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Internet Capital hält 64% an ICGCommerce.
Mein Rat: Sucht Euch dann einmal die Marktkapitalisierungen heraus.
Dann hat Internet Capital vor ca. fünf Jahren einen Strategiewechsel vollzogen: Sie sind von teilweiser Fremdfinanzierung komplett auf Eigenkapital umgestiegen - das hat den Hebel reduziert, aber auch das Risiko dramatisch verkleinert. Damit ist das Papier für Zocker ungeeignet, sondern eher für konserative Langfristinvestoren. Die Zocker sind auch aus dem Papier fast komplett raus, aber die neue Zielgruppe ist zwar bei den Institutionellen drin, aber nicht bei den Privaten.
Sowohl der erste Prozess, der Abbbau der negativen Emotionen, als auch der zweite Prozess, der Austausch der Zielgruppen bei den Anlegern, braucht Zeit - und zwar offensichtlich sehr viel mehr Zeit, als auch ich vermutet habe. Internet Capital ist also eine Aktie für alle die Zeit haben, obwohl ich nicht ausschließe, dass es auch einmal einen Jump gibt. In den letzten Monaten sind wir zwar sehr kontinuierlich nach oben gegangen, aber nur weil große Shortseller den Markt momentan kurzfristig noch steuern können und ihn langsam nach oben gehen ließen. Das kann durchaus auch weiterhin der Fall sein, aber sollten die einmal gecovert haben bzw. die Marktkontrolle verlieren, kann es auch sehr schnell nach oben laufen.
Internet Capital hält 32% an Metastorm.
From 1.8 billon in 2008 to 6.2 billion in 2015
Business Process Management (BPM)
Wintergreen Research
July 1, 2009
517 Pages - Pub ID: WGR2383612 Questions about this report >
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LEXINGTON, Massachusetts (July 1, 2009) - WinterGreen Research announces that it has a new study on Worldwide Business Process Management (BPM). The 2009 study has 609 pages, 211 Tables and Figures. Worldwide are poised to achieve significant growth as BPM is used to achieve more efficient automated process.
The markets are anticipated to expand to provide productivity improvements for the enterprise. Worldwide BPM is poised to achieve significant growth as enterprise software offered by vendors provides competitive advantage to users because the cost of improving functionality is spread across the broad base of users. The markets are expanding in response to the need to provide core productivity improvements for business innovation.
Business process management (BPM) aims for the achievement of greater value from existing software assets. IT investment allows the business process to be used to capture information electronically and automate services delivery. BPM is used to dynamically manage business logic with integrated application services. Business process management (BPM) is a central aspect of enterprise software.
BPM vendors have strength across major areas of business evaluation. BPM is used for connection, integration, and service-oriented architecture (SOA) process management. IBM is the leader in every infrastructure segment, providing robust functionality. IBM enhanced its high position in this space via its strong support for both BPM and SOA. Both structured and unstructured process flows are automated via IBM middleware. Middleware is core to BPM for all vendors.
Customer response and supply chain modules represent significant aspects of business process management (BPM). BPM has achieved the ability to manage human interactions for process and to achieve application to application process implementation. Attaching information to rules in an automated manner means existing business IT systems can operate more efficiently.
BPM adoption is generally at the departmental level. This will change as the mainframe and shared workload become a more significant aspect of the market. Growth is driven by automated process. The value of automated process is at the very definition of the large enterprise. Process-centric organizations depend on BPM at the core of the IT initiatives. BPM works for supply chain initiatives, it works for partner collaboration, it works for management of all systems in the enterprise.
The market for BPM products is evolving. Technological change brings robust functionality. Cloud computing and SOA represent a way to implement flexible systems. Business process integration software addresses a range of requirements. A comprehensive suite of application integration solutions can be applied to business process management.
Business process management (BPM) and services oriented architecture engine markets at $1.8 billion for licenses, maintenance, and services in 2008 are expected to reach $6.2 billion by 2015.
2 October 2009
China's software industry received RMB 589.1 billion in business revenue in the first eight months of this year, reflecting an increase of 21% year on year.
However, the growth rate was 1.1 percentage points less than that in the first seven months of this year and 11.4 percentage points below the rate in the corresponding period of last year.
In August, the country's software sector realized an income of RMB 75.19 billion, up 13.2% from a year earlier.
The growth rate was 19.2 percentage points lower than the rate in the same period of last year and 6.8 percentage points less than the rate in July.
Revenue from sales of software products during the period from January to August rose 20.9% year on year RMB 207.58 billion, accounting for 35.2% of the industry's total.
China Knowledge reports that in the first eight months of this year, software exports surged 41% year on year to US$10.9 billion, while software outsourcing increased 37.1% from a year earlier to RMB 1.38 billionto RMB 1.38 billion.
Freeborders, recently awarded a Rising Star designation from the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals, completes their acquisition of Global Sourcing Advisory Group
SAN FRANCISCO, CA & New York, NY - July 27, 2009 - Freeborders, a leading provider of consulting, technology and outsourcing services to the financial services, high tech and travel industries, today announced that it acquired Global Sourcing Advisory Group (GSAG), a leading strategic and technology consulting firm, based in New York.
GSAG (www.gsadvisory.com) focuses on high-impact advisory, benchmarking and transformation consulting services, including shared services, as well as offshoring and outsourcing advice. In addition, GSAG possesses extensive experience providing technology strategy and planning, and program and project management services.
"We welcome the GSAG team to Freeborders. This acquisition expands our consulting capabilities and represents part of our ongoing strategy to provide world class consulting, technology and outsourcing services," said Jean Cholka, CEO, Freeborders. "The blend of GSAG's strong business advisory services and Freeborders' global delivery and implementation capability provides an exceptional opportunity to enhance our business – and the value we deliver to our customers."
"We are very pleased to join the Freeborders family," said John Stacey, CEO, GSAG. "The combination of our proven consulting expertise coupled with Freeborders' leading global delivery capability from China provides clients with a unique and cost-competitive partner for delivering large, end-to-end programs. We found a great cultural fit between both companies in terms of commitment to unparallel client satisfaction, entrepreneurial spirit, corporate culture, and overall vision for the future of the global services industry."
GSAG will operate as an independent business unit with access to global delivery capabilities as required by their clients.
About GSAG - www.gsadvisory.com
Global Sourcing Advisory Group, a global strategic advisory firm, is a leader in best practice advisory, benchmarking, and transformation consulting services, including shared services, offshoring and outsourcing advice. Founded in 2000, the company utilizes best practices and implementation insights from more than 1,000 benchmarking engagements. Executives use GSAG's empirically based approach to quickly define and prioritize initiatives to enable world-class performance.
About Freeborders - www.freeborders.com
Freeborders provides specialized expertise to solve the most complex business challenges for the financial services, travel and high tech industries. The company provides global consulting, latest technologies and outsourcing services that leverage its deep domain expertise, innovative thinking and strategic execution through its integrated China to US delivery model. Freeborders is uniquely positioned to cost-effectively enable its clients to achieve their business objectives
IT Solutions Company Expands Expertise and Customer Base Within Global Capital Markets
SAN FRANCISCO, CA & CHICAGO, IL - June 4, 2009 - Freeborders, Inc., the leading provider of technology solutions developed from China, today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Stack Venture Group (SVG), a privately held company based in Chicago, IL. The acquisition of SVG expands the breadth of Freeborders' offerings within the Financial Services Industry, adding world class expertise and experience within Capital Markets and Commercial Lending.
SVG is well-regarded in the capital markets industry for providing support for some of the most functionally rich trading and commercial lending technology solutions available today. Clients place a heavy reliance on SVG to provide integration and ongoing support for products such as LoanIQ (commercial lending) and Summit (risk/compliance) from Misys. Additionally, the company provides third-party support for the Anti-Money-Laundering (AML) product from Mantas – a recent acquisition by Oracle.
"Freeborders' acquisition of SVG reflects our commitment to provide our customers with the focused technology and domain expertise they need to power their strategic business goals," said Jean Cholka, Freeborders' Chief Executive Officer. "SVG's suite of capital markets consulting solutions and its customer base complement Freeborders,' and we are delighted to welcome SVG and its employees to the Freeborders family. Our customers are looking for precisely the kind of talent that SVG offers."
"Freeborders shares our vision and passion for helping customers to take advantage of the best implementation, integration and ongoing maintenance talent for financial services applications," said Richard Stack, CEO, Stack Venture Group. "Both Freeborders and SVG have independently built world-class organizations with extensive IT and industry experience. By bringing our two companies together we will not only have the relevant business knowledge, but access to a global resource pool of capital markets and financial technology experts to address the needs of our customers."
With a global presence of industry and technology experts, Freeborders provides a full range of IT services, ranging from strategic consulting to systems integration to outsourcing of IT projects for large and medium-sized companies. Its vertical expertise includes Financial Services, High Tech and Travel & Hospitality.
About Freeborders
Freeborders is the leading global provider of offshore IT services and solutions delivered from centers of excellence in China. Privately held and based in San Francisco, CA, Freeborders is recognized for offering best practices in outsourcing by combining its award-winning global delivery model, CHINDUSsm, with its governance model ATLASsm. Freeborders provides a full suite of services that encompass all phases of a project lifecycle including strategy, design, development, testing, implementation integration and extended support. Freeborders is assessed at Level 5 of the SEI's CMMI, and is ISO 27001 certified. To learn more, visit www.freeborders.com.
Das größte Signal für den Aufbruch in Richtung Börse könnte jedoch das populäre soziale Netzwerk Facebook geben. Noch wiegelt dessen Gründer Mark Zuckerberg ab. Doch die Unterlagen für einen Börsengang liegen in der Schublade – schließlich wollen Facebooks Investoren bald Kasse machen."
Internet Capital ist eigentlich nicht anderers als Sequonia auch, nur stärker auf einen Sektor konzentriert und im Gegensatz zu Sequonia börsennotiert - also auch für den normalen Privatanleger eine Chance an den großen Chancen der Wagnisfinanzierer teilzunehmen. Zwar werden die meisten Wagnisfinanzierer auch mit relativ viel Eigenkapital arbeiten, Internet Capital aber zu fast 100%.
bist ja immer noch fast alleine da aber die 5,5Euro schein zu halten so wie s aussieht
Wie einige sich von Euch sicher noch erinnern können, habe ich bei niedrigen Kursen zwischen 3 und 4 Dollar ja massiv für Aktienrückkäufe plädiert, die nur halbherzig und in kleinem Umfang wahrgenommen wurden. Jetzt will man das Gegenteil machen, was bei sehr hohen Aktienkursen auch Sinn machen könnte - allerdings müssten die dann meines Erachtens mindestens bei $12 bis 15 liegen. Zudem hat ja noch 50 Millionen Cash und sollte meines Erachtens auch erst die 2,2 Millionen Aktien von Blackboard verkaufen, die momentan ca. 86 Millionen bringen würden, denn ich gehe davon aus, dass die Internet-Capital-Aktien schneller steigen werden als die Blackboard-Aktien. Allerdings kenne ich die steuerlichen Hintergründe nicht, denn in den USA ist es ja so, dass mit der Dauer der Haltefrist die Höhe der Besteuerung sinkt, was im Fall des Verkaufs von Blackboard-Aktien eine Rolle spielen könnte.
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