Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.340.695
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:263
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63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNeuester Update schließt Whitefence ein

19.04.10 18:46

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaZusammenfassung mit Whitefence

19.04.10 19:48
The cash/securites of 125 million and the ownerhship in six of 12 private hold companies, 64% of ICGCommerce with a value of 333 million, 33% of Metastorm with a value of 89 million, 36% of Starcite with an value of 79 million, 31% of Freeborders with a value of 77 million, 50% of Channelintelligence with a value of 65 millión and 36% of Whitefence with a value of 47 million , is with 815 million a lot higher than the market-cap of today.

Und da fehlen noch die sechs kleineren der insgesamt zwölf privaten Beteiligungen.  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaIT-Dienstleistungen und Software

19.04.10 23:19
sind auch die Tätigkeitsbereicher aller Beteiligungen von Internet Capital:

IBM setzt guten Lauf fort   23:16 #190  
IBM setzt guten Lauf fort
22:44 19.04.10

ARMONK (dpa-AFX) - Der IT-Konzern IBM (Profil) ist mit Schwung in dass neue Jahr gestartet. Wieder einmal war das Software-Geschäft die Triebfeder des Unternehmens. Im ersten Quartal verdiente IBM unter dem Strich 2,6 Milliarden Dollar. Das sind 13 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum. Konzernchef Samuel Palmisano zeigte sich am Montagabend am Sitz in Armonk (Staat New York) zuversichtlich, dass der gute Lauf anhält.

Der Umsatz ging um 5 Prozent auf 22,9 Milliarden Dollar nach oben. IBM hat die Wirtschaftskrise von Anfang an wesentlich besser weggesteckt als die meisten anderen Unternehmen. Der einst für seine Heimcomputer berühmte Konzern setzt seit langem auf die profitablere Software und auf IT-Dienstleistungen für Unternehmenskunden. Mit seinen Firmenrechnern hat IBM aber auch weiterhin ein starkes Standbein in der Hardware.

Die Gewinnprognose für das Gesamtjahr schraubte IBM nach oben und erwartet nun ein Ergebnis je Aktie von mindestens 11,20 Dollar - 20 Cent mehr als bislang und auch besser als das Vorjahresergebnis von 10,01 Dollar je Aktie. Andere Technologiewerte wie Intel und Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) hatten mit ihren glänzenden Zahlen die Erwartungen aber bereits geschürt, so dass die IBM-Aktie nachbörslich leicht nachgab./das/DP/he

Quelle: dpa-AFX  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 33% an Metastorm

20.04.10 00:19
The US Air Force gets Leaner with Metastorm
Posted by: Metastorm Blogger on: March 11, 2010

In: Business Process Analysis (BPA)| Business Process Management (BPM)| Cost Cutting| Enterprise Architecture (EA)| Metastorm BPM| Metastorm Enterprise| Metastorm ProVisionComments
This week Infonomics, AIIM’s weekly newsletter, featured a podcast with recent guest blogger Brian Chaney, the Director of IT Strategy and Architecture for Copper River IT.

The podcast, “The USAF, Six Sigma, and BPM,” discusses how the US Air Force utilized Metastorm ProVision® and Metastorm BPM® to achieve a 200% increase in automation to gain more efficiency, productivity, and control.

According to Chaney, the project began when the Department of Defense (DoD) mandated that, in order for DoD organizations to continue receiving funding, their IT investments had to include an Enterprise Architecture (EA) tool.

As part of its new EA initiative, the US Air Force wanted to identify how its IT infrastructure was supporting its business processes, and how well the processes were performing in the supported environments. To meet the goals of an existing initiative, Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21), which aims to streamline processes and optimize resource consumption – the US Air Force also wanted to “Lean out” its business processes to do more with less.

Listen to this podcast and read this customer success story to learn how the team used Metastorm ProVision to see and analyze its processes, and to identify time wasters and other areas of inefficiency, how it subsequently used Metastorm BPM to execute the Leaner, more agile processes across the entire enterprise, and how it utilized the power of the Metastorm Enterprise software suite to realize greater efficiency, and meet the goals of AFSO21.  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNeuster Update schließt Govdelivery ein

21.04.10 00:18

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnd die Schlussfolgerung daraus

21.04.10 11:31
"The cash/securites of 125 million and the ownerhship in seven of 12 private hold companies, 64% of ICGCommerce with a value of 333 million, 33% of Metastorm with a value of 89 million, 36% of Starcite with an value of 79 million, 31% of Freeborders with a value of 77 million, 50% of Channelintelligence with a value of 65 millión, 36% of Whitefence with a value of 47 million and 89% of Govdelivery with a value of 20 million , is with 835 million a lot higher than the market-cap of today."  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUnilever and Kimberly-Clark lead CP procurement

23.04.10 00:12

Since 2006, more than 20 per cent of top-tier US consumer products (CP) companies including Unilever, Kimberly-Clark, Sara Lee and Chiquita have signed procurement outsourcing agreements in an effort to reduce indirect costs, drive bottom line improvements or reinvest to drive growth, it has been claimed.

Procurement outsourcing firm ICG Commerce, which compiled the estimate, predicts that adoption of procurement outsourcing is poised to accelerate in 2010.

“Based on increased pressure to quickly meet changing business demands, CP companies continue to be the leading adopters of procurement outsourcing,” said Rachael Stormonth, senior vice-president at Nelson-Hall, a leading Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) research firm.

“Companies such as Unilever, Kimberly-Clark, Sara Lee and Chiquita are using procurement outsourcing to reduce non-core costs and increase the effectiveness of their procurement function.”

“In 2010, the ability to drive earnings per share improvements continues to be a challenge with a short list of solutions,” added Jon Feeney, managing director research, Consumer Research Group, Janney Montgomery Scott LLC.

“Those companies who focus aggressively on productivity will be most successful. I have seen a number of CP companies implementing strategies involving procurement outsourcing to improve productivity and reduce costs and expect this trend to continue.”

According to ICG, for most of 2009, consumer products leaders reduced costs through traditional one-time measures such as employee layoffs, plant closings and product price cuts. In 2010, even with economic conditions stabilising, companies are looking for new ways to fund innovation and growth.

“CP executives’ primary focus has traditionally centred around the consumer-facing side of the business, and especially of late, understanding changing consumer behaviors with the downturn,” said Manly Molpus, a member of ICG Commerce’s CP Executive Advisory Board.

“More recently, leaders are stepping back to look at the overall business from top to bottom, with a focus on costs too -- and procurement outsourcing represents an important opportunity to improve operations and optimize spending.”  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInformation schließt jetzt alle acht

23.04.10 19:24

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaEs läuft git bei Starcite

23.04.10 20:44

Die waren in 2008 schon einmal knapp über 50 Millionen Umsatz, dürften aber im Gesamtjahr stagniert haben und haben im vierten Quartal 2009 anscheinend aber doch wieder die Kurve gekriegt.  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu 4633 nach der Einbeziehung

24.04.10 12:14
aller acht Kernbeteiligungen:

The cash/securites of 125 million and the ownerhship in eight of 12 private hold companies, 64% of ICGCommerce with a value of 333 million, 33% of Metastorm with a value of 89 million, 36% of Starcite with an value of 79 million, 31% of Freeborders with a value of 77 million, 50% of Channelintelligence with a value of 65 millión, 36% of Whitefence with a value of 47 million, 89% of Govdelivery with a value of 20 million adn 81% of Investorforce , is with 852 million a lot higher than the market-cap of today.  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNeben acht Kernbeteiligungen auch Acquirgy

25.04.10 11:26

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaUpdate - Quartalsprognose

25.04.10 16:34

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaWichtig vor allem die Entwicklung bei ICGCommerce

25.04.10 17:53
Very excellent was the 4. quarter of this company:

"ICG Commerce’s reported revenue grew to $22.7 million in the fourth quarter and $81.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2009, increases of 30% and 28%, respectively, over the comparable 2008 periods. ICG Commmerce’sEBITDA, excluding the impact of stock-based compensation and unusual items, was $4.9 million in the fourth quarter and $13.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2009, up from $3.1 million and $7.6 million, respectively, in the comparable 2008 periods."

Therefore my estimate for the first quarter of 2010 for ICGCommerce is:

ICG Commerce will report a revenue grew to $24.6 million in the first quarter of 2010. ICG Commmerce’s EBITDA, excluding the impact of stock-based compensation and unusual items, will be $5.9 million in the first quarter of 2010.  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaVon der nachstehenden Entwicklung werden

25.04.10 23:57
auch die 14 Beteiligungen von Internet Capital im ersten Quartal 2010 profitiert haben:

"Die Technologieindustrie, seit über einem halben Jahrhundert Motor für Erneuerungen und Wohlstandszuwachs in den USA, erholt sich immer besser von der Rezession. Die Unternehmensgewinne legen zu, und der Bedarf an qualifizierten Mitarbeitern steigt. In dieser meldete der iPhone-Konzern Apple einen Gewinnsprung von 80% für das abgelaufene Geschäftsquartal. Das in Cupertino ansässige Unternehmen übertraf damit die Prognosen der Analysten deutlich. Bereits in der vergangenen Woche gab der Internetriese Google einen Gewinnschub von 37% für das erste Quartal bekannt. Chiphersteller AMD meldete eine Steierung der Erlöse um 34%. Und Branchenprimus Intel verkündete einen Quartalsgewinn, der sich dank einer Absatzsteigerung von 44% fast vervierfachte."

aus: Euro am Sonntag von heute  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaZweite Nichtkernbeteiligung Anthem Venture

26.04.10 11:05

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNeuster Update zu kommendem Quartalsergebnis

26.04.10 23:23

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaPositiv wird hier Metastorm überraschen

27.04.10 10:26
Strong growth will come from Metastorm, too.

I believe, that the numbers of Metastorm in the 4. quarter of 2009 was okay in times of downturns of the economy:

Partner Company Highlights

BPM software and services
2009 revenue declined to $67.7 million compared
with 2008

EBITDA significantly improved compared with 2008

Q4 2009 EBITDA was $1.0 million

2009 EBITDA was $1.8 million

Q4 2009 revenue declined to $17.1million from $19.1 million in Q4 2008

Revenue deferrals impacted results
Bookings strong in Q4 at $19.5 million

Down slightly from $19.9 million in Q4 2008

Entering 2010 with $6.5 million of revenue to be recognized from deferred 2009 bookings

And the outlook on the first quarter of 2010 was excellent:

Revenue deferrals impacted results
Bookings strong in Q4 at $19.5 million

Down slightly from $19.9 million in Q4 2008

Entering 2010 with $6.5 million of revenue to be recognized from deferred 2009 bookings

My estimate for the first quarter of 2010 of Metastorm:

Q1 2010 revenue increased to $18.5 million from $17.1 million in Q4 2009

Q1 2010 EBITDA increased to $1.7 million from $1.0 million in Q4 2009  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaSpekulanten sollten andere Aktien kaufen

27.04.10 23:32

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 36% an Starcite

28.04.10 12:09

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaNach einer monatelangen Flaute

28.04.10 13:07
während der Krise nach jahrelangem starken Wachstum ist im vierten Quartal 2009 das Geschäft wieder angesprungen:

StarCite Announces Record Q4 Bookings and Customer Program Expansions in 2009

Tuesday,Mar 30 / PDF ShareThis

New and Expanded Corporate Contracts Drive High Quality Meetings Through StarCite’s Industry-Leading Online Marketplace

PHILADELPHIA, PA – March 30, 2010 – StarCite, Inc., the leading provider of Web-based solutions to strategically manage corporate meetings and events, today announced record fourth quarter bookings, even as the travel industry continued to deal with the effects of global recession. During 2009, StarCite gained an impressive array of new customers and achieved a record year for customer program expansions as companies brought more meetings spend under management – often on a global basis -- including CA, Inc., Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company, one of the world’s largest energy/petrochemical corporations and three more Fortune 500 corporations in the financial and pharmaceutical sectors.

StarCite is the dominant market leader in meetings technology supporting strategic meetings management programs. StarCite’s ongoing subscribers include a majority of the top 100 companies with the largest travel budgets named by Business Travel News. Additionally, a substantial number of Fortune 500 companies utilize StarCite as their primary meetings management solution, including:

• Nine of the ten largest pharmaceutical companies;
• Eight of the ten largest technology companies; and
• Eight of the ten largest financial/insurance services companies

“When the going got tough, companies turned to StarCite to implement and enhance strategic meetings management programs at a record pace as they looked to save money and maximize every dollar they spent on meetings and events,” said Greg Dukat, chief executive officer, StarCite. “As a result, we’re kicking off 2010 with great momentum and continuing to expand our global customer base. Companies increasingly recognize the opportunity to consolidate their spending, control costs, and maintain a robust and strategic meetings program. As these customers join our marketplace, suppliers are benefitting in turn from an increasing flow of high-quality leads that translate directly into more group business.”

Highlighting the central role the StarCite platform plays in working with leading companies in strategic meetings management, StarCite clients represent approximately 70 percent of the “Best Meeting Practitioners” named by Business Travel News and more than half of the “Top 20 Industry Changemakers” recently published by Corporate Meetings & Incentives.

StarCite demonstrated solid momentum on the supplier side of the meetings industry by renewing key relationships with Hilton Worldwide, Hyatt Hotels, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, Marriott International Inc., and other leading hotel companies.

StarCite’s supplier partnerships underscore and solidify the understanding of the hotel community that StarCite is committed to driving high quality RFPs with very high conversion rates that amount to real business for them. This way, hotels can have their most talented sales people working on the best leads that truly convert and contribute to revenue. Further, StarCite launched supplier reporting capabilities that assist hotels in analyzing their market share of RFPs and response rates.

“Although it was a hard year for the travel industry, it was a critical time for the practice of strategic meetings management, which saw great leaps in terms of awareness and implementation around the world,” Dukat added. “As the year progresses, we are focused on furthering our vision for meetings management by helping more companies maximize their meetings spend and continuing to build on a marketplace where buyers and suppliers can easily connect and do business in an efficient and mutually beneficial fashion.”  


63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaErgänzung zu 4644

28.04.10 18:39

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 89% an GovDelivery

29.04.10 00:29

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaÜber die Quartalsergebnisse nächsten Freitag

30.04.10 23:02

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaZusammenfassung der Juwelen von Internet Capital

01.05.10 13:18

63734 Postings, 7373 Tage LibudaRüsten für den Aufschwung (I)

01.05.10 18:18
Unter dieser Überschrift kann man aus Euro am Sonntag vom letzten Sonntag unter anderem lesen:

"Die Technologieindustrie, seit über einem halben Jahrhundert Motor für Erneuerungen und Wohlstandzuwachs in den USA, erholt sich immer besser von der Rezession. Die Unternehmensgewinne legen zu, und der Bedarf an qualifizierten Mitarbeitern steigt. In dieser Woche meldete Apple einen Gewinnsprung von 90% für das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr. Bereits in der vergangenen Woche gab der Internetriese Google einen Gewinnschub von 37% für das erste Quartal bekannt. Chiphersteller AMD meldete eine Steigerung der Erlöse um 34%. Und Branchenprimus Intel verkündete einen Quartalsgewinn, der sich dank einer Absatzsteigerung von 44% fast vervierfachte."  


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