Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.340.749
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63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNeuer Juwelenupdate

01.05.10 19:47

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaRüsten für den Aufschwung und 79% mehr Gewinn

01.05.10 22:45
heißt es in dem oben schon erwähnten Bericht in Euro am Sonntag vom letzten Sonntag:

"Weitere starke Berichte werden dank steigender Technologieausgaben bei Unternehmern und Verbrauchern folgen. Die Researchfirma ISI Group prognostiziert, dass die Erlöse von Techunternehmen im ersten Quartal um insgesamt mehr als zehn Prozent zunehmen werden. Und Standard & Poor's sagt steigende Techgewinne um 79% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr voraus."  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaErholung breit gefächert

02.05.10 17:47
Ebenfalls Bestandteil des Rüsten-Textes: "Die Erholung der Techindustrie ist breit gefächert und erstreckt sich über verschiedene Produktklassen und Services von Personal Computern bis hin zu Onlinewerbung. Nach Angaben der Researchfirmen Gartner und IDC ist der weltweit PC-Verkauf im ersten Quartal um mehr als 24% gestigen. Die Ausgaben für Internetwerbung erholten sich Ende des vergangenen Jahres: 2,6% betrug der Zuwachs im vierten Quartal im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Andrew Batels, Analyst bei Forrester Research, schätzt, dass der US-Technologiemarkt dieses Jahr um 8,4% auf 550 Milliarden Dollar wachsen wird. Im vergangenen Jahr schrumpfte er um 7,9%."  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNeuestes von den Juwelen

02.05.10 18:47

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaFreeborders hat langfristig enorme Chancen

03.05.10 15:40

Selbst wenn sie nicht ganz so schnell gewachsen sind wie die Konkurrenz, da sie nur in USA Unternehmensberatung zugekauft haben, während sie in China - Gegensatz zur Konkurrenz - ausschließlich auf organisches Wachstum setzen.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnd ICGCommerce ist eine Perle

03.05.10 22:09
Clark lead CP procurement outsourcing
April 7th, 2010 by Inderpal Singh Leave a reply » .Since 2006, more than 20 per cent of top-tier US consumer products (CP) companies including Unilever, Kimberly-Clark, Sara Lee and Chiquita have signed procurement outsourcing agreements in an effort to reduce indirect costs, drive bottom line improvements or reinvest to drive growth, it has been claimed.

Procurement outsourcing firm ICG Commerce, which compiled the estimate, predicts that adoption of procurement outsourcing is poised to accelerate in 2010.

“Based on increased pressure to quickly meet changing business demands, CP companies continue to be the leading adopters of procurement outsourcing,” said Rachael Stormonth, senior vice-president at Nelson-Hall, a leading Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) research firm.

“Companies such as Unilever, Kimberly-Clark, Sara Lee and Chiquita are using procurement outsourcing to reduce non-core costs and increase the effectiveness of their procurement function.”

“In 2010, the ability to drive earnings per share improvements continues to be a challenge with a short list of solutions,” added Jon Feeney, managing director research, Consumer Research Group, Janney Montgomery Scott LLC.

“Those companies who focus aggressively on productivity will be most successful. I have seen a number of CP companies implementing strategies involving procurement outsourcing to improve productivity and reduce costs and expect this trend to continue.”

According to ICG, for most of 2009, consumer products leaders reduced costs through traditional one-time measures such as employee layoffs, plant closings and product price cuts. In 2010, even with economic conditions stabilising, companies are looking for new ways to fund innovation and growth.

“CP executives’ primary focus has traditionally centred around the consumer-facing side of the business, and especially of late, understanding changing consumer behaviors with the downturn,” said Manly Molpus, a member of ICG Commerce’s CP Executive Advisory Board.

“More recently, leaders are stepping back to look at the overall business from top to bottom, with a focus on costs too — and procurement outsourcing represents an important opportunity to improve operations and optimize spending.”



63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUpdate mit Channelintelligence

03.05.10 22:25

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 81% an Investorforce

04.05.10 12:38
InvestorForce Selected by Towers Watson for Advanced Performance Reporting Solutions

On Monday May 3, 2010, 9:18 am
WAYNE, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--InvestorForce, Inc., a leading software provider of web-based reporting and analytical tools for institutional investment consultants and investors, is pleased to announce an agreement with global professional services firm Towers Watson (NYSE, NASDAQ: TW - News) to provide its U.S. subsidiary, Towers Watson Investment Services, Inc., with the advanced services of InvestorForce’s Performance Reporting Network.

Towers Watson, one of the world’s largest global institutional investment consulting companies, will use InvestorForce’s Performance Reporting Network to help automate its reporting and performance measurement processes. The firm will gain access to a rich suite of analytics and to critical daily portfolio information through InvestorForce’s Performance Measurement, Investment Reporting, and Insight services.

“InvestorForce’s fully integrated, web-based platform gives us the advanced performance measurement capabilities we need to streamline our reporting processes globally,” said Carl Hess, global head of investment at Towers Watson. “We continually strive to provide our clients with timely, insightful reporting. InvestorForce offers us a compelling mix of data and analytics features, accelerating the turnaround time for client reporting.”

“We are thrilled to welcome Towers Watson, one of the global leaders in institutional investment consulting, as a client,’’ said Jim Morrissey, CEO of Wayne, PA-based InvestorForce. “InvestorForce is dedicated to driving progress and improved client relationships for Towers Watson by continuing to build upon our state of the art, next generation reporting and business management platform.”

With the addition of Towers Watson to InvestorForce’s client base, the company now has over $4 trillion in combined assets managed through its platform.

About Towers Watson

Towers Watson (NYSE, NASDAQ: TW - News) is a leading global professional services company that helps organizations improve performance through effective people, risk and financial management. The company offers solutions in the areas of employee benefits, talent management, rewards, and risk and capital management. Towers Watson has 14,000 associates around the world and is located on the web at http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=sma...

About InvestorForce, Inc.

Wayne, PA-based InvestorForce is the premier provider of performance reporting solutions, with products to address the needs of consultants, plan sponsors and their money managers. InvestorForce enables the institutional investment community to manage investment decisions and exposure more effectively by providing real-time transparency and analysis.

With majority ownership and backing from Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE - News), InvestorForce has successfully brought the most advanced, SaaS-based, performance reporting platform to the institutional investment community. For more information please visit http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=sma...  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaIch erwarte Umsatzsteigerungen bei den acht

04.05.10 22:56


Gegenüber dem Vorjahrquartal erwarte ich hier ca. 4% bis 6% mehr.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaBMW mit profitablem Wachstum

05.05.10 09:45
BMW mit profitablem Wachstum im ersten Quartal
08:37 05.05.10

MÜNCHEN (dpa-AFX) – Der Münchener Autobauer BMW (Profil) hat im ersten Quartal von der weltweit gestiegenen Autonachfrage profitiert und Absatz, Umsatz und Ergebnis im Vergleich zum schwachen Vorjahreszeitraum gesteigert. Der Überschuss wuchs auf 324 Millionen Euro, wie das Unternehmen am Mittwoch mitteilte. Im Vorjahr war noch ein Verlust von 152 Millionen Euro angefallen. Die Erlöse kletterten um gut acht Prozent auf 12,44 Milliarden Euro. Das Ergebnis vor Zinsen und Steuern (EBIT) wurde mit 449 Millionen Euro angegeben, nach einem Fehlbetrag von 55 Millionen Euro im Vorjahr.

"Wir haben unser Ergebnis im ersten Quartal deutlich gesteigert und sind auf fast allen Automobilmärkten wieder auf Wachstumskurs", sagte BMW-Chef Norbert Reithofer. Für das Gesamtjahr hielt das Unternehmen an seinen Zielen fest. So soll die Profitabilität im Vergleich zum Vorjahr deutlich steigen. Beim Absatz strebt der Konzern mehr als 1,3 Millionen verkaufte Fahrzeuge an./dct/tw  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaSieben von acht Kernjuwelen erfasst

05.05.10 12:29

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDas Ad Network von Channelintelligence

06.05.10 00:01
scheint ein großer Renner zu werden:


Internet Capital hält 50% an Channelintelligence.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaGuter Schachzug

06.05.10 23:04

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDie heutigen Ergebnisse sind okay

07.05.10 19:42

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNachlesen

08.05.10 00:24

und zwar die Seiten 1 bis 10.

Wenn ich nicht schon vom Prinzip überinvestiert wäre, weil die Kurse dieses Jahr schon stark gestiegen sind, sodass ich von meiner Portfoliostruktur eigentlich verkaufen müsste, hatte ich Euch - wenn ich ehrlich bin - das obige Transcript nicht gepostet, um mir die Einstiegskurse am Montag nicht zu verderben.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu 4664

08.05.10 12:49

63738 Postings, 7373 Tage Libuda113 Millionen Liquidität bei 300 Millionen

08.05.10 14:04
Marktkapitalisierung deckt schon 37% der Marktkapitalisierung ab.

1Total Corporate Liquidity at March 31, 2010 $113.2 million     23 second(s) ago     Cash at December 31, 2009 $29.4 milllion

Partner company fundings $(0.4)million

Receipt of proceeds from the sales of marketable securities (BBBB and ICE)$41.0 million

Corporate operating expenses/interest/other $(5.2)million

Cash at March 31, 2010 $64.8 million

Additional liquidity items:

Fair value of 831,866 Blackboard shares $34.6 million

Fair value of Blackboard hedges $0.2 million

Fair value of GoIndustry holdings $2.5 million

Income tax receivable $11.1 million

Total Corporate Liquidity at March 31, 2010 $113.2 million  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaDamit machen allein schon

08.05.10 14:52
die 64% an ICGCommerce und 113 Millionen Liquidität die Marktkapitalisierung aus:

Additional ICGCommerce announced:

Internet Capital Group Inc. said Thursday it acquired an additional 12 percent of ICG Commerce from a minority stockholder for $35.3 million in cash.

Separately, the Wayne, Pa., company announced earnings Friday that beat analysts’ estimates.

With the purchase, ICG (NASDAQ:ICGE) owns 76 percent of ICG Commerce. It said it intends to buy the remaining 5 percent of ICG Commerce that is held by stockholders who aren’t part of the King of Prussia, Pa., company’s management team at the same valuation as the Thursday deal. That put the worth of ICG Commerce at $294. 2 million, meaning 5 percent of it would cost $14.7 million.

Internet Capital Group invests in companies that provide software as a service for business process outsourcing and Internet marketing functions.

ICG Commerce provides outsourced procurement services.

ICG said Friday it earned $28.8 million, or 79 cents per diluted share, in the first quarter. It lost $11 million, or 30 cents per diluted share, in the first quarter of last year. The average estimate of three analysts polled by Thomson Reuters was that it would lose 12 cents per share in the quarter. ICG realized a gain of $35 million on the sale of marketable securities in the quarter.

ICG’s revenue in the quarter was $26.3 million, up from $21.7 million in the first quarter of last year. The average revenue estimate of four analysts polled by Thomson Reuters was $26.6 million. ICG’s revenue is the revenue of the companies in which it owns majority stakes

In the last article we could read:

"That put the worth of ICG Commerce at $294.2 million."

I believe, that is only the price between two incubators/equity-companies. By an complete sale or an ipo the price would be a lot higher.

But let uns take the 294.2 million and 64% ownernship = 188 million.

And when we now add the 113 million lidquidity of 113 million = 301 million.

That is near the market-cap of Friday of 307 million. Free of charge are all other private hold companies without ICGCommmerce.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaFree of charge are additional seven

08.05.10 15:01
of the following eight companies: all without ICGCommerce:



63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaAlso schon einmal diese sieben Firmen gibt

08.05.10 21:42

33% von Metastorm

36% von Starcite

31% von Freeborders

50% von Channelintelligence

36% von Whitefence

81% von Investorforce

89% von Govdelivery  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaBeteiligt ist man außerdem

09.05.10 13:43
zu den obigen sieben Beteiligungen noch kostenlos an folgenden drei kleineren Firmen:


Acquirgy is the premier multichannel customer acquisition direct marketing ad agency.   Direct Marketing is the driving force that defines who we are and everything we do!  Our unequalled direct marketing expertise, knowledge base, ingenuity, account team, and proprietary technologies are 100% deployed to accelerate the acquisition of customers:  Efficiently, Cost Effectively, and Predicatively to drive superior scalable results. We call this Acquisition Energy!  We operate across all offline and online digital channels. Specialties include:  Award winning script-to-screen DRTV (Direct Response Television).  The most comprehensive array of Search Marketing (SEM) Products and Services, including SEM Full Management, SEM Consulting, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and scalable Lead Generation Platforms to acquire leads and customers.  


ClickEquations is a complete paid search platform designed for large advertisers and agencies. ClickEquations helps scale and optimize paid search spend with automated analytics, flexible bid management and intuitive campaign editing. Their built-in guidance helps clients identify and act on areas of opportunity and loss.
ClickEquations Analyst, a unique Excel plug-in, offers unlimited customization of sharable reports and dashboards as well as unprecedented analytics power.


SeaPass Solutions is headquartered in New York City. The company develops and markets solutions that enable insurance carriers, agents, and brokers to transmit and receive data in real time. The SeaPass Hub Solution provides a real-time, single-entry multi-carrier/multi-line commercial lines comparative quoting platform that leverages existing systems to interact with one another, leading to reduced costs, better new business and successful transactions. Since 2001 - SeaPass has been implementing innovative technological solutions and services at national insurance carriers, regional carriers, banks, large agencies and brokers of all sizes.


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaTeilweise exakte Daten aus dem letzten

09.05.10 22:42
Quartalsbericht, teilweise Schätzungen, teilweise Kombinationen - und zwar zu den Umsätzen der Beteiligungen von Internet Capital im ersten Quartal:

- ICGCommerce 23 Millionen (76% Beteilgung von Internet Capital)

- Metastorm 17 Millionen (33% Beteilung von Internet Capital)

- Starcite 10,5 Millionen (36% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)

- Freeborders 7 Millionen (31% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)

- Channelintelligence 6 Millionen (50% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)

- Whitefence 5,5 Millionen (36% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)

- Govdelivery 2,0 Millionen (89% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)

- Acquirgy 2,0 Millionen (25% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)

- Investorforce 1,5 Millionen (81% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)

- Clickequations 1,5 Millionen (30% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)

- Seapass 1,5 Millionen (26% Beteiligung von Internet Capital)  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNoch eine Ergänzung zum letzten Posting

09.05.10 22:47
Eigentlich hatte ich im Schnitt mit 3% bis 5% höheren Erträgen gerechnet, aber bei einigen Unternehmen hängt die Krise noch nach, wie z.B. Starcite, die sich mit Tagung von Unternehmen beschäftigen, Whitefence, bei denen weniger Wohnungswechsel das Geschäft beeinträchtigen, oder Freeborders, bei denen das IT-Outsourcing offensichlich später anspringt als bei den vergleichbaren Indern.

Aber auch die ca. 3% bis 5% unter meinen Erwartungen liegenden Umsätze rechtfertigen schon eine Bewertung, die doppelt so hoch ist als die momentane.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNach mehr oder länger anhaltenden Pausen

09.05.10 23:50
steht wieder Geldmachen an:


Nach den letzten Daten gehe ich davon aus, dass die Monetarisierungen von ICGCommerc und Metastorm im ersten Schritt 350 bis 500 Millionen bringen werden. Wenn im Zuge von Aktien, die man im Rahmen von IPO's oder Verkäufen bekommt, längere Haltedauern entstehen, kann es mit der Zeit auch noch wesentlich mehr werden.  


63738 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaMeine Schätzungen des Wertes der Beteiligungen

10.05.10 21:37
auf der Basis der Werte in #4672:

76% of ICGCommerce = 225 million

33% of Metastorm = 71 million

36% of Starcite = 65 million

31% of Freeborders = 65 million

50% of Channelintelligence = 65 million

36% of Whitefence = 35 million

89% of Govdelivery = 20 million

81% of Investoreforce 10 million

25% of Acquirgy = 5 million

30% of Cickequations = 4 million

26% of Seapass = 4 million

Aditional cash/securities = 80 million  


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