Kursverdoppelung bei Actua Corporation (vorm. Internet Capital)

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Neuester Beitrag: 02.02.24 06:39
Eröffnet am:06.12.05 13:53von: LibudaAnzahl Beiträge:10.605
Neuester Beitrag:02.02.24 06:39von: ReeCouponsLeser gesamt:1.338.969
Forum:Hot-Stocks Leser heute:55
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63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaGoIndustry litt in 2008 und in den

06.05.09 12:00
ersten beiden Monaten unter den niedrigen Preisen für gebrauchte Industriegüter, deren Versteigerung offline und online ihr Geschäft ist, die Erlöse gingen auf 24 Millionen britische Pfund zurück - in etwas 25 Millionen Euro. Das rechtfertigt meines Erachtens aber nicht den Rückgang der Marktkapitalisierung auf ca. 10 Millionen Euro.

Ihr könnt das ja einmal mit Tifflors Darling Abacho auf dem anderen Board vergleichen, der im letzten Quartal bei ca. 1,5 Millionen Umsatz einen Verlust von 1,1 Millionen produzierte und trotzdem mit 40 Millionen bewertet wurde. Würde GoIndustry, die als Versteigerer mit von gebrauchten Investitionsgüter mit Abacho gut zu vergleichen sein, müsste die Bwertung von GoIndustry bei 160 Millionen liegen. Im Vergleich zu GoIndustry ist als Abacho um den Faktor 16 zu teuer.



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMit 9% ist Internet Capital an einem

06.05.09 15:40
anderen Wagnisfinanzierer beteiligt: Anthem Venture:


Die investieren allerdings in früheren Stadien der Unternehmensentwicklung und sind im Gegensatz zu Internet Capital nicht börsennotiert.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage Libuda2009

06.05.09 21:10

182 Postings, 6009 Tage pups2010

06.05.09 21:29


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDie Erlöse der Beteiligungen

07.05.09 15:10
haben im letzten Quartal in der Tat unter den Turbulenzen gelitten - aber 5% Umsatzrückgang bei den acht Kernbeteiligungen ist auch noch kein Beinbruch. Ich vermute, dass der Reisevermittler Starcite und die vom Interhandel abhängigen Firmen gegenüber dem Weihnachtsquartal hier Einbußen hatten.

Gegenüber dem Vorjahr steht aber noch ein Plus zu Buche, auch wenn es nur 12% sind. Und das erste Quaral in 2008 war ja noch recht stark.



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAndererseits konnten die acht Kernbeteiligungen

07.05.09 15:17
ihre Kosten noch schneller senken als die 5% Umsatzeinbußen:

Aggregate Core Company Revenue   $  60,726    $  63,596    $  69,966    $  70,436    $  67,814  
Non-consolidated partner companies      (44,704  )      (46,015  )      (52,862  )      (49,962  )      (46,162  )  
Consolidated Revenue   $  16,022      $  17,581      $  17,104      $  20,474      $  21,652  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWas ich nicht nachvollziehen kann

07.05.09 17:29
ist, dass die Sausäcke im Management 142 Millionen Cash/Wertpapiere bei einer Marktkapitalisierung von 200 Millionen flüssig halten und insbesondere  als die Kurse besonders niedrig lagen keine Aktienrückkaufe getätigt haben, obwohl von einem Aktienrückkaufprogramm von 25 Millionen erst 10 Millionen abgearbeitet sind.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDetails

07.05.09 17:45

3026 Postings, 7356 Tage TifflorDie Lichter gehen aus

07.05.09 17:54
Ich würde lieber die letzten Euros hier noch retten...  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaUnd das postet ausgerechnet jemand

07.05.09 21:07
dessen Darling Abacho gerade man noch 3,5 Millionen in der Kasse hat:


Während die Kassen bei Internet Capital mit 142 Millionen Cash/Wertpapiere  überquellen, was ich allerdings auch nicht fut finde, denn mit einem Teil dieses Geldes sollte man die Zahl der umlaufenden Aktien reduzieren.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMehr Fakten

07.05.09 21:16

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDetails zu Beteiligungen

08.05.09 11:17

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMan sollte sich diese 1.000 Stück frü 3,83

08.05.09 15:04
in Frankfurt sichern, die der dortige Skontrenführer behauptet verkaufen zu wollen.



08.05.09  14:40


Geld Stk.

Brief Stk.


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMetastorm hat eine kleine Wachstumspause eingelegt

08.05.09 16:55
gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal ist zwar noch 12% Wachstum da, aber im letzten Quartal dürften die Umsätze etwas zurückgegangen sein - wenn auch nicht in dem Umfang wie bei anderen Softwarefirmen. Aber über das gesamte Jahre dürften die Umsätze von 73 Millionen in 2008 auf 80 bis 85 Millionen steigen.

Metastorm Growth and Leadership Continue      8-May-09 06:15 am     Metastorm Growth and Leadership Continue

Global Enterprise Software Vendor Delivers Strong Q1 Financial Results on Continued Demand for Process Improvement Software

BALTIMORE, MD – May 7, 2009 – Metastorm, a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Business Process Analysis (BPA), and Enterprise Architecture (EA) software for aligning strategy with execution, today announced results for its first quarter ending March 31, 2009. The privately held company realized a 16% increase in license over the prior year quarter and reported strong demand for its software as organizations strive to reduce costs, increase productivity and instill greater control over operations.

Growth was fueled by both new customer additions as well as additional software purchases from existing customers. New customers selecting Metastorm software in Q1 included: ADP Iberia (Spain), Health First (U.S.), London School of Economics (U.K.), Nixon Peabody (U.S.), and TW Telecom (U.S.). Existing customers expanding their use of Metastorm software included Allergan (U.S.), Generali (Slovenia), John Deere (Germany), McKesson (U.S.), Publix Supermarkets (U.S.), Sobeys (Canada), U.S. Army National Guard (U.S.), U.S. Department of Defense Business Transformation Agency (U.S.) and U.S. Air Force (U.S.).

Metastorm continued to receive strong external leadership recognition in the quarter. Metastorm was recognized as a Leader by Forrester in the “Forrester Wave: EA Tools, Business Process Analysis and IT Planning, 1Q09” report published in January 2009. Metastorm is positioned as a Leader in all three categories, validating that Metastorm ProVision® is one of the most well-rounded, comprehensive software products on the market.

In addition, Metastorm was recognized as a Leader by Gartner in the “Magic Quadrant for Business Process Management Suites (BPMS)” report, published in February 2009. Metastorm’s leadership in the BPM market is driven by its ability to deliver a full-scale BPM suite, Metastorm BPM®, for large enterprise deployments, its successful track record of customer success, and its unique ability to deliver complementary applications for enterprise architecture and business process analysis – two critical applications that link strategy and analysis capabilities with the execution capabilities provided by business process management.

Metastorm’s ability to sell into three growing markets – EA, BPA, and BPM – combined with its proven track record of delivering results and customer success has enabled the company to continue to grow and be successful even in the current difficult economic environment. A recent survey of Metastorm’s customers showed that they are relying heavily on the software to help increase productivity, gain better visibility and control, and lower costs, all critical success factors to performing well in the current volatile business environment. In addition, a majority of Metastorm customers report seeing a 16-30% return on investment from each project they undertake using the software – results that help justify ongoing investment in the software.

“ “Despite the economic downturn, our customers recognize that EA, BPA, and BPM software is critical to their ability to be successful, and as such they are committed to ongoing investment in software and services. This was evident in the record attendance we saw at our global User Conference last week – over 500 customers and partners from 19 countries participated in the event. This indicates that our customers see the value in spending both time and money to take advantage of the opportunity to network with others, stay current on our software, and collaborate on future projects. We will continue to invest in helping our customer base survive the economic downturn and position themselves to emerge even stronger and more agile when the market rebounds.”

Sentiment : Strong Buy
Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: Metastorm Growth and Leadership Continue      8-May-09 06:17 am     The result is okay: "The privately held company realized a 16% increase in license over the prior year quarter and reported strong demand for its software as organizations strive to reduce costs, increase productivity and instill greater control over operations." But on the other I believe, that Metastorm had a little decrease of revenues form the fourth quarter 2008 to the first quarter 2009 - like all software-companies. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: Metastorm Growth and Leadership Continue     52 minutes ago     But I am sure, that the revenues of Metastorm in 2009 will be about 80 million and more after 73 million in 2009. Rating :
(No ratings) flankenking


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  Re: Metastorm Growth and Leadership Continue     48 minutes ago     From the last quarterly report:

Now moving to Metastorm, Metastorm software for business process management needs continues to be well received in the market, as reflected by continued purchases by existing customers as well as new license deals and organizations around the world. New customers acquired in Q1 2009 include ADP Iberia, Health First, London School of Economics, Nixon Peabody and TW Telecom, just to name a few. Rating :
(No ratings)  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWie extrem die wertvollste Beteiligung

08.05.09 21:39
von Internet Capital, ICGCommerce wächst kann man an folgenden Stellenanzeigen erkennen (Internet Capital hält 65% an ICGCommerce):



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hält 35% an Whitefence:

09.05.09 11:02
Web site relieves stresses of moving
Angelina Ferguson

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Share this article Published: Thursday, April 23, 2009

Updated: Thursday, April 23, 2009

On top of the anxiety that results from final exams and research papers, many students are again struggling to deal with the stress of setting up their living arrangements for next academic year.

The Web site WhiteFence.com may aid in easing the stress caused by moving.

The site is an online comparison shopping site offering free price comparisons with over 400 providers, such as phone, Internet, cable service and basic utilities such as gas and electric.

“WhiteFence.com is a convenient tool for folks at a busy time,” said Jodi Heidbreder, a public relations manager for the site. “Our goal is to be an informational value and provide an easy way to hook up service. Expedite the process of moving, and it becomes easier.”

Heidbreder said the Houston-based company has been in the process of broadening and expanding over the years, based upon the needs of its consumers.

“We have a network of providers from all over the country. Anything from natural gas service to Internet and television bundles are available,” Heidbreder said.

Laura McGoldrick, a second-year graduate student studying marketing, said she has moved four times throughout her education at UT. McGoldrick said she relied on good friends to help her move throughout the years, and although it is a stressful time, she said it’s simply a part of life. Although McGoldrick has several years of experience moving, she said the first transition from on-campus housing to an apartment was difficult.

“Basically, I kind of was a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type person with that because, the first time I moved out of the dorms and into an apartment, I had no idea what I had to set up, what I didn’t, whether or not I needed to fill out a change of address,” McGoldrick said. “I didn’t even know then that I had to fill out a change of address form, so a Web site like that probably would have been beneficial for me had I known it was available.”

Heidbreder said when the company began more than 10 years ago, it targeted apartment complex management and tenants.

“We were then able to provide a dependable link between our providers and the apartment management to help them connect utilities,” she said. “Within the last couple of years, there has been an increased interest, not only by apartment dwellers but also the high volume of home buyers.”

Marketing to college students began recently and “seemed like a natural fit” for the company, Heidbreder said. While the site is made to assist in the moving process, Heidbreder said it also is used by those wanting to compare prices of providers in their areas.

“With the economic changes around today and how it is affecting people in our county, we see that there are quite a few who come to switch services with hopes to save some money,” she said. “The updated pricing information on utility services and packages allows consumers to find what works for them to make ends meet.”

WhiteFence’s homepage is set up so that the student can enter his or her postal code and feedback is presented regarding what local providers can be accessed. The site also offers access to the postal service in the selected areas where students can fill out forms for changes of addresses.

For users searching for pricing information on utility services, the site offers its “best price guarantee.”

“We collaborate with our network of providers and what their current lowest price is, [and that’s] what is offered at the site,” she said. “We provide this credible and comprehensive service directly with the student and provider so that mistakes are serviced.”

The stress that accompanies moving is an issue familiar to Cha Reeves, a junior majoring in education at UT. Since 2003, Reeves said she has moved five times and experienced a variety of problems, from financial issues, such as trouble with down payments and utilities, to locating moving vans and packing supplies.

“Trying to find the resources you need is really difficult, especially in new places. Also, trying to fit all this into your budget isn’t much of a good time, especially with classes too,” Reeves said.

Heidbreder said “college students are tech savvy, and the site is a ‘no brainer’ for them.”

Reeves said she has never visited the site but has heard about its services several times from friends and family.

“I typically ask my parents or friends about most of this, but if I can manage myself with this site, it wouldn’t hurt to try,” Reeves said.

India Clayton, a sophomore majoring in psychology, said she relied on family to help her through the moving process.

“My mom actually did everything,” she said “I really didn’t do nothing because I really didn’t know what I was doing, so that’s probably why it went so smoothly.”

Clayton said anything to help her find the best prices would help.

“Especially like moving, and you really don’t know what’s out there,” she said. “You’re just now getting out into the world, so you need to know what’s out there for you.”

The Center for Commuter and Off-Campus Services at UT has information available, including booklets, flyers, pamphlets and online information, that can also assist students looking to ease the transition from one home to another. The center provides and updates a list of rental properties available to off-campus students. The center’s Web site also links to neighborhood news updates and a roommate search application.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaDas sind die Frimen mit denen Whitefence

09.05.09 11:09


Internet Capital hält 35% an Whitefence.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaMehr zu Metastorm

09.05.09 21:57
wo ich mir Ende 2009 sogar einen Börsengang vorstellen kann, denn die hatten im Mai 2008 schon einmal einen Anlauf genommen, der dann von dem Einbruch der Börsen gestoppt wurde:



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaSchlüssig

09.05.09 22:36

63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaWie absurd die momentane Marktkapitalisierung ist

10.05.09 11:47
kann man schon allein daran erkennen, dass sie niedriger ist als die momentan vorhandenen 142 Millionen Cash/Wertpapiere und die wertvollste der acht Kernbeteiligungen.

Bei ICGCommerce sind nämlich die Umsätze gewachsen und das Ebitda war schon in 2008 mit einem Betrag von über 8 Millionen positiv. Nach ca. 19 Millionen im ersten Quartal, dürften die Umsatze im zweiten Quartal bei 21 Millionen, im dritten Quartal bei 23 und im vierten Quartal bei 25 Millionen liegen - insgesamt also bei ca. 88 Millionen in 2009. Bei einer sehr konserativ angesetzten dreifachen Bewertung der Umsätze für den weltweit führenden Pure Play auf diesem Sektor ergibt sich ein Wert für ICGCommerce von 264 Million. Davon 65% sind 171 Millionen. Zusammen mit den 142 Millionen Cash ergeben sich dann 313 Millionen, was bei 37 Millionen ausstehenden Aktien einen Kurs von $8,45 ergeben würden.

Kostenlos dazu gibt es:

31% an Freeborders

32% an Metastorm

34% an Starcite

46% an Channelintelligence

35% an Whitefence

53% an Vcommcere

81% an Investorforce

30% an Clickequation

9% an AnthemVenture  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaEine Reihe von Artikeln über Starcite

11.05.09 14:04
wo Internet Capital in 2008 seinen Anteil von 26% auf 34% erhöht hat:



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaÜber Internet Capitals wichtigste Beteiligung

11.05.09 17:57
ICGCommerce, wo Internet Capital 65% hält.



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaInternet Capital hat exakt 4 Dollar pro Aktie

12.05.09 11:31
Cash und marktgängige Wertpapiere - somit sind fast 80% der Marktkapitalisierung dadurch angedeckt.



63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaAus dem vorstehenden

12.05.09 13:42
Posting folgt, dass die acht Kernbeteiligungen und die anderen privaten Beteiligungen mit nur 42 Millionen Dollar bewertet werden. Und dabei ist die wertvollste von den acht Kernbeteiligungen, ICGCommerce schon allein selbst unter den heutigen schlechten Wirtschaftsbedingungen zwischen 150 und 200 Millionen wert.  


63697 Postings, 7368 Tage LibudaErgänzend zum letzten Posting

12.05.09 13:44
Weiter oben hatte ich ja schon zu der wertvollsten Beteiligung ICGCommerce gemailt:

Bei ICGCommerce sind nämlich die Umsätze gewachsen und das Ebitda war schon in 2008 mit einem Betrag von über 8 Millionen positiv. Nach ca. 19 Millionen im ersten Quartal, dürften die Umsatze im zweiten Quartal bei 21 Millionen, im dritten Quartal bei 23 und im vierten Quartal bei 25 Millionen liegen - insgesamt also bei ca. 88 Millionen in 2009. Bei einer sehr konserativ angesetzten dreifachen Bewertung der Umsätze für den weltweit führenden Pure Play auf diesem Sektor ergibt sich ein Wert für ICGCommerce von 264 Million. Davon 65% sind 171 Millionen. Zusammen mit den 142 Millionen Cash ergeben sich dann 313 Millionen, was bei 37 Millionen ausstehenden Aktien einen Kurs von $8,45 ergeben würden.

Kostenlos dazu gibt es:

31% an Freeborders

32% an Metastorm

34% an Starcite

46% an Channelintelligence

35% an Whitefence

53% an Vcommcere

81% an Investorforce

30% an Clickequation

9% an AnthemVenture  


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