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161 Postings, 6532 Tage minut1985@kjelly

15.11.07 17:21
jepp, genau so wirds werden  

70 Postings, 6917 Tage 7777aCommerce

15.11.07 18:43
Jetzt ist die Zeit zum nachkaufen. So billig wird es in einiger Zeit nicht mehr sein.

422 Postings, 6536 Tage house1Antwort von Chris

15.11.07 19:53

In answer to your question, probably the single most important fact to remember is what Commerce Resources has already proven up in regards its deposit and then in regards processing of this resource. 


These 2 specifics are then the fundamentals of the company as it moves forward, along a process that is very time consuming. It is this process that at times can seem very frustrating and so I recommend referring to the fundamentals of the project with the additional understanding that the OVERALL MARKETS may not always be positive – and case in point, in general terms the markets HAVE NOT been very positive over the last 5 months. 


(Although I believe that the US will move to the 2nd spot in terms of global economies – and that this may be a little bit of a painful process, like childbirth –  I believe that the OVERALL GLOBAL COMMODITY BULL MARKET WILL CONTINUE TO DOMINATE). 


In terms of stating the fundamentals of Commerce Resources, the deposit is in total 51 million tonnes of host rock, which breaks down to 22 million pounds of tantalum and 120 million pounds of niobium. In regards the economics and metallurgy –we have the highest recovery rate, 83 – 97%, and the lowest potential costs of producing a tantalum and niobium concentrate. 


Due to the open pit nature of the Upper Fir deposit we should be looking at the lowest mining costs – in the area of $4.00 per tonne – and then very low on site separating costs – approximately $5.00 per tonne. These costs would then potentially cover the making of a concentrate that is 10% tantalum and 50% niobium. On a per tonne basis we would then producing a concentrate that would be ½ pound tantalum and 3 pounds niobium. 


The value of this concentrate per tonne, using the lowest prices in the industry currently, would be in the range of $105.00 CAD. If you subtract the mining and on-site processing costs, you would be looking at a potential profit of $96.00 per tonne. 


Additionally, the entire industry is very busy and so this causes time delays, and this includes everyone from SGS Lakefield to Acme Labs – the specific companies working for us now. 


And now to the positive side of things – the article that recently came out from Boeing is an example of the overall tightness of the tantalum market. It is not just an engineering problem or an ordering problem for Boeing (the fact the titanium coated nuts and bolts did not work as well is just the reality of the situation) – the real problem is that no manufacturer of tantalum based products has much, if any, surplus of tantalum feed stock to produce an increased number of tantalum products being called for, in a panic, by even someone as significant as Boeing. 


In general terms, both tantalum and niobium demand is outpacing supply – similar to iron ore – and the prices are reflecting this. 


As well, and although there are quite a few iron ore potential producers looking to develop projects into production, on the tantalum and niobium side you probably understand that there are very few and that Commerce has a significant advantage over most if not all. 


I know that this has been a very answer but I feel that everyone who is along for the ride should understand exactly HOW long this process can be, and that we are travelling in very good company and in a very good vehicle. 


The road (the market) may have some bumps and potholes but we (Commerce) will stay the course.   


All the best,


Chris Grove


866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307Also..Kopf hoch!

15.11.07 22:02
es hätte heute schlimmer ausgehen können!
SK bei den CAN`s 1,25 (-0,05)

Die Aussichten bleiben weiterhin genial... Die Geduld wird sich auszahlen!

Allen eine gn8!  

866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307Endlich wieder GRÜN!

16.11.07 10:17
CCE heute hoffentlich wieder gen Norden!
Zur Zeit 0,87...ein Anfang ist da..!  

405 Postings, 6613 Tage CamusCCE largest Ta supplier in North America

16.11.07 19:15
Aus stockhouse:

Commerce Resources on track to become largest North American tantalum supplier
By Anne Fletcher,
November 15, 2007
Commerce Resources Corp. (TSXV: CCE; FSE: D7H), bolstered by its latest drill results, is on track to break ground on North America’s first stand alone tantalum/niobium mine within two years.

However, that’s not going to happen fast enough to help The Boeing Company meet a 2008 year-end delivery deadline for its new 787 Dreamliner commercial aircraft.

Chicago-based Boeing, in a move that points to a global shortage of tantalum, has recently pushed its Dreamliner schedule back by six months. The first 30 to 35 of the new passenger aircraft won’t be delivered until 2009, because of both software integration problems and a shortage of corrosion-resistant tantalum fasteners.

Commerce is still in the midst of a two-year-long provincial environmental assessment on its Upper Fir property, 300 kilometers north of Kamloops, in central British Columbia, which should be done by May or June 2008.

With that certificate in hand, the Vancouver-based company will then turn to the British Columbia Ministry of Mines for a permit to work its Blue River property in the interior of the province.

If all goes well, the permit will come through in time for a 2009 spring start.

Tantalum has the highest capacitance of any metal known, meaning the ability to hold and release electrical charge instantaneously. That makes it essential to most electronic devices as the material used for the capacitors found in most consumer goods such as mobile phones, computers and digital cameras as well as in automotive applications (anti-locking brakes, airbag-firing mechanisms) and medical technologies such as hearing aids and pacemakers.

The world’s largest tantalum producer, Sons of Gwalia Ltd., now known as Talison Minerals, has, historically, supplied up to 55% of the world market from its Greenbushes and Wodgina mines in Western Australia. In the West, that market percentage could run as high as 85%.

However, SOG disclosed in July, 2004 that it may have run out of its surface high grade (300 g/t with a 55% recovery rate), forcing capital spending on underground mining of lower grade deposits.

Shortly afterwards, the public company went into receivership, and was purchased and renamed by private American interests only this year.

Drill results since Commerce started staking its Blue River property in 2000 have established Upper Fir as a viable mine site with a 6-10-year life.

The prospective mine life may double or even triple with the results from 18 more holes drilled this past summer. Those results not only confirmed that the Upper Fir carbonatite is sub-horizontal, allowing for open-pit mining, but also enlarged the strike area to more than a kilometer north-south and more than half a kilometer east-west.

(Carbonatites are rare rock types containing equally rare minerals, including niobium and tantalum.)

As well, this past summer’s exploration turned up two new carbonatites - Lower Gum Creek and Lower Switch Creek - about two kilometers east of the Upper Fir deposit. Currently, the company is expecting the results back from the drilling of the Switch Creek site, spurred by one anomalous sample from the late 1980s containing 2,900 grams per tonne (g/t) tantalum. That compares to an average of 200 g/t in the Upper Fir deposit.

While work is now concentrated on the Upper Fir, Commerce had staked an area covering about 500 square kilometers, including the Fir and the Verity properties. Last month, the company doubled its property by staking another 95 claims covering more than 100,000 acres to the south of the Bone Creek watershed.

The new claims cover a large ultramafic area about 12 km southeast of the Upper Fir deposit, and give Commerce ownership of mineral tenures in areas where mine infrastructure may be built.

The Upper Fir property has an indicated resource of 8.6 million tonnes, grading 208.9 g/t Ta2O5 and 1,372 g/t Nb2O5, and an inferred resource of 5.5 million tonnes, grading 208.2 g/t Ta2O5 and 1,349g/t Nb2O5.

The Fir deposit has an indicated resource of 5.65 million tonnes grading 203.1 g/t Ta2O5 and 1,047 g/t Nb2O5, with an inferred resource of 6.74 million tonnes, grading 203.1 g/t Ta205 and 1,047 g/t Nb2O5.

The Verity property has an inferred resource of 3.06 million tonnes, grading 196 g/t Ta2O5 and 646 g/t Nb205.

The metal niobium has a wide range of properties - heat resistance, high thermal conductivity, elasticity, corrosion resistance, and the ability to form a stable and adhesive layer of oxide.

But it is most prized for its use in steel alloys used in pipelines, cars and structural steels. A 2% alloy of niobium can triple the tensile strength of steel from a PSI (pounds per square inch) of 40,000 to a PSI of 120,000, making it a reasonable alternative to vanadium.

Niobium’s price has also skyrocketed this year, from US$7 per pound in January to its current level of around US$28/lb. Encouraged by the healthy market, Commerce last spring staked 88 claims in Quebec’s Labrador Trough, surrounding eight claims held by Virginia Mines Inc. (TSX: VGQ).

Those eight claims cover most of the Eldor Carbonatite Complex, an elliptically-shaped area approximately 7.75 km by 2.5 km with known, localized high concentrations of niobium and tantalum. Grab and channel samples have ranged from 1.15% to 11.4% Nb205 and 0.046%-0.21% Ta205.

In May, for the price of 710,000 shares and 290,000 share purchase warrants, Commerce took over those claims from Virginia Mines and embarked on a summer of soil sampling and line cutting. The results of those assays should be available by November.

The Eldor Carbonatite compares in size to the Araxa Carbonatite Complex in Brazil, which measures about 4.5 km in diameter. It contains the world’s largest known deposit of pyrochlore, from which niobium is obtained, and is mined by the Brazilian company, Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineracao (CBMM).

CBMM, currently supplying up to 70% of the world market, says it has enough reserves to meet the global need for niobium for the next 500 years. But the private company may not be meeting the same disclosure standards as Canadian public companies. As well, buyers looking at the quality of CBMM’s product are known to be checking around for other suppliers.

While Commerce has had a standing invitation for partnership proposals, a recent private placement of $32.746 million, added to the $7.5 million already in hand, means the company can now manage on its own.

Another $45 million could be raised through the exercise of warrants bringing total financing to just over $80 million, enough to get Blue River into production.

With the Yellowhead Highway and the Canadian National Railway both crossing Commerce’s property, the company will have an easy choice of sending its tantalum concentrate, processed at the mine site, to either Vancouver or Edmonton.

The next step would be to turn the concentrate into tantalum oxide, but Commerce hasn’t yet considered whether it would build its own processing plant, partner with another company or hand off the product at that point.

This article is intended for information purposes only, and is not a recommendation to buy or sell the equities of any company mentioned herein. It is based on sources believed to be reliable, but no warranty as to accuracy is expressed or implied. The opinions expressed in the article are those of the author except where statements are attributed to individuals other than the author, in which case the opinions are those of the individual to whom they are attributed.


161 Postings, 6532 Tage minut1985dumme frage...

19.11.07 10:06
heut kein börsentag?  

880 Postings, 6697 Tage kjellyVersuch einer Antwort

19.11.07 10:43

Aufgrund eines technischen Problems der Deutschen Börse steht Xetra bis auf weiteres nicht zur Verfügung. An der Behebung der Störung wird gearbeitet.


161 Postings, 6532 Tage minut1985THX

19.11.07 11:43
wie denkt ihr zu einer jahresnendrally im rohstoffsektor?  

124 Postings, 6515 Tage adswu..

19.11.07 14:35
Welches Jahr meinst du? Würde mich zwar drüber freuen wenn dieses Jahr noch die Rally kommt aber momentan wird es eher eine Kremserfahrt...


161 Postings, 6532 Tage minut1985...

19.11.07 16:19
na ich hab eigentlich noch hoffnung auf 07 gesetzt  

880 Postings, 6697 Tage kjellyJahresendralley

19.11.07 16:35
Börse macht selten das , von dem die Mehrheit träumt  ;-)  

866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307CCE trotz dem Markt!

19.11.07 17:38
Drüben bei den CAN`s mal wieder trotz des schlechten Umfeldes im PLUS!!!!!  

8889 Postings, 6844 Tage petrussEs

19.11.07 17:44
werden heute große Pakete gefordert. Da ist ein großer Käufer am Werk.  

866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307Die nächsten news..

19.11.07 17:53
..sind ja auch in der pipeline...;-))  

662 Postings, 6691 Tage tenbagger85und warum ....

19.11.07 18:17
sind wir dann 6% im minus??
Bin seit April investiert und habe die nervenaufreibensten Zeiten hier im Boot mitgemacht.....aber so langsam verliere ich die Lust......vielleicht hat ja jemand was auf lager, damit man die Lust noch ein wenig behält!?  

8889 Postings, 6844 Tage petrussAlso

19.11.07 18:32
in Can sind wir leicht im Plus. Was die hier machen interessiert mich nicht. Im Gegenteil schön unter pari kaufen. :)  

70 Postings, 6917 Tage 7777aCommerce

19.11.07 21:06
Also ich bin noch immer überzeugt von Commerce und werde mir wieder ein paar ins Depot legen. Wir waren in letzter Zeit einfach zu verwöhnt von immer nur steigenden Kursen. Darum nützen wir die Schwäche der anderen und kaufen billig nach.  

2514 Postings, 6979 Tage Harleyman500Moin moin!

20.11.07 07:44
Heute stehen wichtige marktbeeinflussende Termine an, nachzulesen unter:

LG, Harley


880 Postings, 6697 Tage kjellyHallo 7777a

20.11.07 09:29

..." Wir waren in letzter Zeit einfach zu verwöhnt

von immer nur steigenden Kursen"...

schau´ dir bitte mal das letzte halbe Jahr an!

Wenn Du das verwöhnenen nennst +-0 ?

Da gibt es Sparkassenkonten die bringen mehr !


8889 Postings, 6844 Tage petrussHäää

20.11.07 09:51
immer nur steigende Kurse? Habe ich was verpasst?  

161 Postings, 6532 Tage minut1985@tenbagger85

20.11.07 10:49
na dann hast doch noch glück gehabt wenn de im april rein bist. ich hab  mein erstes invest in mai 07 gemacht und bin seit dem dabei.
-> einstieg zu einem deutlich schlechteren kurs...  

8889 Postings, 6844 Tage petrussCOMMERCE RESOURCES Daily Commentary

20.11.07 13:45
Daily Commentary

Our system posted a HOLD today. The previous BUY recommendation was issued on 11.14.2007 (5) days ago, when the stock price was 1.2800. Since then CCE has fallen -2.34% .

We still advise you to hold this stock despite the current bearish movement. Give another chance to the market and wait for the new signal. A warning will be issued immediately if the downward momentum reaches to intolerable levels.

It is yet too early for short positions.


2220 Postings, 7015 Tage muppets158So irgendwie geht die Webseite von CCE

20.11.07 19:05
bei mir derzeit nicht.

Vielleicht kommt ja was an News.

Mal sehen was der Tag noch bringt oder die nächsten Tage


866 Postings, 6526 Tage Wolle1307Schöner Schlussspurt!

20.11.07 22:13
CCE schließt "drüben" im Plus!

Wird Zeit, dass weitere news kommen...


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