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Denn auch die Märkte der Beteiligungen von Internet Capital wachsen enorm, z.B. der der wichtigsten und mit Abstand wertvollsten Beteiligung, ICGCommerce, mit 43% pro Jahr bis 2012, sodass sich das Marktvolumen von 2008 von 700 Millionen über 1,1 Milliarden in 2009 auf 3.5 Milliarden in 2012 erhöht.
Ob da Twitter mithalten kann, wo folgene Fantasien herumgereicht wereden?
Biggest Week in Ipo's in nearly 2 Years 13 second(s) ago As stocks keep rallying, IPOs return
Eight companies look to raise $3.7 billion in biggest week for IPOs in nearly 2 years
By Sara Lepro, AP Business Writer
On Thursday September 17, 2009, 4:30 pm EDT
Buzz up! 2 Print.NEW YORK (AP) -- Coming off its worst year in three decades, the market for initial public offerings is starting to show signs of life.
Eight companies are looking to raise as much as $3.7 billion when they go public next week, the most activity the U.S. IPO market has seen in a single week in nearly two years and a clear sign that Wall Street's appetite for risk is returning.
IPOs all but dried up in 2008 as investors shunned the traditionally risky bets and moved into safer assets like cash and Treasurys as the stock market tumbled.
Only 43 companies completed IPOs in the U.S. last year, down from 272 the year before and 221 in 2006, according to Renaissance Capital's IPOHome.com. It was the slowest year for IPOs since 1978.
The amount of money raised through IPOs last year sank 53 percent to $28 billion, but more than half of that came from just one offering. Without the mammoth $18 billion Visa Inc. IPO in March, the largest on record, last year's total would have been a paltry $10 billion, far below the $59.7 billion raised in 2007.
In another sign of how poor demand has been, the number of companies that canceled their planned offerings nearly doubled in 2008 from the year before, according to IPOHome.com. The deals that did make it to market had disappointing returns, further discouraging investors.
The IPO market has trudged along so far this year, with 22 companies raising $5 billion in capital. Next week's heavy load of offerings could mark a turning point in the market -- if all goes well.
"The IPO market has windows that open and close, and right now the window is open to get deals done," said Sal Morreale, an institutional salesman with Cantor Fitzgerald in Los Angeles.
Analysts attribute the resurgence in IPO activity to growing confidence in the stock market. Major stock indicators are up more than 50 percent since hitting 12-year lows in early March. With investors showing a willingness to take chances, companies are starting to feeling better about raising money through stock offerings.
The number of companies preparing to go public has been gaining pace since early July, four months after the stock market bottomed out. There are now 89 companies in the IPO pipeline, up from 29 in March. It typically takes a couple of months for a company to prepare for a stock offering after the initial paperwork is filed with regulators.
"This pot has been bubbling," said John Fitzgibbon, founder of IPOScoop.com. "It's just taken a while for the courage to settle in to the market to take that step forward."
Many of the companies on next week's calendar are large and well-established, with solid balance sheets that analysts say should attract strong demand.
Among the deals scheduled for next week that are gaining interest are Shanda Games Ltd., a spinoff of leading Chinese online game developer Shanda Interactive; Foursquare Capital, a newly-formed mortgage real estate insurance trust backed by AllianceBernstein; and Artio Global Investors, the parent company of Julius Baer Investment Management.
Companies looking to come public in the coming months include Dollar General, Hyatt Hotels and Dole Food Co.
"Next week will bring a lot of potential IPO investors back to the table," said Francis Gaskins, president of IPODesktop.com. "The pipeline is large enough where I think there will be a number of IPOs this fall."
Wie sich vielleicht manche erinnern, habe ich das einst auch schon bei Google gepostet, als die bei 85 Dollar kamen - unter extremen Anfeindungen.
Anderseits ist es aber absurd, dass die anteiligen Umsätze der Parnter-Unternehmen von Internet Capital nur mit einem Multiple von von 0,9 bewertet werden. Zwar ist das Umsatzwachstum "nur" 30%, aber trotzdem ist diese niedrige Bewertung absurd.
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Business Week: Starcite and Toyota 20-Sep-09 11:30 am Innovation September 16, 2009, 9:55AM EST text size: TTToyota Program: Slash Meeting Costs
As companies move to trim off-site costs, Toyota uses StarCite event-planning software to manage more than 400 annual face-to-face gatherings By Damian Joseph
Toyota Motor (TM) is often idolized for its super-efficient logistics and manufacturing operations. But after less than an hour on the job as Toyota's meeting services manager in 2006, Louann Cashill discovered that the carmaker could be as wasteful as Detroit's Big Three when it came to planning off-site events. "It was like walking into an office that still used typewriters," she jokes.
Toyota holds more than 400 meetings and conferences each year in the U.S., with an average of 3,500 employees on the road every month. Not long ago each round of travel began with hard-to-read, handwritten registration forms pouring forth from a fax machine to be manually typed into a computer. Hotels had to be selected, contacted, negotiated with, booked, and sent attendee information. Three full-time employees were needed to handle the workload.
Cashill had just researched event-planning software for her previous employer, Amgen (AMGN), where she ended up using a program called StarCite. She quickly enlisted Toyota in the same service. Today, all Cashill has to do is enter basic information about a meeting into a StarCite template, along with a list of employees who'll be attending. StarCite automatically sends online registration forms to attendees, books their reservations, and sends the information, along with payment, to the hotels.
Since switching over, Toyota has cut meetings expenses by 23% and its event-planning staff to one. The company has also saved nearly $1 million by using another StarCite feature that enables it to bank canceled bookings—like a store credit—and fill the space later when another Toyota group needs to meet.
Meetings cost 3% of company revenues
With a few clicks of the mouse, Cashill can also generate detailed financial information on something as large as a year's total meeting budget or as small as how much a particular employee spent at a conference. "Technology is the foundation of putting together a meeting program," Cashill says. "Until you can collect, capture, store, and organize the spending, you don't know where you sit."
StarCite's creator, a Philadelphia company also known as StarCite, charges a fee of 0.5% to 1% of what its corporate clients spend on meetings for which they use the software.
The cost-cutting tool has become even more timely as Toyota and other StarCite clients look for savings to offset sales declines. According to Boston-based research firm Aberdeen Group, employers fork out 3% of revenue on meetings. One option, of course, is to hold fewer face-to-face get-togethers; indeed, conference attendance is broadly down. But even though videoconferencing is becoming cheaper and better, many companies have concluded that employees still need to gather in person with buyers, sellers, partners, and one another.
Vendors say StarCite's automation has helped them, too. Michael Beardsley, vice-president of global sales for Paris-based Accor Hospitality, a $11.2 billion-a-year hotel operator, says that StarCite's client database provides a "prospecting list," that helps his sales representatives know what would-be customers need for upcoming meetings, which in turn enables them to prepare better bids.
Business is booming for StarCite, the company. Since it began in 1999, StarCite has grown to serve 450 corporate clients, including heavyweights such as Oracle (ORCL), Pfizer (PFE), and Xerox (XRX), which says StarCite has saved it 40% on meeting costs. The software has now helped arrange gatherings for more than 10 million people. Last year, the 300-employee company pulled in $50.5 million in revenue, up from $44.9 million the year before.
There's room to grow. In the U.S. alone, PhoCusWright, a travel-market analysis company in Sherman, Conn., says companies spend $175 billion annually on meetings, including air, car, hotel, and ground transportation. StarCite extrapolates this figure to an estimated $240 billion market worldwide. And Aberdeen Group reports that 70% of companies lack a central meeting-planning process.
Cashill, a 20-year veteran in meeting planning, says she chose StarCite mainly because it knew how to help large companies install and use its software, and how to develop a meetings strategy across an entire company. Its data also enable her to negotiate better rates and contracts with hotels. For instance, on StarCite's online marketplace for companies and hoteliers, some 93,000 vendors have signed on to offer services. Cashill says she can post Toyota's needs for upcoming events and hoteliers often underprice one another to compete for the business.
StarCite isn't the only company in this niche. Toronto-based Arcaneo provides similar meetings-management software, but with a different approach. The privately held company started in 2002 and already has a staff of 40 and companies such as Nike (NKE), Citibank (C), and AstraZeneca (AZN) as clients. Arcaneo Chief Executive Dale Beckles says StarCite's consultancy-like services aren't for everyone. Beckles says his clients prefer to plan meetings in-house, using Arcaneo's Metron software as one of many tools. "Our corporate clients want more control," he says. "They are more evolved."
Executives at StarCite and Arcaneo agree that corporations desperately need their services. Each say that when new clients sign up, few have much idea as to what their companies have been spending on meetings. Beckles recounts how one new client guessed its annual meeting outlays totaled $500 million. It turned out to be closer to $1 billion.
StarCite CEO Gregory Dukat says that 99% of the time clients severely underestimate their meeting costs: "If senior executives aren't thinking about this issue and can't quantify what they spend, they have a problem—and it's a big problem."
Joseph is an innovation and design writer for BusinessWeek.
"Business is booming for StarCite, the company. Since it began in 1999, StarCite has grown to serve 450 corporate clients, including heavyweights such as Oracle (ORCL), Pfizer (PFE), and Xerox (XRX), which says StarCite has saved it 40% on meeting costs. The software has now helped arrange gatherings for more than 10 million people. Last year, the 300-employee company pulled in $50.5 million in revenue, up from $44.9 million the year before."
In the last month you could read about big expansion of Starcite and therefore we will see after my estimates revenues of about 65 million in 2009.
Rearden Commerce Partners with StarCite; Adds Meetings Management to Its Services Platform
StarCite Integration Broadens Spend Management Capabilities in the Rearden Personal Assistant
PHILADELPHIA, PA and Foster City, CA – August 24, 2009 – Rearden Commerce, Inc. today announced an integration relationship with StarCite, Inc., a leading provider of Web-based solutions to strategically manage corporate meetings and events. With this integration, Rearden Commerce’s more than 5,000 corporate customers will have increased visibility into employees’ meetings spend and can leverage real-time data to better manage this often overlooked spend category.
“Meetings remain a large category of unmanaged spend for corporations. At Rearden Commerce our goal is to provide customers with a single location for all activities that relate to travel and procurement. As such, StarCite is a perfect addition for the Rearden Commerce™ Platform,” said Tony D’Astolfo, vice president of worldwide sales, Rearden Commerce. “We make it a priority to connect our customers with the absolute best applications and services available on the market. StarCite’s track record of providing strategic meetings management services to major corporate customers makes them an ideal partner for this essential functionality.”
Directly from the Rearden Personal Assistant™, customers will be able to access StarCite to plan, source and book with its small meetings solution. In addition, customers benefit from full access to the StarCite Marketplace, which links meetings buyers with more than 93,000 hotels, venues and meetings suppliers worldwide.
Rearden Commerce is highly regarded in the travel industry for developing a platform that broadens the traditional scope of travel management to include ancillary spend categories such as conferencing, dining, shipping, and rail.
“We are proud to partner with Rearden Commerce and provide strategic meetings management services to its customer base,” said Gregory Dukat, CEO of StarCite. “Rearden Commerce has revolutionized travel management by providing a product that brings a growing number of spend categories under professional control. As companies focus on maximizing the value of every type of expenditure, including meetings, the timing of this integration couldn’t be better.”
About Rearden Commerce Rearden Commerce built one of the first intelligent platforms that aggregates Web services to enhance productivity by orchestrating and automating online commerce. Together with a series of applications, the platform personalizes content for the needs of users across all market segments – from consumers to small businesses, up to the largest enterprises such as ConAgra Foods, GlaxoSmithKline and JDSU. More than 5,000 corporate customers and millions of consumers can access the platform to easily find the services they need at the best value. Rearden Commerce has significant distribution and reseller channels, including American Express, JP Morgan Chase, Paychex and dozens of travel management companies. It has two wholly-owned subsidiaries: ExpenseWire, a leading provider of on-demand expense reporting and reimbursement solutions for small to mid-sized corporations; and Global Ground Automation (GGA), a leading ground transportation reservation system provider. Rearden Commerce is headquartered in Foster City, California.
Auch wenn du der meinung bis das das nicht die richtige Aktie hier für mich ist.
Aber ich Halte sie -)
Achieves Record Q2 Client Expansions Amidst Recession As Companies Expand Strategic Meetings Management Programs and Hotels Seek High-Quality Leads
Philadelphia, PA – August 25, 2009 – StarCite, Inc., the leading provider of Web-based solutions to strategically manage corporate meetings and events, today announced that the company set a new record for client expansions during the second quarter of 2009, driven by the growth of strategic meetings management programs by current customers to increase global savings and control over their meetings investment. StarCite also added to its roster several new marquee clients including a Fortune 500 financial institution, a leader in higher education and a global eye care manufacturer.
With its continually expanding client base, StarCite broke the 10 million mark for attendee registrations and the four million mark for total meeting electronic request for proposals (eRFPs) processed since the company’s inception in 1999. After reaching one million RFPs in 2006, it took StarCite just three years to quadruple its RFP volume.
“We selected StarCite because they are the gold standard in meetings technology,” said Louann Cashill, Meeting Services Manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. Inc. in Torrance, California. “The breadth and depth of supplier participants in their Marketplace is unsurpassed and their platform will allow us to reduce costs and use our resources more efficiently, helping us to maintain a robust meetings program.”
“StarCite provides the only meetings technology solution combined with strategic meetings management consulting that fully addresses the needs of global organizations. Our account management team is the most experienced in the industry and knows how to help drive value for our clients,” said Elizabeth McNulty, StarCite’s senior vice president of global account management.
“StarCite has been an indispensable partner for growing our meetings and events business,” said Michael Beardsley, vice president of global sales, North America, Accor Hospitality. “While the sheer volume of potential business flowing through StarCite’s platform is extraordinary, even more impressive from our point of view is the quality of the RFPs they deliver. StarCite brings real meetings business to our doorstep – period – and they do it in a very cost-effective and efficient manner.”
This year also marks the first time the number of non-U.S. hotels and suppliers participating in the StarCite Marketplace has exceeded the number of domestic participants, underscoring the rapid international expansion and adoption of the StarCite strategic meetings management model.
“Our achievements in 2009 show how companies are using the downturn as an opportunity to realize new levels of savings and control over their meetings spend,” said Greg Dukat, StarCite’s chief executive officer. “Companies are turning to our technology and services so they can manage meetings like they manage other large spend categories – providing visibility, control and savings in an area that is historically unmanaged. Perhaps most gratifying is that more current customers have expanded their SMM programs with us than ever before.
“In addition, because so many of the world’s biggest companies now use StarCite, our hotel and supplier partners rely on us to deliver real business – strong leads that they can convert directly into growing sales,” Dukat continued. “The suppliers in the StarCite Marketplace will be the direct beneficiaries of our growth as our RFP volume continues to expand and the quality of the leads we deliver becomes even richer.”
und so lange wie du hier investiert bist mache ich das auch
lg Maxotto
Wenn man in Euro rechnet, sehe ich allerdings relativ schnell 10% bis 20% Gewinn durch einen Euro-Crash.
aber wir halten die 5 Euro jetzt ja schon länger und sind auch schon bei 5,13
und ich bleib wegen dir drin (lach)
mit delphi, systaic,mutal, usw wär echt mehr drin gewesen
aber dafür mag ich dein arbeit
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