SAF Holland bei 1,75 kaufen ??

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1881 Postings, 5339 Tage CostAveragewie 8 Euro trotz KE?

24.03.11 10:33

muss man nicht verstehen oder?

Aber KE kommt jetzt denkbar schlecht, wenn man schon drin ist. Die nächsten Tage kann man noch billig nachkaufen. Denke wir gehen kurzfristig nochmal schön unter 7.


1327 Postings, 5281 Tage frizzz8 Euro

24.03.11 12:42
das Ding ist bei L&S bis kurz nach neun von 6,70 auf 8,00 gesprungen- bei xetra war das nicht zu sehen  

668 Postings, 5003 Tage depescheriecht nach..

24.03.11 14:09

kurserholung! da institutionelle nur involviert sind bei der ke,denke ich,wird es dem kurs eher gut tun. verwässerung sehe ich nicht,

man wird wohl demnächst den jahreshöchstkurs testen..ich bin auch vom kgv beeindruckt..krass.


668 Postings, 5003 Tage depeschebin..

24.03.11 17:24

erstmal raus! das war ein volltreffer! danke..;)


668 Postings, 5003 Tage depeschebin wieder rein..

25.03.11 18:51

bei knapp unter 8€ mit 1000stk..hab etwas recherche betrieben.gefällt mir gut der wert..sehe zweistellige kurse noch 2011..;)

stoploss gesetzt für alle fälle..


1327 Postings, 5281 Tage frizzzdepesche

25.03.11 21:57
ich weiss ja nicht, wie lange du schon an der börse bist- aber bei s-dax werte sei vorsichtig mit sl. Kurzfristige schwankungen von 5 % und mehr sind nicht ungewöhnlich, und hier scheinen die zocker am werk zu sein.  

668 Postings, 5003 Tage depeschedanke..

26.03.11 13:33

nett von dir.. ich glaube,dass die anleger sehr verunsichert waren,wegen der kapitalerhöhung.deswegen die schwankungen.als ich hörte,dass nur institutionelle bedacht wurden und die ganze aktion super schnell abgewickelt wurde,war mir klar,dass kann nur positiv sein. die nächsten wochen könnte es noch etwas rumplig werden,aber das ist ja überall gerad der fall. ;)


27100 Postings, 6122 Tage brunnetaNeue Aktien platziert

30.03.11 19:12

668 Postings, 5003 Tage depeschedas wird was..

31.03.11 13:39

schöne korrektur und dann mit schwung..;)


87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010Grandiose Zahlen aus den USA!

31.03.11 23:35
Orders im Februar: +90%
Auslieferungen im Februar: +225%

Da freut sich SAF, schließlich sind in fast jedem Trailer der Königszapfen von SAF bzw. die Stützen! Hier der Artikel:

3/28/2011  Trailer Orders Surge

Net orders of commercial trailers rose to 21,990 in February, a gain of over 25 percent from January, according to ACT Research. The commercial vehicle industry analysts also reported solid factory shipments in February, posting a 105 percent gain versus the same month last year.

The positive industry performance was broad based. ACT's analysis notes that all nine trailer categories have posted year-to-date gains for both net orders and shipments year over year. Of particular note was the performance in the dry van segment, where on a year-to-date basis, net orders are up more than 90 percent and shipments are up almost 225 percent.

"The ramp-up in orders that we've been tracking has continued into 2011. Year-to-date, total net orders are up over 87 percent compared to 2010," said Kenny Vieth, president and senior analyst with ACT Research. "Shipments are up an even stronger 116 percent when compared to the first two months of 2010. Strong orders and rising backlogs set the stage for solid industry performance during 2011."  

87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010Super Nachrichten von Daimler

01.04.11 08:52
Daimler rechnet 2011 mit steigendem Absatz von Bussen und Lkw
Der deutsche Fahrzeugbauer Daimler rechnet im laufenden Jahr mit einem steigenden Absatz von Bussen und Lkw. Besonders in den USA sei die Nachfrage nach mittelschweren und schweren Lkw stärker als erwartet, erklärte Martin Daum, der Leiter des Daimler-Lkw-Geschäfts in Nordamerika, am Donnerstag. Er rechnet in der Region nun mit einem Marktwachstum von 30 bis 35 (bisher 20 bis 25) Prozent.
Daimler, Lkw, Lastwagen
© Daimler

Der deutsche Fahrzeugbauer Daimler rechnet im laufenden Jahr mit einem steigenden Absatz von Bussen und Lkw. Besonders in den USA sei die Nachfrage nach mittelschweren und schweren Lkw stärker als erwartet, erklärte Martin Daum, der Leiter des Daimler-Lkw-Geschäfts in Nordamerika, am Donnerstag. Er rechnet in der Region nun mit einem Marktwachstum von 30 bis 35 (bisher 20 bis 25) Prozent.
Aus dem Archiv
Deutsche Lkw-Produktion auf Erholungspfad
Wettbewerbsverstöße? Lkw-Bauer im Visier von EU-Kartellwächtern
Deutscher Lkw-Absatz: Motor brummt
Lkw-Bauer MAN enteilt den schlechten Zeiten
Europäische Lkw-Hersteller werden zu Vermietern

Da Daimler derzeit deutlich mehr Aufträge in den Büchern hat als erwartet, will der Konkurrent von MAN und Scania in den USA und Mexiko rund 1.300 neue Mitarbeiter einstellen.

Auch im Busgeschäft rechnet der Stuttgarter Konzern mit einem höheren Absatz, die Zuwachsraten dürften aber geringer ausfallen als in der Lkw-Sparte. "Wir wollen im Jahr 2011 die Absatzmarke von 40.000 Omnibussen knacken", kündigte der Chef von Daimler Buses, Hartmut Schick, am an. "Aufgrund der voraussichtlichen Entwicklung der Kernmärkte Westeuropa und Lateinamerika sind die Wachstumsspielräume eher begrenzt."

2010 steigerte der weltgrößte Bushersteller den Absatz von Fahrgestellen und Bussen um 20 Prozent auf 39.118. Der Umsatz der Bussparte stieg um acht Prozent auf 4,6 Milliarden Euro, der Betriebsgewinn (Ebit) um 17 Prozent auf 215 Millionen Euro. (APA/red)

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87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010Daimler kommt mit Produktion in USA nicht hinterhe

01.04.11 09:48
4/1/2011  Daimler Exec: Production Ramp-up Won't Meet Demand
By Deborah Lockridge, Editor in Chief

LOUISVILLE, KY - Noting that "Everyone wants me to be the fortune teller here at the show," Daimler Trucks North America President and CEO Martin Daum predicted U.S. Class 8 sales of 153,000 for 2011, lower than we're hearing from other OEs. The reason? Truck production capacity won't be able to ramp up as fast as demand.

Speaking to reporters at the Mid-America Trucking Show, Daum said, "The market really rebounded, really changed in the last couple of months, which is a very good sign." In fact, the company has raised its NAFTA market forecast from 20-25 percent growth to 30-35 percent growth this year. Daimler is predicting total Class 6-8 sales in the NAFTA region to be 286,000, and Class 6&7 U.S. sales to be 85,000.

However, while he stopped short of agreeing with the statement, "If we could build them, we could sell them," Daum said the production capacity simply won't be there to meet the more optimistic forecasts.

Daum said he should know, because DTNA is ramping up production faster than anyone. They have gone from 4,200 production employees at the beginning of 2010 to 6,200 in March and are currently adding another 800 by the end of the second quarter.

"We are the first to ramp up, we are the most aggressive to ramp up, so I know the responses from our suppliers," he said. "I would like to increase production further and faster, but I can't, due to alack of commodities in the market, starting with tires … we run from one shortage into another shortage, so you just don't have the production to sustain [higher numbers]. I would love to, but unfortunately I can't. Even if I ramp up production in March, you won't see effect in the market until April or May, because it's just the normal pipeline thing, it has to go to the dealer, it has to go the customer, it has to be registered before it's counted."

When asked about who's buying the trucks, Daum noted that large fleets were backbone of sales in 2010, but by the end of 2011, he said it will be small fleets; "They are back in the market."  

87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010Schmitz Cargobull erhöht die Preise für Trailer!

01.04.11 14:03
railer teurer
Viel Stahl, viel Geld
01.04.2011 // Unternehmensmeldung

Schmitz Cargobull muss neu kalkulieren: Steigende Kosten für Material machen die Rechnung teurer
   Schmitz Cargobull muss neu kalkulieren: Steigende Kosten für Material machen die Rechnung teurer

Trailer, zu deutsch „Sattelauflieger", bestehen aus viel Stahl, Aluminium und Kunststoffen. Schmitz Cargobull kündigt jetzt höhere Preise an.

Drastische Steigerungen bei allen Rohstoffpreisen wirken sich auch auf neue Trailer (Sattelauflieger) für Lkw aus. Einer der größten Hersteller, die Schmitz Cargobull AG, Horstmar, hat jetzt angekündigt, die Preise für alle Fahrzeugsegmente „anzupassen" .

„Anpassen" heißt, dass die Preise für die Produktsegmente Koffer- und Pritschenfahrzeuge, Kipper und Containerchassis natürlich auch sinken könnten. Das ist aber eher nicht zu erwarten. Denn die für den Trailerbau benötigten, energieintensiven Vorprodukte wie Stahl, Aluminium oder Kunststoff erleben zurzeit durch die intensiv steigenden Öl- und Rohstoffpreise neue Rekordmarken. Hinzu kommt eine weltweit gestiegene hohe Nachfrage bei den Vor- und Halbfertigprodukten, die die Marktsituation zusätzlich massiv beeinflussen.

Mit den bereits vor und in der Krise getroffenen Maßnahmen zur Effizienzsteigerung in der Produktion und Materialnutzung sowie durch jetzt auslaufende konzernweite mittel- und langfristige Einkaufskontrakte, konnte Schmitz Cargobull zugunsten der Spediteure die bisherigen Steigerungen auffangen. Dieses hat sich gerade nach der Krise für die Fuhrparkbetreiber als notwendiger Beitrag bewährt, um die anstehenden Investitionen aufgrund der wieder steigenden Transportnachfrage zu stemmen.

Die jetzige Situation in allen Kostenbereichen bedingt jedoch eine Neukalkulation die, je nach Fahrzeugtyp, bis zu zweistellige prozentuale Preisanpassungen erfordert.

Da selbst mittelfristige Einkaufskontrakte zukünftig volatilen Marktpreisen unterliegen und die Angebots-/ Nachfrageentwicklungen von Holz, Öl, Stahl, Aluminium, Zink, etc. in den Rohstoffbörsen nicht mehr sicher kalkulierbar sind, können weitere Preisanpassungen im Laufe des Jahres nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

Die Schmitz Cargobull AG ist mit einem Umsatz von rund 1,1 Mrd. Euro (Geschäftsjahr 2010/2011) Europas führender Anhänger- und Aufliegerhersteller. Insgesamt gehören acht Produktionsstätten zum Schmitz-Cargobull-Konzern: In Deutschland: Altenberge und Vreden (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Berlin, Gotha (Thüringen);,Toddin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), Panevezys (Litauen) und Zaragoza (Spanien). Mit 4000 Beschäftigten wird das Unternehmen im laufenden Geschäftsjahr 2010/2011 rund 35 000 Fahrzeuge produzieren. Das Unternehmen liefert Sattelkoffer für Lebensmittel im Trockenfracht- und Kühltransport-Sektor. Sattelpritschen und Sattelcurtainsider für „General Cargo" und gewerbliche Fertigwaren (Getränke, Papier, Stahl), Sattelkipper für Schüttgüter sowie Sattel-Containerchassis für intermodale Verkehre. Dienstleistungen runden das Unternehmensprofil ab: Cargobull Finance – Leasing und Mietkauf, Cargobull Parts & Services – Service- und Ersatzteilwesen, Cargobull Service Partner – Reparatur und Wartung, Cargobull Telematics – Trailer-Telematik sowie Cargobull Trailer Store – Gebrauchtfahrzeughandel. dz  

87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010Volvo holt 700 Mitarbeiter zurück

01.04.11 21:53
Volvo trucks holt 700 Mitarbeiter zurück in seine Amerikanischen Werke. Die Nachfrage in den letzten 4 Monate war extrem über den internen Prognosen! Vor allem schwere LKW werden nachgefragt!

Es freut sich SAF :_)

Nachdem die Kapitalerhöhung nun eine EK-Quote von 40% einbringt und die Zinslast um gut 10 Mio. pro Jahr gesenkt wird, sehen wir schon bald zweistellige Aktienwerte. Ich denke mal 10 Euro Ende April sind drin!

Mein Ziel für Q1! Umsatzwachstum von plus 35% und positives EBIT von + 14 Mio!  

668 Postings, 5003 Tage depeschedas riecht nach..

02.04.11 16:16

outperformer!! ;)


87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010SAF auf der Midamerican Truck show in den USA

02.04.11 22:28
Freightliner enhances Cascadia’s aerodynamics

Apr 1, 2011 10:04 AM

LOUISVILLE, KY. New chassis side fairings and side extenders have been added to the already aerodynamic Cascadia to improve its fuel economy an additional 1.8%, Freightliner Trucks said. The new additions are on display this week at Freightliner’s booth at the Mid-America Trucking Show here.


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Freightliner is also offering lightweight options of the Cascadia to lower total cost of ownership for fleets.

“The Cascadia is the right solution for any business that wants to improve fuel economy without compromising style, comfort and performance,” said Kary Schaefer, chief engineer, cab systems, for Freightliner Trucks. “With our new aerodynamic enhancements, we are making it even easier for our customers to optimize their fuel efficiency and reduce operating costs.”  

The new aerodynamic enhancements join previous changes which included a roof deflector, chassis skirts, valence panel and bumper with closures on the vehicle, which debuted in 2007. This year’s changes, which include 20-in. side extenders, have generated the additional fuel economy improvement on 72-in. raise roof models.

The trucks Detroit Diesel DD15 engine, direct drive transmission, a variable speed fan, and Freightliner’s proprietary RunSmart predictive cruise control system add to the efficiency of the vehicle, the company said.

For those customers seeking even greater fuel efficiency, the company is packaging lightweight specs for the Cascadia, regardless of whether it is a sleeper configuration or not.

Among the lightweight options are the Detroit Diesel DD13 engine with the Detroit Diesel BlueTec 1-Box Configuration; a new ArvinMeritor aluminum carrier for the M-14X tandem rear axle; Steelite X30 brake drums; Hendrickson Steertek/Airtek axle and suspension; 11 1/8-in. aluminum frame rails and aluminum air tanks; Michelin X One rear tires and Alcoa forged aluminum wheels; SAF-Holland 12-in. aluminum air slide fifth wheel; and a wide selection of lightweight sleeper options.

To help provide owner-operators with the tools they need to effectively manage their operation, Freightliner has unveiled The Edge. Located at, the site is a free online club designed for owner-operators.

“We created The Edge to arm owner-operators with the tools they need to get ahead and be successful,” said TJ Reed, director of product marketing for Freightliner Trucks. “The Edge is also another way for Freightliner to connect directly with our customers, so we can continue to help them run smart at every turn.”

Visitors will find useful tools on the site as well as traffic and weather reports, Freightliner news, and members-only discounts on merchandise from partners such as Sprint and the Chrome Shop Mafia.
The club also creates a virtual trucking community through its blogs and forums as well as its exclusive social network, The Convoy, where members will find and can contribute tips, advice and personal stories.  

87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010EATON-DAF Prog. USA +50% Class

02.04.11 22:45
#MATS: Eaton's chief economist sees good times for trucking
TEXT SIZE bigger text smaller text
By: James Menzies

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Eaton shared its chief economist with trucking journalists this week, and while James Meil warned "headwinds and tailwinds are at work," his message was one of opportunity.

"We think a recovery is clearly taking shape," Meil said. "The manufacturing sector is rebounding, inventories are starting to come back, truckload pricing is firming and we think Class 8 capacity was about right three months ago."

Meil said capacity utilization has reached the "sweet spot" of about 90%, up from a low mark of about 78% during the recession. In fact, he said a truck shortage is already materializing after the US trucking industry removed about 225,000 Class 8 trucks from the roads over the past several years.

"This was part of the belt tightening process to right size the truck fleet," Meil explained. "(Capacity utilization) is starting to get back to the sweet spot. We think 90% was reached in November. We think you are now in a situation where capacity utilization is a fairly robust 93% and that means right now, there's a truck shortage in North America based on our calculations. As of January, our best guess is you were dealing with a shortage of roughly 40,000 units. Don't be surprised if by year end, the shortage starts to get to 100,000, 120,000 or even higher."

Meil said the industry is essentially reliving the cycle it went through in 2004, which were prosperous times for the trucking industry.

"In early 2004, we started to see a revival of the economy, a revival in truck freight and by the end of the summer and into early fall, there was all kinds of talk about a transportation capacity shortage. We're almost going through the same drill and almost at the same time of year as in 2004," Meil said.

Of course, challenges remain as the industry emerges from one of the worst ever recessions. Meil wondered how equipment manufacturers will be able to keep up with demand as Class 8 truck orders surge an expected 55.6% from last year, to about 240,000 units.

"We haven't had to do this in a long time," he said. "We think we're up to it, but we're going to see."

The overall truck fleet is older than it's ever been, Meil pointed out. The next decade, Meil said, can be defined as the "Era of High Costs." Fuel prices will be high and volatile, equipment prices will be high and volatile, a driver shortage will emerge and there's no sign the government will stop introducing onerous new regulations.

While Meil said the US trucking industry shed 120,000 drivers during the recession, he also noted there are three million Americans who've lost manufacturing and construction jobs, so there's a pool to draw from if wages become more competitive.

"The industry is going to have to pay these folks," he said, noting trucking wages when compared to manufacturing and construction wages have been on the decline for 20 years. "In order to fill these seats, these trends might have to be reversed."

While Meil's message was overwhelmingly positive, he left journalists with a laundry list of 10 worries that keep him up at night: a rise in commodity prices; European financial weakness; Middle East instability; US inflation in 2013 and after; the feds' ability to exit from its monetary easing; US state and local government finances/deficit; US federal government finances/deficit; China overheating; and the catastrophe in Japan.

"Overall, the economy is in a solid but not spectacular recovery," Meil concluded. "The next three years are going to be terrific years for those on the supply side of the business and for motor freight operators themselves."  

668 Postings, 5003 Tage depeschedas läuft..

04.04.11 19:42



1327 Postings, 5281 Tage frizzzKursziele SAF Holland

05.04.11 09:07
Ziel 1 : 12 Euro,  dann einen Teil verkaufen, auf weitere Gewinnmitnahmen hoffen, etwas tiefer wieder einsteigen, und dann bis Kursziel 2 : 16 Euro, abwarten.

Kursziel 1 bis Jahresende.

Gibt es Meinungen zu dieser Einschätzug?  

87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010Super Nachrichten aus den USA

05.04.11 11:45
3/28/2011  Trailer Orders Surge

Net orders of commercial trailers rose to 21,990 in February, a gain of over 25 percent from January, according to ACT Research. The commercial vehicle industry analysts also reported solid factory shipments in February, posting a 105 percent gain versus the same month last year.

The positive industry performance was broad based. ACT's analysis notes that all nine trailer categories have posted year-to-date gains for both net orders and shipments year over year. Of particular note was the performance in the dry van segment, where on a year-to-date basis, net orders are up more than 90 percent and shipments are up almost 225 percent.

"The ramp-up in orders that we've been tracking has continued into 2011. Year-to-date, total net orders are up over 87 percent compared to 2010," said Kenny Vieth, president and senior analyst with ACT Research. "Shipments are up an even stronger 116 percent when compared to the first two months of 2010. Strong orders and rising backlogs set the stage for solid industry performance during 2011."  

1327 Postings, 5281 Tage frizzzna klasse

05.04.11 16:10
da dürfte ich doch tatsächlich nochmal nachlegen- 8,10
besten Dank :)  

1542 Postings, 5546 Tage Jeff K.@frizz

05.04.11 16:27
... ach, wir beiden waren das!
Auch € 8,10!  

1327 Postings, 5281 Tage frizzzJeff

06.04.11 09:18
da musst du aber ein dickes portemonaie haben- ich jedenfalls habe gestern keine vier- oder gar fünfstellige stückzahl geordert ;)
ich bin allerdings schon länger drin, habe mit den 8,10 meinen Einstand "hochgekauft"
aber bei den Perspektiven sollte sich das lohnen.  

1542 Postings, 5546 Tage Jeff K.@frizz2

06.04.11 09:38
Lach ...! Ne - ne, bin nur mit einem Kilo wieder dabei.
Gute Gewinne Dir!  

87 Postings, 5053 Tage Biogas2010Nochmals zur Info: Volvo gibt in USA richtig GAS

06.04.11 10:51
Volvo eyes truck demand, greater fuel efficiency

Apr 1, 2011 9:57 AM, By Sean Kilcarr, senior editor

LOUISVILLE, KY. Truck sales are on the upswing, with Class 8 sales expected to top 220,000 units this year, according to Ron Huibers, senior vice president-sales and marketing for Volvo Trucks North America (VTNA).


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At a press conference here at the Mid-America Trucking Show, Huibers said Class 8 sales began rebounding strongly late last year as large fleets and leasing companies began replacing older equipment.

“But now we’re seeing the character of the buyer changing,” he said. “Now regional and smaller fleets are back in buying new trucks.”

See video of the Volvo Trucks

Huibers noted VTNA began preparing for this uptick in new truck sales last year by making sure suppliers could handle greater demand. “The result is that we now have stock on the ground at our dealers; that’s going to give us an advantage as demand for new trucks keeps increasing,” he explained.

Magnus Koeck, vice president-marketing and band management for VTNA, also stressed that fuel economy is going to be a much more important factor in truck purchasing decisions going forward.

“It’s all about the monetary contribution to the bottom line now,” he said. “With the U.S. national average price for diesel now at $3.93, fuel costs really have an impact on that bottom line. That is why aerodynamics, AMTs [automated mechanical transmissions], and more fuel efficient engines are becoming much more critical to our customers.”

Along those lines, VTNA is rolling out a variety of enhancements to boost fuel economy. One is a new engine software packaged called “mass based variable torque” designed to adjust the engine’s torque when the truck is lightly loaded to improve overall fuel efficiency, said Ed Saxman, the company’s drivetrain product manager.

“We call this focusing on ‘momentum management,’” he said. “We all know lightly loaded trucks can really move. This software keeps that in check to maintain fuel economy.”

New exterior components offered for VTNA’s “fuel enhancement” package for the company’s 2011 Volvo VN highway tractors include redesigned mirror heads with aerodynamic shrouds and arms, redesigned hood mirrors that also increase visibility, new bumper and side fairings, and a newly designed bug deflector which further improves fuel efficiency.

Altogether, VTNA believes its fuel efficiency offerings can boost fuel economy by up to 8% for its 2011 trucks when compared to 2007 models, says Huiber.

“We see a lot of opportunity now with high fuel prices,” he said. “We’ve been through a tough few years but it’s exciting to be in this industry again. Last year proved better than expected in truck sales and we hope to carry on with that momentum.”  

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