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63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaWobei ich zu meinem letzten Posting

30.09.09 12:55
noch hinzufügen muss, dass der Käufer auch durchaus ein Deckung suchender ehemaliger Shortseller sein kann, der mit einem Institutitionals ein Geschäft abgeschlossen hat.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaFreeborders arbeitet in einem Markt mit einem

30.09.09 17:22
Wachstum von 64,5%:

64.5% growth in the market of Freeborders     29-Sep-09 12:44 pm     in the first half of 2009: China's software industry sees 22.7% grwoth, but software outsourcing soared 64.5% from a year earlier to RMB 900 million.

China's software industry sees 22.7% growth in revenue in H1
Published: 27 Jul 2009 02:03:24 PST

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Jul. 27, 2009 (China Knowledge) - China's software industry reaped RMB 427 billion in business revenue in the first half of this year, up 22.7% year on year, according to statistics released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Friday.

However, the growth rate was 0.6 percentage points less than that in the first five months of this year and 7.7 percentage points below the rate in the corresponding period of last year, said the ministry.

In the month of June, the country's software sector realized an income of RMB 97.88 billion, up 20.8% from a year earlier. The growth rate was 13.4 percentage points lower than the rate in the same period of last year and 1.6 percentage points less than the rate in May.

In the first six months of this year, software exports surged 47.4% year on year to US$8.34 billion, while software outsourcing soared 64.5% from a year earlier to RMB 900 million.

In 2008, China's software industry realized a 29% revenue growth, according to an earlier report from China Knowledge.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaWer meht zu Freeborders lesen will,

30.09.09 18:31

63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaAuch Channelintelligence wächst nicht nur

30.09.09 20:31
organisch, sondern zuletzt auch durch Zukäufe. Internet Capital hält 50% an Channelintelligence:



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaZu einem absoulten Brummer scheint sich

30.09.09 23:03
im Rahmen der vielzähligen Angebote von Channelintelligence das adnetwork zu entwickeln, an dem z.B. u.a. die folgenden Hersteller von Produkten teilnehmen:



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaUnd dieses Ad-network von Channelintelligence

30.09.09 23:34
liefert den obigen Herstellern und nachstehenden Herstellern Informationen über das Verhalten der Käufer im Internet. Hier nach den Unternehmen von der Herstellerseite die Retailer, also die Handelsunternehmen, die die Produkte der Hersteller an den Mann bzw. die Frau bringen:



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaAuch bei Channelintelligence versucht

01.10.09 11:05
Internet Capital eine Größe zu erreichen, die einen IPO sinnvoll macht. Denn hier sind die Größenvorstellung erheblich gewachsen, da eine Börsennotierung in den USA wegen der Anforderungen in der Rechnungslegung ca. 2 Millionen pro Jahr an Kosten verursacht - weitgehend unabhängig von der Größe.

Channelintelligence hat daher Vcommerce gekauft, an denen Internet Capital auch mit 53% beteiligt war. Vcommerce hatte hervorragende Produkte und gute Kunden, benötigte aber für eine notwendige Expansion weiter Geld, das Channelintelligence offensichtlich hat und zudem ergeben sich enorme Synergieeffekte.

Fla. company buys tech business Vcommerce
by Jane Larson - Sept. 12, 2009 07:00 AM
The Arizona Republic .
A Scottsdale company that soared during the dot-com boom, then hit the skids and tried to bounce back, has been acquired by a fast-growing Florida rival.

Vcommerce Corp. sold its technology, brands and other assets to Channel Intelligence Inc. of Orlando, Fla., for an undisclosed sum.

Channel Intelligence, which announced the deal last week, said it has hired 25 of the Scottsdale firm's 35 employees and plans to set up a West Coast office here.
Whether it was signing up small stores, as it did in its early days, or the large retailers it later targeted, Vcommerce never seemed to get enough customers for its e-commerce software to be profitable, people familiar with the company said.

"The company had superb technology but could not scale to compete in today's economy," said Karen Greene, spokeswoman for Internet Capital Group Inc.

The Wayne, Pa., investment firm put $13 million into Vcommerce in 2006 and eventually gained a majority stake in the Scottsdale firm. It also owns a minority stake in Channel Intelligence.

Channel Intelligence has about 100 employees in Orlando and expects to increase the Arizona office to 50 employees next year, Chief Executive Officer Robert Wight said.

He said the deal will allow Channel Intelligence to expand its services to manufacturers and retailers. Some 100 manufacturers, including Mattel Inc. and Black & Decker Corp., are its customers, along with 100 retailers like Target Corp., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Saks Inc.

Channel Intelligence helps manufacturers promote their products through search engines and online advertising, he said. When consumers go to a manufacturer's Web site, Channel Intelligence helps pass them on to a retailer's site, where the consumers can buy the product.

The Florida company does that successfully, but "what we really wanted to do was provide a full-service system," Wight said. Vcommerce's storefront, order management and fulfillment software closes the gap.

"The ability to take an order from one (company) and make sure it is fulfilled from another is very important to us," Wight said.

The Florida company had thought of building such software, he said. Instead, when Vcommerce came up for sale in an auction conducted by investment bank William Blair and Co., Channel Intelligence emerged as the successful bidder.

Vcommerce started as Vstore Corp. in 1998 and was one of the Valley's hottest start-ups during the dot-com era, when companies large and small began selling products online. It raised more than $62 million in venture capital over the next five years, but stumbled in its efforts to sell large, expensive installations of its software.

Founder Dan Kennedy bought out original investors in 2003 and re-launched Vcommerce in 2004 on a pay-as-you-go model. It attracted big-name customers including Target and Overstock.com, growing to more than 100 employees.

Internet Capital Group said this summer that Vcommerce needed more money to fund its operations.

Kennedy left the company last year but remained a shareholder, Greene  said.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaDip nutzen, denn Internet Capital

01.10.09 22:25
wird den laufenden Bullenmarkt klar outperformen:

10-Year Bull Market Has Begun; Dow Will "Double For Sure", Hennessy Says
Posted Oct 01, 2009 08:00am EDT by Peter Gorenstein in Investing

The Dow Jones Industrial rose 15% in the third quarter, closing the book on its best 3-month span in 11 years.

Skeptics calls it a classic bear market rally.

Neil Hennessy, chief investment officer of the Hennessey Funds, has a more positive assessment.

Much more positive.

"I think we're starting a 10-year bull market," he claims. During that time, he believes, the Dow will "double for sure" from current levels.

His reasoning?

Stocks are the only reasonable money-making investment in this current environment of low interest rates. Why "put your money into a 30-year U.S. government bond at 4% and wait 30 years to get your money back?" he asks.

Instead, he says, buy the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The 30 components are yielding a 3% dividend and, unlike Treasuries, offer a growth opportunity.

Plus, with trillions in cash on the sidelines waiting to get in the game, the market's headed in one direction: Up.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaEtwas vernachlässigt haben wir in der letzten

02.10.09 16:04
Zeit Whitefence, die US-weite größte Preisvergleichsmaschine für alles um Haus wie Gas, Strom, Wasser, Telefon, TV, Zeitungen usw.

Die neueste Liste der Provider, die mit Whitefence zusammenarbeiten ist beeindruckend:



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaAuch GoIndustry scheint wieder in die Pötte zu

02.10.09 18:05

Used Equipment sales show green shoots of recovery
[Posted by Go-Dove ON Monday, September 28, 2009]
Categories: Auction news, Europe | Add a comment
Demand for used large tonnage Automotive Specification Injection Moulding machines has increased to levels not experienced for two years.

Tier 1 and 2 suppliers across Europe and the Eastern Block are gearing up their manufacturing facilities to cope with the increased demand.

GoIndustry DoveBid has received enquiries for Western machines in the 2000 to 4000 Tonne bracket. Specific enquiries are for Husky, Krauss Maffei and Engel. An automotive spec’d machine traditionally has a small shot weight compared to the size of the machine ranging in the 4Kg to 8 Kg range.

David Heaselgrave, Global Head of marketing for Go-Dove says; “the downturn in the markets and the credit crisis hit many Automotive suppliers hard. Two major plants in the UK in ecomold and Visteon have closed reducing the capacity in the marketplace. Once the major vehicle manufacturers had run down their stocks then the Tier 1 and 2 suppliers who remained were in a stronger position with the ability to attract a greater slice of the market. This has led to a shortage of large capacity injection moulding machines. Whilst new machines can be ordered, the lead time in some cases is 12 months and the demand needs to be satisfied now hence an increase in the interest levels in quality used machines”

GoIndustry DoveBid, are the world leaders in the valuation and sale of used Plastic Injection Moulding Machinery with over 25,000 plastic related items sold in 2008 alone.

David Heaselgrave continues; "our primary sales methodology utilising online auctions, combined with our expertise and industry knowledge opens the world up for the sale of major plant and machinery. Our market leading position allows us to target a clients surplus assets at the ‘hot’ buying markets, maximising the return for the seller and facilitating the buyer in the acquisition of quality used plant and machinery. This is a form of recycling. Taking a machine from one part of the world where it is idle or surplus and moving to a region where it can be used fully"

Full details on the services offered by GoIndustry DoveBid go to www.go-dove.com or contact David Heaselgrave on +44 (0) 207 098 3700  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaIch würde jetzt schon so schnell wie möglich

02.10.09 23:38
nachladen, denn wer zu spät bekommt, den bestraft bekanntlich die Börse.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaUnd die Ipo's rollen nur so

03.10.09 12:47

Internet Capital konnte ICGCommerce, Starcite und Metastorm problemlos an den Markt bringen. Aber man muss nicht und setzt offensichtlich darauf, die Unternehmen noch weiter wachsen zu lassen, ehe es zu einem Ipo oder Merger kommt.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaBei den Beteiligungen von Internet Capital wird

03.10.09 14:12
immer wieder das enorme strukturelle Wachstum der Märkte übersehen, auf denen die Beteiligungen von Internet Capital tätig sind. So arbeitet beispielsweise die wertvollste Internet Capital-Beteiligung ICGCommerce auf einem Markt, der bis 2012 im Schnitt pro Jahr über 41% wachsen wird. Und ICGCommerce ist der weltweit größte Pure Play auf diesem Sektor, um den sich die Konkurrenten reißen werden, wenn er dann auf den Markt käme, was ich sogar zur kurzfristig nicht ausschließe, spätenstens aber 2010. Hier wird es meines Erachtens kaum zu einem Ipo kommen, da wegen der enormen Synergieeffekte ein entsprechendes Unternehmen mehr zahlen dürfte, als bei einem Ipo erreichbar ist.

Good growth-companies are growthing by good and bad market-conditions - for example ICGCommerce in market with a groowth-rate of more than 41% growth year-over-year in the next years:

According to the recent Black Book of Outsourcing, a report complied by Brown-Wilson Group, a Datamonitor company, procurement outsourcing is the fastest growing back-office area of business process outsourcing. The outsourced procurement solutions market is forecast to expand dramatically this year from $700 million in 2008 to an estimated $1.1 billion market this year. And it's expected to pass the $3.5 billion mark in 2012, representing a 41% compound annual growth rate.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaNoch ein Beispiel für das strukturelle Wachstum

03.10.09 20:05
bei Freeborders, wo sie allerdings im Gegensatz zu den obigen 64% an ICGCommerce, "nur" 31% halten, aber immerhin. Auch hier wächst der Markt enorm und Freeborders "paced" ihn noch aus:

Or take a look at the 64.5% growth in the market of Freeborders in the first half of 2009: China's software industry sees 22.7% grwoth, but software outsourcing soared 64.5% from a year earlier to RMB 900 million.

China's software industry sees 22.7% growth in revenue in H1
Published: 27 Jul 2009 02:03:24 PST

Jul. 27, 2009 (China Knowledge) - China's software industry reaped RMB 427 billion in business revenue in the first half of this year, up 22.7% year on year, according to statistics released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Friday.

However, the growth rate was 0.6 percentage points less than that in the first five months of this year and 7.7 percentage points below the rate in the corresponding period of last year, said the ministry.

In the month of June, the country's software sector realized an income of RMB 97.88 billion, up 20.8% from a year earlier. The growth rate was 13.4 percentage points lower than the rate in the same period of last year and 1.6 percentage points less than the rate in May.

In the first six months of this year, software exports surged 47.4% year on year to US$8.34 billion, while software outsourcing soared 64.5% from a year earlier to RMB 900 million.

In 2008, China's software industry realized a 29% revenue growth, according to an earlier report from China Knowledge.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaDas klappt nicht immer, aber auch Internet Capital

03.10.09 23:56
hat mit ICGCommerce, Starcite, Freeborders, Metastorm, Channelintelligence und Whitefence gleich sechs heiße Eisen im Rennen:

That's almost 23 times its original investment.     12 second(s) ago     Talecris IPO provides healthy dose of medicine for Cerberus
Deal generates $1.8 billion net gain for ailing private-equity, hedge-fund firmExplore related topics
Biotechnology Banks Talecris Biotherapeutics Hld Morgan Stanley Story
Comments Screener (4) Alert Email Print ShareBy Alistair Barr, MarketWatch
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The stock market debut of Talecris Biotherapeutics on Thursday has given ailing private-equity and hedge-fund firm Cerberus Capital Management LP a healthy dose of financial medicine.

Talecris /quotes/comstock/15*!tlcr/quotes/nls/tlcr (TLCR 22.66, +1.51, +7.14%) , which develops treatments for people with life-threatening disorders, sold 50 million shares at $19 each, raising $950 million.

If Morgan Stanley /quotes/comstock/13*!ms/quotes/nls/ms (MS 29.46, -0.41, -1.37%) , Goldman Sachs /quotes/comstock/13*!gs/quotes/nls/gs (GS 179.61, +0.62, +0.35%) and the other underwriters exercise their option to buy another 6 million Talecris shares, the IPO will be the biggest in the U.S. so far this year, according to Dealogic.

Cerberus-Plasma Holdings LLC owned roughly 74% of Talecris before the IPO and retains about 38% of the company. That means the offering generated about $350 million in cash for the Cerberus vehicle.

The remaining Cerberus stake was valued at $864 million. However, Talecris shares jumped 11% to close at $21.15 on Thursday, making the stake more valuable.

The managing member of Cerberus-Plasma is Cerberus Partners LP, a hedge fund run by the firm. Cerberus Partners has been hit hard by a wave of investor redemption requests, so the $350 million or so of proceeds from the Talecris IPO will likely provide the fund with a much-needed dose of liquidity. See story on Cerberus hedge fund.

Cerberus has suffered in recent years as the financial crisis undermined the value of big investments the firm made in automaker Chrysler and financial-services giant GMAC.

The firm's Talecris investment turned out better.

Cerberus initially invested $82.5 million in the company in March 2005. Cerberus collected more than $10 million in advisory fees over several years and Talecris declared over $800 million in dividends to its shareholders in 2005 and 2006.

Add in the impact of the IPO and Cerberus has generated a net gain of about $1.8 billion from its Talecris investment. That's almost 23 times its original investment.
Alistair Barr is a reporter for MarketWatch in San Francisco  


1227 Postings, 6982 Tage CarpeDiesSchon traurig

04.10.09 00:16
bist schon ziemlich einsam hier im thread. Aber durchhalten, der nächste Aufschwung kommt bestimmt  

63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaEigentlich sind wir in diesem Aufschwung schon

04.10.09 11:25
mitten drin - und von den Fundamentals her ist trotzdem noch sehr viel Luft nach oben:



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaUnd das Geschäftsmodell von Internet Capital

04.10.09 14:52
läuft momentan wie am Schnürchen: Man hat fertige Ipo bzw. verkaufsfertige Unternehmen wie ICGCommerce, Starcite oder Metastorm. Und auf der ergeben sich immer noch exzellente Aufkaufschnäppchen, wie nachstehenden, wo man exzellente Teile aus einer Konkursmasse herausgekauft hat:


Zusammen mit einem zweiten Wagnisfinanzierer hat man das neue Unternehmen auch noch mit finanziellen Mitteln ausgestattet - und das war wohl der Hintergedanken: es lässt sich nach einiger Zeit hervorragend mit dem schon zu 50% Internet Capital gehörenden Unternehmen Channelintelligence fusionieren.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaEnormen Wachstum auch im Geschäftsbereich

04.10.09 22:18
von Metastorm - vermutlich die zwietwertvollste Beteiligung von Internet Capital:

Business process management (BPM) and services oriented architecture engine markets at $1.8 billion for licenses, maintenance, and services in 2008 are expected to reach $6.2 billion by 2015  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaEnormes Wachstum auch bei ICGCommcere

05.10.09 16:24
denn Linkedin meldet, dass die jetzt 650 Beschäftigte haben - im letzten Jahre waren es noch zwischen 400 und 500.

ISM-Service-Index steigt an
16:05 05.10.09

Washington (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Geschäftsaktivitäten des Dienstleistungssektors haben sich im September 2009 leicht verbessert. Dies teilte das Institut for Supply Management (ISM), eine private Organisation der Industrie, am Montag mit.

So stieg der ISM-Service-Index von 48,4 Zählern im Vormonat auf nun 50,9 Zähler. Volkswirte hatten einen Wert von 50,0 Punkten prognostiziert.

Ein Wert des viel beachteten US-Konjunkturbarometers über der Grenze von 50 Punkten wird als Verbesserung bewertet, ein Wert unter 50 Punkten signalisiert dagegen einen Abschwung im Dienstleistungsgewerbe, das rund 80 Prozent der US-Wirtschaft ausmacht. (05.10.2009/ac/n/m)

Quelle: Aktiencheck  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaZu meinem vorletzten Posting zu Metastorm

05.10.09 18:42
Auch das job-posting zeigt das Wachstum von Metastorm:



63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaIpo's verdeutlichen den Wert von Internet Capitals

05.10.09 18:49
Pipeline voller Ipos.

Oct. 5, 2009, 10:04 a.m. EDT · Recommend · Post:  

Big IPOs due this week from Verisk and Santander Explore related topics
Banks Insurance Story
Comments Screener Alert Email Print ShareBy Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Two U.S. initial public offerings will break the billion-dollar barrier this week as insurance data firm Verisk Analytics and Brazilian banking giant Santander get ready for their stock market debuts.

Banco Santander Brasil SA, a carve-out from Banco Santander SA of Spain, will stage a global stock offering that could raise more than $7 billion, one of the largest this year.

The bank plans to offer 525 million common units at an estimate price of $12.37 to $14.06 per American depositary share. The bank will trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BSBR. Santander and Credit Suisse are underwriting the IPO.

Verisk Analytics plans to offer 85.25 million shares at $19-$21 a share in a bid to raise about $1.7 billion with underwriters Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley.

The Jersey City, N.J., company, which ranks as the largest provider of actuarial and underwriting data for U.S. property and casualty insurers, plans to trade on the Nasdaq under the symbol VRSK.

In a healthy sign for initial public offerings, the number of U.S. IPOs increased by 240% in the third quarter, compared to the same quarter a year ago, according to Hoovers.

A total of 17 IPOs debuted in this year's third quarter, up from only five in the year-ago period.

Besides Santander Brasil and Verisk, other big IPOs waiting in the wings include a $2 billion IPO from JBS USA Holdings, a $1.1 billion deal from Hyatt Hotels Corporation and a $1.2 billion IPO from Cobalt International Energy.

The week of Sept. 20, marked the busiest week for U.S. IPOs in nearly two years, with seven companies going public and collectively raising more than $3 billion, Hoovers noted.

Steve Gelsi is a reporter for MarketWatch in New York.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaIst eine hoher Anteil an Institutionals positiv?

05.10.09 19:11
Internet Capital Group, Inc. NASDAQ-GM  

 Institutional Holdings  Description | Hide Summary    

Company Details
Total Shares Out Standing (millions):  37  

Market Capitalization ($ millions):  $288  

Institutional Ownership:  78.3%  

Price (as of 10/2/2009)  7.85  

Ownership Analysis # Of Holders Shares
Total Shares Held:  101  28,771,271  

New Positions:  19  1,441,289  

Increased Positions:  51  2,289,205  

Decreased Positions:  32  2,003,955  

Holders With Activity:  83  4,293,160  

Sold Out Positions:  10  961,390  

Click on the column header links to resort ascending () or descending ().  

Owner Name
Select a name below for more information.  Date  Shares Held   Change
(Shares)  % Change
(Shares)  Value
FMR LLC  6/30/2009  4,056,815  206,815  5.37%  $31,846  

DIMENSIONAL FUND ADV...  6/30/2009  3,253,545  (3,497)  (0.11%)  $25,540  

CAPITAL WORLD INVEST...  6/30/2009  3,096,000  0  0.00%  $24,304  

SCHNEIDER CAPITAL MA...  6/30/2009  2,269,264  41,300  1.85%  $17,814  

COLUMBIA PARTNERS L ...  6/30/2009  2,247,485  20,983  0.94%  $17,643  

1  2  3  4  5  6  Next  
Page 1 of 6  

Jein, würde ich auf meine Ausgangsfrage antworten. Es ist zwar positiv, dass der größte Investor der Welt, Fidelity mit über 11% der ausstehenden Aktien auch der größte Investor bei Internet Capital ist und viele andere renommierte Institutionen unter den 78% Institutionals sind, aber mir wäre ein größerer Anteil an privaten Investoren lieber - und vor allem von Publikumfonds, denn meistens halten die Banken die Aktien auf eigene Rechnung oder sind Hedge Funds. Irgendwie hat es Internet Capital noch nicht geschafft oder will es vielleicht (noch) nicht private Investoren zu erreichen.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaHier ein Vergleich mit einer einer der letzten

07.10.09 09:56
Übernahmen, die durchaus den vom Betätigungsfeld her recht gut mit den Beteiligungen von Internet Capital vergleichbar ist:

Take a look of the 4.7-times-revenues      6-Oct-09 06:04 pm     of Omniture - that is very representive for the proportional reveneus of Internet Capital:

Omniture, Inc.(NasdaqGS: OMTR)
After Hours: 21.42 0.00 (0.00%) 4:28PM EThelp
Last Trade: 21.42
Trade Time: 4:00pm ET
Change: 0.01 (0.05%)
Prev Close: 21.43
Open: 21.43
Bid: 21.30 x 1000
Ask: 21.46 x 1000
1y Target Est: 20.88
Day's Range: 21.40 - 21.47
52wk Range: 7.15 - 23.31
Volume: 7,371,587
Avg Vol (3m): 2,047,350
Market Cap: 1.65B
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.52
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
Quotes delayed, except where indicated otherwise. For consolidated real-time

Proportional revenues of the private hold companies of Internet Capital will be about 140 million in 2009. By 4.7-times-revenues = 658 million.  


63717 Postings, 7371 Tage LibudaGoIndustry "mausert sich"

08.10.09 16:28

Internet hält eine Viertelmilliarde Aktien dieses Pennystocks.  


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