Tamerlane Ventures - Finanzierung steht!
Tamerlane Ventures ist am Freitag +32% in Frankfurt nach bekanntwerden der gesicherten Finanzierung zum Aufbau und Reaktivierung ihrer Pine Point Mine in Kanada gestiegen. Das Unternehmen hat meiner Meinung nach ein großes Potential.
Hier die Fakten zum Unternehmen - weitere Infos stehen auch in den Firmenpräsentationen auf der Homepage des Unternehmens:
+ gehören 175 qkm in den North West Territories, Kanada und Los Pinos in Peru, 100km südl. von Lima
+ besitzen in Kanada bestätigte und vermutete 7,8 Mio t mineralhaltiges Gestein (Blei@3.01%, Zink @ 6,16%) + weitere 12.1 Mio t Gestein (Zink @2,26%,2,36% / Blei@1,13%, 0,82%=weiteres Explorationspotential)
+Pine Point Mine wird zuerst entwickelt : Reserven von 1 Mio t (Zink@11,16%/ Blei@5,49%)
+ weitere Vorkommen an Kupfer in Peru (Exploration basiert auf 1994 durchgeführten Probebohrungen)
+ Kupfer kostengünstig zu gewinnen
+ Infrastruktur in Kanada vorhanden (Eisenbahn ca. 40 km entfernt, allwettertaugliche Straße vorhanden, Eisenbahn zur Mine könnte mit geringem Kostenaufwand wieder hergestellt werden (wurde vor 20 Jahren entfernt)
+ 60 Mio US-$ Finanzierung zur Entwicklung der Pine Point Mine als Kredit gesichert
Ich bewerte die Fakten wie folgt:
Das Minengelände der Pine Point Mine in Kanada besitzt eine gute Anbindung an die Infrastruktur mit Ausbaupotential. Eine Entwicklung dieser Mine hat Priorität 1, da die hohen Vererzungsgrade nach der Produktion weiteren Cashflow für den den notwendigen Ausbau generieren. Bestätigte und unter den aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten abbaubare Reserven sind ebenfalls in den weiteren von TAMERLANE kontrollierten 175qkm vorhanden und bieten zusätzlich noch ein grösseres Explorationspotential. Grundsätzlich ist in dieser Region aus geologischer Sicht relativ viel Blei und Zink, neben zahlreichen weiteren Erzmineralien (z.B. Kupfer, Gold, Silber,...) zu erwarten - die wirtschaftliche Gewinnung mal ausser Acht gelassen.
Für die Mine Los Pinos in Peru liegen lediglich ca. 17 Jahre alte Erkundungsdaten vor. Auch hier ist m.E. noch relativ viel Explorationspotential vorhanden und auch notwendig.
Hier die Links:
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Bei einer jetzigen Marktkapitalisierung von um die 20 Millionen KDollar ein echter witz !
Die Finanzierung steht ohne größere Aktienverwässerung...sehr schön für die Aktionäre !
Schaut Euch das Video und die letzten Präsentationen an-Hammer !!!
ich bin stark eingestiegen und freue mich auf die nächsten News zwecks weiterer Explorationen und natürlich dem Minenbau !
Gruss an alle
Mit den historischen Resourcen von ca 300 - 400 MIbCu und dem aktuellen Preis, sowie der angedeuteten open pit Mine mit geringem strip ratio sollte sich für die Zukunft ein positiver NPV ergeben. Auch die Chancen sind offen in die Tiefe. Es ist später noch einiges zu erwarten.
Zuerst sollen aber die Zn,Pb Resourcen in Kanada 2/2013 in Produktion gehen, mit 5,2MrdIbZnEq und einer LOM von acht Jahren könnte das der Treibsatz für Los Pinos werden. Viel Glück allen Investierten!
Abbau und Exploration sollen nach Aussage von Tamerlane in westl. Richtung fortgeführt werden.
Quelle des Satbild: Goolgemaps
Tamerlane Appoints Gregg Sloate as Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON--(Marketwire - Feb. 24, 2011) -
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. ("Tamerlane" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:TAM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Gregg B. Sloate as Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications. Based at Tamerlane's corporate offices in Bellingham, Washington, Mr. Sloate is responsible for all aspects of the company's investor relations and corporate communications programs.
Mr. Sloate brings a wealth of investor relations knowledge to the Company. His background includes investor relations/corporate communications experience at Merisel, a former Fortune 500 computer hardware and software distributor, at Tanox, a late-stage biopharmaceutical company, and at Univar, one of the world's leading chemical distributors. His experience also includes tenure as a senior account manager at a major investor relations and public relations agency where he provided consulting services to a broad range of companies. Previously, Mr. Sloate had been with the institutional investment firm of Seidler Amdec Securities as a securities analyst.
Mr. Sloate holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California, with an emphasis in corporate finance and investment management.
Michael Willett, CEO of Tamerlane Ventures, commented, "We are very pleased to have Gregg join our management team in this newly-created key role. We expect that Gregg's substantial experience will benefit the company in advancing our investor relations and public relations programs. The Company has allocated a substantial budget to an immediate program to introduce Tamerlane to the worldwide investment community as we continue to ramp up activities at our Pine Point Project, for which we recently signed a term sheet for US$60 million in bridge financing."
About Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. is an exploration and development mining company with advanced base metal development projects in Canada and Peru. The Company is working toward bringing the world-class lead-zinc Pine Point Property back into production in the Northwest Territories, Canada, and developing its Los Pinos heap leach copper project in Peru. The Company's primary focus is the Pine Point Project, which consists of the Pine Point Mine, which was the largest and most profitable base metal mine in Canadian history. Tamerlane owns 100% of the Pine Point Project, along with a large contiguous property to the west. The Company is developing and building the project and will sell the well-known Pine Point Concentrates to various smelting facilities around the world.
On behalf of Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
"Michael A. Willett"
Chief Executive Officer
Weiter so super Arbeit, lasst sie laufen. Im Endeffeckt wird 2012 für Tamerlane so richtig interessant werden, kurz vor Zincknappheit und ihrer Produktion sind Preise bis 4 oder sogar 5 $ möglich.
hat derjenige nicht noch so ein Tipp:))
war doch aber gerade:)?
Hohes Volumen,ach was sag ich"beängstigendes Volumen"!!
heute noch die 50cent??
wer nimmt Wetten entgegen??
Reminder---------------noch die kleinste posi.......glaube mir das kann schnell drehen!!!!!
Monday, March 07, 2011
BELLINGHAM, Wash., USA – Tamerlane Ventures Inc. ("Tamerlane" or “the Company") (TSX-V: TAM) announced today that it has signed two significant contracts to advance its Pine Point lead-zinc project in the Northwest Territories into production.
The Company is pleased to have elected to partner with Axxent Engineering Ltd., with whom it has entered into a major contract.
Axxent Engineering Ltd. is undertaking the definitive engineering on the milling facility and surface infrastructure. This work includes the preparation of the tender packages and final selection of process equipment. Long lead-time items will be sourced and secured.
The Company is also pleased to have selected Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. as its environmental consultants. Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. will be assisting the Company with all of its environmental work for the project, which will include the baseline environmental studies for the additional N-204 deposit located at the northeast corner of the Company’s land package. Rescan has significant experience working in the Northwest Territories and has an office in Yellowknife.
Tamerlane continues to prepare the project for construction. Technical work completed to date has provided confirmation that there has been minimal impact to the capital and operating cost estimates over the last two years.
Mike Willett, CEO of Tamerlane, commented, “Following the closing of the bridge and standby financings last December, we are pleased to announce that we have commenced the awarding of definitive engineering and construction contracts. We are also making significant progress in evaluating financing proposals for the US$50 million tranche of subordinated financing which may come in the form of an off-take or a prepaid metal sales agreement. We anticipate commissioning the metallurgical facilities in the summer of 2013 following delivery of ore from underground.”
About Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. is an exploration and development mining company with advanced base metal development projects in Canada and Peru. The Company is working toward bringing the world-class lead-zinc Pine Point Property back into production in the Northwest Territories, Canada, and developing its Los Pinos heap leach copper project in Peru. The Company’s primary focus is the Pine Point Project, which consists of the Pine Point Mine, which was the largest and most profitable base metal mine in Canadian history. Tamerlane owns 100% of the Pine Point Project, along with a large contiguous property to the west. The Company is developing and building the project and plans to sell the well-known Pine Point Concentrates to various smelting facilities around the world.
On behalf of Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
“Michael A. Willett”
Chief Executive Officer
BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON--(Marketwire - March 17, 2011) -
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. ("Tamerlane" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:TAM) announced today that it is commencing a confirmation diamond drilling program on the W-85 deposit at the Company's 100%-owned Pine Point lead-zinc project, located in the Northwest Territories, Canada. As a result of historical drilling and preliminary modeling, it has been determined that this deposit may be mined by surface mining methods. The results of the drilling are expected to expand the existing resources at Pine Point.
The existing historical resource* on W-85 is as follows:
Tonnes Lead % Zinc %
3,760,000 2.3 4.0
The purpose of this program is to convert historical W-85 resources into National Instrument ("NI") 43-101-compliant reserves and provide enough samples to process the rock through the R-190 flowsheet, which includes dense media separation. The new drill program will consist of approximately 10 diamond drill holes totaling up to 1,307 meters. This drill program will enable the W-85 deposit to be added to the current mineral inventory, which is detailed below. Drilling is expected to continue through mid-July, 2011, and the results of this drilling program are expected to be published by year-end 2011. The Company has contracted with ProCore Drilling of Hay River, Northwest Territories to complete the drill program.
Pine Point Mineral Inventory**
Category Tonnes Lead % Zinc %
Underground Proven & Probable** 7,790,271
§ 3.01 6.16
Measured & Indicated 8,030,000 1.13 2.26
Open Pit (N204) Indicated 9,166,000 0.92 3.42
Inferred 2,413,000 0.86 3.04
**The Pine Point Property was the subject of a completed National Instrument 43-101 report (NI 43-101). The reserve and resource technical report was prepared by Pincock, Allen and Holt (PAH) July 30, 2008. The report is named "NI 43-101 Technical Report Update Pine Point Project Northwest Territories Canada". The reserve is based on the mining of the following deposits: P-190, P-499, O-556, X-25, Z-155, and G-03. The open pit resources are based on a 43-101 report prepared by PAH on the N-204 deposit.
Remaining Historical Resources*
(including W-85)
(Non NI 43-101 Compliant) Tonnes Lead % Zinc %
Total Remaining Historical Resource 34,221,000 1.4 4.4
*The historical estimates presented above are not in accordance with the mineral resources or mineral reserves classifications contained in the CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, as required by National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"). Accordingly, the company is not treating these historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves as defined in NI 43-101 and such historical estimates should not be relied upon. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to date to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves.
The existing Pine Point project currently has approximately nine years of reserves. The upgrading of N-204 to reserve by mid-summer and the upgrading of W-85 to reserve by late this year would result in a reserve that will support a 15-year mine life. This would still leave a significant amount of historical resource that can be upgraded for additional mine life. The objective in expending current funds to upgrade the historical resource is to extend the mine life of the project to a level where the project will support conventional long-term bank debt. It is envisioned that the existing US$60 million bridge loan which the company is currently negotiating will be repaid with conventional, lower-interest bank lending once the project is up and running. Having a greater-than-15-year mine life is expected to allow the Company to negotiate more favorable terms for future financing packages.
Mike Willett, CEO of Tamerlane Ventures, commented, "We plan to build Tamerlane into a mid-tier company, and to do this we need long-life projects. The combination of a long-life reserve coupled with the modest amount of capital expenditure to get the project into production results in Tamerlane being an attractive base metal exploration/development company. As we advance toward building the mine and the processing facility, we expect to continue converting historical resources into reserves, further strengthening the project."
Mr. Willett continued, "In addition, we also have 35 geophysical anomalies that have been identified since we acquired the property, but which have not yet been tested. Our plan is to move forward with an exploration program to test several of these anomalies."
The information in this press release was prepared under the guidance of Mr. Ross F. Burns, P.Geo., LG, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the data.
About the Pine Point Project
The Pine Point project is an advanced and permitted Pb/Zn project that hosts extensive infrastructure and significant Pb/Zn resources. The project is situated adjacent to a paved road, close to existing hydro facilities, and the existing rail head at Hay River connects directly to the south. A bankable feasibility study was completed in 2008 that identified robust economics. Technical work completed to date has provided confirmation that there has been minimal impact to the capital and operating cost estimates over the last two years. The Company is currently building additional reserves through a program of confirmation diamond drilling.
The Pine Point Mine was the largest and most profitable lead-zinc mine in Canadian history and extracted over 64,259,570 tonnes of ore at a grade of 7.0% zinc and 3.1% lead between 1964 and 1987. The Pine Point Concentrates were sought after by smelters around the world due to their high purity.
About Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. is an exploration and development mining company with advanced base metal development projects in Canada and Peru. The Company's immediate focus is bringing the 100%-owned Pine Point project to production. Tamerlane plans to sell the well-known Pine Point Concentrates to various smelting facilities around the world. The Company is also developing its Los Pinos heap leach copper project in Peru.
On behalf of Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Michael A. Willett, Chief Executive Officer
www.tamerlaneventures.com • 360.752.9462
Mike Willett
Optimism about continued robust demand for base metals from the world’s biggest consumers, US and China, and predictions of supply shortages are further strengthening Tamerlane Ventures’ (TSXV:TAM) position as a winning proposition. The company is working towards bringing the world-class zinc-lead Pine Point Property back into production in Northwest Territories, Canada, and developing its Los Pinos heap leach copper project in Peru. “Our NWT project is expected to come on line in 2013, just at the time when these base metal shortages begin. Very much like ‘the perfect storm,’ we will enter the market just when the demand for lead and zinc begins to peak,” said company CEO, Mike Willett. He discusses Tamerlane’s core projects and opportunities that will add to shareholder value.
Resource Intelligence: Pine Point is known as the most profitable base-metal mine in Canadian history. Do your findings so far indicate that this mine is going to live up to its impressive past? Give us some numbers.
Mike Willett: There is a an estimated 70 million tonnes of ore-grade material still in the ground, even after mining 64 million tonnes between 1964 to 1987. We have been working at bringing those resources up to NI 43-101 compliance. Currently we have 7.8 million tonnes in reserves and another 10 million tonnes in resources.
RI: What are the benefits of re-mining a past-producing mine?
MW: There are several benefits to the redevelopment of Pine Point. First, the infrastructure is still in place, specifically the surface access to the deposits and the availability of power, which reduces our overall capital costs. Second, our testing indicates that we will be able to produce the same high-grade concentrates that were produced in the past, which was very well-received by smelters.
RI: What else could you share with us to help investors evaluate the potential of this project?
MW: We are currently building a pipeline of projects at our site. Our initial project covers off six of the 42 deposits that we have. In addition, through an airborne survey completed in 2005, an additional 35 anomalies were identified, which have not been drilled yet.
RI: At what stage is the project now and what`s next to bring it to production stage?
MW: Currently we are working on updating our feasibility study from our 2008 numbers, and finalizing definitive engineering to prepare for the next stage – construction. We are currently raising the funding that will allow construction to commence, which could start as early as the end of this year.
RI: What opportunities do you see in the zinc and lead markets?
MW: Both the zinc and lead markets are heating up. Prices of zinc are in the $1.10 range and lead is in the $1.20 range. These are significant increases from just a year or two ago. We see several of the major zinc mines closing over the next several years, with expected shortages starting to occur in 2013, which is when we expect our project to come on line. Very much like “the perfect storm,” we will enter the market just when the demand for lead and zinc begins to peak.
RI: You’re currently trading around $0.25 a share. Is this a fair valuation of the company?
MW: Prior to the meltdown of 2008/2009, our company was preparing to put the Pine Point Project into construction, and into production. Our share price had hit the $2.93 range. The market cap of Tamerlane at that time was in the range of $180 million. I see no reason why we shouldn’t reach those levels again.
RI: What big news should shareholders and potential investors expect from you next and when would that be?
MW: We are working on one of our deposits, N-204, to bring it up to NI 43-101 compliance. This will add significant resources to our base. We should be able to announce results of our study sometime this month. In addition, we are working diligently at acquiring the financing to get our project rolling, and we are seeing a lot of serious interest.
RI: What value does your company immediately provide to investors?
MW: Our NWT project is one of the few that have permits and agreements in place to start production. Once financing is in place, construction will commence.
RI: How do you plan on showing continued shareholder value for shareholders?
MW: We will continue to work at bringing resources online at our site. In addition, we have our copper property, Los Pinos, which is located in Peru, and plan to focus on that once we get our Pine Point project up and running. As you know, the demand for copper is very strong, and is expected to stay that way in the foreseeable future.
RI: Where do you see Tamerlane over the next three to five years?
MW: We’ll see our Pine Point project commence production and our additional deposits will provide an inventory to continue that production far into the future. Our production levels of lead and zinc will place us as a mid-tier base metal producer, here in Canada.
RI: As an investor, give me three reasons I should take a close look at Tamerlane.
MW: We have a very experienced team that has put numerous properties into production and have operated them successfully; our share structure is tight, with only 66 million shares issued; and our property in NWT has tremendous upside potential with an additional 36 deposits in the ground.
Investor Highlights:
* Resource defined, permitted
* Significant Zn and Pb reserves and resources
* Additional exploration upside potential
* Proven management team
* 100% owned project located in mining-friendly jurisdiction
wir stabilisieren uns bis zum nächsten Ausbruch !!
Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Mar 17, 2011 15:16 ET
Tamerlane Plans to Expand Resources at Pine Point Lead-Zinc Project
BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON--(Marketwire - March 17, 2011) -
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. ("Tamerlane" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:TAM) announced today that it is commencing a confirmation diamond drilling program on the W-85 deposit at the Company's 100%-owned Pine Point lead-zinc project, located in the Northwest Territories, Canada. As a result of historical drilling and preliminary modeling, it has been determined that this deposit may be mined by surface mining methods. The results of the drilling are expected to expand the existing resources at Pine Point.
The existing historical resource* on W-85 is as follows:
Tonnes Lead % Zinc %
3,760,000 2.3 4.0
The purpose of this program is to convert historical W-85 resources into National Instrument ("NI") 43-101-compliant reserves and provide enough samples to process the rock through the R-190 flowsheet, which includes dense media separation. The new drill program will consist of approximately 10 diamond drill holes totaling up to 1,307 meters. This drill program will enable the W-85 deposit to be added to the current mineral inventory, which is detailed below. Drilling is expected to continue through mid-July, 2011, and the results of this drilling program are expected to be published by year-end 2011. The Company has contracted with ProCore Drilling of Hay River, Northwest Territories to complete the drill program.
Pine Point Mineral Inventory**
Category Tonnes Lead % Zinc %
Underground Proven & Probable** 7,790,271 3.01 6.16
Measured & Indicated 8,030,000 1.13 2.26
Open Pit (N204) Indicated 9,166,000 0.92 3.42
Inferred 2,413,000 0.86 3.04
**The Pine Point Property was the subject of a completed National Instrument 43-101 report (NI 43-101). The reserve and resource technical report was prepared by Pincock, Allen and Holt (PAH) July 30, 2008. The report is named "NI 43-101 Technical Report Update Pine Point Project Northwest Territories Canada". The reserve is based on the mining of the following deposits: P-190, P-499, O-556, X-25, Z-155, and G-03. The open pit resources are based on a 43-101 report prepared by PAH on the N-204 deposit.
Remaining Historical Resources*
(including W-85)
(Non NI 43-101 Compliant) Tonnes Lead % Zinc %
Total Remaining Historical Resource 34,221,000 1.4 4.4
*The historical estimates presented above are not in accordance with the mineral resources or mineral reserves classifications contained in the CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, as required by National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"). Accordingly, the company is not treating these historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves as defined in NI 43-101 and such historical estimates should not be relied upon. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to date to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves.
The existing Pine Point project currently has approximately nine years of reserves. The upgrading of N-204 to reserve by mid-summer and the upgrading of W-85 to reserve by late this year would result in a reserve that will support a 15-year mine life. This would still leave a significant amount of historical resource that can be upgraded for additional mine life. The objective in expending current funds to upgrade the historical resource is to extend the mine life of the project to a level where the project will support conventional long-term bank debt. It is envisioned that the existing US$60 million bridge loan which the company is currently negotiating will be repaid with conventional, lower-interest bank lending once the project is up and running. Having a greater-than-15-year mine life is expected to allow the Company to negotiate more favorable terms for future financing packages.
Mike Willett, CEO of Tamerlane Ventures, commented, "We plan to build Tamerlane into a mid-tier company, and to do this we need long-life projects. The combination of a long-life reserve coupled with the modest amount of capital expenditure to get the project into production results in Tamerlane being an attractive base metal exploration/development company. As we advance toward building the mine and the processing facility, we expect to continue converting historical resources into reserves, further strengthening the project."
Mr. Willett continued, "In addition, we also have 35 geophysical anomalies that have been identified since we acquired the property, but which have not yet been tested. Our plan is to move forward with an exploration program to test several of these anomalies."
The information in this press release was prepared under the guidance of Mr. Ross F. Burns, P.Geo., LG, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the data.
About the Pine Point Project
The Pine Point project is an advanced and permitted Pb/Zn project that hosts extensive infrastructure and significant Pb/Zn resources. The project is situated adjacent to a paved road, close to existing hydro facilities, and the existing rail head at Hay River connects directly to the south. A bankable feasibility study was completed in 2008 that identified robust economics. Technical work completed to date has provided confirmation that there has been minimal impact to the capital and operating cost estimates over the last two years. The Company is currently building additional reserves through a program of confirmation diamond drilling.
The Pine Point Mine was the largest and most profitable lead-zinc mine in Canadian history and extracted over 64,259,570 tonnes of ore at a grade of 7.0% zinc and 3.1% lead between 1964 and 1987. The Pine Point Concentrates were sought after by smelters around the world due to their high purity.
About Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. is an exploration and development mining company with advanced base metal development projects in Canada and Peru. The Company's immediate focus is bringing the 100%-owned Pine Point project to production. Tamerlane plans to sell the well-known Pine Point Concentrates to various smelting facilities around the world. The Company is also developing its Los Pinos heap leach copper project in Peru.
On behalf of Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Michael A. Willett, Chief Executive Officer
Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. We use words such as "may", "will", "should", "anticipate", "plan", "expect", "believe", "estimate" and similar terminology to identify forward-looking information. It is based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and analysis made by management in light of its experience, current conditions and its expectations of future developments, as well as other factors which it believes to be reasonable and relevant. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements and, accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on those statements. Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to vary include, but are not limited to, the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, including the uncertainty of reserve and resource estimates; operational and technical difficulties; the availability to the Company of suitable financing alternatives; fluctuations in zinc, lead and other resource prices; changes to and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including environmental laws and obtaining requisite permits; political, economic and other risks arising from our activities; fluctuations in foreign exchange rates; as well as other risks and uncertainties which are more fully described in our annual and quarterly Management's Discussion and Analysis and in other filings made by us with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and available at www.sedar.com.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
For more information, please contact
Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Gregg Sloate
Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
(360) 752-9462
(360) 752-9463 (FAX)
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Tamerlane Reports Financial Results for Year 2010
Friday, April 29, 2011
BELLINGHAM, Wash., USA – Tamerlane Ventures Inc. ("Tamerlane" or “the Company") (TSX-V: TAM) announces a net loss of $1,446,692 or $0.02 per share for the year ended December 31, 2010, compared to a net loss of $1,156,808 or $0.02 per share for the prior year.
At December 31, 2010 the Company had working capital of $4,158,219 compared to $1,306,399 at December 31, 2009, an increase of $2,851,820.
On April 18, 2011, the Company received $2,151,749 in cash proceeds from the exercise of substantially all warrants from a December 2009 private placement of units. Exercised warrants in April 2011 totaled 7,705,553 at an average price of $0.28, out of 7,765,553 warrants outstanding from this financing; 320,000 warrants from the same private placement had been exercised previously, in October 2010.
In addition, there were 195,000 shares issued in March and April of this year pursuant to the exercise of employee stock options for cash proceeds of $35,000. As of April 29, 2011 the Company had 74,243,426 common shares issued and outstanding. In addition, there are 1,812,571 shares remaining reserved for issuance for the exercise of warrants, and 5,270,000 shares reserved for issuance for exercise of stock options. Exercise of all outstanding stock options and warrants would result in approximately $2.63 million being added to the Company’s treasury. If all warrants and options were exercised and there is an exercise of conversion rights for the 3,142,500 shares pursuant to the convertible debenture, there would be 84,468,497 shares outstanding on a fully diluted basis.
About Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. is an exploration and development mining company with advanced base metal development projects in Canada and Peru. The Company’s immediate focus is bringing the 100%-owned Pine Point project to production. The Company is currently in the financing phase and expects to commence construction this fall. Tamerlane plans to sell the well-known Pine Point Concentrates to various smelting facilities around the world. The Company is also developing its Los Pinos heap leach copper project in Peru.
On behalf of Tamerlane Ventures Inc.
“Michael A. Willett”
Chief Executive Officer
Immer dran denken Mitte 2012 Anlagehorizont, dann eventuelle Teilentnahme ;)
Bin vor kurzem über den Thread gestolpert und habe mich daraufhin auch ein bisschen weiter mit Tamerlane beschäftigt.
Hätte noch ein paar offene Fragen:
Die Finanzierung steht doch, anders wie im Thread-Titel angekündigt, noch lange nicht!
Es wurde nur in einem 1. Schritt eine "Absichtserklärung" über eine Brückenfinanzierung über 60 Mio. Dollar abgeschlossen.
Dazu wird noch eine EK-Finanzierung über 25Mio. erwartet und weitere Verträge über 50Mio. Dollar (siehe Grafik) müssen abgeschlossen werden.
Vor allem die ungewisse EK-Finanzierung hält mich derzeit noch von einem Invest ab.
Bei einer aktuellen Market-Cap von 23 Mio. Dollar und einer geplanten KE um 25 Mio. Dollar wird die Aktie vermutlich stark verwässert werden.
Gibts hier schon News, ob ein strategischer Investor mit ins Boot geholt werden soll oder ob die Altaktionäre über Bezugsrechte beteiligt werden sollen?
Und zum Thema Zeitplan/Produktionsbeginn:
Mit der Bestellung der long-lead items und der Konstruktion kann ja erst begonnen werden, wenn die komplette Finanzierung abgeschlossen ist.
Dies kann meiner kurzen Einschätzung nach auch noch durchaus bis in den Herbst dauern. Dann rechen wir mal mit 24 Monaten Konstruktionszeit und anschließender Produktionsaufnahme.
Dann würde man ab Mitte-Ende 2013 mit der Produktion starten.
Bis dahin ist es noch eine ganze Weile und es müssen noch sehr wichtige offene Fragen geklärt werden.
Vor allem die Finanzierung muss erstmal stehen, dann wird schonmal erhebliches Risiko aus der Aktie genommen.
@#23, Biologic: Was meist du mit "Anlagehorizont Mitte 2012"?
Was erwartest du in dieser Zeit bzw. gibts einen speziellen Grund dafür, bis dahin mit starken Kurssteigerungen zu rechnen?
PS: Bin schon auf ein paar Threads von euch "Explorer Timelinern" aufmerksam geworden, ihr macht wirklich gute Arbeit!