Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.339.447
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63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaKKR geht bei den IPO's in die Vollen

03.08.09 16:18
KKR eyes market blitz of up to six IPOs
By Martin Arnold in London

Published: August 1 2009 03:00 | Last updated: August 1 2009 03:00

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, the world's biggest buy-out group, is preparing up to six companies for initial public offerings worth billions of dollars, including Toys R Us, as it sells some of its most valuable groups back to the stock market.

There have been virtually no IPOs in the past two years but, as the worst of the financial crisis recedes and stock markets start to rebound, investors are eagerly waiting to see if private equity firms such as KKR will start listing companies bought in the boom years.

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63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaAllein 65% an ICCommerce sind 200 Millionen wert

03.08.09 17:50

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaDer kleine Dip von heute ist eine gute

03.08.09 22:22

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaSeven Outsourcing Mhyts

03.08.09 23:21

Oder warum ICGCommerce eine wertvolle Beteiligung von Internet Capital ist.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaFür 5,03 Euro könnt ihr momentan 5.280 Aktien

04.08.09 10:35
in Frankfurt kaufen.

Das ist ein angemessener Preis.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaInternet Capitals Beteiligungen haben IPO-Qualität

04.08.09 12:48
vor allem ICGCommerce und auch Metastorm, die allen hier genannten Anforderungen genügen: annähernd 100 Millionen Umsatz, seit mindestens 10 Jahre bestehend, Umsatzwachstum, Gewinne machend und Marktführerschaft



63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaMan(n)/Frau sollten weiter massiv

04.08.09 15:46
zuschlagen und das Dip nutzen.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaDiesen neuesten Update sollte man sich genau

04.08.09 21:18


Und wenn man die Möglichkeit hat, noch heute in den USA kaufen. Denn ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass den Shortsellern, die heute und gestern versuchten den Kurs nach unten zu ziehen, die Luft ausgeht. Das Ergebnis wird ein Shortsquezze sein.  


291 Postings, 6904 Tage meistermindLibudius

04.08.09 21:35
warum referenzierst du auf Artikel die du selbst geschrieben hast?  

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaWeil ich zu faul bin, sie jedes mal

06.08.09 11:48
in die deutsche Sprache zu übertragen. Ich gehe einmal davon aus, dass die Namen Libuda und Flankenking und Stil der Argumentation das fast jeden erkennen lässt.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaIch will mit folgender Argumentation jetzt nicht

06.08.09 11:55
behaupten, dass ICGCommerce auch 665 Millionen wie Open Table (Umsatzmultiple = 12) oder mehr wert sei, weil der Umsatz größer und die Wacshtumsrate höher ist - aber von einem Wert von ca. 350 Millionen gehe ich schon aus, was auf eine Bewertung mit dem Faktor 4 des Umsatzes von 2009 hinausläuft. Zwar wird ein anderer Konkurrent - nämlich Ariba - nur mit dem Faktor 3 bewertet, aber während ICGCommerce im zweiten Quartal gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal um 22% wuchs, ging der Umsatz von Ariba hier um 1% zurück.

Internet Capital hält 64% an ICGCommerce.

Compare the results of Open Table and ICGCommerce      5-Aug-09 09:55 am     of the second quarter:

Look first at Open Table:

OpenTable, Inc. Announces Second Quarter 2009 Financial Results
Press Release
Source: OpenTable, Inc.
On Tuesday August 4, 2009, 4:15 pm EDT
Buzz up! 2 Print
Companies:OpenTable, Inc.

Increases Revenue 18% to $16.4 Million
Grows Installed Restaurants by 22% and Seated Diners by 20% over Q2 2008
Achieves EPS of $0.03 and Non-GAAP EPS of $0.06

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug. 4, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OpenTable, Inc. (Nasdaq:OPEN - News; www.opentable.com), a leading provider of free, real-time online restaurant reservations for diners and reservation and guest management solutions for restaurants, today reported its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2009.

OpenTable reported consolidated net revenues for Q2 2009 of $16.4 million, an 18% increase over Q2 2008. Consolidated net income for Q2 2009 was $0.7 million, or $0.03 per diluted share. OpenTable's non-GAAP consolidated net income, which excludes stock-based compensation expense, was $1.4 million, or $0.06 per diluted share. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking



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  Re: Compare the results of Open Table and ICGCommerce      5-Aug-09 09:56 am     Look second on the results of ICGCommerce of the second quarter:

About the last quarter (slide presentation) from ICGCommerce:

• Leading procurement services provider

• Strong Q2, reporting $19.5MM of revenue, a 22% increase over Q2 2008, and EBITDA of $2.9MM vs. $2.0MM for the prior year period

• Cash position as of 6/30/09 was approx. $17.5MM

• Signed a multi-year, multi-million dollar contract with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

• Expanded or extended relationships with Whirlpool, Vought and a large life sciences company

• Subsequent to quarter end, signed a large, multi-year contract with a Fortune 1000 consumer goods company

• Opened second office in China Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking



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  Re: Compare the results of Open Table and ICGCommerce      5-Aug-09 09:58 am     Compare ICGCommerce and Open Table: The revenues of ICGCommere in second quarter was 19.5 million against 16.4 million of Open Table. And the growth-rate of the revenues of ICGCommerce was 22% against 16% of Open Table. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking



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  Re: Compare the results of Open Table and ICGCommerce      5-Aug-09 10:00 am     And valuation of Open Table is 665 million.

Internet Capital owns 64% of ICGCommerce. Rating :  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaInternet hat 2,2 Millionen Blackboard-Aktien

06.08.09 15:49

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaWie niedrig die Marktkapitalisierung

07.08.09 10:57
trotz des Anstiegs im letzten Vierteljahr noch immer ist, kann man sehr gut daran erkennen, was die momentane Marktkapitalisierung unterstellt:


Die Beteiliungen von Internet Capital werden danach nur mit 20% bis 25% ihres tatsächlichen Wertes bewertet.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaDer Kurs ist zwar schon ganz gut vorangekommen

07.08.09 17:30
er ist aber angesichts der Fundamentals immer noch ein Witz, wenn man das z.B. mit mancher deutschen Internetbude vergleicht, auf die sich so mancher stürzt, die fast die Häflte des Umsatzes an Verlusten produzieren.

Internet Capital Group, Inc.(NasdaqGM: ICGE)
Real-Time: 7.18  0.11 (1.56%) 11:07am EThelp
Last Trade: 7.20
Trade Time: 11:09am ET
Change:  0.13 (1.84%)
Prev Close: 7.07
Open: 7.10
Bid: 7.18 x 100
Ask: 7.20 x 100
1y Target Est: 10.00
Day's Range: 7.04 - 7.23
52wk Range: 3.04 - 9.84
Volume: 33,625
Avg Vol (3m): 161,232
Market Cap: 264.00M
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.63
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)
Quotes delayed, except where indicated otherwise. For consolidated real-time  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaSuperstart von Avago

07.08.09 23:47
Friday, August 7, 2009, 5:58am PDT

HP, Agilent spinoff Avago's IPO does wellSilicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal

Avago Technologies Ltd.'s shares rose 7.9 percent in their first day of trading on Thursday

Avago, based in Singapore and San Jose, sold 43.2 million shares, 7 million more than was expected from the iniital public offering. Priced at $15 a share, they rose as high as $16.91 before closing at $16.18.

The chip company (NASDAQ:AVGO) began as part of Hewlett-Packard Co. (NYSE:HPQ) about 40 years ago and was spun out as part of Agilent Technologies's record-breaking $2.1 billion IPO in 1999.

Santa Clara-based Agilent (NYSE:A) sold the chip business that became Avago in 2005 for $2.7 billion to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and Silver Lake Partners. The IPO price of the company put its market value at about $3.5 billion.

As of May 3, Avago had about 3,400 employees worldwide, with about 57 percent located in Asia, 33 percent in the United States and 10 percent in Europe.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaJede Beteiligung von Internet Capital

07.08.09 23:50
ist besser als Avago

Die Bewertung ist angesichts dieser Fakten von Avago nicht schlecht.

Avago, which said it holds 5,000 patents, saw revenues fall 14.8 percent to $693 million in the six months ended in May 2009 compared to a year earlier, according to a regulatory filing.

Denn die ca. 1,4 Milliarden Umsatz werden mit ca. 3,6 Milliarden bewertet - das ist trotz des rückläufigen Umsatzes im ersten Halbjahr mehr als das 2,5-fache des Umsatzes.  Das Multiple bei Internet Capital liegt trotz Umsatzwachstum unter 1.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaDie Aussichten von Freeborders sind glänzend

08.08.09 19:16

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaNicht durch den unsinnigen Frankfurter Kurs

09.08.09 10:39
beim Kauf irritieren lassen, denn wenn Ihr ein Limit von 4,85 setzt, gibt es garantiert kein Stück, denn der US-Kurs in Euro umgerechnet beträgt 5,11. Unter 5,15 Euro wird daher der Skontroführer in Internet Capital-Aktien in Frankfurt wohl nichts herausrücken.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaClickequations ist die jüngste

09.08.09 11:28
Neuerwerbung von Internet Capital:


Internet Capital hält 30% an Clickequation.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaAuch manche private US-Anleger haben noch nicht

11.08.09 11:44
"geschnallt", dass Internet Capital nicht mehr das Papier ist, das sie einmal für Dollar 4.280 gekauft und dann zwischen 3,40 und 8 Dollar an Libuda verkauft haben. Daher liegt ja auch der Anteil der Instituttionals immer noch um die 80%.



63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaSeht Euch einmal den neuesten

11.08.09 17:08

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaUnd das kommt Internet Capital sehr zugute

11.08.09 17:59

Denn man fertige IPO's in der Leitung, selbst wenn auch nur Metastorm kurzfristig käme. Denn bei ICGCommerce hat man offensichtlich Angst Geld zu verschenken durch einen zu frühen IPO und die können sich, da sie ausschließlich auf organisches Wachstum setzen locker aus dem Cash Flow finanzieren, selbst wenn sie jährlich 30% und mehr wachsen.  


63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaDie Tech-Ipos marschieren an der Spitze

12.08.09 15:40

63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 46% an Channelintelligence

12.08.09 19:01
Diapers.com Accelerates Shopping Engine Program with the Help of Channel Intelligence

Baby supplies retailer turns to CI's SellCast® Solutions for improved product data optimization, reporting and shopping engine management tools

Orlando, Fla. – (August 12, 2009) – Channel Intelligence, Inc. (CI), the leader of performance-based marketing solutions for manufacturers and retailers, announced today that Diapers.com has selected its SellCast® Solutions to manage the company's shopping engine program. Diapers.com has been live with CI's Sellcast® Solutions since early July 2009 and has achieved positive results thus far. Over the past 30 days Diapers.com has enjoyed an average conversion rate of about four percent and a return of over six dollars for every dollar spent to advertise its products on shopping engines.

Diapers.com began advertising on shopping engines in 2007 and soon realized that this channel was an excellent way to drive traffic and increase web sales. Over time Diapers.com outgrew its initial service provider and began to investigate more robust offerings. The company wanted better optimization of its data feeds, better reporting and most importantly, better management tools that would enable them to easily manipulate data feeds on-the-fly. Having been a part of CI's Ad Network where the company received leads direct from manufacturers, Diapers.com decided to compare CI's SellCast® offerings, specifically the soon-to-be-released Self Management Portal for shopping engines, against other self-service options. Diapers.com selected CI.

"CI has a great reputation in the industry and we felt confident that they could help us take our shopping engine program to the next level," states Matthew Lindenberg, Assistant Director of Marketing for Diapers.com. "As an added bonus we are one of the few retailers CI selected to use their BETA Self Management Portal. CI's new self-management tool gives us the ability to take a hands-on approach to our shopping engine program. We like to live in the numbers, and with CI's offering we can make changes to business rules ourselves or work with client support. Having that freedom is perfect for us."

SellCast® Solutions help retailers derive greater profitability from online marketing programs such as shopping engines and online marketplaces. There are two programs for retailers to choose from, Managed Services, which provides a complete outsourced option for enterprise retailers with limited internal resources, and Advisory Services, which provides help and guidance to retailers who wish to manage the program themselves. CI has enhanced Advisory Services with the pending September release of the Self Management Portal, currently in BETA, which will give retailers the ability to directly manipulate and customize data feeds on demand. For information about SellCast visit: http://www.channelintelligence.com/sellcast/index.html

About Diapers.com
Founded in Montclair, New Jersey, by Marc Lore and Vinit Bharara, Diapers.com is the largest online specialist offering baby care necessities in the United States. With the mission to offer the lowest prices moms (and dads!) will find online, along with the convenience of free 1-2 day shipping and the best customer service around, Diapers.com has spurred a major 'change' in the way parents buy diapers. Diapers.com carries everything from everyday essential brands like Pampers, Huggies, Similac, Enfamil, and Earth's Best to gear and nursery products from brands like Britax, Graco, DaVinci, Peg Perego, Maclaren and much more. Learn more at http://www.diapers.com.

About Channel Intelligence, Inc. (CI):
CI is a performance marketing services company focused on helping retailers, manufacturers and other advertisers make their products and services easier for consumers to find and buy on the Internet and in local retail stores. The CI product database is capable of storing, managing, optimizing and analyzing hundreds of millions of products every day. This database powers product data for leading manufacturers and retailers in Computing, Home Improvement, Appliances, Consumer Electronics, Toys and other Consumer Product industries such as Apparel, Cosmetics and Jewelry. CI offers innovative suites of services for hundreds of the world's best known manufacturers, retailers and publishers and provides distribution of product data to over 50 destination websites, including the proprietary CI Ad Network. Cultivating partnerships with some of the best solution providers in the eCommerce arena, CI is a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE) and Aweida Capital Management. CI was founded in 1999 by CEO Robert Wight and EVP Alan Fulmer and is headquartered in Orlando, Fla., with offices in Geneva, Switzerland and London, England. Learn more at http://www.channelintelligence.com.



63706 Postings, 7369 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 35% an Starcite

12.08.09 22:22

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