Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.341.452
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:223
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63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDer Text gehört noch zum letzten Posting

18.08.10 23:23
den ich leider vergessen habe anzuhängen.

StarCite Corporate RFPs Soar 82% in 2010
New Global Clients and Meetings Growth within Existing Clients Drive the World’s Most Valuable Online Channel for Group Leads

Press Release Source: StarCite, Inc. On Monday August 9, 2010, 10:45 am

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--StarCite, Inc. announced today that corporate RFPs within its Global Online Marketplace were up 82% for the first five months of 2010 compared to the same period last year. The surge in RFPs was due to increased meetings activity within StarCite’s existing client base and the addition of a number of marquee global clients, Experient, two of the world’s biggest oil and gas companies, and a large labor union.

At its current pace, StarCite anticipates delivering a total of $16 billion worth of eRFPs this year to meeting and event venues representing 6 million room nights and more than $2 billion in meetings and events revenue to participating hotels. And the ratio of hotels per RFP has decreased by 40% over the same time period, while the rate of contracted closure (the number of RFPs that actually get contracted) has grown to more than 90%.

“Today, StarCite is the undisputed leader in providing strategic meetings management solutions to Global 1000 companies and travel and meeting management companies,” said David O’Donohoe, Senior Vice President of StarCite’s global supplier sales and operations. “This in turn, makes StarCite the most valuable online channel for suppliers to expand their group marketshare and tap into quality corporate group leads. We are glad to see the volume in our marketplace increase dramatically, but we are even more excited by the quality of the opportunities flowing through the StarCite channel.”

About StarCite, Inc.

StarCite, Inc. provides a technology platform that makes meetings and event planning, booking and management simpler, easier, and more cost-effective for corporations, hotels, venues and meetings suppliers worldwide. StarCite delivers visibility, cost savings and control over meetings spending for businesses and enhanced revenue opportunities for suppliers. Through Web-based, on-demand technology, StarCite automates and supports every key element of the meetings planning and procurement process: planning, budgeting, buying, attendance, payment, and results measurement. Using StarCite’s proprietary online marketplace, meetings buyers can connect and conduct business with over 93,000 hotels, venues, destinations and suppliers globally. StarCite is based in Philadelphia, PA. Its equity holders include Internet Capital Group (NASDAQ: ICGE - News), TPG Growth, Norwest Venture Partners (NVP), and TL Ventures. For more information about StarCite please visit www.starcite.com.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaDenn in 2007 lag der Umsatz

18.08.10 23:51
nach rasanten Steigerung gegenüber den Vorjahren schon einmal bei über 46 Millionen:



63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUnd 2008 waren es immerhin 50,5 Millionen Umsatz

19.08.10 00:03
bei Starcite:


Aber sie haben ann 2009 erstmals in ihrer Geschichte im Rahmen der Krise sinkende Umsätze gehabt und sind wieder unter die 50-Millionen-Marke gerutscht. Das Posting von 4876 zeigt aber, dass in diesem Jahr vermutlich durch die Zuwächse im zweiten Halbjahr nicht nur wieder die 50-Millionen-Umsatzgrenze überschritten werden dürfte, sondern vielleicht sogar die 60-Millionen-Marke geknackt werden kann.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaUpdate eines umfangreichen Meinungsbildes

19.08.10 16:25
zur wertvollsten Internet Capital-Beteiligung, den 81% an ICGCommerce:



63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaHewlett Packard and Starcite

21.08.10 18:05
an denen Internet Captial 36% hält und die ich inzwischen vom Wert her sogar noch vor den 33% an Metastorm als Nr. 2 nach den 81% an ICGCommerce einstufe. Denn das ist das Unternehmen unter den 11 Beteiligungen, das in seiner Diziplin der unumstrittene Weltmarktführer ist - bei ICGCommerce kann man das in seiner Eigenschaft als Pure Play allerdings auch sagen.

HP Finds ROI In Global Meetings Strategy

by Mary Ann McNulty

19 August 2010 Houston - Globalizing its strategic meetings management program has delivered a high return on investment to Hewlett-Packard Co., but the initiative has taken more than five years and "we're not done yet," HP meetings global category manager Shirley Kuhloie said here last week at the National Business Travel Association convention. Expanding and adapting a strategic meetings management program that started in the United States and Canada, HP's global travel and meeting services team has deployed the centralized service model to 18 countries in Europe, Middle East and Africa and four countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The program offers a meeting card in 10 countries and meeting service bureaus in Barcelona, Spain, China, Sydney, Australia, and the United States. Operated by an outsourced provider, the bureaus engage in hotel sourcing, attendee registration and air reservations, and other fulfillment needs of stakeholders. HP meeting planners, administrative assistants or other stakeholders are directed to register their meetings and request services through the StarCite technology that the company has selected. Meeting service bureau employees then contact the planners to fulfill the services needed. "Part of the reason we decided to go with a centralized team was to have a core group of individuals managing contracts, ensuring that they are HP legal-compliant and negotiating all the terms and conditions," Kuhloie said. "We think there's a great deal of risk in contracting and in letting individuals who don't have a background in planning meetings" do so, she added. "We look at the local team in the region as being critically important because they understand the cultural differences in contracting, understand the market and know what to ask for in terms of rates and concessions. It's very difficult for us to believe that we in the United States know what to ask for overseas." HP has a published global meetings policy, but employees are not mandated to use the program. Speaking to peers, Kuhloie said, she often has found that "there's a continued desire to have your program published and followed, but not often does leadership within an organization mandate that it be followed." Instead, Kuhloie markets the program benefits and services, all of which are funded at the corporate level. "The business units are more readily in tune with the benefits of using the program when they understand that it is centrally funded," Kuhloie said. "If they're able to obtain the assistance, knowledge and experience of a team of people to help with contracting, group air and setting up attendee  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaInterview mit dem CEO von Starcite

23.08.10 10:39

63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaHier eine zehnfache Bewertung des Umsatzes

23.08.10 16:08

Träfe das auf die etwa gleich großenanteiligen Umsätze der Beteiligungen von Internet Capital zu, würde Internet Capital auch mit 2 Millliarden bewertet - das Siebenfache der momentanen Bewertung.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSo etwas wie die Post hat Internet Capital

24.08.10 17:55
mit Channelintelligence längst im Angebot:


Der Postzukauf dürfte auch einige Nummern kleiner sein:



63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 89% an Govdelivery

24.08.10 19:28

63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 36% an Whitefence

25.08.10 19:48
Movers Can Save Time and Money at WhiteFence.com
WhiteFence is the ultimate resource for movers this summer
Houston, TX (Vocus) August 23, 2010

WhiteFence, the nation’s leading site to compare, connect and save on home services, is ready to help consumers simplify their move and find big savings this moving season.

Moving is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. Between keeping all of the tasks straight, trying to find the right companies to help with the move and getting the new house ready, it’s easy to see why people find moving so stressful. Luckily for movers this summer, WhiteFence has everything needed to make their move as stress-free as possible.

When they visit WhiteFence, consumers can:

Get their entire move under control with a fully customizable moving checklist
Easily set up home services such as broadband, cable and satellite TV, phone service, bundles, electricity and natural gas
Get mover quotes from the top companies and lock in a great rate on professional moving service
Skip the line at the post office and change their address online in just minutes
Find great deals on other moving essentials, such as storage facilities, auto shipping service and packing supplies
Get answers to common moving questions and lots of moving tips at the WhiteFence blog
With an unbeatable collection of moving tools and advice, WhiteFence is the ultimate resource for anyone moving this summer.
About WhiteFence
WhiteFence is a free service that helps people find the best deals on phone, Internet, television, electricity, natural gas and other home services. By simply entering a street address into the secure site, people looking to save money or start new service can find the most comprehensive list of plans available for their specific address from over 400 nationally recognized partners. As a trusted home service shopping source for 24 million people annually, WhiteFence makes it easy to move and establish service directly on the site in a few simple steps.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaGovloop ist eine 100%-Beteiligung

26.08.10 11:16
von Govdelivery, von denen wiederum 89% Internet Capital gehören.



63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 31% an Freeborders

26.08.10 17:01

63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaFreeborders is als Product-Lifestyle-Programm-

26.08.10 19:21
Anbieter gestartet und ließ dabei Teile in China gestalten. Dieses Outsourcing wurde dann zum zentralen Geschäft, zumal man das Startgeschäft PLM verkaufte, was zwischenzeitlich den Umsatz dämpfte. In 2007 und 2008 hatte man dann aber rasantes Wachstum, ehe der Umsatz in 2009 bei  28,8 Millionen stagnierteund im ersten Halbjahr 2010 wohl auch. Inzwischen ist man, wie 42 offene Stellen zeigen, wieder auf dem Wachstumstrieb und sollte noch insgesamt ca. 35 Millionen Umsatz in 2010 erreichen. In China wächst Freeborders aus Qualitätsgründen nur organisch, sodass das Unternehmen ein Geduldsspiel ist.

(millions) STATE
2064 Freeborders 128% $28.8 million CA

Revenues of Freeborders was 28.8 million in 2009 as a result of strong grwoth in 2007 and 2008, but stagnation in 2009. But in the second half of 2010, Freeborders is on the growth-path again after stagnation in the first half of 2010, too.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSeapsss ist die jüngste Neuerwerbung

27.08.10 11:45
von Internet Capital:


Internet Capital hält dort 26%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaStarcite beschäftigt 300 Mitarbeiter

27.08.10 17:10

Internet Capital hält dort 36%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaICGCommerce beschäftigt 650 Mitarbeiter

27.08.10 17:56

Internet Capital hält dort 81%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaFreeborders beschäftigt 700 Mitarbeiter

28.08.10 00:28

Internet Capital hält dort 31%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaMetastorm beschäftigt 300 Mitarbeiter

28.08.10 07:59

Internet Capital hält dort 33%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaChannelintelligence beschäftigt 125 Mitarbeiter

28.08.10 12:38

Internet Capital hält dort 30%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage Libuda1012 Internet Capital zurechenbare

28.08.10 14:07
Beschäftigte schon nach der größten fünf der 11 Partnergesellschaften von Internet Capital.

That are 525 proportional employees from ICGCommerce for Internet Capital.

That are 217 proportional employees from Freeborders for Internet Capital.

That are 108 proportional employees from Starcite for Internet Capital.

That are 99 proportional employees from Metastorm for Internet Capital.

That are 63 proportional employess from Channelintelligence for Internet Capital  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaWhitefence beschäftigt 90 Mitarbeiter

28.08.10 17:04

Internet Capital hält dort 36%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaInvestorforce beschäftigt 40 Mitarbeiter

28.08.10 21:26

Internet Capital hält dort 40%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaKorrektur

28.08.10 21:59
Bei Investorforce hält Internet Capital 80%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaGovdelivery beschäftigt 75 Mitarbeiter

29.08.10 09:42

Internet Capital hält dort 89%.  


63751 Postings, 7376 Tage LibudaSeapass beschäftigt 100 Mitarbeiter

29.08.10 17:43

Internet Capital hält dort 26%.  


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