Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.341.600
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:138
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63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaIn Deutschland haben sich in diesem Wert

28.10.11 23:00
früher überwiegend Zocker getummelt. Die momentanen Verdoppelungschancen sind aber diesem Klientel zu wenig, denn ihnen es egal, dass Internet Capital bzw. jetzt ICG Group nach unten sehr gut abgesichert ist.

In den USA, wo viele Institutionals in der Aktie investiert sind, hat man die guten Fundamentals wahrgenommen - deutsche Privatanleger fast gar nicht, wie man den meist bei Null liegenden Börsenumsätzen entnehmen kann. Dafür habe ich allerdings auch Verständnis, denn es ist schon recht schwer das Gebilde Internet Capital zu durchschauen - und diese Problem mit der Transparenz dürftem meines Erachtens durchaus ein Drittel oder vielleicht auch mehr vom möglichen Kurs kosten.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaNext step with Whitefence to $17.1

29.10.11 17:57
Revenues of Whitefence will be about 22 million in 2011. That are by 2.5-times-revenues = 55 million. Value of the 36% of Internet Capital = 20 million.

100 million cash/securities + 357 million from 81% of ICGCommerce + 56 million from 36% of Starcite + 45 million from the 50% of Channelintelligence + 37 million from 31% of Freeborders + 20 million from 36% of Whitefence = 615 million. If you divide this 615 million through the 36 million outstanding shares = $17.1/share. And additional free of charge are all companies without ICGCommerce Starcite, Channelintellence, Freeborders and Whitefence.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaNext step with Govdelivery to $18.4

30.10.11 16:59
Revenues of Govdelivery will be about 14 million in 2011. That are by 3.5-times-reveneus = 49 million. Value of the 93% of Internet Capital = 46 million.

100 million cash/securities + 357 million from 81% of ICGCommerce + 56 million from 36% of Starcite + 45 million from the 50% of Channelintelligence + 37 million from 31% of Freeborders + 20 million from 36% of Whitefence + 46 million from 93% of Govdelivery = 661 million. If you divide this 615 million through the 36 million outstanding shares = $18.4/share. And additional free of charge are all companies without ICGCommerce Starcite, Channelintellence, Freeborders Whitefence and Govdelivery.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaNext step with Investorforce to $18.9

31.10.11 21:42
Revenues of Investorce will be about 6 million in 2011. That are by 4-times-reveneus = 24 million. Value of the 76% of Internet Capital = 18 million.

100 million cash/securities + 357 million from 81% of ICGCommerce + 56 million from 36% of Starcite + 45 million from the 50% of Channelintelligence + 37 million from 31% of Freeborders + 20 million from 36% of Whitefence + 46 million from 93% of Govdelivery + 18 million from 76% of InvestorForce = 679 million. If you divide this 679 million through the 36 million outstanding shares = $18.9/share. And additional free of charge are all companies without ICGCommerce Starcite, Channelintellence, Freeborders Whitefence and Govdelivery. melden  
Jetzt am Börsenspiel teilnehmen!  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaNext step with Seapass to $ 19.1

01.11.11 10:40
Revenues of Seapass will be about 10 million in 2011. That are by 2.5-times-reveneus = 25 million. Value of the 26% of Internet Capital = 7 million.

100 million cash/securities + 357 million from 81% of ICGCommerce + 56 million from 36% of Starcite + 45 million from the 50% of Channelintelligence + 37 million from 31% of Freeborders + 20 million from 36% of Whitefence + 46 million from 93% of Govdelivery + 18 million from 76% of InvestorForce + 7 million from the 26% of Seapass = 686 million. If you divide this 686 million through the 36 million outstanding shares = $19.1/share.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaNote 3 (befriedigend)

03.11.11 13:58

348 Postings, 8590 Tage w2505nun gilt es aber, satter Kursrutsch!

03.11.11 16:17
voala, jetzt geht es aber down, die Amis bekommen nasse Füße?
12% minus!!!  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDie Slide-Presentation ist weitgehend okay

03.11.11 21:04
und nasse Füße bekommen überwiegend die heutigen Leerverkäufer, die geglaubt haben, mit ihren zusätzlichen Leerverkäufen jemanden Angst zu machen:


Denn an meinem Posting # 5430 hat sich kaum etwas geändert.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaHeute Kaufgelegenheit, da die Kursrückgange

04.11.11 07:16
von den Fakten her nicht gerechtfertigt sind - nur zeigt sich, dass die Aktie nichts für Zocker ist. Was sich in dieser Darstellung nicht zeigt und was die übertriebenen Kursrückgang ausgelöst haben dürfte, ist die Stagnation im dritten Quartal gegenüber dem zweiten Quartal.

3rd Quarter Highlights      

•Core consolidated revenue grew 15% compared to Q3 2010, while core consolidated EBITDA was $4.4 million, compared to $4.5 million in Q3 2010

•Core consolidated revenue grew 24% for the nine months of 2011, compared to the same period in in 2010, and core consolidated EBITDA improved to $12.1 million for the first nine months of 2011 compared to $8.1 million for the 2010 period

•ICG Commerce announced the renewal of one of its largest customers, Kimberly-Clark

•GovDelivery continued to demonstrate solid revenue growth and surpassed its EBITDA target while launching its enhanced technology platform to its customers

•ICG repurchased 774,327 shares for $7.8 million in the third quarter, reflecting management’s optimism around its companies and confidence in ICG’s strategy and ability to execute  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaOkay ist auch die Entwicklung beim mit

04.11.11 09:56
Abstand wichtigsten Beteiligungsunternehmen ICGCommerce, an denen man 81% hält:

•Q3 revenues grew 14% to $29.9 million compared with $26.3 million in Q3 2010

•Q3 EBITDA of $5.4 million consistent with $5.4 million in Q3 2010

•Renewed contract with of one of its largest account relationships, Kimberly-Clark, for an additional multi-year period

•Continued to beat its cumulative savings targets across its client base

Etwas enttäuschend ist das Wachstum im dritten Quartal gegenüber dem zweiten Quartal, über das hier nicht berichtet wird, und zwar stiegen hier die Umsätze nur um 0,4 Millionen von 29,5 Millionen im zweiten Quartal auf 29,9 Millionen im dritten Quartal.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDeutlich wird in diesem Quartalsbericht erneut die

06.11.11 13:14
seit knapp zwei Jahren geänderte Strategie, die ziemlich deutlich eine gewisse Abkehr vom bisherigen weiter streuenden Inkubatormodell bedeutet. Meines Erachtens läuft alles darauf hinaus, die Tätigkeit von ICGCommerce noch stärker in den Focus zu rücken. Auch von den Namen her ist das leicht erkennbar, dass die in ICG Group umbenannte Internet Capital eines Tages vermutlich nur noch aus zwei Teilen bestehen wird: ICGCommerce und die noch nicht existierende "ICG Venture", in der dann die Inkubatortätigkeit gebündelt ist und - so meine Vermutung - nach und nach auf ein niedrigeres Niveau gefahren wird. In der Präsentation des Quartalsbericht spricht dafür, dass auf die konsolidierten Beteiligungen, die noch für einiges an Umsatz stehen, nicht im Detail eingegangen wird.  


348 Postings, 8590 Tage w2505der Kurssturz geht weiter -30% nur in wenigen

07.11.11 19:35
Tagen!, (ca. 5,72€ aktuell!) anscheinend wird das vom Markt nicht honoriert, die Neuausrichtung in Richtung Venture Capital, vermutlich befürchten Marktteilnehmer dahinter eher ein langfristig gescheitertes Geschäftsmodell!  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDer w2505 wollte vermutlich wieder billig kaufen

15.11.11 23:47
und behauptet dreist das Gegenteil der Wahrheit, indem postet, dass man sich in Richtung Venture Capital (was immer er auch darunter versteht) ausrichten wolle - aber ist genau umgekehrt.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaStarCite Wins Cisco Supplier Innovation Award

16.11.11 21:29
StarCite Wins Cisco Supplier Innovation Award

Saturday, October 29, 2011 by Kevin Iwamoto

StarCite won one of the innovation awards at the Cisco Supplier Forum held this week. There were only seven awards given out to a total of 200 suppliers across every procurement discipline -- so this is quite a big deal to get one of these!

For my part, I'm extremely honored to be an executive sponsor for the Cisco Meeting & Event team. I love their creative energy and being surrounded by solid, knowledgeable professionals. I'm really impressed with their depth of talent, and Cisco should be commended for the amount of headcount and resources they've committed to their SMMP.

I always look forward to our review meetings and strategy planning sessions. The reason why they have such a world-class program is because they believe in SMMP and have invested in it fully to reap the rewards.

As I've said many times publicly, Cisco has one of the finest best-in-class multinationally deployed SMMPs that I know of, and being a partner to help them achieve best-in-class processes and best practices is an honor. The key here is the word partner or partnership, which, according to Webster's Ninth, involves "close cooperation between parties ...." And that couldn't describe any more perfectly the way StarCite and Cisco work; we've been through a lot together, and Cisco has always challenged us to be our best.

Let me congratulate the StarCite-Cisco account team, primarily Cheryl MacNeal and James Steen who report into Betty McNulty, StarCite's Senior Vice President of Global Account Management & Customer Operations. Working with them to manage the Cisco account has been a real pleasure for me. Also a special thanks to Geoffrey Maugham who has supported the StarCite account team on Cisco's program enhancement roadmap.

To be one of only a few suppliers selected for this award is indeed a tremendous accomplishment, especially from a world renown technology company like Cisco. Our sincere thanks to a great partner and customer!  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaWhitefence taucht auch wieder aus einer

16.11.11 22:04

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaAnnounces $25 Million Increase in Share Repurchase

17.11.11 13:19
ICG Announces $25 Million Increase in Share Repurchase Program

Press Release: ICG Group, Inc. – Mon, Nov 14, 2011 9:00 AM ESTShare0EmailPrintCompanies:ICG Group, Inc.RELATED QUOTESSymbol Price Change
ICGE 8.33 0.00

WAYNE, Pa., Nov. 14, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ICG Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:ICGE - News) today announced that its Board of Directors approved a $25 million increase in authorized stock buybacks under the Company's share repurchase program, bringing the total authorization to $50 million. Since the implementation of the program in 2008, the Company has repurchased approximately 3.3 million shares for an aggregate of approximately $20.5 million. Taking into account the additional $25 million authorization and the cash used for prior repurchases, the remaining amount authorized under the share repurchase program is approximately $29.5 million.

"This expansion of our repurchase program highlights our confidence in ICG's long-term growth potential, and underscores our commitment to enhancing stockholder value," said Walter Buckley, ICG's Chairman and CEO. "We are pleased to have the financial flexibility to opportunistically allocate our capital to this share repurchase program while maintaining our focus on driving growth at our companies and executing on our strategy."

Share repurchases under this program will be made from time to time through open market or privately negotiated transactions. The timing and actual number of shares repurchased will depend on a variety of factors, including price, regulatory restrictions, market conditions and corporate liquidity requirements.

About ICG

ICG Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:ICGE - News) identifies, capitalizes and grows companies in the SaaS and tech-enabled BPO sectors. These companies transform the way business is done by enabling enterprises to increase efficiencies and improve critical processes. ICG leverages its unique expertise to carefully identify companies based on their potential to become market changers and market leaders. ICG focuses on building successful businesses in the SaaS and tech-enabled BPO sectors by providing them with access to management expertise and strategic and operational guidance, as well as growth capital.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaGute Beschreibung des Procurement Outsouring-

19.11.11 10:46

63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaWarum ICGCommerce weiter überdurchschnittlich

20.11.11 10:55
wachsen wird, kann man auch im Text in meinem vorhergehenden Posting nachlesen:

Procurement outsourcing is still very much in its infancy when compared with Finance, HR and IT. It has really only been the last 5 – 10 years in which we have started to see the growing trend of global businesses looking to partner with a third party provider to manage their indirect (non-core/ GNFR) expenditure.  


348 Postings, 8590 Tage w2505ICG Commerce Kurssturz, -46%

23.11.11 20:28
seit Juli 2011, dass ist wirklich krass!  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaFür Langfristinvestoren ist das aber auch nicht

24.11.11 22:15
schlecht, da ICG Group, wie Internet Capital inzwischen heißt, jetzt sein von 25 auf 50 Millionen aufgestocktes Kaufprogramm, zu dem vor einiger Zeit noch 30 Millionen offen waren, günstig durchziehen kann.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaUnd die Zeit arbeitet für ICG Group

24.11.11 22:17

Hier vor allem für Channelintelligence, aber auch für Acquirgy.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaWas bedeuten 267 Millionen Marktkapitalisierung?

26.11.11 16:46
Zieht man die ca. 100 Millionen Cash ab, bedeutet das, dass bei der schuldenfreien ICG Group dann noch 167 Millionen abgedeckt sein müssen. Meines Erachtens wird das schon den 81% an ICGCommerce weit überfüllt, kostenlos dazu würde es dann noch geben: 36% ans Starcite, 31% an Freeborders, 49% an Channelintelligence, 36% an Whitfence, 93% an Govdelivery, 76% an Investorforce, 26% an Seapass und 25% an Acquirgy.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDass 167 Millionen für 81% an diesem Unternehmen

27.11.11 21:56
absurd niedrig sind, leuchtet einem meines Erachtens bei diesen Daten leicht ein:

•Q3 revenues grew 14% to $29.9 million compared with $26.3 million in Q3 2010

•Q3 EBITDA of $5.4 million consistent with $5.4 million in Q3 2010

•Renewed contract with of one of its largest account relationships, Kimberly-Clark, for an additional multi-year period

•Continued to beat its cumulative savings targets across its client base  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDenn selbst wenn wir in 2011 nur bei ca. 120 Mio.

27.11.11 22:01
Umsatz landen würden, sind Umsatzmutiples von weniger als 3 absurd, denn die wurden vor 18 Monaten sogar schon zwischen Eignern innerhalb des Unternehmens gezahlt, die ansonsten wesentlich unter den Werten Verkäufen nach außen liegen.

120 Millionen in 2011 ergeben übrigens bei einem Multiple von 3 = 360 - und 81% davon sind 292 Millionen.  


63753 Postings, 7377 Tage LibudaDas sind gute News für Freeborders

06.12.11 16:00

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