Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaErgänzend zum letzten Posting noch

23.05.09 22:30
die Kunden von Channelintelligence:



63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDer Börsengang von Metastorm gewinnt Konturen

24.05.09 11:32
davor soll aber offensichtlich noch ein anderen Unternehmen übernommen werden, das man mit einer vorher laufenden Finanzierungsrunde bezahlen will - denn Metastorm hat einer der letzten Veröffentlichungen angeführt, dass man schuldenfrei sei, aber auch nur acht Millionen Cash hat, womit man keine größere Übernahme stemmen kann. Wichtig ist jetzt, dass die bei Internet Capital nicht auf ihren 142 Millionen Cash/Wertpapieren sitzen bleiben, sondern sich an der Finanzierungsrunde beteiligen und damit zumindest ihre Anteil von 32% behalten - also z.B. bei einer Finanzierungsrunde über 30 Millionen auch einmal 10 Millionen investieren. Denn beim anschließenden IPO bekommt man diese Investition i.d.R. in mehrfacher Höhe wieder:

Buckley should invest some oe 142 million cash/securites in Metastorm-expansion in the next weeks:

Metastorm in the market in a big way

Posted by Brenon Daly on May 19, 2009

Contact: Brenon Daly

If Metastorm does re-paper an S-1, it will be a much larger company than the one that filed for an IPO last year. (The business process management (BPM) vendor put in its paperwork in mid-May and then pulled it in mid-September.) The growth will come both organically and from acquisition, CEO Bob Farrell said Monday during a presentation at the JMP Securities Research Conference.

In terms of organic growth, Farrell projected that the company would ring up about $90m in revenue this year, up from about $77m in 2008. Additionally, Farrell said he expected to add to the company’s top line with a shopping trip. We understand Metastorm has three term sheets out for possible acquisitions, with one possibly closing in the summer. One of the potential deals could double the company’s revenue. Farrell said his company has considered outside funding for a purchase, which is how it covered its 2007 acquisition of Proforma.

In terms of target markets, Metastorm is looking in several areas, including risk and compliance, collaboration and document management. In terms of possible BPM-document management transactions, we would note that we recently heard of deal flow going the other way. Open Text, having consolidated much of the content management market, said it may well look to buy its way into the BPM market.

Buckley should invest some oe 142 million cash/securites in Metastorm-expansion     4 second(s) ago     You can read my last posting: "Farrell said his company has considered outside funding for a purchase, which is how it covered its 2007 acquisition of Proforma."

This outside funding in the next week - only short time before the ipo - should come from Internet Capital with his big cash.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaZwei der folgenden drei Beteilungen reif für Ipo

24.05.09 16:06
und zwar ICGCommerce und Metastorm, die praktisch schon am Montag einen Ipo an die SEC filen könnten, wenn sie denn wollten.


Channelintelligence wäre ein Ipo für 2011, denn die sollten vorher noch organisch wachsen, was sie ja mit Riesensprüngen tun.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAngeblich soll Facebook

24.05.09 22:02
10 Milliarden wert sein - und das nur bei 400 Millionen Umsatz.

Das ist sicher etwa übertrieben, wenn man bedenkt das die anteiligen 140 Millionen Umsatz der Beteiligungen von Internet Capital unter Berücksichtigung von 140 Millionen Cash/Wertpapier gerade einmal mit ca. 45 Millionen bewertet werden. Während also Facebook mit einem Multiple von 25 bewertet wird, sind es bei den Beteiligungen von Internet Capital gerade einmal 0.3 - also ein Achtzigstel. Dabei wachsen die Umsätze der Beteiligungen von Internet Capital auch nicht gerade langsam.

Russen wollen bei Facebook einsteigen
Russische Investoren sind an einem Einstieg bei Facebook interessiert: Über 300 Millionen Dollar will der russische Internet-Konzern Digital Sky locker machen - was dem populären Online-Netzwerk entgegen käme.


San Francisco - Es ist ein Angebot, das zur richtigen Zeit kommt: Der russische Internet-Konzern Digital Sky Technologies will einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge beim Internet-Netzwerk Facebook einsteigen. Digital Sky wolle für 200 Millionen Dollar Vorzugsaktien und für hundert bis 150 Millionen Dollar Stammaktien von Facebook erwerben, berichtete das "Wall Street Journal" am Samstag.

Facebook Internet- Netzwerk Digital Sky Technologies Mark Zuckerberg
zu SPIEGEL WISSEN Dem Angebot zufolge hätte der US-Konzern einen Gesamtwert von zehn Milliarden Dollar. Facebook erklärte am Freitag, es werde sich zu Marktgerüchten und seinen finanziellen Plänen nicht äußern. Facebook-Chef Mark Zuckerberg hat sich aber in dieser Woche offen für Angebote potentieller Investoren gezeigt. Dadurch könne das Internet-Netzwerk seinen Handlungsspielraum ausbauen, sagte er beim Reuters-Technologiegipfel.

Facebook, das 2004 vom Harvard-Student Zuckerberg gegründet wurde und mittlerweile mehr als 200 Millionen aktive Nutzer hat, erhielt letztmals 2007 eine Finanzspritze, als der Software-Riese Microsoft  mit 1,6 Prozent bei der Internet-Plattform einstieg.

Bei Facebook können Nutzer persönliche Seiten anlegen und miteinander kommunizieren. Das Netzwerk wächst schnell und sucht nach frischem Geld - unter anderem um das explodierende Datenvolumen besser bewältigen zu können. Der Konzern rechnet laut Medienberichten für dieses Jahr mit einem Umsatz von 400 bis 550 Millionen Dollar. Über die Gewinnlage ist nichts bekannt.



63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMetastrom wird bei den IPO#s den Anfang machen

25.05.09 13:31
First ipo will come from Metastorm:

The 451 Take on Tech M&A Inorganic Growth / The 451 KnowledgeBase Metastorm in the market in a big way
Posted by Brenon Daly on May 19, 2009

Contact: Brenon Daly

If Metastorm does re-paper an S-1, it will be a much larger company than the one that filed for an IPO last year. (The business process management (BPM) vendor put in its paperwork in mid-May and then pulled it in mid-September.) The growth will come both organically and from acquisition, CEO Bob Farrell said Monday during a presentation at the JMP Securities Research Conference.

In terms of organic growth, Farrell projected that the company would ring up about $90m in revenue this year, up from about $77m in 2008. Additionally, Farrell said he expected to add to the company’s top line with a shopping trip. We understand Metastorm has three term sheets out for possible acquisitions, with one possibly closing in the summer. One of the potential deals could double the company’s revenue. Farrell said his company has considered outside funding for a purchase, which is how it covered its 2007 acquisition of Proforma.

In terms of target markets, Metastorm is looking in several areas, including risk and compliance, collaboration and document management. In terms of possible BPM-document management transactions, we would note that we recently heard of deal flow going the other way. Open Text, having consolidated much of the content management market, said it may well look to buy its way into the BPM market.

Filed Under IPO, M&A, application software, investment banking |  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage Libuda90 Millionen Umsatz in 2009 wären schon

25.05.09 15:29
ein solide Basis für ein IPO, da man dann die Untergrenze von einer Viertelmilliarde, die heute üblich ist, bei der Marktkapitalisierung mit Sicherheit schaffen wurde.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMan wäre dann ungefähr so groß wie

25.05.09 15:33

63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaSolarwind war ja ein großer Erfolg

25.05.09 15:39
denn schon die Ipo-Marktkapitalisierung war weit über den usprünglichen Erwartungen: "SolarWinds boosted sales 51 percent to $93.1 million last year, with profit rising 64 percent to $22.3 million. The IPO price values the company at $765 million, including debt, Einhorn said. "  Und anschließend ist der Wert auf über 800 Millionen Marktkapitalisierung gestiegen.

Bei Metastorm wäre ich schon zufrieden, wenn die bisherigen 90 Millionen mit dem dreifachen bewertet würden = 270 Millionen und man sich im Ipo weitere 50 Millionen holt, so dass wir auf eine Ipo-Marktkapitalisierung von 320 Millionen kämen, wovon 50 Millionen durch das zugeflossene Geld dargestellt würden, wenn keiner der Altaktionäre aussteigt. Die 32% von Metastorm an den 270 Millionen wären dann immerhin 86 Millionen wert.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaIn einen Punkte könnte ich mich geirrt haben

25.05.09 22:32
- nämlich dass ein Rückkauf in jedem Fall die bessere Lösung sei. Eine Ausnahme von meiner früheren These wäre, wenn Internet Capital kurz vor einem Ipo seine Beteiligung an einem Partnerunternehmen erhöhen könnte. Das scheint momentan bei Metastorm der Fall zu sein - hoffentlich nimmt das Management von Internet Capital das im Falle von Metastorm in Angriff und bleibt nicht wie ein Glucke auf den 140 Millionen Cash/Wertpapiere sitzen.

Maybe I wrote nonsense in one point in the past     5 minutes ago     It could be, that an increase in the ownerhship of partner-companies could be better than the buy-back of shares.

For example it makes sense that Internet Capital increase the ownership in Metastorm, if Metastorm will do a new financing-round to buy a company before they make an ipo in the second half of 2009.

Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: Maybe I wrote nonsense in one point in the past     4 minutes ago     Because remember this:

Metastorm in the market in a big way

Posted by Brenon Daly on May 19, 2009

Contact: Brenon Daly

If Metastorm does re-paper an S-1, it will be a much larger company than the one that filed for an IPO last year. (The business process management (BPM) vendor put in its paperwork in mid-May and then pulled it in mid-September.) The growth will come both organically and from acquisition, CEO Bob Farrell said Monday during a presentation at the JMP Securities Research Conference.

In terms of organic growth, Farrell projected that the company would ring up about $90m in revenue this year, up from about $77m in 2008. Additionally, Farrell said he expected to add to the company’s top line with a shopping trip. We understand Metastorm has three term sheets out for possible acquisitions, with one possibly closing in the summer. One of the potential deals could double the company’s revenue. Farrell said his company has considered outside funding for a purchase, which is how it covered its 2007 acquisition of Proforma.

In terms of target markets, Metastorm is looking in several areas, including risk and compliance, collaboration and document management. In terms of possible BPM-document management transactions, we would note that we recently heard of deal flow going the other way. Open Text, having consolidated much of the content management market, said it may well look to buy its way into the BPM market.

Filed Under IPO, M&A, application software, investment banking | Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: Maybe I wrote nonsense in one point in the past     27 second(s) ago     Very important: "We understand Metastorm has three term sheets out for possible acquisitions, with one possibly closing in the summer. One of the potential deals could double the company’s revenue. Farrell said his company has considered outside funding for a purchase, which is how it covered its 2007 acquisition of Proforma."

And I wish, that Buckley will talk with Farrell about an increase of the ownership of Internet Capital on Metastorm before we will see an ipo in the second half of 2009.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaIpo-Signale aus China

26.05.09 13:16
China sendet IPO-Signale
Mit dem Neustart von Börsengängen nach mehrmonatiger Pause setzt China inmitten der globalen Wirtschaftskrise ein optimistisches Zeichen.

HB SCHANGHAI. Die am Freitag verkündete überraschende Wiederzulassung von Neuemissionen zeigt, dass die Regierung in Peking fest mit einer Fortsetzung der Aktienmarktrally in diesem Jahr rechnet. Experten zufolge könnten die IPOs den chinesischen Markt in diesem Jahr mit Aktien im Wert von umgerechnet mindestens elf Mrd. Euro überfluten. Doch trotz dieser Menge erwarten sie nur kurzzeitig Beeinträchtigungen. Denn die Börsenaufsicht dürfte die Zahl der Neuemissionen kontrollieren, um einen massiven Kurseinbruch oder eine Überhitzung des Markts zu verhindern.

Mehr als 30 Unternehmen haben bereits die Zustimmung der China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) für ihre Börsen-Pläne erhalten. Dazu zählen unter anderen der Broker Everbright Securities und das größte Wohnungsbauunternehmen des Landes, China State Construction Engineering Corp. Diese Firmen warten bereits bis zu ein Jahr auf einen Börsengang, nachdem die Regierung die Neuemissionen nach einem Börseneinbruch von 65 Prozent im vergangenen September im Zuge der weltweiten Finanzkrise sang- und klanglos untersagt hatte.

Analysten gehen davon aus, dass allein die Konzerne in der Warteschlange umgerechnet rund elf Mrd. Euro durch ihre Börsengänge einnehmen könnten. "Am Ende des Jahres könnte diese Summe sogar bei weitem übertroffen werden", sagte Zheng Weigang von Shanghai Securities.

Everbright Securties und China State Construction, die einen Börsengang mit einem Volumen von jeweils gut einer Milliarde Euro anstreben, dürften den Experten zufolge von der kommunistischen Regierung bevorzugt werden. Sie unterstützen nämlich das staatliche Ziel, den Finanzsektor und die Infrastruktur des Landes auszubauen. Im Gegensatz dazu könnten Firmen, die bereits außerhalb Chinas notiert sind und sich für einen zweiten Börsengang in Shanghai interessieren, wegen eines mangelnden Regelwerks erst im nächsten Jahr grünes Licht bekommen. China Mobile, einer der weltweit größten Mobilfunkanbieter, und die britische Großbank HSBC hatten in der Vergangenheit ihr Interesse an dem Markt in Shanghai interessiert. Beide Konzerne sind bereits an der Börse in Hongkong gelistet.

Experten gehen zudem davon, dass die Behörde bei den geplanten IPOs darauf achten wird, den Aufwärtstrend an der Börse in diesem Jahr nicht zu gefährden. Der Leitindex Shanghai Composite Index hat seit Jahresbeginn über 40 Prozent zugelegt, womit er zu den Marktbarometern mit der besten Entwicklung weltweit zählt. "Es sieht so das, dass die CSRC die Geschwindigkeit kontrollieren wird, möglicherweise zunächst ein bis zwei IPOs pro Woche, wenn der Aktienmarkt nicht zu stark schwankt", sagte Cao Xuefeng von Western Securities. Die Aufsichtsbehörde will bereits im kommenden Monat den Startschuss für die neue Börsengang-Welle geben. Parallel dazu sollen ab Juni auch neue IPO-Regeln eingeführt werden.

"Die IPO-Nachrichten könnten den Aufwärtstrend an der Börse zwar kurzfristig abschwächen. Langfristig dürften sich die Neuemissionen jedoch positiv auf den Markt auswirken", sagte Cao. "So lange wie die chinesische Konjunktur und Unternehmensergebnisse die Aktienbewertungen unterstützen, könnte der Index neue Rekordstände nach einer Periode der Konsolidierung testen".

Fondsmanager und Aktienanalysten rechnen nach einer Umfrage damit, dass der chinesische Leitindex in den kommenden Monaten zwischen 2410 Punkten, seinem durchschnittlichen Wert in den vergangenen 60 Tagen, und der psychologisch wichtigen Marke von 2700 Zählen pendeln wird. Am Dienstag schloss der Index bei rund 2588 Stellen.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaVenture Backing ist nachwievor "in"

26.05.09 16:17
aber Internet Capital hat den Vorteil, dass es fertige Ipo's in der Pipeline hat und Nachschub für 2010 und 2011.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Waiting for IPO: Metastorm weathering tough marketBaltimore Business Journal - by Scott Dance Staff
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Metastorm Inc. is waiting for the stock market to rebound before giving an initial public offering another go, despite posting a 29 percent increase in revenue in 2008. And company officials acknowledge that could mean they will be waiting a while.

Company leaders had said they hoped to make another run for Wall Street by the middle of 2009 when they pulled the company’s first IPO in November. But in a recent interview, Metastorm spokeswoman Laura Mooney wouldn’t nail down any specific time frame with the market as unpredictable as ever.

The company has enough cash to keep its pace through the year, after posting $77 million in revenue in 2008, Mooney said. And its sales are especially helped by the fact that more clients are buying its software, which helps companies automate and streamline their operations, in the recession. But delaying an IPO means suspending more rapid growth for which the company might otherwise be ready.

Metastorm may seek some outside funding, in the form of venture capital or other investment, to pay for other companies it might acquire in the second half of the year, Mooney said. But an IPO like the $86 million offering it sought last year would be one of the largest for the Baltimore tech community in years.

The company filed to go public in May, after a string of acquisitions in late 2007 bolstered its software line and global reach. Metastorm’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings revealed that the company had lost money — as much as $16 million in 2004 — until 2007 when it posted a $586,000 profit on $60 million in revenue.

In first quarter 2008, the company lost $5 million, according to SEC documents. Metastorm delayed the offering as the stock market teetered through most of 2008, until it crashed in the fall. Metastorm withdrew the IPO in November.

Metastorm never filed financial data on the rest of 2008, and Mooney would not say whether it was a profitable year.

But company officials are optimistic for 2009, citing the possible acquisitions. And the company is investing in its products, with three major updated lines slated to come out this year, Mooney said. The company has about 330 employees and is filling open positions, she said.

Forecasts show no signs of improvement in the IPO market. One IPO has been priced so far this year, Indiana-based Mead Johnson Nutrition, according to Renaissance Capital’s IPOHome.com. That’s compared to 18 and 35 priced IPOs in the first two months of 2008 and 2007, respectively.

Dennis Byron, a software analyst who owns Worcester, Mass., firm IT Investment Research, said there are signs of trouble for software firms in 2009, though. Many remained insulated from the recession through most of 2008, but have started to falter.

But if any software categories are set to fare better than others, Metastorm’s specialty may be among them, Byron said. Its main category, known as business process management, was expected to grow 20 percent in 2008.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDer Shortsquezze nimmt seinen Lauf

26.05.09 22:14
Internet Capital Group, Inc.(NasdaqGM: ICGE)
Real-Time: 5.60 0.58 (11.55%) 3:59pm EThelp
Last Trade: 5.58
Trade Time: 3:58pm ET
Change:  0.56 (11.16%)
Prev Close: 5.02
Open: 4.97
Bid: 5.55 x 1000
Ask: 5.58 x 300
1y Target Est: 10.00
Day's Range: 4.93 - 5.70
52wk Range: 3.04 - 10.65
Volume: 193,127
Avg Vol (3m): 176,617
Market Cap: 204.89M
P/E (ttm): N/A
EPS (ttm): -0.73
Div & Yield: N/A (N/A)  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaVergleichen

26.05.09 23:33
25-times-revenues for Facebook     4 minutes ago     Facebook gets $200 million from Russian investor that values company at $10 billion
Barbara Ortutay, AP Technology Writer
On Tuesday May 26, 2009, 3:56 pm EDT
Buzz up! Print NEW YORK (AP) -- Facebook is getting a $200 million investment from a Russian Internet investor that values the social networking company at $10 billion even though it has yet to turn a profit.

The investment gives Digital Sky Technologies a nearly 2 percent stake in Palo Alto, California-based Facebook's preferred stock. Digital Sky won't get a board seat.

The $10 billion valuation for Facebook is less than the $15 billion value implied in 2007, when Microsoft spent $240 million for a 1.6 percent stake in the company -- even though Facebook has substantially grown since then. However Facebook's own appraisal after the Microsoft deal gave the company a market value of about $3.7 billion, according to details revealed in a legal settlement.

The latest investment, in preferred stock, does not necessarily compare with what the company's common shares would be worth on the open market. That would be determined if the company were to go public, which is likely a ways off.

During a conference call Tuesday, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said an IPO is "not something we are rushing toward." He called the Digital Sky investment a "good cash buffer" to support its growth. Facebook now counts 200 million users, 70 percent of whom live outside the U.S.

As a private company, Facebook does not disclose financial details. It doesn't even have a chief financial officer. Gideon Yu left that post in March and Facebook says it is still searching for a replacement.

The company says it has been profitable by one measure -- earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, or EBITDA -- for the past five quarters. Zuckerberg reiterated Tuesday that the company expects to generate positive cash flow in 2010.

Zuckerberg also repeated his claim that Facebook will grow revenue by 70 percent this year.

Debra Aho Williamson, a senior analyst with Internet research firm eMarketer, questions whether that projection is achievable. EMarketer estimates that Facebook's worldwide ad revenue will be $300 million this year, up 20 percent from last year.

In other words, to hit 70 percent growth, Facebook might have to ramp up the sale of products or services on the site. The company has experimented with some ideas, such as letting users send each other tiny virtual "gifts" for $1 each.

Yuri Milner, Digital Sky's chief executive, said he is "confident that Facebook has the potential to be one of the most valuable Internet companies globally." In addition to the $200 million preferred stock investment, Digital Sky also plans to offer to buy least $100 million of Facebook's common shares from the company's existing shareholders.

Based in London and Moscow, Digital Sky also holds a stake in vKontakte, a Russian online social network that is far more popular in that country than Facebook.

Its investment brings the total amount that Facebook has raised to more than $600 million since its founding five years ago. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: 25-times-revenues for Facebook     2 minutes ago     If you subtract the 142 million cash/securites from the market-cap of Internet Capital, we have 0.5-times revenues for the proportional revneues of partner-companies of Internet Capital. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: 25-times-revenues for Facebook     3 second(s) ago     The valuation of the revenues of Facebook is the 50-fold of the proportional revenues of Internet Capital, but most of the companies are excellent companies with strong growth like ICGCommerce, Starcite, Freeborders, Metastorm, Channelintelligence or Whitefence.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaZu großen Hoffnungen berechtigt

27.05.09 13:14
auch Freeborders. Allerdings sollte man geduldig sein, da die noch größer werden müssen und dies aus Qualitätsgründen offensichtlich nur mit organischem Wachstum bewerkstelligen wollen. Daher rechne ich auch bei denen auch es erst mit einem Ipo in 2011.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMetastorm ist gut unterwegs

27.05.09 17:41
und Internet Capital hält dort 32%.

Metastorm in the market in a big way

Posted by Brenon Daly on May 19, 2009

Contact: Brenon Daly

If Metastorm does re-paper an S-1, it will be a much larger company than the one that filed for an IPO last year. (The business process management (BPM) vendor put in its paperwork in mid-May and then pulled it in mid-September.) The growth will come both organically and from acquisition, CEO Bob Farrell said Monday during a presentation at the JMP Securities Research Conference.

In terms of organic growth, Farrell projected that the company would ring up about $90m in revenue this year, up from about $77m in 2008. Additionally, Farrell said he expected to add to the company’s top line with a shopping trip. We understand Metastorm has three term sheets out for possible acquisitions, with one possibly closing in the summer. One of the potential deals could double the company’s revenue. Farrell said his company has considered outside funding for a purchase, which is how it covered its 2007 acquisition of Proforma.

In terms of target markets, Metastorm is looking in several areas, including risk and compliance, collaboration and document management. In terms of possible BPM-document management transactions, we would note that we recently heard of deal flow going the other way. Open Text, having consolidated much of the content management market, said it may well look to buy its way into the BPM market.

Filed Under IPO, M&A, application software, investment banking |  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWas man alles aus dem Artikel herauslesen kann

28.05.09 11:55
Very positive aspect: "In terms of organic growth, Farrell projected that the company would ring up about $90m in revenue this year, up from about $77m in 2008."

Internet Capital is owning 32% of Metastorm.

Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: Metastorm in the market in a big way     27-May-09 11:44 am     Next positive aspect: "One of the potential deals could double the company’s revenue. Farrell said his company has considered outside funding for a purchase, which is how it covered its 2007 acquisition of Proforma."

When Farrell could double = 180 million revenues in 2009. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: Metastorm in the market in a big way     27-May-09 11:46 am     And the third positive aspect: " Farrell said his company has considered outside funding for a purchase, which is how it covered its 2007 acquisition of Proforma."

I hope, that Internet Capital with about 140 million cash/securities will increase the ownerhsip in this outside funding round. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: Metastorm in the market in a big way     27-May-09 11:56 am     I believe, that an ipo with 180 million revenues in 2009 will have an ipo-market-cap between 500 and 600 million.

Internet Capital owns 32% = 160 million, but must maybe invest before about 25 million to hold his ownership (better he invest 40 million and increase the ownership) = 135 million in the result.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWie stürmich die wertvollste Beteiligung

28.05.09 14:16
von Internet Capital, das ist ICGCommerce, wo Internet Capital 65% hält, sich entwickelt, zeigt die 40 offenen Stellen:



63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAuch mit dem chinesisch-amerikanischen

28.05.09 16:42
IT-Outsourcer Freeborders (Anteil von Internet Capital = 31%) ist Internet Capital hervorragend positioniert:

China's IT Outsourcing to Parallel India's by 2015: KPMG
Published: April 30, 2009 01:24 PM
China's IT outsourcing sector will be equal to that of India's in 2015 when its market is projected to be worth $70-90 billion, according to a ...
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15 Postings, 6422 Tage bufloDer Shortsquezze nimmt seinen Lauf

28.05.09 16:56
nur in welcher Richtung.  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaIn die richtige Richtung

28.05.09 17:14
denn an der folgenden Tatsache kommen auch die Shortseller nicht vorbei:

A Comeback in the IPO Market

Recent activity has ended a drought of venture-backed initial public offerings, and some experts foresee a rebound to about 40 a year


updated 12:00 a.m. ET May 28, 2009

Entrepreneurs and venture capitalists took notice just before the Memorial Day weekend when two technology companies had their initial public offerings in a matter of 24 hours. OpenTable (OPEN), a Web site for making restaurant reservations, went public one day after SolarWinds (SWI), a networking software company. The activity ended a drought of venture-backed IPOs that began last August. "It signals that investors are looking for growth stories," says Robert R. Ackerman, managing partner of Allegis Capital, a venture firm.

Even before the two IPOs, Goldman Sachs (GS) organized an invite-only conference on May 12 in Silicon Valley, called "The Next Wave IPO Forum," in anticipation of an IPO rebound. Rather than organize multiple meetings around the country, Goldman Sachs invited dozens of venture capitalists and entrepreneurs to a gathering on Sand Hill Road so the bank could explain why it expects an upturn in public offerings later this year. Goldman said it sees 10 to 15 venture-backed companies that have already registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission and that could be ready to go public in fairly short order. One example: Medidata Solutions Worldwide, a provider of electronic data management software for the health-care industry. "It feels to us like the IPO market is opening up," says David B. Ludwig, a managing director of Goldman Sachs' technology, media, and telecom sector in the firm's Equity Capital Markets Group. "We expect to see an acceleration of filings in the next few months."  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaKompletter

28.05.09 17:46

3026 Postings, 7356 Tage TifflorBald Pleite

28.05.09 17:50
Wie lange willst du hier noch die Leute verarschen ?!  


182 Postings, 6009 Tage pupsTifflor

28.05.09 18:25
Endlich mal einer der es ausspricht.Gebe dir zu 100% recht.Die Bude ist eine Nullnummer  


63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaIch finde es schon ein starkes Stück

28.05.09 20:38
dass die Anhänger der folgenden kleine Internetbude große Sprüche klopfen:



63698 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDort werden die Umsätze mit dem fast sechfachen

28.05.09 20:41
der Marktkapitaliiserung bewertet.

Bei Internet Capital werden die anteiligen Umsätze der Beteiligungen nur mit dem 0,5-fachen bewertet, obwohl die Qualität der Umsätze um ein Vielfaches höher ist.  


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