Myriad Interactive.
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Von: Derek Ivany []
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Dezember 2013 20:42
An: SV Nollingen
Betreff: Re: Mingle community agreement
Yes that is fine, I just want the Germans to understand. I have roots in Germany with my grandmother and upwards respect for Germany, it's people and its way of doing business. It is not the same here. In Germany you must put real $ to open a GmbH and operate a real business, in America you can open a business with no money and a couple hundred dollar government fee. So the way it works and competition is much different. I prefer the German way of hard work, planning and execution. With that being said, we do have a plan and we are slowly executing it. We need support and we need our loyal German shareholders to realize that we do care about the price and we are working hard on developing these assets which we hope will deliver value in the long term.
Kind Regard,
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 2:38 PM, SV Nollingen wrote:
That sounds great. I put your statement to other investors at – a platform for shareholders. Is that ok for you?
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thomas xxxxx
SV Nollingen 1949 e.V.
Tel./Fax privat: xxxxxx
Von: Derek Ivany []
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Dezember 2013 19:58
An: SV Nollingen
Betreff: Re: Mingle community agreement
We are working hard here Thomas, I am doing 12hours+ per day, not even spending time with my two children to try an dput something together. It is my fault for taking some convertible debts down, but I had no choice, otherwise company would have got delisted. With those convertible notes, the majority of it went to pay service providers: Lawyer, Auditor, Transfer Agent and a IR group that did nothing for Myriad.
We cut legal debt from $120,000+ to around $60k and basically covered 1 1/2 years of Auditors and Transfer Agent Fees. We spent $10,000 + $5,000 with an IR group and consultant that did absolutely ZERO for us, and also cost us 1m shares.
Here is what is happening right now:
We have developed Mingle V1 and V2 and are now doing a new version which is more modernized and flat as the new styles have already shifted from web 2.0 to flat. We are also working on eliminating the database and doing it in a way where the install is just a few lines of code. we have finished this, and are now doing a new flat design and we have finished. We currently have had several meetings with very large firms, and they were very positive, they asked for a bunch of small changes, and the addition of android for our technology.
All I can really say about this is that if we land just 1 of these large companies, it is a game changer over night for Myriad and we will be financially sound over night. We wouldn't need to take any financings either.
The challenge is getting to that point, and that is why we need investment and support. Developing these projects, re-designing, coding, slicing and implementing takes time and costs money. Money that the company has to work very hard for, if we do a small project and make $600 profit on it, which could be a $2k projected, that $600 doesn't even cover 1 hour of legal work! This is the challenging part.
Many companies like Facebook, Twitter, Groupon etc. have run without profit for a long time, but they got millions of not billions of financing money. Myriad has got less than $200k since we formed the company two years ago, I think I have done quite a bit since than with what I have been working with, let alone being able to do some projects here and there to consistently deliver quarterly revenue. Its small. but its better than nothing.
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 1:43 PM, SV Nollingen wrote:
It"s ok Derek i understand, but for us is negative if we hear nothing.
I think you do the best and you work hard.
I only disappointed. Its right, we lost the money not by you…
I am unhappy about the daytraders and so on.
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thomas xxxxx
SV Nollingen 1949 e.V.
Tel./Fax privat: xxxxx
Von: Derek Ivany []
Gesendet: Freitag, 6. Dezember 2013 19:38
An: SV Nollingen
Betreff: Re: Mingle community agreement
First of all, its not losing money by me. I do not control the market, nor am I the seller that has been sending the stock price down. I am one person, managing 10+ people, handing the corporate affairs, accounting, ceo duties, project management, inventing these ideas and attending the sales meetings and presentations. I am working towards bigger contracts which require further adjustments and alterations, for which I am doing.
We have added assets to the balance sheet and been able to capitalize our technologies. We have continued to deliver and keep our people working and delivering value. The stock however does not reflect that.
It costs a lot of money to put out press releases all the time, and sometimes it comes between do I pay my employee, or do I pay for a press release? What would you do?
The only people that want to invest in the company to help us, are the same people that come and dump shares and put us in a further negative position. I am working as hard as I can to deliver more and more value, strengthen our asset portfolio and develop technologies that have a longer shelf life than most.
If our company had stronger hands than daytraders and speculators that are here to take quick profits, our stock price would be higher with less volatility. This would help me attract capital that is needed to keep the company going. I am not getting any cash salary to run this company, I cannot sell any shares and I am paying people out of my pocket, so please tell me how you are losing money by me, because last time I checked, I am also losing money.
Thanks for your understanding.
Man beachte sie haben mehrere grosse Kunden vor der Türe stehen oder sitzen sie schon am runten Tisch ?
Derek macht seine Sache sehr gut 12 Stunden am Tag 2 Kinder meine Frau hätte mich schon längst verlassen neue Spass bei Seite myry wird kommen !!
War meine Antwort vom 07.12 nach Einsicht des Mail-Verkehr zwischen Ihm und Derek
Danke für die Einsicht in die Mail.
Ja Schlussendlich hat sich nichts geändert und der liebe Derek befindet sich in einen Teufelskreislauf, den er nur Durchbrechen kann, wenn er entsprechend Aufträge bekommt um nicht mehr auf die "Geldmafia" angewiesen zu sein.
Den Geld bekommt er nur von diesen Blutsaugern für aberwitzige Konditionen. Das heißt, er bekommt Geld und die dafür Optionen zu Wechseloptionen die immer einen horrenden Gewinn abwerfen !
Und dann beginnt der Kreislauf von vorne.
Er bringt eine Gute Meldung, der Kurs zuckt kurz nach Oben und die Mafia überflutet sofort wieder den Markt mit Aktien und alles bricht wieder zusammen.
Nur wenn er entsprechend gute Aufträge vermelden kann und dadurch Geld herein kommt durch das laufende Geschäft, erst dann wird der Kurs auch nachhaltig steigen.
So lange immer wieder Optionen ausgegeben werden, so lange hat er seine guten Geschäfte aber die Aktionäre bleiben immer auf der Strecke und wenn die dann nichts mehr kaufen, weil es immer wieder nach dem selben Schema abläuft, dann wird der liebe Derek auch keine Optionen mehr verkaufen, somit hat er dann auch keine Kohle mehr und somit wird dann die Pleite kommen.
Also ganz einfach, es müssen Kunden her, es müssen Aufträge her, die den Laden finanzieren und auch entsprechend mit Kapital versorgen um das Geschäft auszubauen und das ohne weitere Optionen auszugeben.
Alles andere wird immer nur eine Eintagsfliege bleiben.
Gruß A.
Er ist viel beschäftigt arbeitet als chef fliegt nach Frankreich war bestimmt geschäftlich.
Ich glaube daran und werde sobald ich flüssig bin wieder investieren.
Schönen Sonntag noch.
Die Aussagen eines Ceo sind mit vorsicht zu geniesen denoch sehr glaubwürdig.
In Frankreich gibt es interessenten das ist klar es wird ja bestätigt das Gespräche geführt werden. Nach wie vor rate ich jeden wer investieren will solte dies spätestens nach bekanntgabe des auftrags erfolgen meiner meinung nach wird sich dies dann wie ein lauffeuer ausbreiten und die anderen ebenfalls buchen.
Meiner "Meinung" stehen in Frankreich mehrere Unternehmen parat Pernod Ricard,Capgemini ,Orange S.A und Loreal um nur ein paar zu nennen. Wie gesagt nur meiner meinung nach. Werde dienstag zukaufe
235k zu 0,0045 mal sehen ob ich was bekomm ist immerhin ausm ask. Habe zwar überlegt ob ich nicht billiger bekomm aber der Kurs ist schon recht niedrig. Das Risiko ist hoch das sie ausbricht