Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)
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Press Release
Source: Acquirgy
On Wednesday August 5, 2009, 9:00 am EDT
Buzz up! 0 Print
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Acquirgy™, a premier company specializing in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Direct Response Television (DRTV) services, concluded the purchase of the operating assets of SendTec, Inc., a multichannel integrated direct marketing company, on July 31, 2009.
The purchase was funded by management, Cross Atlantic Capital Partners and Internet Capital Group. The funding also included growth capital to expand the company’s operations in the direct marketing industry. Through this agreement, key SendTec executives and managers including Paul Soltoff, CEO and founder; Steven Morvay, managing director; Donald Gould, CFO; Irv Brechner, executive vice president business development; and Harry Greene, executive vice president production services have joined Acquirgy.
As a result of the acquisition, Acquirgy will provide the industry’s most comprehensive levels of account service, as well as creative and production expertise with integrated multichannel software platforms to create the foremost SEM and DRTV full-service agency. SEM services include outsourced paid search management, SEM Performance Consulting (SEMpc™) for clients managing search in-house and Search Engine Optimization. DRTV services include comprehensive script-to-screen DRTV creative, production and media services. Acquirgy is a private company headquartered in St. Petersburg, Florida with offices in New York City and clients consisting of over 30 global advertisers, national brands and direct response marketers such as CDW Corporation, Intuit Inc. (Nasdaq: INTU - News) and Euro-Pro Corporation.
CEO Paul Soltoff stated, “With our deep multichannel direct marketing capabilities, strong customer base and backing from our financial partners, Acquirgy is uniquely positioned to provide clients the most knowledge-driven and service-based marketing platform in the search and DRTV industries.”
For more information on Acquirgy, visit www.acquirgy.com.
About Acquirgy
Doing business as Acquirgy, PHIDS, Inc. is a newly formed company which purchased the operating assets of SendTec, Inc. It will soon change its corporate name to Acquirgy, Inc. For more information, visit www.acquirgy.com.
About Cross Atlantic Capital Partners
Cross Atlantic Capital Partners is an international venture capital firm focused on investing in innovative technology and technology-enabled services companies. Through its offices in Radnor, Pennsylvania, Dublin, Ireland and Edinburgh, Scotland, Cross Atlantic leverages its deep technology industry insights and business acumen to provide its portfolio companies and business partners with a distinct perspective. With four funds totaling nearly $500 million under management, Cross Atlantic is closely engaged with an extensive network of resources to nurture and grow its portfolio companies and provide superior returns to its investors. For more information, visit www.xacp.com.
About Internet Capital Group
Internet Capital Group acquires and builds Internet software and services companies that drive business productivity and reduce transaction costs between firms. Internet Capital Group also focuses on Internet marketing and services companies. Included in its network of partner companies are ICG Commerce, a leading business process outsourcing company, Metastorm, a leading provider of business process management software, and customer acquisition platform companies such as WhiteFence and Channel Intelligence. For more information, visit www.InternetCapital.com.
As of the end of June, 123,575,693 products are now being managed via the CI database.
The products contained in this super-database are diverse, representing the entire range of consumer goods categories available online. In fact, there are over 4,895 categories in the CI database. From Samsung washing machines to clothes and accessories from the likes of Spiegel, Neiman Marcus and Coldwater Creek to Sephora’s array of beauty products, laptops and other consumer electronic gadgets from Best Buy, Motorola, Garmin, Olympus, the list goes on.
Of the 123,575,693 products contained in the CI database, 24,562,693 are unified using our patented Product Unification technology. This technology takes the many different representations of a product that appear online and creates a single, intelligent representation of that product across the online channel.
Our CommerceIQ uses collective intelligence of all this product data to provide complete and meaningful information about each product that is managed, optimized and syndicated in datafeeds to retail web sites, shopping engines and other online marketing channels. At this time, we’re managing over 17,000 datafeeds which support our various marketing and advertising solutions for manufacturers and retailers.
To give you an idea of the activity level of the CI product database, every day an average of:
•2,388,286 new products are added.•68,579,928 products are processed.•9,742 datafeeds are processed.
Just another day “empowering commerce” behind the scenes at CI …
64% of ICGCommerce
32% of Metastorm
31% of Freeborders
35% of Starcite
46% of Channelintelligence
35% of Whitefence
9% of Anthem Venture
80% of Investorforce
and some additional smaller ownerships.
Im letzten Quartalsbericht kann man zu ICGCommerce lesen:
ICG Commerce is an outsourced procurement services provider. In the second quarter of 2009, ICG Commerce’s revenue grew to $19.5 million compared to $16.0 million in the comparable 2008 period. ICG Commerce’s EBITDA improved to $2.8 million in the second quarter compared to $2.0 million in the comparable 2008 period. ICG Commerce’s cash balance at June 30, 2009 is approximately $17.4 million. ICG has a 64% ownership position in ICG Commerce.
Wenn man das einmal mit einem der letzten IPO's Open Table vergleicht, der momentan eine Marktkapitalisierung von 650 Millionen hat, sind die Erlöse von ICGCommerce höher und auch die Wachstumsrate der Erlöse., wie ihr dem folgenden Quartalsbericht von Open Table entnehmen könnt:
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug. 4, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OpenTable, Inc. (Nasdaq:OPEN - News; www.opentable.com), a leading provider of free, real-time online restaurant reservations for diners and reservation and guest management solutions for restaurants, today reported its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2009.
OpenTable reported consolidated net revenues for Q2 2009 of $16.4 million, an 18% increase over Q2 2008. Consolidated net income for Q2 2009 was $0.7 million, or $0.03 per diluted share. OpenTable's non-GAAP consolidated net income, which excludes stock-based compensation expense, was $1.4 million, or $0.06 per diluted share.
OpenTable provides operating results by geography as the Company is at different stages of development in its North America and International operations.
Nun will ich nicht behaupten, dass ICGCommerce damit 650 Millionen und mehr wert sei - aber wenn es auch nur die Hälfte ist (und die ist es sicher) wären 64% daran eben schon mehr als Doppelte der oben erwähnten 106 Millionen.
Metastorm is an enterprise software and services provider that enables its customers to turn business strategies into business processes. Metastorm’s revenue grew to $17.5 million in the second quarter of 2009 from $17.3 million in the comparable 2008 period. Metastorm’s EBITDA improved to $1.0 million in the second quarter compared to a loss of ($1.3) million in the comparable 2008 period. Metastorm’s cash balance at June 30, 2009 is approximately $9.1 million. ICG has a 32% ownership position in Metastorm.
Das kann man ja einmal mit dem erfolgreichsten Software-Ipo der letzten Woche, Solarwind, vergleichen. Solarwind hat 50% höhere Quartalserlöse, ein höheres Wachstum als Metastorm und macht auch wesentlich mehr Gewinn, hat mit 1,25 Milliarden Dollar aber auch eine sehr hohe Marktkapitalisierung. 300 bis 350 Milliionen würde daher Metastorm bei einem Börsengang auf jeden Fall auch auf die Waage bekommen.
The revenues of Solarwind was more than 50% higher and the growth-rate a lot bigger, but Solarwind has a market-cap of 1,25 billion.
SolarWinds Announces 2009 Second Quarter Results
Record Quarterly Revenue of $27.0 Million; GAAP Operating Income of $11.8 Million, Non-GAAP Operating Income of $13.8 Million; GAAP Diluted Earnings per Share of $0.13, Non-GAAP Diluted Earnings per Share of $0.13
Press Release
Source: SolarWinds
On Thursday July 23, 2009, 4:01 pm EDT
Companies:SolarWinds, Inc.
AUSTIN, TX--(Marketwire - 07/23/09) - SolarWinds�, Inc. (NYSE:SWI - News), a leading provider of powerful, simple and affordable network management software to customers worldwide, today reported results for its second quarter ended June 30, 2009.
Financial Results
SolarWinds reported record total revenue for the second quarter of 2009 of $27.0 million, a 24.8% increase over total revenue in the second quarter of 2008 and a 12.3% sequential increase over total revenue in the first quarter of 2009. License revenue was $14.6 million in the second quarter of 2009, representing a 12.1% increase over license revenue in the second quarter of 2008 and a 16.4% sequential increase over license revenue in the first quarter of 2009. Maintenance revenue was $12.4 million in the second quarter of 2009, representing a 43.8% increase over maintenance revenue in the second quarter of 2008.
Für die US-Wirtschaft ist die Budgetkrise in Kalifornien fatal. Früher agierte der bevölkerungsreichste Staat der USA als Wachstumslokomotive. Jetzt ist die Arbeitslosigkeit auf 11,6 Prozent gestiegen, das ist die höchste Rate seit 30 Jahren.
Im Silicon Valley, das besonders stark unter dem Exporteinbruch leidet, liegt sie mit 11,8 Prozent höher als zu Zeiten der Dotcom-Krise. Fürs Jahresende werden sogar 13 Prozent erwartet. Ausgerechnet der kalifornische Staat erweist sich als Bremser. Zwar sind die Sparmaßnahmen unvermeidlich, um die Landesverwaltung wieder handlungsfähig zu machen. Doch sie unterminieren das Konjunkturprogramm von US-Präsident Barack Obama. In Kalifornien wird inzwischen jeder vierte Arbeitsplatz vom öffentlichen Sektor gestellt. Ausgerechnet der dort verordnete Zwangsurlaub und die Gehaltskürzungen dämpfen zwangsläufig den Konsum. Parallel dazu fährt auch die Landesverwaltung ihre Ausgaben zurück, was vor allem kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen Aufträge kostet.
Über die wichtigste Kernbeteiligung ICGCommerce (Internet Capital hält dort 64%) kann man z.B. im am vorletzten Donnerstag veröffentlichten Quartalbericht lesen:
"ICG Commerce is an outsourced procurement services provider. In the second quarter of 2009, ICG Commerce’s revenue grew to $19.5 million compared to $16.0 million in the comparable 2008 period. ICG Commerce’s EBITDA improved to $2.8 million in the second quarter compared to $2.0 million in the comparable 2008 period. ICG Commerce’s cash balance at June 30, 2009 is approximately $17.4 million. ICG has a 64% ownership position in ICG Commerce."
Hier macht sich bezahlt, dass ich Internet Capital deshalb ausgewählt habe, weil es an einer entscheidenen Nahtstellen aufgestellt ist, die die Produktivität treibt: der Intensivierung der zwischenbetrieblichen Arbeitsteilung durch das Internet.
Und wir hatten auch bisher in 2009 Wachstum, wenn auch verständlicherweise nicht so heftiges wie zuvor. Was Rubensrembrand offensichtlich nicht nachvollziehen kann, ist, dass es konjunkturelle und strukturelle Komponenten gibt. Wenn die strukturellen Kompoenenten für Erlöswachstum überwiegen, wächst man sogar in konjunkturellen Schwächephasen, wie das eben die Beteiligungen von Internet Capital tun - wenn auch nicht mehr so heftig wie zuvor.
Institutional Activity Description | Hide Summary
Company Details
Total Shares Out Standing (millions): 37
Market Capitalization ($ millions): $257
Institutional Ownership: 78.7%
Price (as of 8/14/2009) 7
Ownership Analysis # Of Holders Shares
Total Shares Held: 104 28,889,815
New Positions: 18 1,443,839
Increased Positions: 53 2,286,513
Decreased Positions: 30 1,934,961
Holders With Activity: 83 4,221,474
Sold Out Positions: 10 893,947
Click on the column header links to resort ascending () or descending ().
Owner Name
Select a name below for more information. Date Shares Held Change
(Shares) % Change
(Shares) Value
FMR LLC 6/30/2009 4,056,815 206,815 5.37% $28,398
DIMENSIONAL FUND ADV... 6/30/2009 3,253,545 (3,497) (0.11%) $22,775
SCHNEIDER CAPITAL MA... 6/30/2009 2,269,264 41,300 1.85% $15,885
COLUMBIA PARTNERS L ... 6/30/2009 2,247,485 20,983 0.94% $15,732
BARCLAYS GLOBAL INVE... 6/30/2009 2,035,117 97,063 5.01% $14,246
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Good time to buy now 3 second(s) ago What a market-cap of 245 million say: If you subtract the 150 million cash/securites (cash, 2.2 million Blackboard-shares, 133 Million GoIndustry-shares) = 95 million.
And the 95 million for
64% of ICGCommerce
32% of Metastorm
31% of Freeborders
35% of Starcite
46% of Channelintelligence
35% of Whitefence
9% of Anthem Venture
80% of Investorforce
and some additional smaller ownerships. Rating :
(No ratings
Now only 84 million for all this ownerships 20 minutes ago 64% of ICGCommerce
32% of Metastorm
31% of Freeborders
35% of Starcite
46% of Channelintelligence
35% of Whitefence
9% of Anthem Venture
80% of Investorforce
and some additional smaller ownerships. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Now only 84 million for all this ownerships 16 minutes ago But the 64% of ICGCompany, the partner-company with the highest value, has beetween double and tripple worth of this 84 million alone.
In the last quarterly report you could read about ICGCommerce:
ICG Commerce is an outsourced procurement services provider. In the second quarter of 2009, ICG Commerce’s revenue grew to $19.5 million compared to $16.0 million in the comparable 2008 period. ICG Commerce’s EBITDA improved to $2.8 million in the second quarter compared to $2.0 million in the comparable 2008 period. ICG Commerce’s cash balance at June 30, 2009 is approximately $17.4 million. ICG has a 64% ownership position in ICG Commerce.
Compare for example with one of last ipos: Open Table with a market-cap of about 650 million.
The revenues of ICGCommerce are bigger and the growth-rate of the revenues, too.
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug. 4, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OpenTable, Inc. (Nasdaq:OPEN - News; www.opentable.com), a leading provider of free, real-time online restaurant reservations for diners and reservation and guest management solutions for restaurants, today reported its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2009.
OpenTable reported consolidated net revenues for Q2 2009 of $16.4 million, an 18% increase over Q2 2008. Consolidated net income for Q2 2009 was $0.7 million, or $0.03 per diluted share. OpenTable's non-GAAP consolidated net income, which excludes stock-based compensation expense, was $1.4 million, or $0.06 per diluted share.
OpenTable provides operating results by geography as the Company is at different stages of development in its North America and International operations.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking
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Re: Now only 84 million for all this ownerships 3 second(s) ago And the 32% of Metastorm has a higer value than the 84 million. In the second quarter report you could read:
Metastorm is an enterprise software and services provider that enables its customers to turn business strategies into business processes. Metastorm’s revenue grew to $17.5 million in the second quarter of 2009 from $17.3 million in the comparable 2008 period. Metastorm’s EBITDA improved to $1.0 million in the second quarter compared to a loss of ($1.3) million in the comparable 2008 period. Metastorm’s cash balance at June 30, 2009 is approximately $9.1 million. ICG has a 32% ownership position in Metastorm.
Compare with the best software-ipo of the last weeks: Solarwind.
The revenues of Solarwind was more than 50% higher and the growth-rate a lot bigger, but Solarwind has a market-cap of 1,25 billion.
SolarWinds Announces 2009 Second Quarter Results
Record Quarterly Revenue of $27.0 Million; GAAP Operating Income of $11.8 Million, Non-GAAP Operating Income of $13.8 Million; GAAP Diluted Earnings per Share of $0.13, Non-GAAP Diluted Earnings per Share of $0.13
Press Release
Source: SolarWinds
On Thursday July 23, 2009, 4:01 pm EDT
Companies:SolarWinds, Inc.
AUSTIN, TX--(Marketwire - 07/23/09) - SolarWinds�, Inc. (NYSE:SWI - News), a leading provider of powerful, simple and affordable network management software to customers worldwide, today reported results for its second quarter ended June 30, 2009.
Financial Results
SolarWinds reported record total revenue for the second quarter of 2009 of $27.0 million, a 24.8% increase over total revenue in the second quarter of 2008 and a 12.3% sequential increase over total revenue in the first quarter of 2009. License revenue was $14.6 million in the second quarter of 2009, representing a 12.1% increase over license revenue in the second quarter of 2008 and a 16.4% sequential increase over license revenue in the first quarter of 2009. Maintenance revenue was $12.4 million in the second quarter of 2009, representing a 43.8% increase over maintenance revenue in the second quarter of 2008.
Sentiment : Strong Buy
Company Biding Time Before Re-Trying IPO
Amy Reeves
On Monday August 17, 2009, 5:57 pm EDT
Buzz up! 0 Print.Companies:Internet Capital Group Inc.
After a rough patch, tech companies are beginning to think IPO again. Last quarter, half a dozen tech firms debuted, after two quarters of no tech IPOs. There have been five tech IPOs in August.
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
ICGE 6.71 0.00
{"s" : "icge","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""} But the number of tech companies doing initial public offerings has yet to match the number that withdrew IPOs in the wake of last year's financial meltdown.
Business software maker Metastorm is one example. In May 2008, the 12-year-old company filed to list on the Nasdaq. Then the banks crashed, and by November it decided the market was too tough to go on.
Today, Metastorm CEO Robert Farrell says the company is doing just fine outside of Wall Street. Metastorm's story illustrates why a smaller tech firm -- its sales are less than $100 million a year -- might still find today's stock market more trouble than it's worth.
IBD: When you filed to go public, the IPO market was already declining. Why did the market look good for you at that point?
Farrell: Any S-1 process is very involved. We actually commenced our activities around the fourth quarter of 2007. The first steps are getting your investors on board and looking at the things you need to do in order to go public, and then getting the bankers set up. We really got going in earnest during Q1 of 2008.
When we made the filing, we said, "You know, the market right now is questionable. We may not want to keep this out there if what looks to be a trend continues." And that's what happened. But not being able to see through a crystal ball, had we not filed and the market improved, we would not have been able to take advantage of it.
We actually kept it out there until November, and we pulled it for the simple reason of there not being any market, and not desiring to continue to incur the expense and do the reporting to keep it current.
IBD: Some commentators are worried about the regulatory burden of going public. How big a deal was that for you?
Farrell: It's a big deal because, you know, if you're a $100 million company it costs you $2 million to $3 million in compliance, and if you're a $500 million company it costs you $2 million to $3 million in compliance. The impact on an EPS basis is much more significant on a smaller company.
That being said, I do believe in the innovation that an IPO offers a company. You get that access to capital and are able to do things you would not otherwise have been able to do. It puts you in a position to expand and grow your business and get to those higher levels. The cost of compliance is just something you have to carry along the way.
Personally, I think the level of compliance that's required is pretty heavy for some small companies. My guess is that over time, there'll be some cleanup in that regard and the pendulum will swing back the other way.
We looked at the AIM (London's Alternative Investment Market) as an alternative. We decided that that wasn't going to be right for us.
We have run the company like a public company for some time. In fact, some of our investors require us to actually participate in their Sarbanes-Oxley compliance because they're publicly traded asset-management companies, and our results are getting plugged into some of their filings. If you start your processes with the perspective that good processes will yield compliance vs. doing processes simply for compliance's sake, it's not so bad.
IBD: How have you been financed?
Farrell: Metastorm historically had venture capital investors. Over time, we graduated into more mezzanine or private-equity type players. That's where we are today.
We're very lucky in that we have investors with long-term views. Nobody is in a position where they have to get out. I'm not sitting here with guys who are right up against the end of their funds. (Our investor) Internet Capital Group (NasdaqGM:ICGE - News), for example, is publicly traded, so they can stay in this for as long as it makes sense.
We don't need operating capital. We're self-sufficient from a cash perspective -- the business is profitable and cash-generative. So our access to capital is more for purposes of doing acquisitions. Our investors are very supportive of that and are willing to provide us capital to do that. As well, there's no shortage of outsiders who try to position themselves to participate in any future rounds that we might do to support our acquisitions. The terms have improved.
The beauty of an IPO is you do that in one fell swoop. Had we been able to (launch our IPO), we probably would have taken a hammering like everybody else. But we would have had the capital.
IBD: So how much more difficult is it to get capital after the banking crisis?
Farrell: It didn't affect us, because we didn't need operating capital. During those couple of quarters -- the end of '08 and the beginning of this year -- we didn't access the capital markets but we kept our relationships strong.
What's interesting now is we're seeing not only private-equity type guys trying to get to our table, but the debt providers have surfaced in a big way. And the terms are not too crazy.
They're looking at a company like ours -- a software company -- and we have a very sticky and predictable maintenance stream.
So right now I think access to capital and access to debt has improved immensely. We feel that if we had to get access to money, we could.
IBD: In the last few months there has been a pickup in IPOs, especially tech IPOs. Has that got you interested again in doing an IPO?
Farrell: Of course, if you talk to bankers, it's a huge trend because it's what, 12 IPOs? I guess relative to zero, that's a lot.
I don't think there's consistency in the market yet that would suggest to us we'd want to get back out there. I see some unique companies, and some unique offerings out there getting priced.
I want to make sure that when we go, we get access to the kinds of investors we want to get access to. The kinds of guys that represent the right mind-set for our kind of company, investors that are going to take the time to understand our revenue flow and not hammer us completely on a quarterly basis if we've got any kinds of peaks and valleys that are a result of good business.
Right now the jury is still out (on doing an IPO). We're not going to jump back in at the current time. We continue to evaluate it, and when the market seems right, we will investigate doing it again.
Das kann bedeuten, wer sich von Anteilen trennen will(muss), hat Probleme einen guten Kurs zu bekommen (der Händler wird ihn über den Tisch ziehen) und das ist typisch, für besonders Marktenge Titel wie ICGE ist, die handvoll Anleger in Germany können nur hoffen, dass mit der Zeit wieder Interesse an ICGE kommt.
Richtig ist aber, dass in Deutschland die Kleinzocker abgesprungen sind, denn Internet Capital ist für Kleinzocker nicht geeignet, sondern nur für durchaus konserative Langfristanleger. Am besten wäre es jedoch gewesen, wenn man seine Stück vor dem 1.1.09 erworben hätte, denn dann kann man die Gewinne steuerfrei kassieren. Ich werde daher meine Stücke, wenn nichts Außergewöhnliches passiert, noch einige Jährchen halten.
auch Internet Capital, obwohl wir gerade bei Metastorm vernommen haben, dass die als private Firmen bessere Wachstumschancen sehen und erst noch wachsen wollen. Aber man kann natürlich Metastorm oder Freeborder oder Starcite oder ICGcommerce mit ähnlichen Unternehmen vergleichen, die gerade einen Ipo machen und dadurch auf den Wert schließen.
Internet Capital hält 32% an Metastorm.
On Wednesday August 19, 2009, 7:20 am EDT
Buzz up! 0 Print.Companies:Amazon.Com Inc.OpenTable, Inc.Oracle Corp.
By David Lawsky
Reuters - Reid Hoffman, executive chairman of LinkedIn speaks at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech 2009 in Pasadena, California July 23, ...
Related Quotes
Symbol Price Change
AMZN 83.00 +0.88
OPEN 30.09 +0.12
ORCL 21.78 +0.20
RST 20.35 -0.56
{"s" : "amzn,open,orcl,rst","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""} SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Investors, encouraged by a growing number of acquisitions and public floats in the past few months, are keeping a close eye on a coterie of promising startups in Silicon Valley.
An informal poll of venture capitalists and others pointed to six privately held companies as the ripest for acquisition or readiness to go public, out of 34 cited in industries ranging from alternative energy to social networking.
For now, the Silicon Valley Six say they intend to keep growing rather than agreeing to be acquired or go public during the recession.
The top four are business social network LinkedIn, solar panel maker Solyndra, smart grid company Silver Spring, and Zynga, a casual games company whose products run on social networks like Facebook.
Two others are Guidewire, which makes software for property and casualty companies, and LiveOps, which runs call centers using private contractors who work from home.
"They are exciting because they ... demonstrate what is possible with venture capital. These are companies that have proven a new, attractive business model that works in big spaces," said Sharon Wienbar, managing director of Scale Venture Partners.
"The market is in the early stages of being back," said LiveOps CEO Maynard Webb, who was previously chief operating officer at eBay. "The market is ripe and open today for great companies."
Lisa Edgar, managing director at Paul Capital, a fund of funds which invests institutional money through venture capital firms, said it will take time for a real recovery, noting that it takes six months to prepare for an IPO.
"In this environment that is not what people have been spending time doing," she said. "We're still two years from real liquidity."
But, she said, venture capitalists are encouraged by recent events.
Language training software maker Rosetta Stone Inc (NYSE:RST - News) went public in April and online restaurant reservations service OpenTable Inc (NasdaqGM:OPEN - News) followed in May. Online merchant Amazon.com Inc (NasdaqGS:AMZN - News) concluded a $928 million deal in July to buy online shoe seller Zappos.
Reuters asked venture capitalists and others to suggest successful companies with revenue of $100 million or more that are among the most attractive in Silicon Valley, excluding the social networking standouts Twitter and Facebook.
Venture capitalists' rule of thumb is that a company must have $100 million in sales and have a capitalization around $1 billion to do an IPO, in order to have enough money to meet the reporting structures of the Sarbanes-Oxley law.
Some companies also stand out as well as potential acquisition targets.
Guidewire competes successfully against enterprise software giants Oracle Corp (NasdaqGS:ORCL - News) and SAP AG (XETRA:SAPG.DE - News), which have broad offerings in enterprise software.
Oracle has shown an appetite to buy such companies, including India's i-flex solutions, which is now called "Oracle Financial Services."
Guidewire is in no rush to cash out its investors, but CEO John Raguin said that when they do, "We would look to the IPO markets over the next couple of years as the way to their liquidity."
The six companies have plenty of cash coming in and are in no rush to make a deal.
Zynga raised $39 million in venture backing but has spent only $5 million, using the rest as insurance during an uncertain time. The company turned profitable within months of its launch in 2007.
Silver Spring said it considering acquisitions, but only as a buyer. Such a deal could come in the next two months, CEO Scott Lang said.
(Reporting by David Lawsky; Editing by Richard Chang)
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