Developer (402-542)
Guangzhou, , China


Assistant Account Manager(GZ) (371-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Sales Excutive (312-542)
San Francisco, California, United States


Informatica Developer (485-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Production Support (479-542)
Guangzhou, , China

Team Lead

QA lead / Test Lead (378-542)
Miami, California, United States


QA lead / Test Lead (375-542)
Miami, California, United States

QA lead / Test Lead (376-542)
Miami, California, United States

QA lead / Test Lead (377-542)
Miami, California, United States

Testing Engineer - Post_Trade (498-542)
Guangzhou, , China


UI Designer (403-542)
Guangzhou, , China

UI Designer (412-542)
Beijing, , China  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaCurrent Openings of Procurian

31.07.13 16:28
Contract Services
Contract Services Associate (Req. # 2013-158)  London, United Kingdom  
Senior Contract Services Associate (Req. # 2013-033)  London, United Kingdom  

Software QA Lead (Req. # 2013-099)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  

Account Executive - Procurian Energy  Atlanta, GA, United States  

Procurement Operations Specialist (Req. # 2013-173)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  
Procurement Operations Specialist (Req.# 2013-172)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  

Program Management
Client Delivery Lead (Req # 2012-268)  Pleasanton, CA, United States  
Program Management Associate (Req # 2013-135)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  

Sourcing & Category Management
Category Lead (Equipment, Engineering, and Construction) (Req. # 2013-117)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  
Category Management Associate (Req. # 2013-159)  Zurich, Switzerland  
Category Management Associate, Indirects (Req. # 2013-161)  London, United Kingdom  
Category Manager, Logistics (Req. # 2013-143)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  
Country Category Manager (Req. # 2013-024)  Zurich, Switzerland  
Country Category Manager (Req. # 2013-171)  Prague, Czech Republic  
IT/Telecom Project Sourcing Lead (Req # 2013-139)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  
Logistics Sourcing Associate (Req. # 2013-162)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  
MRO Category Manager (Req. # 2013-136)  Remote, United States  
Project Sourcing Associate, Corporate & Professional Services (Req. # 2013-138)  Prague, Czech Republic  
Project Sourcing Associate, CPS (Req. # 2013-026)  Prague, Czech Republic  
Project Sourcing Associate, IT (req. # 2013-160)  Prague, Czech Republic  
Sourcing Lead- Equipment, Engineering & Construction (Req # 2013-170)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  
Sourcing Lead, IT (Req. # 2013-145)  London, United Kingdom  
Sourcing Lead, IT/Telecom (Req.# 2013-155)  London, United Kingdom  
Sourcing Manager, IT (Req. # 2013-079)  London or Prague, United Kingdom  
Travel Category Management Associate (Req. # 2013-148)  King of Prussia, PA, United States  



63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaC-Suite spending remains cautious

07.08.13 18:48
C-Suite spending remains cautious, with a focus on meetings
Wednesday 07th August 2013

C-Suite spending remains cautious, with a focus on meetings

A new study of spending trends at Fortune 1,000 companies has listed meeting cost-cutting among the Top 10 spend management trends for the first half of 2013.

The Procurian Spend Trends Report is based on "insights gained in the first half of 2013 from the company's 100+ clients."

The report said that mergers and acquisitions among the airlines and car-rental companies have made it harder to cut costs in those areas, pushing companies to focus their travel management programs on holding down the cost of corporate meetings.

Meetings certainly offer the biggest opportunity for saving on travel costs, Procurian global head of market insights and analysis Mark Hillman told TravelMole. More than half of Procurian's customers—which include Kimberly-Clark, Symantec, and Whirlpool—have taken those steps, though few "are at the end of the road" yet.

Still, 2013 is a year of "continued caution in the executive suite" with "an aggressive focus" on getting the most value for every dollar spent.

"Across the board, companies are focusing on attacking all major cost areas," Hillman says.

"The opportunity in the meetings area is larger than in air and lodging and we've seen some really substantial savings from comprehensive meetings management practices, so don't ignore it."

Step one for taking control of meeting spending is to have a team responsible for overseeing meetings on a corporate level. Step two is to have the team start down the path of centralizing the data, so you can see what you are spending where and negotiate discounts at a corporate level.

Procurian plans to issue a Procurian Spend Trends Report every quarter, to come out roughly 30 days after the quarter close.

By Cheryl Rosen

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaMSDSonline Wins ISHN Readers

07.08.13 21:45
MSDSonline Wins ISHN Readers" Choice Award for Mobile Chemical Inventory Management
CHICAGO (July 22, 2013) — MSDSonline, the leading provider of sustainable cloud-based EH&S solutions, was recently named a 2013 Reader"s Choice Award Winner by Industrial Safety & Hygiene News — a leading publication in the EHS industry — in the Mobile Chemical Inventory Management Category. According to ISHN, the competition"s objective was to recognize the most innovative personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety products.

"We are delighted to be selected by ISHN"s readers for this honor, and we share the award with our customers," said Glenn Trout, MSDSonline president and CEO. "Our mobile chemical management solution integrates the best thinking of our product development, IT, design, sales and customer care teams, as well as the best ideas from among the thousands of safety professionals who rely on our products day-in and day-out."

In its winning entry, MSDSonline detailed the features and benefits of its mobile solution, saying it gives EH&S professionals "The freedom and flexibility to search and access chemical and MSDS information on the fly, manage critical chemical inventories from the field where they need it most, and manage and approve chemicals at their point of entry— all from the palm of their hand. The MSDSonline mobile solution performs across multiple platforms, enabling right-to-know access to MSDSs and other chemical inventory information from nearly any mobile device."

According to recent reports from the Pew Research Center, over half of cell phone owners use smartphones and one third of American adults own a tablet —nearly double from just a year ago. The increased use of mobile technology in day-to-day life is opening the door for many EH&S professionals to further simplify their workplace compliance requirements.


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage Libuda30% yearly growth of MSDSonline in last 5 years

07.08.13 22:40
30% yearly growth of MSDSonline in the last five years in the average

Inner City 100


Company Name

Location (City, State)

Growth (5 yr.)



Chicago, IL

30% Less


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNicht Wetbewegendes - aber okay

08.08.13 15:47

Not excellent - but okay

Financial Information

Revenue for the second quarter of 2013 grew 14%, to $48.7 million, compared to $42.8 million in the second quarter of 2012. Non-GAAP net income (loss) for the second quarter of 2013 was a loss of $(0.7) million, or $(0.02) per diluted share, as compared to income of $2.3 million, or $0.06 per diluted share, in the corresponding 2012 period. Non-GAAP net income for the second quarter of 2012 included one-time gains of $3.4 million, primarily related to an interim contract at Procurian. GAAP net income (loss) for the second quarter of 2013 was a loss of $(6.9) million, or $(0.19) per diluted share, compared to $(6.0) million, or $(0.17) per diluted share, in the second quarter of 2012.

"Overall, the quarter was in line with our expectations," said Walter Buckley, ICG's Chief Executive Officer. "Our continued sales and marketing efforts resulted in a number of large contract signings and significant growth in customer pipelines. Based on this activity and our current outlook, we expect that revenue growth and earnings will accelerate in the second half of 2013 and enable us to achieve our 2013 guidance."  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage Libuda22.4% on a yearly base

08.08.13 16:05
Revenue increased from 46.3 in Q1 to 48.7 million in Q2 - an increase from quarter to quarter of 5.2% = 22.4% on a yearly base.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage Libudaheres-why-shares-are-up-now.

08.08.13 19:03

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage Libudainternet-capital-groups-ceo-discusses-q2-13-result

10.08.13 11:08

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaÜber das Goldstück Procurian

11.08.13 11:32
"On the profitability side, Procurian registered a 25th consecutive profitable quarter and are tracking to meet their adjusted net income target for the year."  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnfassbar hoher Anteil von 89,09 Institutionals

12.08.13 22:39
Institutional Ownership now 89.09%

Type Value Total Shares Out Standing (millions): 38 Market Capitalization ($ millions): $419 Institutional Ownership: 89.09% Price (as of 06/30/2013) 12.51

Da ich davon ausgehe, dass der Anteil der Privates nicht nur bei 10,91% liegt, könnt Ihr Euch sicher vorstellen, wie hoch ich den Anteil der Nackten Shortseller hier ansetze.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaProcurian gehört zum Gewinn-Circle

14.08.13 12:18
And here’s the 2013 Procurement Outsourcing Blueprint…

July 24th, 2013

Ever wondered which providers are driving the world of procurement outsourcing?  Well, the wait is finally over, with the first ever Blueprint in this space… and a big congrats to Accenture, IBM, Procurian, Infosys and GEP for making the Winners Circle:

Click to Enlarge

So we asked HfS analyst and report author, Brian Dubiel, who lives and breathes procurement outsourcing, to give us the skinny on this market:

Brian – what’s hot about procurement BPO right now – why are firms suddenly jumping into the space?

The Procurement Outsourcing (PO) market has quickly become one of the fastest growing BPO segments in the market, growing at an annual rate of 12% over the next 5 years, and expected to reach $3.4 Billion in expenditure this year. Our research has shown this is the result of procurement deals piggybacking on a maturing and established Finance and Accounting BPO market, with the close linkages between F&A and procure-to-pay. While many CFOs have become more accustomed to the BPO model, they are increasingly confident in taking advantage of provider skill-sets in procurement where category expertise, spend management and technology provide the core value, as opposed to merely lower cost labor.
- See more at: http://www.horsesforsources.com/...eprint-072413#sthash.Yxz8ZKFE.dpuf  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInsbesondere das aus der vorstehenden Quelle

14.08.13 13:31
begünstigt Procurian:

BIG ADVANTAGE for Procurian

"So what processes are people looking at? Is it still mainly P2P, or are there higher value processes being evaluated? As growth continues, the scope of PO services has grown from the more transactional P2P elements of the value chain, to one where more strategic processes are being outsourced, such as strategic sourcing, vendor governance and spend analytics, which is redefining the market differentiators among providers. Vertical expertise as well as geographic market sourcing presence have also aided the leading procurement market providers to offer distinguishable characteristics compared to the more “generalist” BPO body shops."  


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