CRESCENT GOLD geht in die Goldproduktion
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CRE - Crescent Signs Ore Purchase Agreement With Barrick - Mr Mark Tory, Chief Financial Officer
Mon, 15 Jun 2009 03:30PM
Fallende Kurse haben IMMER einen grund. Crescent is übrigens auch bei aktuellen Kurs kein Schnäppchen (nmm).
ausser bei crescent, da ist die gesteinsmühle kaputt gegangen.
Obwohl wir nun also charttechnisch gesehen im überkauften Bereich ankommen, wird die fundamentale Lage die Technik schnell wieder in die Schranken weisen. Lasst uns das zumindest hoffen; ich bin zuversichtlich!
Citigroup sieht australische Uranfirmen vor neuer Wachstumsära
08.07.2009 bj - -
Analysten der Citigroup sagen für den australischen Uranminensektor gute Wachstumsaussichten voraus. Denn ihrer Ansicht nach wird bereits 2012 ein weltweites Defizit in der Uranproduktion entstehen.
Radioaktivität gilt auch als unerwünschte Eigenschaft des Kernbrennstoffs Uran. Sind die Risiken im Griff... , Foto: sonstige Bilder
Australische Uranminenfirmen stehen vor einer neue Wachstumsära, wenn es nach den Experten der Citigroup geht. Sie erwarten, dass sich bis 2012 ein Produktionsdefizit aufbaut, dass den Preis für das Metall in die Höhe treiben sollte. Grund für das zu erwartende Angebotsdefizit sind nach Ansicht der Analysten Verzögerungen bei der in Betriebnahme neuer Minen und der Erweiterung bestehender Projekte. Zudem komme immer weniger Uran aus sekundären Quellen - wie zum Beispiel de...
...mal sehen, wann es endlich weitergeht.
Dann gehts ja wohl wieder voran.
Crescent Gold Limited, is an ASX/TSX listed company, is an emerging gold producer in the Laverton goldfields of Western Australia. The company is re-establishing open pit operations and requires motivated senior geologists, mining geologists and pit technicians to join our technical services team.
The Company is currently seeking expressions of interest for the following roles:
Technical Services Manager
Reporting directly to the Mine Manager, the successful candidate will lead the technical services team and supervise surveyors, mine engineers and mining superintendents. To be successful the candidate must have tertiary qualifications in Mining Engineering, a sound knowledge in surface mine planning, design and mine finance, significant open pit mine planning experience, senior management exposure within the mining industry and a strong communication, problem solving skills and a collaborative style.
Senior Mine Geologist
To be considered for this position, you will need a tertiary degree in Geology, and a minimum of five years experience working as a geologist in the Australian mining industry.
Reporting to the Geology Manager, your key duties will include:
• Reserve Model Validation, Development and Summary
• Grade control scheduling and development
• Database Management
• Monthly Reconciliation/Mine Geology/QAQC Reporting
• Geological Model Update and Reporting
• Safe Work Procedure development, updates and implementation
• Supervision and Mentoring of Mine Geologists
Mine Geologist
To be considered for this position, you will need a tertiary degree in Geology, and a minimum of three years experience working as a geologist in the Australian mining industry.
Reporting to the Senior Geologist, your duties will include:
• GC Database setup and Management
• Daily stockpile reporting
• Daily ore movement reporting
• QAQC monthly report generation
• Lab sample Tracking
• Grade Control Block Model development, validation, update
• Database management
• Ore tape generation
Pit Technicians
To be considered for this position you will need relevant Australian mining industry experience and knowledge. Talented and motivated individuals with a trade qualification and/or tertiary degree in geology are encouraged to apply.
Reporting to the Senior Geologist, your duties will include:
• Ore Spotting
• Data entry (mining production)
• Blast Hole Sampling, Field Duplicate, Split Duplicate re-sampling
• Daily Stockpile Sampling
• Ore Tape Mark out
Skills with MS Office will be highly regarded and knowledge of Surpac is preferred although not essential.
The role provides employees with the choice of residential living or a 12/9 fly in fly out roster from Perth. Employees choosing to reside in Laverton will be offered a rental subsidy.
A competitive remuneration package will be commensurate and negotiable dependent upon experience.
We are seeking applications from dedicated mining professionals that want to challenge themselves in a unique mining operation. If you have the attributes listed above and want to be part of this exciting phase of development, you are encouraged to apply!
Please send your resume to Hayley Patton at
vielleicht ja mal zwischendurch von Interesse...
steht das nicht im Widerspruch zu der Tatsache, dass nach dem 24.07. in Australien überhaupt kein Handel in Crescent stattfindet? Weiß jemand etwas?
On 15 June 2009, the Company announced the signing of an Ore Purchase Agreement with subsidiaries of Barrick Gold Corporation in relation to the purchase by Barrick Gold Corporation of Crescent’s Laverton gold ore and its proposed batch treatment through Barrick’s Granny Smith mill.
The Company continues with development of its Laverton Gold assets north of Kalgoorlie in WA, with a view to recommencing production in the final quarter of the calendar year 2009.
Crescent prepares to commence mining activities.
Crescent completes the mining and technical services staff appointments for the Laverton mining operations.
Mining contract awarded and successful tenderer prepares for mobilisation to Laverton in advance of mining commencement. •
Development team finalises first phase of production pits and commences assessment of second phase of deposits for ore source delivery into the Ore Purchase Agreement.
Project development within time and budget.
Crescent Gold’s cash position at the end of June 2009 was A$18.0 million, with no debt.
Crescent Gold maintains a A$4 million investment in listed South Australian based mineral sands producer Australian Zircon.
Laverton gold exploration expenditure maintained at a prudent level whilst development work is progressed.
Crescent continues to assess Laverton consolidation opportunities.
Initial manganese resource definition program undertaken at Mt Lucky (WA).
Successful awarding of WA Government co-funded exploration grant of A$45k to the Mt Lucky Project for funding of diamond drilling.
Specific targeted drilling programs continue on the Sturt JV Uranium Project in South Australia with encouraging results suppor....
The presentation details are as follows:
• Crescent Quarterly Activities Report - Mr Mark Tory - Chief
Financial Officer
• Presented by Mr Mark Tory, Chief Financial Officer
• Mon, 3 Aug 2009 12:00PM AEST
Mining Contract wird "in a few weeks" vereinbart
Mining "at the fouth quarter" geplant.
Die Genehmigungen sind ja sowieso schon seit 2 Jahren unter Dach und Fach und mind. 5 jahre gültig.
18 Mio Cash und schuldenfrei - also bernd, ich behalte meine Shares.
Auch die von VG - sind/werden eh alle steuerfrei.
Directors von Crescent Gold Limited (WKN: A0B5UM, ASX: CRE, TSX: CRA)
beantragt eine Handelsaussetzung der Aktien des Unternehmens für 2 Tage
aufgrund der bevorstehenden Bekanntgabe der geplanten Akquisition von
weiteren Goldliegenschaften in Laverton. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dies
innerhalb der nächsten zwei Tage bekannt zu geben. Diese Meldung wird die
Handelsaussetzung beenden.
Dem Unternehmen sind keine Gründe bekannt, warum die Wertpapiere nicht vom
Handel ausgesetzt werden sollten.
Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Crescent Gold Limited
Level 5, 89 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000, Australia
GPO Box Z5292, Perth WA 6831
Tel. + 61 (8) 9322 5833
Fax + 61 (8) 9322 5866