silverado goldmines (867737)
habe meine ersten silverados noch in Berlin kaufen müssen.
In F gabs damals noch keinen Handel, soviel ich mich erinnere.
Dear Industry Representatives:
It is an honor and pleasure to extend an invitation for you to attend and participate in the upcoming United States Air Force Energy Forum to be held March 8-9, 2007 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia.
The Energy Forum is cosponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Army and Navy will participate to ensure that industry has the most comprehensive and timely review of energy policy, initiatives and programs in the military. The Forum will focus on energy from both the demand and supply side, as it relates to infrastructure, vehicles and aircraft.
In recognition of the leadership role the 110th Congress will have on energy issues, we are pleased to have U.S. Senator Jim Bunning, sponsor of one of the major energy bills in the 110th Congress and a major supporter of long-term, fuel contracting authority for DOD. In addition, Governor Joe Manchin will be addressing the initiatives he has underway in West Virginia for coal and alternative energy.
I intend to make a keynote address on USAF energy policy at the opening of the Energy Forum and Dr. Ron Sega, Under Secretary of the Air Force, will lead the opening plenary session "Energy Operations & Policy." Mr. Bill Anderson, Assistant Secretary for Installations, Environment and Logistics, will review the latest alternative fuel studies with their authors to determine if there is any common ground and the best direction for the future for this potential new, domestic industry.
In addition, John Young, Director of Defense Engineering and Research, Office of the Secretary of Defense will lead a panel on "When Energy Policy Meets Reality" which will feature several senior level officials from Director of Defense Research and Engineering offices, the Department of Energy, and Environmental Protection Agency.
The Energy Forum will have nine concurrent sessions to provide deep-dives into the testing, certification, and implementation of various energy resources and also cover technical and engineering aspects of energy management. These sessions are expected to provide a greater opportunity for audience participation and discussion.
The USAF Energy Forum will be an excellent event for industry to meet and talk with senior government officials in an environment focused on one of the most important issues facing the military and country. I encourage you to attend and learn more about our energy programs and plans for the future.
Michael W. Wynne
HOUSTON, Feb. 14 U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman on Wednesday said clean coal technology was a key priority for the Bush administration.
We must take steps to accelerate the development of nontraditional fossil fuels, like oil shale and oil sands, and perhaps the most promising, in my view, expand the availability of clean-coal technologies around the world, Bodman said during his address at the Cambridge Energy Research Associate CERA Week in Houston. Bodman talked about existing clean coal and coal-to-liquid technology using the Fischer-Tropsch process, led by Sasol in South Africa. While the technology has been around for about 80 years, he said, manufacturing glitches and carbon sequestering issues are now being worked out.
Bodman elaborated on the definition of clean coal, citing clean combustion, carbon dioxide sequestering and coal gasification as the technologies considered clean. When coal is gasified, he said, the hydrogen can be used for generating electricity or to power a fuel cell powered vehicle.
The environmental challenges posed by fossil energy use must be confronted directly, Bodman said. The Department of Energy also has a series of partnerships across the country, as well as the FutureGen project and clean coal funding requests in the 2008 fiscal budget.
Gruss Tradermax
Es müssen ja Riesengewinne sein, wenn ich die Aktien verschenke.
Es gibt nur 2 Möglichkeiten:
entweder haben die Leute Insiderwissen (wenn Aktie fällt)
sie haben keine Ahnung.
Es ärgert mich maßlos, so einen Sch. zu sehen
und natürlich wird auch mit höheren Kursen gerechnet, wollen doch die Makler an den Börsen was verdienen.
Das sind schöne Aussichten, wenn sich die Börsenplätze jetzt schon den Handel sichern.
Long, Long, Long
unrecht hast du da nicht.
ich werde mal ein paar Tage abwarten und dann weiter schauen
Gruss TM
Wie Ihr schon schreibt, ob Ihr ein-, aussteigt oder Eure Aktien haltet ist dem Kurs ziemlich egal. Das hier ist eine Glaubensfrage und wenn Ihr wissen wollt was ich damit meine, blättert zurück und lest Euch durch was ich geschrieben habe oder nicht aber ich finde man sollte dem Kurs solange Zeit geben bis eindeutig klar ist das die Amis genug eigenes Öl haben um vom Rest der Welt unabhängig zu sein. Da gibt es auch noch weitere Gründe aber da habe ich heute keine Lust zu. Einsteigen, Kaufen, Drinbleiben Alles Euch selbst überlassen. Viel Spass dabei und das Ihr die richtige Enscheidung trefft.
Gruss an die Insulaner unter uns. ;)