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361 Postings, 5194 Tage samipeperRetail sales

27.01.11 18:45

Retail sales show Irish economy flying on one engine‎

(Reuters) - Irish retailers were hit by the biggest drop in sales in nearly a year in December after an unprecedented austerity budget put a dampener on the traditional Christmas splurge and signalled further pain ahead.

The volume of retail sales fell 1.1 percent to stand 3.1 percent lower on the year, provisional figures showed on Thursday -- contrasting sharply with strong trade data published earlier in the week that underlines Ireland's two-speed economy.


"We're seeing phenomenal growth in exports -- significantly higher than even the current expectation. The counterpoint is a weak domestic economy and certainly the consumer is still cutting back on discretionary spending," said Dan McLaughlin, chief economist at Bank of Ireland.


Ireland's export sector is booming on the back of improved global demand and the multinationals which dominate the industry have benefited from the country's economic crisis as wages and house prices drop.


Preliminary data on Wednesday showed the trade surplus hit 4.1 billion euros in November compared with 2.8 billion euros in November 2009.




Prime Minister Brian Cowen, likely to be booted out of office in an election next month, is relying on trade to get Ireland out of a prolonged slump and help it meet its fiscal and debt targets set under an 85 billion euros EU/IMF bailout package.


But the Irish Exporters Association has warned that despite exports hitting a record high of 161 billion euros in 2010, on its calculations, and further growth expected this year, it still may not be enough to meet the IMF targets.


Cowen was forced to apply for external assistance late last year amid a deepening crisis in the domestic banking sector, which has been shut out of credit markets on concerns about spiralling property losses.


Under the terms of the rescue deal, Ireland has pledged to get its budget deficit under control by 2015 and taxpayers, with over two years of austerity under their belts, face another four years of cutbacks to compensate for a collapse in property-related tax revenues and banking losses.


The domestic economy is the driver of employment and tax revenues but is set to remain in a prolonged slump due to the austerity measures.


Economists expect retail sales to be flat over the course of 2011, according to the latest Reuters poll.


"I think we are seeing the dichotomy between the external economy and the domestic economy," said Alan McQuaid, chief economist at Bloxham Stockbrokers.


361 Postings, 5194 Tage samipeperBOI

27.01.11 18:47

Bank of Ireland, the only Irish bank still on the main Dublin exchange after the recent delisting of Allied Irish Banks, rose 6 per cent to €0.34. The bank has traded mostly flat throughout the month, as investors await further news on upcoming stress tests and capital raising requirements.


133 Postings, 5385 Tage roberteSentiment positiv

27.01.11 19:06
Das Sentiment zu BOI hat sich in letzter Zeit sehr positiv entwickelt - viele rechnen hier in Kürze mit stark ansteigenden Kursen: http://bit.ly/erB6NB  

888 Postings, 5466 Tage and1loveitbir

27.01.11 20:55

die 2.30 usd haben nicht gehalten  

206 Postings, 5154 Tage kw40724@ mondico

28.01.11 10:27
warum stellst du denn hier alte Kamellen rein....ist doch vom 24,01,2011...also 4 Tage alt...  

291 Postings, 5827 Tage mondicoKW ...

28.01.11 10:52

291 Postings, 5827 Tage mondicoKW...

28.01.11 11:03

Du bist doch erst seit dem 25.01.2011 regriestriert, willst Du mir erzählen Du hast schon alles gelesen.

halte dich sowieso für ein anderes profil das hier mehrfach postet. Dadurch das Nachrichten raus sind heißt noch lange nicht,

das es auch passiert ist.



206 Postings, 5154 Tage kw40724@ mondico

28.01.11 11:07
warum denn gleich so agressiv ??
Erstens...ja ich habe alles gelesen...man kann auch, ohne das man sich hier anmeldet , alles lesen...
Zweitens...du kannst gerne denken für wen oder was du mich hälst aber diese Unterstellungen solltest du mal lassen....
Schon schade das man erst 2 Kommentare hier abgegeben hat schon so angefeindet wird und auch noch mit Unterstellungen konfrontiert wird...  

1182 Postings, 5435 Tage magnum61daran musst Du Dich gewöhnen

28.01.11 11:11
ist der normale Umgangston im Ariva-Forum.  

5215 Postings, 8561 Tage JessycaRuhe jetzt!!

28.01.11 12:38
Konzentrieren wir uns lieber auf wichtigere Dinge!

33746 Postings, 5893 Tage Harald9aufpassen, sonst schläft

28.01.11 13:09
der BoI-Handel gleich ein.....................gähn..............  

67 Postings, 5209 Tage Urmel.89volumen

28.01.11 15:37

heute wurde ja (im verhältnis) garnichts gehandelt ist ja krass


6713 Postings, 5517 Tage weltumradler@urmel89

28.01.11 16:05

für mich ist das logisch........ es gibt keine news und AALLLLEE warten, die investierten sowie die "watchlistener"............ das beste ist wohl wirklich den pc ausschalten, die evtl. investierte kohle abschreiben um dann wieder in 6 wochen den kurs zu begutachten. möchte eigentlich auch halbieren um dann die vermutlich bevorstehende ke mitzugehen. wie auch immer, geniesst die ruhe denn der sturm wird kommen.

nur wer gegen den strom schwimmt hat erfolg - WIR werden ihn hier haben....................


1052 Postings, 5813 Tage Opakarleshab gerade nochmal nachgelegt

28.01.11 16:08

8889 Postings, 6832 Tage petrussweltumradler

28.01.11 16:55
Dein Post lässt ja tief blicken!

"PCs aus machen, gegen den Strom schwimmen, der Sturm wird kommen"

Worthülsen des kleinen Börsen 1 mal 1?  

4753 Postings, 5199 Tage SpaetschichtOffenbar der Stein des Anstosses heute

28.01.11 17:23
Banks register €5bn in notes with ECB

Bank of Ireland and AIB registered €5 billion of government-backed notes to be eligible as collateral for European Central Bank loans.

Bank of Ireland listed €2.5 billion of three-month floating-rate notes on the Irish Stock Exchange, it said in a filing. AIB, which is struggling to avoid full nationalisation, said separately it listed €2.5 billion of three-month fixed-rate notes.

Since January 1st, the ECB has stopped accepting securities in currencies other than the euro as collateral in repurchase operations, the main avenue Irish banks use to fund themselves.

"This is probably a way of replacing non-ECB eligible collateral," said Peter Chatwell, a strategist at Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank in London.

Bank of Ireland's issue is one of four totaling €9.2 billion and is replacing securitised notes in pounds backed by the lender's UK mortgage book, said Anne Mathews, a bank spokeswoman in Dublin.

The AIB deal is "an own-use uncovered bank bond guaranteed by the government, which gives us access to ECB operations to obtain funding", said AIB spokesman Ronan Sheridan.


70 Postings, 5198 Tage ucden?

28.01.11 18:39

das heißt? 


4753 Postings, 5199 Tage SpaetschichtDas ..

28.01.11 19:03
.. der Kurs nach dieser Meldung gedreht hat. Um 15:00 war alles noch grün wie Irlands Wiesen.  

70 Postings, 5198 Tage ucdenhä?

28.01.11 19:19

 der ganze Kurs war heute träge


70 Postings, 5198 Tage ucdenws mir mehr Sorgen macht,

28.01.11 19:20

ist wie leicht, die 32 durchbrochen wurde...


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