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Neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 01:19
Eröffnet am:23.10.13 08:49von: buranAnzahl Beiträge:39
Neuester Beitrag:25.04.21 01:19von: MarinamfclaLeser gesamt:7.809
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246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranHOPEWELL

23.10.13 08:49
HOPEWELL HWY SP ADR ..buran und MfG  

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran300 punktGENAU

23.10.13 22:10
Zeit  Kurs  Stück  
15:30:00 4,94 $  300

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranBibliotheKARIN

24.10.13 09:38
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
23.10.13 4,94 4,94 4,94  4,94 $ 300 1.482

..kamm eben nen Bericht im ISS Radio über die nette Frau ..ich das buran kenne die nur nicht ..weil auf der ISS sind nur schwule Kosmonovas und keine Bibliothek mit Ausleihlektüre ..wenn dann nur Tittenhefte in schwarz weiss ..and good luck

Kosmonova buran  

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranHHILY 29-10

30.10.13 13:26
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
29.10.13 4,74 4,74 4,74  4,74 $ 100 474


246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran31er Tickerschluss Lampe:::::::

01.11.13 18:55
:::::::::::::::: 4,87 $ +2,74% +0,13 $ In Euro: 3,6102 € | Nasdaq OTC Other, 31.10.13 ,GrB  

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranListed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

07.11.13 07:51
in August 2003, Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited (“HHI”) builds and operates strategic expressway infrastructure in the Guangdong Province. With the strong support and well-established experience of its parent company, Hopewell Holdings Limited (“HHL”) , HHI is targeted with initiating, promoting and developing new expressway, tunnel and bridge infrastructure projects, particularly in the thriving economy of the Pearl River Delta region.

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranInvestor Presentation

07.11.13 07:54

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranShareholders Communications

07.11.13 07:56

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranFor the year ended 30 June 2013

07.11.13 07:57
Net toll revenue
RMB1,803m (HK$2,244m)  
RMB1,210m (HK$1,506m)  
Profit attributable to
owners of the company
RMB601m (HK$747m)  
Shares issued
Earnings per share

RMB 19.75 cents  
(HK 24.57 cents)  
Dividend per share

Total: RMB 29.00 cents  
(HK 36.2207 cents)  

Interim: RMB 10.00 cents  
(HK 12.3394 cents)  
Final: RMB 9.00 cents  
(HK 11.3122 cents)  
Special Final: RMB 10.00 cents  
(HK 12.5691 cents)

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranschreib mal

07.11.13 07:59

General Enquiry

Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited
  Address:§63/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
      Tel:§(852) 2528 4975
      Fax:§(852) 2861 2068, (852) 2861 0177
Investor Relations
      Fax:§(852) 2529 8602

Corporate Communication Department
      Tel:§(852) 2863 4364
      Fax:§(852) 2861 2068

Ms Sukyi Yau, Y Communications
   Mobile:§(852) 9030 7204

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran2013

07.11.13 08:00
Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited Announces FY 2012/13 Final Results
Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited Announces FY 2012/13 Interim Results
Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Announces the Opening of Phase III of the Western Delta Route

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranPROCEDURE FOR SHAREHOLDERS............

07.11.13 08:03
- 1 -
In accordance with Article 116 of the Artic
les of Association
of Hopewell Highway
Infrastructure Limited (the “
”), no person (other than a re
tiring Director) shall be
eligible for election to the office of Di
rector at any general meeting unless:
he/she is recommended by the Boar
d of Directors for election; or
notice in writing of the inten
tion to propose that person for
election as a Director and
notice in writing by that person of his/her wi
llingness to be elec
ted shall have been
given to the Company provide
d that the minimum length
of the period, during which
such notices are given, shall be at least seve
n days and that the period for lodgment of
such notices shall commence no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of
the general meeting appointed for such electi
on and end no later than
seven days prior to
the date of such meeting (the “
Specified Period
Accordingly, if a sharehol
der of the Company (the “
”, and each a

”) wishes to propose a person for election
as a Director at a
general meeting of
the Company, the following documents must be validly served to the attention of Company
Secretary of the Company at Room 63-02, 63
Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road
East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong within the Specified Period:
a written and signed notice of intention to pr
opose a resolution for
election of a person
as Director at the general meeting. The notice must include (a) the name of the
nominating Shareholder; (b) his/
her contact details; and (c) th
e number of shares of the
Company held by the nomina
ting Shareholder; and
a written notice signed by the nominated candida
te of his/her willingness to be elected
together with the information set out below:
full name and age;
positions held with the Company and/or
other members of the Company’s group of
companies (if any);
experience including (i) other directorship
s held in the past 3 years in public
companies of which the securities are li
sted on any securities market in Hong
Kong or overseas, and (ii) other ma
jor appointments and professional
current employment and such other information (which may include business
experience and academic qualific
ations) of which Sharehol
ders should be aware of,
pertaining to the ability or
integrity of the candidate;
* For identification purpose only
- 2 -
length or proposed length of
service with the Company;
relationships with any Direct
ors, senior management, s
ubstantial shareholders or
controlling shareholders (as defined in
The Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“
Listing Rules
”)) of
the Company, or an appropriate negative statement;
interests in shares of the Company within
the meaning of Part XV of the Securities
and Futures Ordinance, or an
appropriate negative statement;
a declaration made by the nominated candidate in respect of the information
required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule
13.51(2)(h) to (w) of the Listing Rules,
or an appropriate negative statement to th
at effect where there is no information to
be disclosed pursuant to any of such re
quirements nor there are any other matters
relating to that nominated candidate’s standing for election as a Director that
should be brought to shareholders’ attention; and
contact details.
(3) The nominated candidate’s written consent
to the publication of hi
s/her personal data.
After receiving the afor
ementioned documents within the Sp
ecified Period, a
resolution will
be moved at the general meeting to seek the
Shareholders’ approval of the election of the
nominated candidate as a Director.
29 March 2012

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranShareholders Communication Policy

07.11.13 08:05
1. Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited (the “
”) recognizes the
importance of communications with the shareholders of the Company, both
individual and institutional (collectively, “
”) as well as potential
investors. This Policy aims to set out the
provisions with the objective of ensuring
that the Shareholders and potential investors are provided with ready, equal and
timely access to balanced and understandable information about the Company, in
order to enable Shareholders to exercise their rights in an informed manner, and to
allow Shareholders and potential investors to engage actively with the Company.
2. For the purpose of this Policy, potential investors include analysts reporting and
analyzing the Company’s performance.
General Policy
3. The Board of Directors of the Company (the “
”) shall maintain an on-going
dialogue with Shareholders and potential investors, and will regularly review this
Policy to ensure its effectiveness.
Information shall be communicated to Shareholders and potential investors mainly
through the Company’s financial reports (interim and annual reports), annual
general meetings and other general meetings that may be convened, as well as by
making available all the disclosures submitted to The Stock Exchange of Hong
Kong Limited (the “
Stock Exchange
”) and corporate communications on the
HKEx website and the Company’s website.
5. Effective and timely dissemination of information to Shareholders and potential
investors shall be ensured at all times. Any question regarding this Policy shall be
directed to the Company Secretary or Investor Relations Manager.
Communication Channels
Despatch of
printed copies of corporate communications
(including but not
limited to annual reports, interim reports, notices of meetings, circulars and proxy
forms) to Shareholders under The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the
Stock Exchange (the “
Listing Rules
”), and Shareholders can choose (or are deemed
to have consented) to receive such do
cuments by electronic means through the
Company’s website.
2 of 2
Annual General Meeting
provides a forum for Shareholders face-to-face to raise
questions and comments and exchange their views with the Board.
8. Via the
Company’s website
to obtain updated and
key information on the major developments of the Company and its subsidiaries
(collectively, “
”). Information, such as financial statements, results
announcements, circulars, notices of general meetings and all announcements,
released by the Company to the
HKEx website
is also
posted on the Company’s website immediately thereafter.
Regular press conferences
briefing meetings
with analysts and investors are
arranged from time to time to update interested parties on the performance of the
All presentation materials
relating to the Company
provided at
will be made available on the
Company’s website
11. The Company’s
share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services
deals with Shareholders on the shareholdings, share registration and
related matters.
12. A dedicated
Investor Relations section
is available on the
Company’s website
. Information on the Company’s website is updated on
a regular basis.
13. The Company’s
Corporate Communications Department, Company Secretarial
Department and Investor Relations Department
handle both telephone and
written enquires from Shareholders and potential investors generally from time to
14. The Company recognizes the
importance of Shareholders’ privacy and will not
disclose Shareholders’ information without their consent, unless required by law to
do so.
Review of Policy
This Policy is subject to regular review by the Board and will be amended as and
when appropriate.
This Policy is available on the website of the Company.
This Policy is approved by the Board on 23 February 2012

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranthread update

07.11.13 08:06
SK 4,87 $ SKP +2,74 Pott -2,01% ,GrB

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran2013

07.11.13 08:08
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2013
Annual General Meeting held on 21 October 2013 - Poll Results
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2013
Request Form for Non-registered Holders
Notification Letter to Non-registered Holders - Publication of the Annual Report and Circular for the year ended 30 June 2013
Change Request Form
Letter to Registered Shareholders - Publication of the Annual Report, Circular and Proxy Form for the year ended 30 June 2013
Reply Form
Letter to New Registered Shareholders - Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Form of proxy for 2013 Annual General Meeting (or any adjournment thereof)
Proposals for Re-election of Directors, General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares, Adoption of New Share Option Scheme and Notice of Annual General Meeting
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2013
Final Results for the year ended 30 June 2013
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 July 2013
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2013
List of Directors and their Role and Function
Resignation of Independent Non-Executive Director and Change of Member of Audit Committee
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2013
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2013
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2013
Change Request Form
Letter to the Shareholders - Publication of the Interim Report for the six months ended 31 December 2012
Reply Form
Letter to the Shareholders - Election of Language and Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 28 February 2013
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2013
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2012

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranCalendar

07.11.13 08:10
Despatch of Final Dividend and Special Final Dividend 25 November 2013
Closure of Register of Members
(Final Dividend and Special Final Dividend) 25 October 2013
Ex-dividend Date 23 October 2013
Annual General Meeting 21 October 2013
Closure of Register of Members (Annual General Meeting) 15-21 October 2013
Financial Year 2013 Final Results Announcement 20 August 2013
Board Meeting (Final) 20 August 2013
Despatch of Interim Dividend 12 April 2013
Closure of Register of Members 8 March 2013
Ex-dividend Date 6 March 2013
Financial Year 2012-2013 Interim Results Announcement 21 February 2013
Board Meeting (Interim) 21 February 2013
Despatch of Final Dividend 31 October 2012
Closure of Register of Members (final dividend) 25 October 2012
Ex-dividend Date 22 October 2012
Annual General Meeting 18 October 2012
Closure of Register of Members (Annual General Meeting) 11-18 October 2012
Financial Year 2012 Final Results Announcement 20 August 2012
Board Meeting (Final) 20 August 2012
Despatch of Interim Dividend 15 March 2012
Closure of Register of Members 9 March 2012
Ex-dividend Date 7 March 2012
Financial Year 2011-2012 Interim Results Announcement 23 February 2012
Board Meeting (Interim) 23 February 2012
Despatch of Final Dividend

2 November 2011
Closure of Register of Members (Final Dividend) 26 October 2011
Ex-dividend Date

24 October 2011
Annual General Meeting

20 October 2011

Closure of Register of Members (Annual General Meeting)
13-20 October 2011
Financial Year 2011 Final Results Announcement 25 August 2011
Board Meeting (Final) 25 August 2011
Despatch of Interim Dividend 17 March 2011
Closure of Register of Members 11 March 2011
Ex-dividend Date 9 March 2011
Financial Year 2010-2011 Interim Results Announcement 24 February 2011
Board Meeting (Interim) 24 February 2011

Despatch of Final Dividend
          §21 October 2010
Annual General Meeting

20 October 2010

Closure of Register of Members
13-20 October 2010

Ex-dividend Date
11 October 2010
Financial Year 2010 Final Results Announcement

31 August 2010
Board Meeting (Final) 31 August 2010
Despatch of Interim Dividend 2 March 2010
Closure of Register of Members 24 February 2010
Ex-dividend Date 22 February 2010
Financial Year 2009-2010 Interim Results Announcement 4 February 2010
Board Meeting (Interim) 4 February 2010
Despatch of Final Dividend 14 October 2009
Annual General Meeting 13 October 2009
Closure of Register of Members 7-13 October 2009
Ex-dividend Date 5 October 2009
Financial Year 2009 Final Results Announcement 26 August 2009
Board Meeting (Final) 26 August 2009
Despatch of Interim Dividend 20 March 2009
Closure of Register of Members 16-19 March 2009
Ex-dividend Date 12 March 2009
Financial Year 2008-2009 Interim Results Announcement 26 February 2009
Board Meeting (Interim) 26 February 2009
Despatch of Special Dividend 14 November 2008
Closure of Register of Members 10-13 November 2008
Ex-dividend Date 6 November 2008
Board Meeting (Special Dividend for the year ending
30 June 2009) 23 October 2008
Despatch of Final Dividend 14 October 2008
Annual General Meeting 13 October 2008
Closure of Register of Members 6-13 October 2008
Financial Year 2008 Final Results Announcement 10 September 2008
Board Meeting (Final) 10 September 2008
Despatch of Interim Dividend 26 March 2008
Closure of Register of Members 17-20 March 2008
Financial Year 2007-2008 Interim Results Announcement 28 February 2008
Board Meeting (Interim) 28 February 2008
Despatch of Final Dividend 5 October 2007
Annual General Meeting 4 October 2007
Closure of Register of Members 28 Sept - 4 Oct 2007
Financial Year 2007 Final Results Announcement 21 August 2007
Board Meeting (Final) 21 August 2007
Despatch of Interim Dividend 23 March 2007
Closure of Register of Members 19-22 March 2007
Financial Year 2006-2007 Interim Results Announcement 1 March 2007
Board Meeting (Interim) 1 March 2007
Despatch of Final Dividend 20 October 2006
Annual General Meeting 19 October 2006
Closure of Register of Members 16-19 October 2006
Financial Year 2006 Final Year Results Announcement 30 August 2006
Board Meeting (Annual) 30 August 2006
Despatch of Interim Dividend 23 March 2006
Closure of Registers of Members and Warrant Holders 17-22 March 2006
Financial Year 2005-2006 Interim Results Announcement 27 February 2006
Board Meeting (Interim) 27 February 2006
Despatch of Final Dividend 20 October 2005
Annual General Meeting 19 October 2005
Closure of Registers of Members and Warrant Holders 12-19 October 2005
Financial Year 2005 Final Year Results Announcement 1 September 2005
Board Meeting (Annual) 1 September 2005
Despatch of Interim Dividend 30 March 2005
Closure of Registers of Members and Warrant Holders 21-24 March 2005
Financial Year 2004-2005 Interim Results Announcement 2 March 2005
Board Meeting (Interim) 2 March 2005
Despatch of Final Dividend 18 October 2004
Annual General Meeting 18 October 2004
Closure of Registers of Members and Warrant Holders 11-18 October 2004
Financial Year 2004 Final Year Results Announcement 6 September 2004
Board Meeting (Annual) 6 September 2004
Despatch of Interim Dividend 25 March 2004
Closure of Registers of Members and Warrant Holders 15-18 March 2004
Financial Year 2003-2004 Interim Results Announcement 26 February 2004
Board Meeting (Interim) 26 February 2004
Annual General Meeting 21 October 2003
Closure of Registers of Members and Warrant Holders 16-21 October 2003
Financial Year 2003 Final Year Results Announcement 8 September 2003
Board Meeting (Annual) 8 September 2003
Listing Date 6 August 2003

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranHHILY 14-11

15.11.13 12:57
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  14.11.13      4,79     4,818§4,79 4,79 $ 5.024 0


246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran20er end lamp::::

21.11.13 20:26
:::::::::::: 4,85 $ +1,25% +0,06 $
In Euro: 3,6048 € | Nasdaq OTC Other, 20.11.13 ,GrB  

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran27er grüne ding ding dong Lampe:::::

28.11.13 13:38
:::::::::::::: 4,84 $ +1,68% +0,08 $
In Euro: 3,5606 € | Nasdaq OTC Other, 27.11.13 ,GrB  

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran866 GEBONGT 866

04.12.13 20:44
Zeit    Kurs Stück
  17:33:28§4,81 $ 866

246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran06er Nikolaus Hopewell Stiefel

07.12.13 08:14
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  06.12.13    4,8115    4,8115§4,81 4,81 $ 1.842 8.862


246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buranHHILY Sätze update Januar 2014

20.01.14 09:51
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  16.01.14      4,60      4,60§4,58 4,58 $ 1.032 4.737
  14.01.14      4,76      4,78§4,76 4,78 $ 13.519 64 T
  13.01.14      4,77      4,77§4,70 4,70 $ 1.808 8.528
  09.01.14      4,75      4,75§4,75 4,75 $ 102 475
  06.01.14      4,74      4,74§4,74 4,74 $ 1.188 5.631
  03.01.14      4,77     4,786§4,76 4,786 $ 4.255 20.268
  02.01.14      4,64      4,64§4,64 4,64 $ 281 464


246516 Postings, 6906 Tage burandie Februariantinnen 2014

06.03.14 11:48
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
  26.02.14      4,50      4,50§4,50 4,50 $ 779 3.195
  20.02.14      4,73      4,73§4,73 4,73 $ 3.854 18.229
  19.02.14      4,61      4,61§4,60 4,60 $ 1.790 8.244
  18.02.14      4,60      4,61§4,60 4,61 $ 17.620 81 T
  14.02.14      4,58      4,58§4,58 4,58 $ 1.000 4.580
  13.02.14      4,66      4,66§4,66 4,66 $ 500 2.330
  12.02.14      4,63      4,63§4,61 4,61 $ 1.200 5.534
  10.02.14      4,60      4,60§4,60 4,60 $ 200 920
  07.02.14     4,608     4,608§4,60 4,60 $ 602 2.770
  06.02.14      4,65      4,65§4,65 4,65 $ 500 2.325
  05.02.14      4,60      4,60§4,60 4,60 $ 622 2.300
  04.02.14      4,60      4,61§4,60 4,61 $ 10.623 48.761
  03.02.14      4,52      4,52§4,52 4,52 $ 1.000 4.520


246516 Postings, 6906 Tage buran20er

25.03.14 10:43
Datum Erster Hoch Tief Schluss     Stücke Volumen
20.03.14 4,68 4,68 4,68  4,68 $ 1.000 4.680


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