Hier eine Übersicht in meine Chartgalerie (1 min) DAX+DOW+SuP+NAS,
stark reingezoomt!
1/2 bis 1/3 is sogar noch gut ;o)
"[...] We've been blocked by Zero Hedge for 4 years. Anyone who invests knows that equity markets have a far higher probability of rising over time than they do of declining. Pointing out that basic fact to the good folks at Zero Hedge is not appreciated.
But Zero Hedge might be the smartest financial blog around. Why?
Because anyone who writes in finance knows that bearish articles are the most popular. By far. In our experience, a bearish article attracts at least 5 times as many readers as a bullish article. People like to read about The End of Days. No one wants to hear that things are right in the world, even if that's more likely. [...]"
sauber das du du dann jetzt hier bist oder gab es dazwischen schon eine runde Schlaf oder 2 Liter Kaffee mit red bull gemischt?
Wirtschaftsdaten auch wieder mal nicht so prall.