Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.339.154
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:240
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63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaHier noch der Vergleich mit Nasdaq

11.07.09 10:56

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaSehr gut fur den kommenden IPO von Metastorm

11.07.09 13:32

Internet Capital hält 32% von Metastorm.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDieses Unternehmen wird nur

12.07.09 00:28
mit 10 Millionen Euro bewertet, obwohl es enen Umsatz von 25 Millionen Euro hat:


Einen Verzehnfachung der Bewertung in kurzer Zeit ist möglich. Internet Capital hält an GoIndustrie ca. 30%.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaÜber den Markt von Freeborders

12.07.09 10:29

Internet Capital hält 31% am führenden IT-Outsourcer Chinas.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWarum Freeborders besonders profitiert

12.07.09 12:04

Internet Capital hält 31% an Freeborders.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWenn die Beteiligungen von Internet Capital

12.07.09 14:26
so bewertet würden wie der neue Tech-Ipo Solarwind, läge der Kurs von Internet Capital über 40 Dollar.



63702 Postings, 7368 Tage Libuda45 Dollar wären

12.07.09 18:40
es dann sogar ganz genau - aber bis zum Jahresende wäre ich auch mit 15 Dollar zufrieden, was bei einem von mir unterstellten Euro-Kurs von 1,20 immerhin 12,50 Euro wären.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaSeht Euch auch den zweiten Tech-Ipo

12.07.09 21:30
nach Solarwind in den letzten Wochen an:



63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAuch bei Open Table kommen wir bei einer

12.07.09 22:10
Übertragung auf Internet Capital wieder auf einen Kurs von 45 Dollar.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaVergleicht einmal die beiden obigen Ipo's

12.07.09 22:18
mit den Beteiligungen von Internet Capital:



63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaVielleicht ist Euch dabei aufgefallen,

13.07.09 13:31
dass Metastorm mit seinem Umsatz nur knapp unter Solarwind liegt und ICGCommerce mehr umsetzt als Open Table. Und verglichen wird dabei Softewareunternehmen mit Softwareunternehmen (Solarwind mit Metastorm) und Marktplatz mit Marktplatz (Open Table mit ICGCommerce).

Internet Capital hält 32% an Metastorm und 65% an ICGCommerce. Würden diese beiden Beteiligungen so hoch bewertet wie die Vergleichsunternehmen wären diee 32% und die 65% allein 900 Millionen wert.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDer Kursanstieg der letzten Wochen ist

14.07.09 12:03
ohne Meldungen aus den Beteiligungen vonstatten gekommen - ausreichend war, dass man die Umsatzbewertung der anteiligen Umsätze an der Partnerbeteiligungen mit einer Umsatzbewertung von 0,8 von den um Faktor 14 höheren Umsatzbewertung bei den letzten drei mit Beteiligungen vergleichbaren Ipo's von Solarwind, Open Table und LogMein verglich.

Die entscheidende Frage ist, ob wir bis zum Ipo von Metastorm warten müssen bis der große Jump kommt oder im Vorfeld schon Entwicklungen vorweggenommen werden. Ich vermute einen Mittelweg. Auf ein Umsatzmultiple von 2 für die Umsätze werden wir auch ohne Ipo laufen.

Das wären 2 mal 140 Milliionen für die anteiligen Umsätze plus 150 Millionen für die Cash/Wertpapiere = 430 Millionen und bei 37 Millionen ausstehenden Aktien ein Kurs von 12.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaEinfach mal die Daten für Metastorm + ICGCommerce

14.07.09 13:01
auf den Seiten 34-62 in der folgenden Power-Point-Präsentation mit den letzten drei Tech-Ipos Solarwind, Open Table und LogMeiin vergleichen;


Ihr könnte Euch logischerweise auch ChannelIntelligence auf den Seiten zuvor ansehen, die aber meines Erachtens erst in 2011 an einen Ipo denken können - die müssen vorher erst "noch etwas auf die Weide".  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaVom Yahoo-Aktienboard

14.07.09 14:11
im Internet Capital-Threa:

Compare Metastorm and Freeborders     14-Jul-09 07:09 am     In your opinion what should icge be trading at? Thanks in advance

Sentiment : Buy
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  Re: Compare Metastorm and Freeborders     3 second(s) ago     I believe, that we should have 3-times-revenus of the 140 million proportional revenues of the partner companies = 420 million. Then you must add the 150 million cash/securites of the debt-free company = 570 million. In the next step you must divide the 570 million through the outstanding 37 million shares = about $15.

But this is only the fair price in the markets of today. If you had looked at the multiples of the last ipos, they was a lot higher: Solarwind and Open tables have 11-times revenues. If the market-conditions will be become better, I believe that 5-times-revenues will be a fair valuation = 700 million. If you add 170 million = 870 million. And if you divide through the 37 million outstandig shares =
about $23. Rating :  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDer Aufwärtstrend ist intakt

14.07.09 16:05

Und wir nähern uns dem unter den momentanen Marktbedingungen angemessenen Preis von 15 Dollar - wie nicht anders möglich in einem stetigen Wechsel von Auf und Ab.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaNeuer wichtiger Kunde für ICGCommerce

14.07.09 18:38
die wertvollste Beteiligung von Internet Capital:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Engages ICG Commerce to Reduce Costs of Outside Expenditures

Leading publisher will leverage indirect procurement capabilities to deliver bottom-line savings Partnering with ICG Commerce will enable Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to continue to focus on providing superior service to our employees, drive purchasing efficiencies and enable cost savings that can be reinvested in growth opportunities targeted at our core markets and customers
We look forward to tapping into ICG Commerce's indirect procurement infrastructure and engaging them as an extension of our team to gain greater visibility and control over our spend
The partnership will enable us to expand our influence and deliver measurable cost reductions and improved supplier value.
We continue to see leading companies look to indirect procurement as an area that presents significant savings opportunities, while strategically allocating internal resources toward core business activities
We are pleased to be selected by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to provide the infrastructure and expertise to help them achieve their savings goals.

Philadelphia, PA (Vocus/PRWEB ) July 14, 2009 -- ICG Commerce today announced that it has signed a four-year agreement with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, the world's largest publisher of educational materials for pre-K-12 schools, to provide ongoing sourcing and category management services. The Company will leverage ICG Commerce's deep category expertise, supported by a robust market information and technology platform, to drive cost reductions across its indirect spending in areas including IT, Telecommunications, Marketing, Facilities Management and Travel.

Recognizing the importance of focusing internal resources on core competencies and market expansion opportunities, particularly in the current market, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt engaged ICG Commerce to quickly tap into additional resources and expertise needed to aggressively manage its indirect expenses.

"Partnering with ICG Commerce will enable Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to continue to focus on providing superior service to our employees, drive purchasing efficiencies and enable cost savings that can be reinvested in growth opportunities targeted at our core markets and customers," said Greg DuMont, senior vice president of Operations at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt evaluated a number of solutions to support its cost reduction initiative, including a technology-centric alternative. The Company ultimately recognized that depth of expertise, market insight and breadth of experience were the key drivers of sustainable cost reductions and selected ICG Commerce based on its demonstrated ability to help dozens of companies realize significant savings.
"We look forward to tapping into ICG Commerce's indirect procurement infrastructure and engaging them as an extension of our team to gain greater visibility and control over our spend," said Chet Taff, vice president of Indirect Procurement at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. "The partnership will enable us to expand our influence and deliver measurable cost reductions and improved supplier value."

This engagement follows several new customer signings for ICG Commerce in recent months, including Whirlpool Corporation, Teva Pharmaceuticals and a global software provider, bringing the Company's total spend under management to more than $10 billion.

"We continue to see leading companies look to indirect procurement as an area that presents significant savings opportunities, while strategically allocating internal resources toward core business activities," said Carl Guarino, Chief Executive Officer, ICG Commerce. "We are pleased to be selected by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to provide the infrastructure and expertise to help them achieve their savings goals."

About Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Boston-based Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company is a global education leader and the world's largest publisher of educational materials for pre-K-12 schools. The Company publishes a comprehensive set of best-in-class educational solutions, ranging from research-based textbook programs to instructional technology to standards-based assessments for students and educators. The Company also publishes an extensive line of reference works and award-winning literature for adults and young readers. With origins dating back to 1832, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt combines its tradition of excellence with a commitment to innovation. To learn more about Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, visit www.hmhpub.com.

About ICG Commerce
ICG Commerce is the leading procurement outsourcing specialist delivering comprehensive source-to-pay services. Results-driven leaders access ICG Commerce's experienced resources and market intelligence to better manage procurement and logistics spend, gaining significant savings and enhanced visibility and control.

ICG Commerce is a privately held company founded in 1992 and a member of Internet Capital Group's (NasdaqGM: ICGE - News) network of partner companies. The company has earned recognition from Forbes, Fortune, The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) and leading industry analysts for its leadership in procurement outsourcing. For more information: www.icgcommerce.com

Shannon Parish
ICG Commerce


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaZiemlich simpel ist die Ursache für das Gewinnen

14.07.09 21:50


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaSeht Euch bitte nicht nur die Gesamtwertung

15.07.09 11:11
in vorstehehenden Posting an, sondern auch zusätzlich die Einzelwertungen.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaFacebook = 15-facher Umsatz, ICGE = 0,9-facher

15.07.09 12:53

Facebook wird mit dem 15-fachen-Umsatz bewertet, die anteiligen Umsätze der Beteiligungen von Internet Capital dagegen nur mit dem 0,9-fachen.

UPDATE 2-Facebook gets $6.5 bln valuation with share sale
Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:24pm EDT  Email | Print | Share| Reprints | Single Page[-] Text [+]

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Wall Street set for flat open on spending unease   |  Video
Global stocks up as Goldman results   |  Video
Oil above $60 as global equities rally
More Business & Investing News... * Facebook employees can sell shares for $14.77/share

* Digital Sky to take 3.5 pct stake in Facebook

* Deal values Facebook common shares at $6.5 bln (Adds analyst comments, background)

By Alexei Oreskovic

SAN FRANCISCO, July 13 (Reuters) - Facebook netted a $6.5 billion valuation for its common shares on Monday, further underscoring the fast-growing Internet social networking site's high rank among technology and media industry heavyweights.

Russia's Digital Sky Technologies said it will pay $14.77 a share for Facebook common stock, boosting its stake to as much as 3.5 percent and valuing Facebook at about $6.5 billion.

While that is below the $10 billion valuation set by Digital Sky's May investment in Facebook, which was for preferred shares, investors have been valuing the social network's common stock at less than $5 billion in secondary markets in recent weeks.

The deal suggests that Facebook has a higher market value than many established media and tech companies which generate significantly more revenue than Facebook, including CBS Corp (CBS.N) and Salesforce.com (CRM.N), as at least one blog pointed out on Monday.

CBS, which had $13.95 billion in revenue last year, has a market capitalization of $4.06 billion and Salesforce.com had a $4.72 billion market cap at Monday's market close.

Facebook is expected to breach $500 million in sales this year, according to board member Mark Andreessen. The company has said it expects revenue to grow 70 percent this year.

At $6.5 billion, DST is valuing Facebook common shares at 13 times expected 2009 revenue, noted JMP Securities analyst Sameet Sinha, well above the 2.2x multiple that is common for online advertising-based businesses and even the nearly 6x multiple of Google Inc (GOOG.O), the No.1 Internet search engine in the U.S.

But Sinha said Facebook's lofty multiple was not completely out of line given the strong growth in sales and users that Facebook is generating amid a tough business environment.

"Those are the things that are really driving the valuation," Sinha said. "Essentially, people's expectations that this could be the next Google."

Facebook recently surpassed 200 million active users on its social network, up from 100 million users less than a year earlier, and vaulting it ahead of rival social network MySpace which is owned by News Corp (NWSA.O).


Digital Sky, a Russian investment firm, bought $200 million worth of preferred shares in Facebook in May and said it would buy another $100 million worth of common shares from Facebook employees and ex-employees.  Continued...  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hat 2,2 Millionen Blackboard-

15.07.09 15:47

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 46% an Channelintelligence

15.07.09 20:13
Performance on Shopping Sites Continues to Show Positive Growth for Channel Intelligence SellCast® Clients

SellCast® grows shopping site performance for retailers quarter-over-quarter with strong increases in ROAS for jewelry, apparel and sporting goods categories

Orlando, FLA. – (July 15, 2009) – Channel Intelligence, Inc. (CI) today released data that shows its jewelry, apparel and sporting goods retail clients achieved high growth with quarter-over-quarter return on ad spend (ROAS) increases of 78 percent, 32 percent, and 49 percent respectively. These growths were achieved through healthy performance on shopping engines such as Google Product Search, Shopzilla, Shopping.com, Nextag and others. On average, CI SellCast® Solutions clients have enjoyed positive quarter-over-quarter growth on shopping engines even while the retail industry as a whole has slowed down.

With a 28 percent increase in sales from Q1 to Q2 this year, resulting in an average ROAS up 78 percent, the average cost per click went down 20 percent in the jewelry category. Retailers in this category increased their ad spend to take advantage of the rise in consumer traffic and sales. In addition, CI clients in the jewelry category saw the number of orders from Q1 to Q2 increase by 20 percent on average as consumers make jewelry purchases via optimized product listings on shopping engines.

Higher conversion rates and revenue per click paved the way for a 32 percent average increase in both sales and ROAS, with the number of orders rising 31 percent and units sold up 33 percent for CI's apparel retailers. These retailers have also increased their ad spend, up 39 percent over last quarter. Sporting goods clients averaged a tremendous increase in ROAS of 51 percent, with click costs reduced by 14 percent and the number of clicks rising by 48 percent. Sporting goods sales rose 18 percent in the second quarter of 2009, with orders of sporting goods through online shopping engines jumping an average 29 percent from Q1 to Q2 for CI.

"We're very excited that on average our customers achieved positive quarter-over-quarter growth in key performance metrics such as sales, conversion rates and return on ad spend," Says Lanny Tucker, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at CI. "While our economy is trying to recover, we continue to monitor industry trends to make sure we are providing the best possible management and support for our clients' shopping channel campaigns. We are optimistic that the online shopping environment will continue to offer growth opportunities for retailers."

SellCast® Retailer Solutions help retailers derive greater profitability from online marketing programs such as shopping engines, display advertising, online marketplaces and affiliate networks. For more information on SellCast®: www.channelintelligence.com/sellcast/index.html  


182 Postings, 6009 Tage pupsmmm

15.07.09 21:39
Echt letztes posting du gehst alles auf den Sack merkste dach nich du unterhälst dich doch selber.Was fuer ein  armer Mensch du doch bist.Ist warscheinlich48 und wohnt noch bei Mammi. mann bist du doch erbaermlich  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDie neuesten Kundenliste von Channelintelligence

15.07.09 22:44

Internet Capital hält 46% an Channelintelligence.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDie guten Ergebnisse des Sektors

17.07.09 11:01
werden Internet Capital weiterhin Auftrieb geben:



63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaEin Ipo von Facebook

17.07.09 15:33
oder/und ein Ipo der Internet Capital-Beteiligung Metastorm wird Internet Capital durch die Decke gehen lassen.



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