$$$$$$$ LDHI - die 2000% Chance $$$$$$$
hier zu kaufen kann man bei dem Potenzial eigentlich nichts falsch machen.
Tuesday February 20, 8:30 am ET
ORANGE, Calif., Feb. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Liberty Diversified Holdings, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: LDHI - News) announced today that it has acquired SeroTonin Solutions, Inc. (SSI) from Utek Corporation in a stock-for-stock transaction. SSI was previously a wholly-owned subsidiary of Utek and is now a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary of Liberty Diversified Holdings, Inc. The agreement includes the transfer of exclusive worldwide marketing licenses for the patented 8Serotrim® Weight Loss Drink and the Serotonin Weight Loss Diet, including license to use the Serotrim® trademark and all related names, logos, designs and likenesses, and co-marketing rights to Dr. Judith Wurtman's recently released book, "The Serotonin Power Diet."
Dieser Drink kann sehr erfolgreich werden:
Depressiv mangels Kohlenhydraten
Das Come-back der Atkins Diät aus den 70er Jahren erlebt zurzeit in den USA einen neuen Boom. Mit der These, dass Kohlenhydrate schuld an Gewichtszunahme und mangelndem Diäterfolg seien, werden die Anhänger aufgefordert, weniger Kohlenhydrate und mehr fett- und proteinreiche Lebensmittel wie fettes Fleisch, Wurst und Sahne zu essen. Prof. Judith Wurtman und andere amerikanische Wissenschaftler des Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) haben jetzt erforscht, warum man auch nach dem Verzehr eines großen Steaks immer noch hungrig ist: Dem Gehirn fehlen bei fett- und proteinreichen Diäten Kohlenhydrate, um genügend Serotonin freizusetzen. Dieser Botenstoff kontrolliert den Appetit und schützt vor übermäßigem Essen. Er macht satt, bevor der Magen voll und gedehnt ist, so Prof. Wurtman. Vor allem süße und stärkereiche Lebensmittel, die mit wenig oder ohne Protein verzehrt werden, sind optimal für die Serotonin-Herstellung im Gehirn. Frauen produzieren von Natur aus weniger davon als Männer, daher reagieren sie auf eine kohlenhydratarme Ernährungsweise besonders reizbar.
Die Studie zeigte, dass manche Menschen auf eine regelmäßige Zufuhr von Kohlenhydraten angewiesen sind, sonst „erfahren sie spätnachmittags oder abends einen Stimmungswechsel. Damit verbunden ist ein Heißhunger auf Süßes oder Stärkehaltiges“, sagt Judith Wurtmann. „Es ist nicht nur eine Willensfrage. Das Gehirn sendet Signale aus, Kohlenhydrate zu essen.“ Wenn diese Personen statt dessen proteinreiche Lebensmittel essen, werden sie verdrießlich, gereizt oder ruhelos. Ganz zu schweigen von den gesundheitlichen Folgen von übermäßigem Fettkonsum.
Liberty Diversified Holdings, Inc. CelluBike to Be Presented as 'Featured Item' at Day Spa Expo and Boston Home Show
ORANGE, Calif., Feb 22, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Liberty Diversified Holdings, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: LDHI) reported today that "CelluBike" will be presented as a Featured Item at the Day Spa Expo in Las Vegas on Feb 22-23 and at the New England Home Show from February 24 through March 4, 2007.
The Day Spa Expo, which will be held at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, is a national show geared toward Spa Owners, Operators, Presidents, Directors and Managers who attend specifically to purchase equipment, supplies, retail products, and other operational needs. This Expo is particularly unique in that it is one of the industry's major order-writing venues, with approximately 82% of its attendees are the actual buying decision-makers, with another 10% that specify or recommend products and equipment for purchase.
The New England Home Show, which will be held at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, is one of the nation's largest home shows and draws tens of thousands of visitors from throughout the entire region. At the New England Home Show, CelluBike will be continuously on display in the Main Showplace from Sunday, February 25 through Sunday, March 4, and will also be featured at the Show's special stage presentations by TV celebrity "Dr. Gadget" at 7:00 PM nightly from Monday, February 26 to Thursday, March 1.
"CelluBike" is a revolutionary product which integrates cardio-vascular exercise with modern infrared technology to assist in weight loss, detoxification and the reduction of cellulite and inches, as well as numerous additional benefits for improved health and wellness. This combination of exercise and infrared can increase the number of calories burned in a 40-minute session to as high as 2,400, compared to approximately 200-500 calories for a typical exercycle. Scientific studies have shown that a thirty minute session using infrared can result in the loss of toxins and stored fats in the body by up to six times the level of traditional exercise alone. Infrared is the only heat that penetrates the skin's surface up to 1-1/2" deep into the tissues of the body to melt away cellulite and fats and the unique light wavelengths act to break down dangerous toxins and fatty acids in the body.
About Liberty Diversified Holdings, Inc.
Liberty Diversified Holdings, Inc. is focused on aggressive growth and diversification through acquisitions, mergers and joint ventures in all areas of health, wellness and fitness. Liberty provides the management oversight and support necessary to allow its subsidiaries to operate both independently and synergistically, thus maximizing their potential for revenues, profits and growth. Better Bodies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Liberty Diversified Holdings, Inc., was formed in 2006 to import and operate CelluBike locations throughout the U.S. and eventually worldwide. Better Bodies, Inc. currently operates and licenses CelluBike locations in California, Nevada, Utah and Texas and also markets CelluBikes to Day Spas, Wellness Centers, Nutrition Centers and to celebrities. The Company is evolving its CelluBike locations into "Better Bodies Wellness Centers" that will offer a complete array of health and wellness products and services including CelluBike, nutritional supplements, weight loss products and services, and personalized wellness and fitness programs. Once this makeover is completed, Liberty plans to initiate an aggressive growth campaign through expansion of company stores and licensed affiliates. In addition to marketing its weight loss and nutritional and products through its Better Bodies Wellness Centers, Liberty also intends to market them aggressively through a variety of different marketing and distribution channels as well.
For more information visit www.libertydiversifiedholdings.com or www.cellubike.com or call (949) 376-4846 Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This press release includes forward-looking statements concerning the future performance of our business, its operations and its financial performance and condition, and also includes selected operating results presented without the context of accompanying financial results which are not yet available. These forward-looking statements include, among others, statements with respect to our objectives and strategies to achieve those objectives, as well as statements with respect to our beliefs, plans, expectations, anticipations, estimates or intentions. These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations. We caution that all forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and actual results may differ materially from the assumptions, estimates or expectations reflected or contained in the forward-looking information, and that actual future performance will be affected by a number of factors, including economic conditions, technological change, the integration of acquisitions, regulatory change and competitive factors, many of which are beyond our control. Therefore, future events and results may vary significantly from what we currently foresee. We are under no obligation (and we expressly disclaim any such obligation) to update or alter the forward- looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
SOURCE Liberty Diversified Holdings, Inc.
Die Meldung ist so genial, dass in USA Kaufpanik ausbricht und das Bid vorbörslich förmlich absackt - lol
Du wirst dir in den Arsch beissen, dass du nicht auf mich gehört hast und LDHI gekauft hast !!!
Hulk, du bist hier der grösste Märchenerzähler seit Grimm...