silverado goldmines (867737)
Zeit Kurs Umsatz
15:26:19 0,098 28.000
15:14:11 0,096 76.700
15:13:58 0,095 0
15:11:00 0,094 10.000
14:43:18 0,094 2.500
WKN Börse Kurs Trade Vol. Tages Vol. Zeit Datum Bid Bid Vol. Ask Ask Vol. T.hoch T.tief Vortag Diff. Änd. Realtime
867737 FRA 0,098 60.000 822.000 15:51 22.02.2007 0,094 36.824 0,098 50.000 0,099 0,091 0,089 0,009 +10,11% ja
Ready for the next leg-up? UBSS still at bid, no worries. Stock will continue to trade higher.
UBSS has been buying shares constantly the last week.
AND UBSS has never been on the sell side.
This means someone wants shares badly!!!!!
Dieser Thread wurde 235860 mal gelesen, umfaßt 4680 Postings und wurde mit
26 Punkten
Fiel mir gerade mal spontan so ein...
Die Idioten ;-)
15:59:35 0,096 +7,87%
Taxe Stück
Bid: 16:03:22 0,096 50.000
Ask: 16:03:22 0,099 112.396
WKN Börse Kurs Trade Vol. Tages Vol. Zeit Datum Bid Bid Vol. Ask Ask Vol. T.hoch T.tief Vortag Diff. Änd. Realtime
867737 FRA 0,097 50.000 872.000 16:06 22.02.2007 0,096 55.000 0,097 50.000 0,099 0,091 0,089 0,008 +8,99% ja
+0.01( +8.00%)
Open: 0.129 Market Cap: 67,371,000 P/E: 0.00
High: 0.13 52 Week High: 0.18 F P/E:
Low: 0.127 52 Week Low: 0.05 Beta: 65.299
+0.01( +8.00
Open: 0.13§Market Cap: 67,371,000 P/E: 0.00
High: 0.131§52 Week High: 0.18 F P/E:
Low: 0.127§52 Week Low: 0.05 Beta: 65.299
Volume: 3,200,380§Avg. Volume: 3 EPS: -0.01
Grüße, ZN
evtl. wieder Tageshoch und 15Mio. gehandelte Aktien ?
wegen green fuel demo power plant:
A start date for construction has not been set. There
are environmental and other requirements that must be
met before construction can begin.
Note: forwarded message attached.
und nun??
Gruss TM
WKN Börse Kurs Trade Vol. Tages Vol. Zeit Datum Bid Bid Vol. Ask Ask Vol. T.hoch T.tief Vortag Diff. Änd. Realtime
867737 FRA 0,097 55.000 927.000 16:08 22.02.2007 0,095 50.000 0,099 147.396 0,099 0,091 0,089 0,008 +8,99% ja
Grüße, ZN