Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
Seite 168 von 385 Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 06.12.05 13:53 | von: Libuda | Anzahl Beiträge: | 10.605 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 02.02.24 06:39 | von: ReeCoupons | Leser gesamt: | 1.340.023 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 266 | |
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Und zwar ist das Channelintelligence, die gerade eine andere Beteiligung von Internet Capital, VCommerce, gekauft haben:
Außerdem sind die beiden letzten Neuerwerbungen von Internet Capital, Clickequation und Acquirty, ebenfalls auf diesem Sektor tätig:
Auch hier halte ich es nach einiger Zeit denkbar, dass diese beiden Neuerwerbungen wie Vcommerce bei Channelintelligence landen, was dann in einem größeren Ipo landen könnte. Aber ich gehe nicht davon aus, dass das vor 2011 über die Bühne geht - also nichts für Zocker, die ich mir auch als Anleger bei Internet Capital wünsche, sondern etwas für geduldige Anleger, die bei relativ niedrigem Risiko eine Vervielfachungschance suchen.
Manchmal machts eben der kleine Unterschied.
Compare for example with Solarwind - one of the last software-ipos who made a secondary publice offering this week
Market-cap of Solarwind is 1,27 billion.
Reveneus of Solarwind in 2009 will be 115 million. That are 11-times revenues by a market-cap of 1.27 billion.
Compare with the low multiple of Internet Capital.
Proportional reveneus of the partner-companies of Internet Capital in 2009 will be between 135 and 140 million. Additional Internet Capital has cash/securities of 140 million.
Wenn Internet Capital bewertet würde, hätte es eine Marktkapitalisierung von 1,7 Milliarden.
Internet Capital hält hier 36%. Mit knapp 40 Millionen Umsatz in 2009 ist Whitefence noch etwas zu klein, die müssen noch ein bis zwei Jahre "auf die Weide".
Ich sehe hier auch nur eine 4-max 5 euro selbst auf lange sicht
Free of charge are 140 million cash/securities and all other private hold partner-companies of Internet Capital without ICGCommerce:
32% of Metastorm
36% of Starcite
31% of Freeborders
36% of Whitefence
50% of Channelintelligence
81% of Investorforce
9% of Anthem Venture
25% of Acquirgy
30% of Clickequation
and some lower percentages of very small companies
Die anteiligen Umsätze der Partnerbeteiligungen von Internet Capital betragen 2009 ca. 140 Millionen. Rechnet mal aus, was da beim Ansetzen der Twitter-Multiples herauskäme.
Und Cash/Wertpapiere haben sie momentan auch mehr als Twitter: nämlich 140 Millionen.
Weil da eigentlich ein Mehrfaches der momentanen Börsenkapitalisierung von 245 Millionen herauskommen müsste, poste ich zu diesem Wert.
First important message: Take Off of the Market
"According to The Black Book of Outsourcing and other sources, the market for third-party services that help businesses buy smarter is poised to take off."
This take off is about near 10 years later, than investors thought during the new economy bubble - a smaller take off than expected in 1999, but a big take off, too.
Second important message: Sensationel market-growth from 750 million 2009 to 2 billion in 2010
"The Black Book projects procurement outsourcing, which can entail everything from help with a single supplier decision to having an outsourcer select and pay a wide range of vendors on an ongoing basis, will hit $750 million this year and grow to $2 billion next year."
I never had seen such big growth on a market-base near a billion.
Das gilt inzwischen für alle sechs großen Kernbeteiligungen von Internet Capital: ICGCommerce, Freeborders, Metastorm, Starcite, Channelintelligence und Whitefence.
Aber für die sehr viel werthaltigen Umsätze von Internet Capital nur das 0,7-Fache der Umsätze bereit sind zu bezahlen. Das ist schließlich eine Diskrepanz um den Faktor 7.
By the market-cap of 231 million of today 3 minutes ago you buy all the following proportional revenues for only 91 million (market-cap of 231 million - cash/securites of 140 million):
The privat hold companies
Internet Capital owns 64% of ICGCommerce. Revenues in 2009 will be about 82 million = 52.5 million proportional revenues.
Internet Capital owns 33% of Metastorm. Revenues in 2009 will be about 75 million = 25.0 million proportional revenues.
Internet Capital owns 36% of Starcite. Revenues in 2009 will be about 54 million = 19.4 million proportional revenues.
Internet Capital owns 31% of Freeeborders. Revenues in 2009 will be about 40 million = 12.4 million proportional revenues.
Internet Capital owns 50% of Channelintelligence (after buy of Vcommerce). Revenues in 2009 will be about 30 million (after buy of Vcommerce) = 15 million proportional revenues.
Internet Capital owns 36% of Whitefence. Revenues in 2009 will be about 26 million = 9.4 million proportional revenues.
Internet Capital owns 81% of Investorforce. Revenues in 2009 will be about 4 million = 3.2 million proportional revenues.
Internet Capital owns 30% of Clickequations. Reveneus in 2009 will be about 2 million = 0.6 million proportinal revenues.
Internet Capital owns about 25% (estimate) of Acquirgy. Revenues in 2009 will be about 6 million = 1.5 million proportional revenues.
Internet Capital owns 9% of Anthem Venture, an incubator like Internet Capital. An estimate of proportional revenues is very difficult. My very conserative estimate are proportional revenues of 1 million.
Estimate for some smaller companies altogether is 0.3 millon proportional revenues
Read more about the wonderful news from ICGCommerce in the third quarter:
• Leading procurement services provider
• Reported Q3 2009 revenue of $20.5 million –40% increase compared to Q3 008
• Q3 EBITDA of $2.6 million compared to $0.3 million in the prior year period
• Cash position at 9/30/09 of approximately $20.6 million
• Continued to expand customer base in Q3, signing multi-year, multi-million dollar contracts with Clorox and Pinnacle Foods; will manage a majority of these companies' non-core spending
• Formed Consumer Products Advisory Board
1 Nutzer wurde vom Verfasser von der Diskussion ausgeschlossen: tradeconto