Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.339.127
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63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDer Ipo von Metastorm wird

15.06.09 12:26
in der zweiten Jahreshälfte über die Bühne gehen.



63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaErstmals ist heute jemand in Frankfurt in 2009

15.06.09 12:28
mit einer größeren Menge zu einem günstigen zum Zug gekommen.

Vielleicht verkauft ja der Skontrenführer noch einmal so eine Portion zu diesem Preis.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 35% an Whitefence

16.06.09 14:29
Electricity Texas is a member of the WhiteFence network     15-Jun-09 03:26 pm     ElectricityTexas.com Helps Customers Reduce Monthly Expenses with New Low Rates

Choice in Texas means consumers could be paying much more than they need to on electricity.

Houston, Texas (PRWEB) June 11, 2009 -- As the weather heats up in Texas, electricity bills could more than double this summer, according to online electricity comparison shopping site ElectricityTexas.com. If you don't have the best possible rate, you could be throwing away hundreds of dollars. "People would be shocked to know that they may be paying significantly more than their neighbors for the same electricity," said ElectrictyTexas.com's Chip Smith. "Shopping for better electricity rates has never been easier and the best time to lock down low rates is now, before summer temperatures soar in Texas. To help Texans save money on electricity this summer, ElectricityTexas.com has partnered with the biggest brand name providers to develop new low rate, limited time offers."

Green Mountain Energy now offers through ElectricityTexas.com a low 6 month plan as well as a low fixed rate on 100% renewable energy. In 2008 the average electricity bill rose about $50 a month every month from April to August, from $156 to $305 by the end of the summer. That's why it is crucial for Texans to make sure they're getting the best deal on their electricity bill. Texas residents could save hundreds this summer by simply shopping around.

Here's how you do it:
1. Get your most recent electricity bill and take a look at the rate you're paying--it's a cents per kilowatt hour figure.
2. Log on to ElectricityTexas.com and enter your address.
3. Compare your rate to the rates and plans from companies on ElectricityTexas.com, including special offers through Green Mountain Energy that start as low as 10.6 cents per kilowatt hour--some people are currently paying almost double that with their current provider.
4. If you see a plan with a better rate, order and switch your service right on the site. It takes about five minutes and, depending on the size of your home, it can save you a great deal of money.

About ElectricityTexas.com

ElectricityTexas.com is a free, secure site for comparing and ordering electricity service from leading Texas electric companies. Since 2003, customers have relied on ElectricityTexas.com for options to lower their monthly bills and purchase renewable energy. Electricity Texas is a member of the WhiteFence network. Rating :
(No ratings)  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 32% an Metastorm

16.06.09 23:04

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWertvollste Beteiligung von Internet Capital

17.06.09 18:37
sind die 65% an ICGCommerce, die fast 200 Millionen Dollar wert sein dürften.



63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaEndlich auch einmal ein nennenwerter Umsatz

17.06.09 18:58
in Frankfurt.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaFacts and estimates

17.06.09 22:34

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaNeuesten Update

18.06.09 11:56

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaNimmt man die letzten Ipo-Daten als

18.06.09 16:32
Messlate müsste der Kurs von Internet Capital zwischen 15 und 20 Dollar stehen:



63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaIch bin sicher, dass Obama

18.06.09 21:49
Manipulatione wie z.B. bei Internet Capital stoppen wird, die für die Bush-Krieger charakteristisch waren:


Die Bush-Krieger haben jede Kontrolle abgeschafft und damit Manipulationen wie z.B. bei Internet Capital Tur und Tor geoffnet. Allerdings setzen sich auch ohne Obama langfristig die Fakten durch - allerdings wird das jetzt schneller gehen und mit Sicherheit ist Obama auch ein Segen für die gesamtwirtschaftliche Lage.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMittelprächtig

19.06.09 20:11
sieht der nachstehende Bericht aus:


Aber natürlich ist Internet Capital beim jetztigen Kurs nachwievor extrem unterbewertet.

Der Kassenbestand/Wertpapiere liegt mit 150 Millionen ca. 10 Millionen über meinen Schätzungen, insbesondere weil ich einen Restbetrag aus dem Verkauf von ICE-Aktien nicht berücksichtigt habe.

Etwas unter meinen Schätzungen lagen offensichtlich die proportionalen Umsätze der acht Kernbeteiligungen, sodass ich meine Schätzungen für den anteiligen Umsatz von Internet Capital bei allen privaten Beteiligungen für 2009 von 150 auf 140 Millionen reduziere.

Die Unterbewertung kann man ziemlich simpel feststellen. Subtrahiert man vom jeztigen Börsenwert von 227 Millionen die 150 Millionen Cash/wertpappiere des weitgehend schuldenfreien Unternehmens = 77 Millionen. Allein die 65% an ICGCommerce sind aber allein schon das Doppelte wert.

Umsonst gibt es dann noch:

32% an Metastorm

34% an Starcite

31% an Freeborders

46% an Channelintelligence

36% an Whitefence

81% an Investorforce

9% an Anthem Venture

und andere kleinere Beteiligungen.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAllerdings hat Internet Capital bisher kaum

20.06.09 16:51
auf die hohen Bewertungen der letzten tech-ipos reagiert: Da haben wir Umsatzmultiples zwischen drei und neun.



63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWell-Positioned for SaaS and Cloud Computing Trend

21.06.09 00:03
Internet Capital Group Well-Positioned for SaaS and Cloud Computing Trends
by: Jeffrey M. Kaplan June 11, 2009 | about: ICGE
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Font Size: PrintEmail TweetThis Last week, I had the privilege of attending and presenting at Internet Capital Group’s (ICGE) 2009 Strategic Growth Conference in Philadelphia, and came away impressed with the company’s portfolio of web-oriented businesses and vision for the future.

ICG was one of the pioneers of web-based businesses during the late 1990s, and is one of the few survivors of the Dot.com bust. Like THINKstrategies, ICG believed after the demise of the Dot.com era that there were could still be tremendous opportunities via the Internet once the enabling technologies and business models matured to meet customers’ changing requirements.

Unlike other investment firms which might have a set of ‘theses’ for the types of companies they fund, ICG has attempted to build a portfolio of companies that can leverage their commonalities to create additional synergies.

Specifically, ICG’s core company portfolio of Channel Intelligence, Freeborders, ICG Commerce, Investor Force, Metastorm, StarCite, Vcommerce and WhiteFence each have powerful data collection capabilities which can be harnessed to produce additional value for their customers and create a competitive advantage for the firms.

This focus on the value of the company’s data generation capabilities is in keeping with the way THINKstrategies views the evolution of the SaaS market from software services to business services and ultimately information services.

ICG’s focus and perseverance is paying off. The company reported that its eight core portfolio companies grew 12% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2009 after registering a 23% jump in revenues in 2008, and their aggregate EBITDA (loss) for the quarter improved 70% in a tough economy.

Riding this momentum into last week’s event in Philadelphia, the theme of the ICG gathering was finding new ways to accelerate growth and streamline operations. Among the ideas discussed were the burgeoning array of economical development resources available worldwide via the web and new methods to create differentiation in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

I came away from last week’s event believing that ICG’s investment model and its portfolio companies’ data-driven, on-demand service strategies are well-positioned to capitalize on the rapidly changing business requirements in today’s tough economic climate.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaVergleicht jetzt einmal das letzte Posting

21.06.09 17:49
über die gute Positionierung der Beteiligungen mit den zuletzt bei Tech-Ipos erzielten Ergebnissen: Multiples der Umsätze lagen zwischen 3 und 10.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWarum Freeborders eine große Chance darstellt

22.06.09 13:12

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDie Bewertung der acht Kernbeteiligungen und der

22.06.09 18:50
anderen privat gehaltenen Beteiligungen liegt momentan nur bei 70 Millionen (220 Millionen Marktkapitalisierung minus 150 Millionen Cash/Wertpapiere).  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaÜbersicht über die Beteiliungen -aktualisiert

23.06.09 13:14

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaOhne massives nacktes Shortselling

23.06.09 19:19
wäre Internet Capital inzwischen wesentlich höher, allerdings hätte man nicht so günstige Einstiegsgelegenheiten gehabt und momentan immer noch.


Noch ist die Gesetzeslage nicht geändert und noch kontrolliert die SEC nicht, weil sie personell und organisatorisch dazu noch nicht in der Lage ist. Aber das wird sicher beides ändern.  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage Libuda48,2% Wachstum wird zwar in der Überschrift

24.06.09 19:15
als Verlangsam bezichnet, aber die 6,7% weniger als im letzten Jahr sind für den Markt, auf dem die Internet-Capital-Beteiligung Freeborders agiert, immer noch ein guter Wert - zumal Freeborders schneller wächst als der Markt.

Software Outsourcing Exports Slow In China
June 2, 2009 | By Editorial Staff |   Print This Page |   Email This Page
According to the latest statistics provided by China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China's software export reached USD4.93 billion in the first four months of 2009, a year-on-year increase of 48.2%.
The growth rate is said to be at the same level as that of the first three months, but 6.7% lower than the same period of last year.
Of the total value of exports, USD380 million was from the software outsourcing sector, a year-on-year increase of 25.8%, but the growth rate was 4.4% lower than that of the first three months.
In addition, China's software industry realized accumulated revenue of CNY255.22 billion in the first four months of 2009, increasing 23.5% compared with the same period of 2008. Of the total revenue, CNY92.61 billion was from software products, accounting for 36.3%.
Tags: export, MIIT, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, outsourcing, procurement, software, statistics



182 Postings, 6009 Tage pupsic

24.06.09 20:51
vergiss doch endlich diese Muellaktie die Zukunft liegt bei softbank immer noch nich kapiert  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDie Fakten setzten sich langsam aber sicher durch

25.06.09 11:17

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWenn Ihr Euch den Kursverlauf im Chart anseht

25.06.09 11:19

63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaUnd so unterscheidet sich Darling von pups

25.06.09 11:33
von Internet Capital:


Und diese Divergenzen werden noch größer werden, da Softbank über- und Internet Capital stark unterbewertet ist.  


182 Postings, 6009 Tage pupsDa kann ich nur lachen

25.06.09 18:57
Letztes posting von mir bist eh ein Selbstunterhalter.Das das was du schreibst keinen mehr interresssiert haste wohl auch gemerkt:Wenn nicht schreib dir weiter selbst:Soll ja ganz unterhaltsam seim.Lacht sich schlapp  


63702 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaChannelintelligene entwickelt sich immer besser

26.06.09 00:27
Retail Sales on the Rise across the CI Ad Network

Several retail categories on Channel Intelligence's Ad Network see significant increases in sales year-to-date while overall online sales remain stagnant

Orlando, FLA. – (June 25, 2009) – Channel Intelligence, Inc. (CI) today released data indicating that both traffic and sales activities on its Ad Network is outpacing the growth of the overall eCommerce industry. A leading eCommerce solutions provider that manages the advertising and syndication of products across the Web for hundreds of the world's best-known retailers and manufacturers, CI also operates its own proprietary manufacturer advertising network called the CI Ad Network. The company's detailed analytics capabilities provides insight into category performance across this network, with traffic and sales data showing increases, while retail category performance from other online shopping mediums are dropping, holding steady or only showing modest recoveries year-to-date.

The CI Ad Network is a where-to-buy solution that enables consumers researching products on manufacturers' websites the ability to directly click-to-purchase products on retail web sites. Examining data from CI's Ad Network between January and May 2009, the following categories averaged positive month-over-month gains: Appliances saw an 11 percent increase in traffic and a 25 percent increase in sales, Health Aids and Medicine achieved a 23 percent increase in traffic and 34 percent in sales, Baby and Safety Products' 1 percent increase in traffic garnered 14 percent more in sales, while Lawn and Garden's seasonal traffic spike of 81 percent sustained an even bigger 92 percent increase in sales month-over-month.

These increases contrast sharply with the online retail economy's performance as a whole. According to ComScore's State of the U.S. Online Retail Economy in Q1 2009, online consumer sales have remained flat through the first quarter of this year. This leveling off is significant considering that 2003-2007 saw over 20 percent growth each year, declining to eight percent in 2008 before dipping to zero growth so far this year.

"The increases we're seeing through our Ad Network are indicative of consumers choosing to research and make their purchase via trusted channels like manufacturer web sites," explained Alan Fulmer, Co-Founder and EVP of CI. "Our current and past surveys conducted in conjunction with Forrester Research shows that a significant number of consumers start their product search on manufacturers' web sites looking for both product information and retail purchase options. In a down economy, consumers are very selective in their product purchases which we believe benefits brand conscious manufacturers with a loyal customer base. With the Ad Network, we can quickly help manufacturers and retailers capitalize and convert those consumers who are ready to buy."

Manufacturers and retailers interested in learning more about the CI Ad Network are encouraged to visit www.channelintelligence.com/cian/index.html. Inquires can also be mailed to ci-an@channelintelligence.com.

About Channel Intelligence, Inc. (CI):
CI is a product data technology and marketing company focused on helping retailers and manufacturers make their products easier for consumers to find and buy on the Internet and in local retail stores. The CI product database is capable of storing, managing, optimizing and analyzing hundreds of millions of products every day. This database powers product data for leading manufacturers and retailers in Computing, Home Improvement, Appliances, Consumer Electronics, Toys and other Consumer Product industries such as Apparel, Cosmetics and Jewelry. CI offers innovative suites of services for hundreds of the world's best known manufacturers, retailers and publishers and provides distribution of product data to over 50 destination websites, including the proprietary CI Ad Network. Cultivating partnerships with some of the best solution providers in the eCommerce arena, CI is a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE) and Aweida Capital Management. CI was founded in 1999 by CEO Robert Wight and EVP Alan Fulmer and is headquartered in Orlando, Fla., with offices in Geneva, Switzerland and London, England. Learn more at www.channelintelligence.com.  


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