Plexmar - die Turbokursrakete startet
Hier eine Liste möglicher News für die nächsten Wochen übernommen aus dem Stockhouse PLEXMAR member forum (Post #12900224 by foxtex) :
- Further high grade sampling from Bolsa del Diablo or Escondida
- Issuance of aerial/ground survey maps on Bolsa del Diablo (BdD)
- Start of drilling and procurement of drilling permit/rig on BdD
- Final purchase of Escondida concessions
- Other surprise?
- Joint venture?
Ich blicke also optimistisch in die Zukunft.
auf Seite 257. Nun werden noch mehr auf diesen Wert aufmerksam.
Post #12971184 by umpolung
At this stage of the pps, I remain cautiously optimistic. What I found especially interesting on Friday was that EOD rush--someone in the know? Or not. Rest assured that if we have topped out at $1.25 for the near-term, I simply see this as a correction and nothing more (recall the 1-2-3-4-5 run and a-b-c correction I spoke of).
I'd take a new approach and simply "predict" $1.50 every day until it happens but handwaving looks so much more impressive...Lol.
aus Post #12971184 by umpolung (stockhouse plexmar private board)
Dies ist ein Plexmar-Thread und soll es auch bleiben!
Die Aussichten waren doch eher ziemlich gut. Hat sich was geändert?
Gruß arg.
Gruß arg.
der kurs steht außerdem auch neben den verkäufen und da is nix von 25 ct zu sehen, eher um die 1$. WER hier nicht richtig lesen kann, nun das stellt sich jetzt heraus... ;)
greetz.. snowy
Klick: snowy's Quickcharts
Also nur Taktik und nicht gleich ein Hinweis auf schlechte Nachrichten...? Ich selbst schätze die Lage bei Plexmar auch eher positiv ein.
Stockhouse-Thread + Ein wie ich finde sehr gutes weiteres Posting aus selbigem Forum:
SUBJECT: Guy has sold 1.575mil shares in 8 months Posted By: disneyandbond
Posted Time: 9/8/2006 19:14 EST
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What better way to allow more shares to be bought up at a lower price than to sell your own shares and causing a negative reaction?
Time for some investigative digging, to wade through the BS/Hype/Pump on this board.
The above quote would be well and good if Guy actually was a net buyer in the open market, but since January he has BOUGHT a whopping 25,000 shares in the open market, while let's take a look at his selling pattern as per SEDI transaction records. (
- Holds 1,755,500 common shares as of Jan 18/06
- Sells nearly a MILLION of these in a month in the open market until he's down to 855,500 on Jan 30
- Then he reloads with cheap shares on Feb 9 (costing 0.06, market price closed at $0.17 that day) to reach a balance of 1,705,500 shares.
- From Feb 9 until Aug 31, he sells until he reaches 1,030,500 shares
*Total selling over 8 months: 900,000 + 675,000 = 1,575,000 shares
*Total buying in open market: 25,000
*Total buying in Private Placements: 950,000
So he sells a lot, buys in again into the cheap PP's, and sells some more...and even then he is still a net seller of 600,000 shares by my math (25,000+950,000 bought, minus 1,575,000 sold)
Oh, and by the way - some people have been mentioning that he could be selling shares because he is paid in options and doesn't have a salary. That part about "no salary" is false - Guy does have a salary, he has been paid $95,040 annually for the past 3 years. Check it out in the company's Management Information Circular on SEDAR dated May 23/06, page 10.
IMHO $100,000 per year in salary isn't too shabby...certainly a lot more than some junior companies where they are paid only in options and that Salary line on the Info Circular shows "0" instead of $95,040.
Informed commentary on this line of reasoning is welcomed.
P.S. Yes, I know it is beneficial for a company to have shares purchased through options rather than the open market for a CEO as it adds money to the coffers, but what does it say when they are a net SELLER of their own stock?
Der besagte andere Beitrag:
Plexmar Resources: down but far from out
Back from Beijing and more than delighted to be living in Canada. Life in Beijing is hard but then so it is for most of the world's people. Outside of abjectly poor parts of the world, much of the world is like Beijing, caught in a maladroit intersection between development and underdevelopment where life for many is both vicarious (in the sense of imagined lives) and precarious. A cross section of Beijing could be overlaid with a cross-section from Lima, Sao Paolo or Delhi, so striking are the similarities in terms of physical features and human struggle.
Today was a sharp down day for Plexmar Resources. As I mentioned in my earlier blog on Plexmar, the stock was technically overbought, and a settling back of the stockprice can only be healthy for the forward movement of Plexmar shares. Also as I mentioned, the stock won't be drilling until October so unless there is significant intervening news, the shareprice became untenable at $1.20. Having said that, Plexmar has always been a rather volatile stock. Since January, there have been several quick ascents followed by sharp declines, but over the longer term, the shareprice always advanced higher. Easy to forget on a day such as today the fact of the stock's stellar performance since opening the year at six cents.
At this point, Plexmar is basically a waiting game play. Geophysics is apparently delayed a couple of weeks and assuming no further delays, then drilling of the highly prospective Bolsa del Diablo property should commence sometime in October. In the interim, there should soon be news of the formalizing of terms regarding the company's Ecuador acquisitions. Word is there may be other and new significant news relating to the company's continuing surface exploration of Bolsa.
Much hay has been made of insider selling on the Plexmar bullboard and of course everyone prefers insiders to continue to buy and buy more of their company's shares. But this is the world of stocks and insiders are entitled as anyone else to take profit. That they have a certain advantage in reference to options and private placement participation makes insider selling a bit of a cause celebre to a lot of retail investors, worried about the inherent value of the company's potential, and despite that such worry, in this case, is largely invalid, it is certainly understandable.
I won't reiterate all the reasons why I believe Plexmar stands an excellent shot at a major discovery except to proffer again the points that the company has come up with stupendous sampling results over a very large area and that high grade gold shows up in all three categories of surface medium, including volcanics, intrusives and at surface. I will say again that for high grade gold to appear in all three categories, as it has, is exceptionally rare and a very good indicator of a significant underground system. So long as mother nature does not play a dastardly trick that completely confounds the data accrued thus far, then I think the odds are very good of Plexmar striking a lot of gold.
In the interim, simply mention of the word Ecuador is sufficient to fuel great interest in a stock. I am in on the pp of a shell called Avalanche Networks, which will convert from technology to resource company, and inevitably a company name change. Avalanche's new management just returned from Ecuador and that is enough, it seems, to fuel its shareprice today.
Excluding Aurelian, Plexmar has signed a memorandum of understanding which would give it the largest claims holdings in Southern Ecuador. The process of due diligence was positive and word is this deal will be formalized this week. A team of geologists visited a small part of its more than 900 square kilometers Escondida property and found primary and secondary gold in all visited areas, including the identification of an intriguing alluvial gold deposit where gold graded a minimum .3 grams per cubic metre. Alluvial gold deposits are interesting because they often relate to ancient tertiary river channels. The accumulation of gold in such channels can be extremely rich, although it is far too early to say much more about Plexmar's example.
Ecuador will continue to add a layer of lustre to Plexmar stock, given the discovery by Aurelian, but the flagship property remains south of the border in Peru. Worth mentioning is Plexmar's acquisition of a high-grade zinc and gold property, just south of Bolsa del Diablo, and in a similar situation to Bolsa, discovered and being worked over at surface by artisan miners.
After three days of tough sledding for Plexmar shareholders, keeping ones eyes on the ball is difficult. Afterall, could the shareprice not drop further? Undoubtedly it could, but then perhaps not. At some point, it does come down to belief, not religious belief, but a speculative belief in the potential of what lies underneath Bolsa del Diablo and in just what it is that pushed all that gold to surface there. After a down day like today, when the stock dropped back for a spell into the high eighty cents, belief becomes tested against the destabilizing forces of concern and doubt.
Philosophers have a beautiful word for doubt: aporia. It is a term fraught with metaphysical meaning. There are no apodictic truths in stocks. Socrates saw aporia in positive terms, as something to be awakened inside of humans. Leaving aside the fact of Plexmar being well up in shareprice since the start of the year, the last few days of difficult trading on Plexmar is an awakening to all shareholders who must continue to ask themselves the question of whether they believe in Bolsa del Diablo's potential or not, or whether they should take profit or loss now. For me, I remain very long. Having visited the Bolsa site firsthand and impressed (stunning so, if accuracy be known) by what I experienced and saw there, I want to see how the Bolsa story unfurls at least until after drilling.
Also nicht gleich Schwarzmalen.....
Der Kurs ist sicher auch, aber nicht nur wegen des Insiderhandels eingebrochen. Es gibt ja auch Anzeichen dafür, dass die großen Market Maker gezielt einen Kursrutsch über SLs ausgelöst haben, indem sie große Aktienpakete zu niedrgen Kursen verkauft haben, um sie gleich darauf zu noch niedrigeren Kursen zurück zu kaufen. Sicher ist, dass die institutionellen weiterhin große Einkäufer sind, und das ist ja auf keinen Fall schlecht.
Was das für die weitere Kursentwicklung bedeutet, ist m.E. nicht eindeutig. Ich glaube weiterhin mittelfristig an neue Höchstkurse und halte weiter meine Position, aber Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung haben ja gemeinhin an der Börse nix verloren, und ich habe mich in den letzten Wochen auch schon des öfteren geirrt. Auf jeden Fall bleibt es spannend!
Danke Plexmar
War vielleicht nur ne gesunde Korrektur mit Übertreibung nach unten?
Oder eben ne geglückte Taktik der Direktoren...
Mal schaun wie es weitergeht. Bin gespannt!
mich würde jetzt die Meinung der Experten interessieren, beobachte schon seit längerem die Plextor Aktie was meint Ihr ist das jetzt der moment zum kaufen?
Nachdem ich alles über Sie gelesen habe, scheinen die aussiechten gar nicht so schlecht zu sein, oder?