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1817 Postings, 5788 Tage kollebb77momentan

17.02.11 13:09

warten wir auf einen schwung am nachmittag, positive news aus den usa könnten helfen.

viele banken heute im plus


70 Postings, 5202 Tage ucdenes wird so weitergehen,

17.02.11 13:19

bis zu den ersten Quartalszahlen,

bis zum Stresstest

und bis die Bankenrettung abgeschlossen ist.

Das sind die großen Impulse die der BoI helfen können und werden


501 Postings, 6712 Tage oysterperpetualMorgen

17.02.11 16:38
so ein Freitag wie letzte Woche und wir stehen auf 0,41
Denke es wird wieder ein grüner Freitag!  

33746 Postings, 5897 Tage Harald9denken heißt nicht wissen !

17.02.11 16:44

234 Postings, 5235 Tage JPMCWie schaut es aus, wann kommen die

17.02.11 16:52

390 Postings, 5793 Tage susi5824.3.2011

17.02.11 16:54

33746 Postings, 5897 Tage Harald9hab mal was gehört vom 24. März;

17.02.11 16:55
!! bin mir da aber nicht sicher ob dass zu 100% stimmt !!  

390 Postings, 5793 Tage susi58+ - 2tage

17.02.11 16:56

501 Postings, 6712 Tage oysterperpetualHarald9

17.02.11 17:01
Du hast es erfasst, so wie alle hier weiß ich natürlich auch nichts!
Bauchgefühle sind erlaubt, so hoffe ich.
Ein weiteres gutes Ohmen ist der 24.03, denn ich bin am 24.03.1972 geboren, das weiß ich!  

33746 Postings, 5897 Tage Harald9am 24. März Geburtstag und Quartalszahlen;

17.02.11 17:10
dass ist wirklich cool;

Bauchgefühle sind natürlich erlaubt; poste meine ab und an ja auch mal  

2879 Postings, 6033 Tage Coffee2gouhhh mein Bauchgefühl sagt mir heute

17.02.11 17:49
das ich gestern nicht beim Chinese essen hätte sollen ! *lach*

ne quatsch bei seite !

Warum nicht auch mal auf Bauchgefühle hören !

Das sind auch Meinungen die zum Nachdenken anregen können !

Ich wünsche uns allen einen irisch grünen Freitag !

6713 Postings, 5521 Tage weltumradlerguten abend allen boi investierten,

17.02.11 19:12
dass wir morgen über 40 cent enden werden hat doch nichts mit bauchgefühl zu tun oder doch?! gehöre ja zu jenen börsenfrohnaturen - morgen steht jedoch das vorletzte wochenende im februar an, und wie schon mehrfach gepostet wird die angst, evtl. wieder etwas verpassen zu können die vorsicht eines nichteinsteigens bei manchen überwiegen, und somit gibt`s morgen wieder einen grünen börsentag. sollte es dann tatsächlich eine positive nachricht an einem der beiden wochenenden geben wird der kurs am darauffolgenden montag mindestens deutliche 2stellige kurszuwächse haben, das tagesvolumen dürfte wohl deutlich über 10 mio. gehandelter aktien liegen. wieder einmal poste ich viel im konjunktiv, alles ist reine spekulation aber davon lebt die börse nun mal.
schaut euch mal den 5 tageschart an und vor allem den freitag und den montag. freitag nachmittags siegte die angst vor der vernunft. am montag vormittag wurde wieder geschmissen weil die wochenendspekulation nicht aufging, dieses szenarium hatten wir auch die woche davor und genau ein solches erwarte ich für dieses we und habe soeben nochmals mit 1/3 aufgestockt. dieses drittel wird jedoch je nach verlauf wieder schnell vekauft.


nur wer gegen den strom schwimmt hat erfolg - hier werden wir ihn haben....................  

3677 Postings, 5775 Tage karassweiß nicht, warum man hier

17.02.11 23:29
von Quartalszahlen spricht. Glaube BIO hat momentan ein ganz anderes Problem.
Wie gesgat, bin schon vor paar Tagen raus. Entweder es geht hier steil nach oben oder
auch nochmal richtig tief runter. §1. Besser ein Geschäft auslassen, als Geld zu verlieren.
Warten wir es ab. §2. Sei mit keiner Aktie verheiratet. Es kommt jetzt nur darauf an wie
es weitergeht, da könnt ihr die Q-Zahlen mal vergessen, die spielen hier momentan
keine Rolle, vieleicht wird nochmal hochgezockt in der Hoffnung dass alles gut läuft, bis
jetzt konnte BIO allerdings nie positiv überraschen. Habe 4 Mails an BOI geschickt, habe
überhaupt keine Antwort bekommen. Ich warte ab, hinterher ist man bekanntlich immer

658 Postings, 5204 Tage StraßenfegerQuartahlszahlen

18.02.11 08:16
nicht wichtig?!.... Die Zeigen wie es weiter geht! Operativ, Umstrukturierung, Kapitalbedarf usw.

Die sind meiner Meinung nach sogar bald wichtiger wie der Staatseinstieg. Sobald diese einigermaßen passabel aussehen wird es für Investoren wieder sehr interresant!!!

Nix für Ungut!  

70 Postings, 5202 Tage ucdenhätte mal gerne eure meinung, glaubt ihr,

18.02.11 08:17

dass vor(4-5Tage) den Q-zahlen der kurs nochmal einbricht oder eher anzieht


4755 Postings, 5203 Tage SpaetschichtPack mal lieber das orginal rein,

18.02.11 08:24
die google übersetzung war fürchterlich.

Banks exploit bailout as they pawn 'own-use' bonds for €17bn

By Laura Noonan

Friday February 18 2011

IRISH banks are exploiting a previously undisclosed clause in December's bailout to run a €17bn operation that allows them to issue bonds to themselves and pawn these bonds for cash with the European Central Bank (ECB).

Industry sources also confirmed yesterday that Irish banks will only be allowed to present these so-called 'own use' bonds to the ECB for a "very limited time" and up to a set maximum value.

The news comes after the Irish Independent last week reported on research from Barclay's showing that Irish banks had been presenting 'own use' bonds to the ECB and using these as collateral for cash draw-downs.

Bank of Ireland, AIB, EBS and Irish Life & Permanent have issued more than €17bn of these 'own use' bonds since late February, and are believed to have presented them to the ECB as collateral.

Such bonds are normally ineligible for the ECB's lending operations under a prohibition of instruments that have "close links" to the financial institution presenting them.

Sources yesterday confirmed that the ECB had allowed Irish banks to present 'own use' bonds as part of the €80bn international bailout deal sealed in December. The 'own use' bonds are all fully guaranteed by the Irish Government.

The programme will only be allowed to run on a "very temporary basis" until the banks are restructured later in the year.

It is understood that the Government and the ECB have agreed a maximum volume of these bonds that can be issued and pledged for collateral.

'Own use' bonds allow banks who have run out of standard ECB collateral to continue borrowing cash directly from Frankfurt, rather than resorting to more expensive Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) from the Central Bank of Ireland.

Some of the 'own use' bonds are believed to have been used to mitigate against a deterioration in the quality of Irish banks' ECB-eligible assets towards the end of last year.

A raft of ratings agency downgrades meant the assets Irish banks had been presenting to the ECB came in for sharper haircuts, so banks were able to draw down less cash.

The 'own use' bonds may also be used to offset the impact of a further tightening of the ECB's collateral rules in March.

The scale of 'own use' bonds issued also means that the level of ELA extended through the Central Bank of Ireland is likely to fall over the coming months.

Market sources say this will be good from a "perception" point of view -- as high levels of ELA send alarm bells ringing in the international investor community.

- Laura Noonan

Irish Independent


4755 Postings, 5203 Tage Spaetschicht@ Ucden

18.02.11 08:50
Der Kurs kann jederzeit ausbrechen. Wenn dann hoffentlich nach oben. Es fehlt nur eine gute news. Und über die Quatalszahlen braucht man sich jetzt noch wirklich keine grauen Haare wachsen lassen. Was jetzt fakt ist das die Boi ihre Auflagen erfüllt und einen Plan hat wie sie die 2,nochwas Milliarden Euro aufbringt.

Gruß Spaet  

70 Postings, 5202 Tage ucdenich fände

18.02.11 09:19

es sehr schön, wenn der Kurs ncoh einen Monat so verharren würd, damit ich ncohmal fett drauflegen könnte


33746 Postings, 5897 Tage Harald9ucden, wieso kannste erst in einem Monat

18.02.11 10:52
fett nachlegen ?
kriegste da eine fette Lebensversicherung ausbezahlt ??  

390 Postings, 5793 Tage susi58so jetzt bin ich wieder dabei

18.02.11 14:13

444 Postings, 7673 Tage gue100vom spekulanten

18.02.11 15:35
Bank of Ireland: Die Spannung steigt

Mit der Bank of Ireland (WKN 853701, Aktien-Kürzel BIR, ISIN IE0030606259) haben wir die Aktie der grössten irischen Bank (mit einer 180 Mrd. Euro schweren Bilanz per 30.6.2010 und fast 2 Mrd. Euro Börsenwert) in unserem Musterdepot. Wir setzen damit auf eine Verbesserung der derzeitigen Katastrophenstimmung auf der grünen Insel, weshalb wir die Aktie mit Kursziel 1 Euro (ca. 5 Mrd. Euro Börsenwert) ins Musterdepot aufgenommen haben.

Im Dezember konnte die Bank mit dem Angebot zum Tausch von nachrangigen Anleihen in staatsgarantierte Anleihen einen ausserordentlichen Gewinn von rund 700 Mio. Euro erzielen, wodurch das Eigenkapital deutlich gestärkt wurde.
Nun konnte die Bank mit einem weiteren Umtauschangebot 45 Mio. Euro Gewinn erzielen. Aufgrund der turbulenten politischen Entwicklung muss nun doch nicht bis Ende Februar weiteres Tier-1-Kapital aufgestellt werden und es gibt wertvolle Zeit, um mit potenziellen Partnern zu sprechen oder weitere Rückkäufe zu tätigen.  

734 Postings, 7585 Tage Oettingerdas liest sich doch ganz gut - frisch von heute

18.02.11 16:00

Washington, DC 20549&#8232;

FORM 6-K&#8232;

Report of Foreign Issuer&#8232;

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934&#8232;

For 18 February 2011&#8232;

The Governor and Company of the
Bank of Ireland
Head Office
40 Mespil Road
Dublin 4

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

&#8232;Form 20-F         X           Form 40-F

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

&#8232;Yes                        No         X

If “Yes” is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):&#8232;

The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland (The Bank of Ireland)

Payment of dividends on Preference Stock and Group Trading Update

18 February 2011

Payment of dividends on Preference Stock

Following the EU Commission's required one year prohibition on discretionary dividend and coupon payments on the Group's capital instruments which ended on 31 January 2011, coupon payments on such instruments recommenced on 1 February 2011.  On 21 February 2011 the Group will pay the dividends payable on its Euro and Sterling Preference Stock totalling the Euro equivalent of approximately €3.7 million.  In addition on 21 February 2011 the Group will pay the dividend totalling €214.5 million with respect to the 2009 Preference Stock (€1.8 billion outstanding) held by the National Pensions Reserve Fund Commission (NPRFC).

In order to demonstrate that adequate distributable reserves exist to satisfy these dividends, interim accounts (unaudited) for the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland (the Bank only - not consolidated) for the 12 month period ended 31 December 2010 have been filed with the Companies Registration Office.  A copy of these accounts is available on the Group's website at www.bankofireland.com/about-boi-group/...tions/financial-information.

Group Trading Update

In the period to 31 December 2010, there were heightened uncertainties regarding Irish sovereign debt, particularly in the 3 months leading up to the announcement by the Government of the EU/IMF/ECB Programme on 28 November 2010.  Group funding conditions were negatively impacted during this period of uncertainty which resulted in a shortening of the maturity profile of wholesale funding due to limited access to term funding and an increased reliance on secured borrowing primarily from Monetary Authorities, and significant outflows of ratings sensitive deposits primarily from the Group's capital markets business.  Throughout 2010 and despite intense competition, the Group's retail customer deposit base in Ireland has remained stable and the Group's retail deposit gathering activities in the joint venture with the UK Post Office continue to outperform expectations.  Overall customer deposit volumes have remained broadly stable since 28 November 2010.

Reflecting NAMA transfers that have occurred, changes in the eligibility criteria for loans transferring to NAMA as announced on 28 November 2010* and the Group's deleveraging initiatives, loans and advances to customers have continued to reduce.  Notwithstanding this reduction in loans and advances to customers, the impact of the outflow of ratings sensitive deposits has resulted in a significant increase in the Group's loan to deposit ratio (excluding loans held for sale to NAMA) at 31 December 2010 from the ratio of 143% at 30 June 2010.

Underlying** Operating Profit
Underlying operating profit before impairment charges for the 12 months to 31 December 2010 is expected to be circa 25% - 30% lower than the c.€1.4 billion*** for the comparable prior year.  On a year on year comparative basis, net interest income has continued to be adversely impacted by elevated deposit pricing arising from the intense competition for deposits, higher costs of wholesale funding and higher costs of the ELG Scheme partially offset by improved lending margins.  Other income is expected to increase significantly primarily reflecting ''one-off'' items in both the preceding and the current year.  Costs remain an area of management focus and the Group expects operating expenses for the 12 months to 31 December 2010 to be lower than the 12 months ended 31 December 2009.

Asset Quality
The impairment charge on loans and advances to customers (excluding assets held for sale to NAMA) reduced in 2010 compared with 2009.  The Group maintains its expectations that the impairment charge on loans and advances to customers (excluding assets held for sale to NAMA) peaked in 2009 with anticipated reductions in subsequent years.  In the Group's AFS portfolio, the Group recognised in December 2010 impairment charges of approximately €170 million on (i) a holding of subordinated debt issued by an Irish financial institution who exchanged these bonds for cash in January 2011 at a loss to the Group of approximately €100 million and (ii) an impairment charge of approximately €70 million on the NAMA subordinated bonds following the decision by the board of NAMA not to pay the discretionary coupon due on 1 March 2011.

During the 12 months to 31 December 2010, the Group transferred €9.4 billion of assets (before impairment provisions) to NAMA.  The consideration receivable for these assets amounts to €5.2 billion resulting in a gross discount**** of 44%.  The gross discount on assets transferred to NAMA exceeds the estimate as outlined in the Minister for Finance's statement on banking issued on 30 September 2010, which was based on a forecast provided to the Minister by NAMA at that time.  At 31 December 2010, the Group still held as eligible for transfer to NAMA €0.9 billion of assets (before impairment provisions), where the Group has an individual customer/sponsor exposure of greater than €20 million.  The Group expects that the final discount on the transfer of these assets to NAMA will be less than the average discount on assets transferred prior to 31 December 2010.

In addition, the Group also held potentially NAMA eligible assets estimated to amount up to €4.1 billion (before impairment provisions) arising from the announcement on 28 November 2010 and these assets are expected to transfer to NAMA following the enactment of changes to the NAMA legislation and relevant due diligence.  The final discount that will be applicable to the Group on these assets will be determined on completion of the relevant due diligence and the sale of the final portfolio of eligible assets to NAMA.

As at 30 June 2010, the Group's Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio and Core Tier 1 Capital Ratio were 8.2% and 10.2% respectively.  Risk weighted assets at 31 December 2010 are expected to reduce by mid teens percent from approximately €93 billion at 30 June 2010 due to a number of factors including transfers to NAMA, impaired loans, additional deleveraging and foreign exchange impacts.  As at 31 December 2010, while the Group's Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio and Core Tier 1 Capital Ratio are expected to be lower than reported as at 30 June 2010 primarily driven by losses on the transfer of assets to NAMA, partially offset by gains on liability management exercises and lower risk weighted assets, the Group expects its Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio and Core Tier 1 Capital Ratio to exceed regulatory targets.

On 28 November 2010, as part of the EU/IMF/ECB Programme, the Central Bank stated that Irish banks would be required to meet higher Core Tier 1 capital ratios during 2011.  In the case of the Group, the Central Bank estimated that the Group would, as a consequence, be required to generate additional Core Tier 1 capital of €2.199 billion by 28 February 2011.

Since 28 November 2010 the Group has generated c.€0.75 billion of Core Tier 1 Capital towards this target after taking the following measures:

·     On 17 December 2010, the Group completed the exchange of €1.355 billion nominal value of certain Lower Tier 2 Securities for c. €700 million of Euro and Sterling Medium Term Notes due in 2012. This generated Core Tier
      1 Capital of c. €680 million whilst reducing Total Capital by c.€675 million.

·     On 10 January 2011, the Group completed the sale of Bank of Ireland Asset Management to State Street Corporation for a total consideration of €57 million. This generated Core Tier 1 Capital of €40 million.

·     On 10 February 2011, the Group announced the exchange of €102 million nominal value of certain Canadian Dollar Lower Tier 2 Securities for €55 million of euro and Canadian Dollar Medium Term Notes due in 2012. This
      generated Core Tier 1 Capital of c.€45 million whilst reducing Total Capital by €57 million.

On 9 February 2011, the Minister for Finance announced that the Irish Government was postponing a decision on capital injections into Irish Banks (Bank of Ireland, AIB and EBS) until after the upcoming election on 25 February 2011, and the Central Bank of Ireland noted that the requirement for Bank of Ireland to achieve a Core Tier 1 ratio of 12% by 28 February 2011 had been extended, with a new timeline to be set early in the life of the new Government.

Prudential Capital Assessment Review (PCAR) and Prudential Liquidity Assessment Review (PLAR)
The Group published a number of key medium-term targets with the announcement of its results for the 9 months ended 31 December 2009 on 31 March 2010.  With the Central Bank undertaking a revised PCAR and PLAR for the Irish banking sector, as part of the EU/IMF/ECB Programme which provides for a downsizing and reorganisation of the sector, there are uncertainties regarding the outcome of these reviews and the potential impact that further capital requirements, additional restructuring initiatives and further deleveraging initiatives may have on the shape of the Group and its prospects.  Consequently, the aforementioned medium-term targets will be re-evaluated in the context of the outcome of the PCAR and PLAR processes.

* On 28 November 2010 the Government announced, as part of the EU/IMF/ECB Programme, an amendment to the NAMA process requiring the Group to transfer to NAMA those remaining eligible land and development loans to which the Group has an individual customer/sponsor exposure of less than €20 million.
** Underlying excludes non-core items which are those items that the Group believes obscure the underlying performance trends in the business.  The Group has treated the following items as non-core: gain on liability management exercises, impact of changes in pension benefits, impact of 'coupon stopper' on subordinated debt, gains/losses arising from the change in credit spreads relating to the Group's issued notes and other deposits designated as ''fair value through profit or loss'', gross-up for policyholder tax in the Life Assurance Business, investment return on treasury stock held for policyholders, cost of restructuring programmes and gains/losses on disposal of business activities.
*** Re-stated to exclude a gain of approximately €35 million arising from the change in credit spreads relating to the Group's issued notes and other deposits designated as ''fair value through profit or loss'' now treated as non-core.
**** Prior to (i) any impairment provisions previously recognised by the Group, (ii) any fair value adjustments in respect of any consideration received, (iii) any provision that may be required under accounting standards due to the on going cost of servicing these assets on behalf of NAMA, and (iv) taking account of any transfer costs.


For further information, please contact:
John O'Donovan
Group Chief Financial Officer
+353 (0) 76 623 4703
Andrew Keating
Director of Group Finance
+353 (0) 1 637 8141
Dan Loughrey
Head of Group Communications
+353 (0) 76 623 4770
Tony Joyce
Head of Group Investor Relations
+353 (0) 76 623 4729

Forward Looking Statement
This document contains certain forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Section 27A of the US Securities Act of 1933 with respect to certain of the Bank of Ireland Group's (the Group) plans and its current goals and expectations relating to its future financial condition and performance and the markets in which it operates. These forward looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate only to historical or current facts. Forward looking statements sometimes use words such as 'aim', 'anticipate', 'target', 'expect', 'estimate', 'intend', 'plan', 'goal', 'believe', or other words of similar meaning. Examples of forward looking statements include among others, statements regarding the Group's future financial position, payment of dividends, future income, business strategy, projected costs, projected impairment losses, estimated discounts upon transfers of assets to NAMA, capital ratios, margins, future payment of dividends, the implementation of proposed changes in respect of  certain of the Group's defined benefit pension schemes, estimates of capital expenditures, discussions with Irish, European and other regulators and plans and objectives for future operations. Because such statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties relating to the performance of the Irish and UK economies, property market conditions in Ireland and the UK, the implementation of the Irish Government's austerity measures relating to the financial support package from the EU/IMF/ECB, the availability and cost of funding sources, the performance and volatility of international capital markets, the expected level of credit defaults, the impact of a change in credit ratings of the Group's and the Irish national debt, the impact of transfers of assets to NAMA, the Group's ability to expand certain of its activities, development and implementation of the Group's strategy, including the ability to achieve estimated cost reductions, competition including for customer deposits, and the Group's ability to address information technology issues. Consequently, nothing in this statement should be considered to be a forecast of future profitability or financial position. Any forward looking statements speak only as at the date they are made. The Group does not undertake to release publicly any revision to these forward looking statements to reflect events, circumstances or unanticipated events occurring after the date hereof. The reader should however, consult any additional disclosures that the Group has made or may make in documents filed or submitted or may file or submit to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorised.&#8232;

The Governor and Company
of the Bank of Ireland&#8232;&#8232;

Helen Nolan
Group Secretary&#8232;

Date: 18 February 2011&#8232;

6713 Postings, 5521 Tage weltumradlerhallo allen boi investierten....,

18.02.11 16:12

von den von mir prognostizierten/erhofften 40 cent sind wir zwar noch ca. 2 cent entfernt dennoch hoffe ich, dass heute noch einige kaufen werden. wie schnell der kurs steigen bzw. fallen kann zeigt der tageschart kurz nach 15.00 uhr. 3-4 grössere order ließen den kurs um fast 1,5 cent steigen, entsprechen immerhin ca. 3,5%....... bin mal gespannt ob noch ein wenig bewegung reinkommt.

dass hier relativ häufig von kursen vor den q zahlen geschrieben wird kann ich ehrlich gesagt nicht unbedingt nachvollziehen. selten waren die aktuellen q-zahlen so unwichtig wie derzeit andere fragen sind entscheidender. evtl. mögliche investoren werden diese sowieso schon kennen/erahnen und hauptsächlich kleinanleger wie wir würden etwas hineininterpretieren.

nur wer gegen den strom schwimmt hat erfolg - WIR werden ihn haben........................... wenn nicht heute dann spätestens übermorgen. gemeint ist bei dieser wortspielerei nicht der montag............


353 Postings, 5348 Tage HollidayWirklich gut hört sich das nicht an

18.02.11 16:33


Bank of Ireland says its deposits have stabilised in recent months  after 'significant outflows' of money in the three months leading up to  the announcement of Ireland's EU/IMF bail-out package.

In a trading update issued this afternoon, the bank also said loan  losses - excluding those transferred to NAMA - were lower compared with  2009. During the year, the bank also transferred loans with an original  value of €9.4 billion to NAMA, receiving €5.2 billion in return. It  still has loans worth around €5 billion yet to be transferred to NAMA.

The bank said it expected its profits for last year - excluding  losses - to be 25% to 30% lower than €1.4 billion recorded in the  previous year.

Bank of Ireland said there were 'significant' outflows of deposits  from the bank in the three months leading up to the announcement of  Ireland's EU/IMF bail-out package, but retail customer deposits had  remained stable. It added that overall, deposits had stabilised since  late November. The bank said loans to customers continued to fall last  year.

Bank of Ireland also said it had resumed paying dividends and coupons  on certain capital instruments, and as a result would pay €214.5m to  the National Pensions Reserve Fund next week on preference shares held  by the State. Such payments had been prohibited for a year by the  European Commission. Last year, the dividend was paid to the State in  the form of ordinary shares.

The bank also said it lost around €100m on subordinated bonds in an  unnamed Irish financial institution, which exchanged the bonds for cash.  The institution involved is understood to be AIB.

Since the end of November, Bank of Ireland has raised €750m towards  meeting targets set by the Central Bank. The Central Bank is due to  carry out updated assessments of the financial position of the banks by  the end of March.



353 Postings, 5348 Tage HollidayDann mal viel Glück

18.02.11 16:55
FinanzNachrichten.de, 18.02.2011 16:31:00
UPDATE 1-Bank of Ireland keeps lid on state stake with payout

DUBLIN, Feb 18 (Reuters) - Bank of Ireland  will pay nearly 215 million euros in dividends to the Irish government  this month, keeping a lid on the state's stake in the lender at 36  percent, at least for now.

Bank of Ireland, one of only two domestic lenders not in state  control, said on Friday it would pay the dividend due on the  government's preference shares on Feb. 21 after the EU lifted its ban on  such payments.

Last year, the government took its first direct stake in Ireland's largest bank in lieu of a cash payment.

Under an EU/IMF bailout deal, Bank of Ireland needs to raise  1.4 billion euros to meet tough new capital requirements and analysts  are sceptical it can raise the funds from private sources, meaning that  the state's stake could jump to around 70 percent.

A new central bank stress test of all the lenders, set to be  completed by the end of March, could also mean the banks have to further  bulk up their balance sheets.

To reassure investors that it had the funds to pay the  dividends, Bank of Ireland gave an impromptu trading update on Friday in  which it said its customer deposits had remained broadly stable since  the end of November and reiterated that impairment charges for loan  losses peaked in 2009.

In a separate statement, bancassurer Irish Life&Permanent ,  which has avoided state control due to its cash-rich insurance arm,  said it had raised its 2010 impairment charge by between 80 million and  100 million euros ahead of a March 2 results announcement.

Bank of Ireland said its loan to deposit ratio has had a

'significant increase' from the 143 percent at the end of June  due in large part to the loss of around 10 billion euros in corporate  deposits in the third quarter.

Irish deposits suffered a large outflow of corporate money after the debt ratings of Ireland and its banks were cut.

Bank of Ireland swallowed a 4 billion euros plus loss when it  transferred some 9 billion euros in assets to a state-run 'bad bank'  last year but even excluding this loss and impairment charges,  underlying operating profit will be 25-30 percent lower than last year.

High costs of funding, with Irish banks frozen out of term  market and intense competition for deposits, hit the underlying  earnings.

Bank of Ireland still has around 900 million euros of assets  to transfer over to the 'bad bank' and the discount on these assets  should be less than the 44 percent average haircut it took on previous  transfers, the bank said.

The lender said its core tier 1 capital ratio, a key measure  of financial strength, had fallen from 10.2 percent at the end of June  but it still exceeded regulatory targets.

(Reporting by Carmel Crimmins; Editing by David Cowell) Keywords: BANKOFIRELAND/

(Reuters Messaging:carmel.crimmins.reuters.com@reuters.net; Telephone: +353 1 500 1529; Email: dublin.newsroom@reuters.com)


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