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Internet Capital hält 31% an Freeborders.
Das war gestern "Opas letzte Nummer" beim Shortselling. Die große Frage ist, ob nacktes Shortselling in den offiziellen Shortselling-Zahlen auftaucht. Meines Erachtens nicht, denn wer illegal agiert, wird dies logischerweise nicht melden. Nun werdet Ihr natürlich fragen, wie man in Wertpapiermärkten illegal agieren kann. Die Antwort ist ziemlich simpel: Wenn keine Kontrollen stattfinden, ist das kein Problem. Und unter Bush wurde in diesem Bereich nichts kontrolliert. Meines Erachtens könnte man solche Kontrollen technisch relativ schnell etablieren, aber da gibt es ein Problem: Man müsste an den Schaltstellen erst die Leute bei der SEC rauswerfen, die das nicht kontrollieren wollen - und das ist ein großes Probem, denn man darf nicht glauben, dass im Obama-Team keine Bängster-U-Boote sitzen. Als die Bängster gemerkt haben, dass Obama gewinnen wird, sind die voll umgeschwenkt und haben große Teile seines Wahlkampfes finanziert - und daher kann der, wenn er denn das will, was wir auch nicht wissen, nicht plötzlich umschwenken. Das Ober-U-Boot Geitner hat er zum Beispiel immer noch nicht trotz unzähliger Pannen gefeuert - das spricht Bände.
Vor allem über die Beteiligungen wissen wir jetzt mehr, z.B. durch diese Übersicht:
Partner Companies
D i ti
Ownership Revenue
Company Description Percentage Range#
Performance advertising services for
manufacturers and retailers 50% $20M – $30M
Offshore IT services delivered
from China 31% $20M – $30M
Procurement outsourcing specialist 64% $80M – $90M
Institutional investment management
industry solutions 81% $0M – $10M
Government-to-citizen communication solutions 89% $0M – $10M
BPM software and services 33% $60M – $70M
On-demand meeting solutions 36% $40M – $50M
Online home services transactions 36% $20M – $30M Rating :
Und gut ist auch, dass wir wissen, dass sie weiter auf das Inkubatormodell setzen, was eigentlich neben der extremen Unterbewertung ein wichtiger Grund für meine Beteiligung ist. Denn ich bin nachwievor der Meinung, dass die meisten Gewinne vor Börsengängen bzw. in den frühen Stadien gemacht werden - wenn auch mit mehr Risiko, das ich aber durch die Beteiliung an 12 Firmen (bzw. 14, wenn man die beiden börsennotierten dazunimmt) bei Internet Capital gestreut ist.
What We Look For
Company Attributes
Market -------------------------- SaaS, Tech-enabled BPO & Internet
Annual Revenue ------------ >$10M, 20% – 30% CAGR
EBITDA Margins -------------- 20% - 30%
CAPEX Requirements ----- Low
Business Model -------------- Predictable, Scalable & Sticky
Deal Characteristics
Deal Size ----------------------- $10M - $30M
Stake ---------------------------- Majority >50% -or- Minority <20%
Frequency --------------------- 1 – 3 control deals per year Rating :
Darauf dass die das hinbekommen, würde ich mich aber nicht verlassen.
Why Entrepreneurs Partner with Us
✔ Near-term liquidity for management with continuing opportunity for
participation in growth and profits
✔ Ability to streamline capital structures
✔ Capital to build platform companies through organic growth and M&A
✔ Deep, proven bench of expertise in building companies in focus markets
✔ A committed, consistent partner aligned with management’s objectives
and time horizon
✔ Access to Partner Network of companies and executives
Und noch etwas kommt hinzu, das Internet Capital jetzt große Vorteile bringt, was ich vor der Krise auch etwas anders gesehen habe: Internet Capital hat sich vor ca. fünf Jahren von einer Mischfinanzierung aus Eigen- und Fremdkapital völlig auf Eigenkapital umgestellt und damit enorme Vorteile gegenüber all den vielen Private Equity-Firmen und Inkubatoren, die mit einem hohen Fremdkapitalhebel arbeiten. Wer schon länger dabei ist, weiß, dass ich das die fast 100%-Finanzierung mit Eigenkapital für etwas übertrieben kritisiert habe - in diesem Punkt lag ich jetzt im nachhinein falsch, aber die jetzige Situation habe ich zumindest in ihrem Ausmaß auch nicht vorhergesehen. Und das Tüpfelchen auf dem "i" ist schließlich, dass auch die Partnerunternehmen fast ausschließlich mit Eigenkapital arbeiten - was allerdings auch bedingt, dass Internet Capital immer auch andere Wagnisfinanzierer mit im Boot hat, was Kompromisse über Entscheidungen über den Zeitpunkt der Monetarisierung der Beteiligungen erfordert.
Our Track Record Realizing Value
Total Proceeds
Blackboard, June 2004 $111M (IPO)
GoIndustry, January 2006 $6M (IPO)
LinkShare September 2005 $150M (Strategic Sale)
Marketron, June 2007 $37M (Strategic Sale)
Creditex, August 2008 $65M (Strategic Sale)
Das große Geld könnte aber schon 2010 fließen, denn die Monetarisierung (ob jetzt in Cash oder Aktien) bei ICGCommerce und Metastorm stehen an. Ich rechnen hier mit Erlösen für Internet Capital allein bei diesen beiden Unternehmen in Höhe von 350 bis 400 Millionen Dollar.
Procurement outsourcing specialist
2009 revenues grew 28% to $81.5 million compared
with 2008
2009 EBITDA grew to $13.4 from $7.6 million in 2008
Year-end cash balance $23 million
Signed 5 multi-year contracts valued at $42 million
New clients include:
Pinnacle Foods
global food and beverage company
leading heavy equipment manufacturer
Significantly expanded relationships with 4 clients Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Read additional 4 second(s) ago About Channelintelligence:
Leading provider of performance advertising
services for manufacturers and retailers
2009 revenue increased 24% compared with 2008
Q4 2009 revenue increased 37% compared
with Q4 2008
Q4 2009 EBITDA increased to $1.1 million
compared with Q4 2008
Customer base includes one-third of “Internet
Retailer” Top 50
Introduced highly successful personalized display
advertising component
Signed seven new customers in Q4
Global provider of offshore IT services delivered
from China
Reported record revenues despite turbulent
global economy
Annual gross margins improved by 9% compared
with 2008
Profitable in 2009 and reported positive net
income in each quarter
Ended year with strongest balance sheet in history
Over $5 million in liquidity Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Read additional 9 minutes ago About Govdelivery:
Government-to-citizen communication solutions
ICG acquired 89% interest in Q4 2009
Over 300 government customers
One-half of all Federal agencies
State, county & city across 30 states
Major U.K. government entities
40% revenue growth
$13 million revenue
EDITDA breakeven
Subscriber base grew to ~15.6M at year-end 2009
from ~7.7M at year-end 2008
BPM software and services
2009 revenue declined to $67.7 million compared
with 2008
EBITDA significantly improved compared with 2008
Q4 2009 EBITDA was $1.0 million
2009 EDITDA was $1.8 million
Q4 2009 revenue declined
to $17.1million from
$19.1 million in Q4 2008
Revenue deferrals impacted results
Bookings strong in Q4 at $19.5 million
Down slightly from $19.9 million in Q4 2008
Entering 2010 with $6.5 million in deferred
revenues Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Read additional 4 second(s) ago About Investorforce
Leading provider of business solutions for the
institutional investment management industry
Currently servicing 5 of top 10 institutional
Representing more than 2,200 institutional plans
and endowments
100% increase over Q4 2008
Over $3.5 trillion in assets on platform
Q4 2009 revenue increased more than 50%
compared with Q4 2008
2009 revenue grew more than 100% compared
with 2008
New Program Provides Total Management of Marketplace Feeds, Including Product Matching, Optimization and Data Delivery
ORLANDO, Fla. — (March 18, 2010) — Channel Intelligence (CI) today announced a new Performance Marketplace service to help retailers sell products more effectively through online marketplaces such as Amazon.com, eBay, Buy.com and Sears. The service provides exceptional returns for advertisers, who pay fees based on CI's actual sales performance.
Features of CI's Performance Marketplace service include:
Intelligent, full-service merchandising by a strategic marketing consultant
Product matching to the marketplace catalog
Daily data delivery – including intra-day product and pricing updates
A centralized portal for accurate order and fulfillment information
Order integration to automate the fulfillment process
In late 2009, online retailer Diapers.com presented a very limited product set on Amazon due to the time and resources required. Knowing that CI achieves market-leading return on ad spend for its clients, Matt Lindenberg turned to CI for a solution. Lindenberg, the associate director of marketing for Diapers.com, said sales performance exceeded his expectations from the outset.
"When CI took over we saw an immediate improvement in our ability to sell products through Amazon. We were able to get several hundred times more items listed quickly and easily, resulting in increased revenue and customer reach," Lindenberg said. "This service has definitely been effective in helping us achieve our goals on Amazon.com."
Channel Intelligence CEO Rob Wight says Performance Marketplace is much more than a simple tool requiring retailers to upload their products and then hope for the best. The company’s complete solution actively manages marketplaces for maximum performance, and exceeds goals established by the retailers.
"Our Performance Marketplace service operates in a managed environment," Wight said. "That means retailers provide us with their product catalog, then we use our technical expertise and market knowledge to ensure those products are properly mapped and merchandised in the marketplaces."
CI's proprietary product-matching service enables effortless connection of a retailer's products to the appropriate corresponding product in a marketplace. Then through a combination of automated processes and personal management, CI's strategic marketing consultants (SMCs) ensure the proper product selection is represented online.
CI's consultants work with each retailer to plan target revenue and cost-of-acquisition goals. After the goals are established, the CI SMC manages the storefront to achieve and exceed those numbers.
Fees for this service are strictly based on the marketplace results that CI drives for retailers. CI and Marketplace clients are aligned as partners to achieve success. Performance Marketplace creates high returns for advertisers, and affords partners a risk-free way to ensure improved results. Therefore, retailer interests are perfectly aligned with CI's sales performance.
About Channel Intelligence (CI)
CI helps retailers, manufacturers and other advertisers make their products and services easier for consumers to find and buy online and in local retail stores. Integrating its powerful product database with online marketing services such as display advertising, manufacturer based where-to-buy, paid search, shopping engines, social networking, storefront, order management and robust performance analytics, CI offers the most complete set of performance-based commerce services in the industry. The company, through its proprietary Ad Network, also drives $2B annually in referred sales from leading manufacturers to retailers in Computing, Home Improvement, Appliances, Consumer Electronics, Toys and a variety of other consumer packed goods. Clients include Best Buy, HP Home and Home Office, Kimberly-Clark, Neiman Marcus, Philips, Target, Garmin, OfficeMax, Samsung, Charming Shoppes, Black & Decker and hundreds more. CI is a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE) and Aweida Capital Management. Learn more at www.channelintelligence.com.
Nach wie vor beträgt der Discount hier sensationelle 60%, was weltweit wohl einmalig ist.
Man könnte zwar bei den hohen Wachstumsraten argumentieren, dass man noch warten solle - ich meine aber, dass es richtig ist jetzt zu handeln, da es auch Risiken gibt, denn das hohe Marktwachstum lockt auch Konkurrenz an. Und selbst wenn es statt Cash Aktien von Genpact gibt (was offensichtlich aus steuerlichen Gründen vorteilhafter ist, wo ich mich allerdings im Detail jetzt auch nicht auskenne), senkt das das Risiko erheblich, da Genpact ein sehr viel größeres Unternehmen ist, das mehr Sicherheit bietet, auch wenn es nicht so schnell wächst wie ICGCommerce.
Trotzdem muss man mit Freeborders Geduld haben, da sie in China keine Zukäufe tätigen, sondern aus Qualitätsgründen ausschließlich auf organisches Wachstum setzen. Lediglich in den USA haben sie bisher dazugekauft: drei Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaften, davon zwei letztes Jahr.
Vergleicht einmal damit die Bewertung der anteiligen Umsätze der Beteiligungen von Internet Capital, die nur in Höhe ihrer Umsätze bewertet werden.
Internet Capital owns 36% of Metastorm.
March 19, 2010, 6:01 p.m. EDT · Recommend · Post:
Online ad spending grows for first time in a year: reportExplore related topics
Advertising Computer Software eBay Inc Microsoft Corporation Story
Comments Screener (1) Alert Email Print ShareBy John Letzing, MarketWatch
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Spending on online advertising in the U.S. increased 4.5% to $7.4 billion in the fourth quarter of 2009, marking its first quarterly growth in a year, according to a report published Friday by IDC.
In addition, online advertising increased in 2009 to more than 10% of the overall U.S. advertising market for the first time ever, IDC said.
The $7.4 billion spent on online ads in the fourth quarter marks a new record, according to the report.
Google nearing China decision?A Chinese language newspaper report claims Google will shutter its Chinese language search engine in early April. Plus, lousy earnings news from Palm and more defections at Yahoo (March 19).
IDC analyst Karsten Weide wrote that eBay Inc. /quotes/comstock/15*!ebay/quotes/nls/ebay (EBAY 27.19, -0.27, -0.97%) "dramatically improved its revenue numbers" in the quarter, making a major contribution to the growth of classified advertising in the period.
EBay posted better-than-expected fourth-quarter results in January, including a profit that more than tripled compared with the same period a year earlier. See related story on eBay.
While Microsoft Corp. /quotes/comstock/15*!msft/quotes/nls/msft (MSFT 29.59, -0.02, -0.07%) has managed to gain a larger share of the U.S. Internet search market of late, "this progress does not translate into search ad revenue market share increases," Weide wrote.
Microsoft's share of U.S. search advertising revenue remained at 5.8% in the fourth quarter, Weide said.
Google Inc. /quotes/comstock/15*!goog/quotes/nls/goog (GOOG 560.00, -6.40, -1.13%) , meanwhile, increased its share of U.S. search advertising revenue to 54.6% in the fourth quarter from 53.8% in the prior period, Weide wrote.
Yahoo Inc.'s /quotes/comstock/15*!yhoo/quotes/nls/yhoo (YHOO 16.44, -0.12, -0.72%) share fell to 9.1% from 9.8%, the analyst wrote, "as both advertisers and consumers signal they are not sure whether Yahoo is serious about its search business."
Yahoo recently sealed a partnership with Microsoft that has Microsoft handling the technology behind its search service, in a revenue-sharing arrangement.
IDC estimates that average quarterly growth in 2010 for spending on online advertising should range between 8% and 16%.
Worldwide spending on online advertising rose 7.6% in the fourth quarter of 2009, to $16.7 billion. However, online ad spending was flat for the full year worldwide, at $60.1 billion, according to the report.
John Letzing is a MarketWatch reporter based in San Francisco.
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