Oilexco gibt dieses Jahr richtig Gas

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8451 Postings, 7463 Tage KnappschaftskassenOilexco gibt dieses Jahr richtig Gas

05.02.07 11:19
Oilexco gibt dieses Jahr richtig Gas. Das Ptarmigan Feld kann sehr kostengünstig und schnell an den Brenda Manifold angeschlossen werden und in Produktion gehen.
Man sieht, welche Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten sich ergeben, wenn man wie Oilexco Infrastruktur und Bohrkapazität hat.
Das könnten weitere 10.000 Barrels pro Tag werden!
Schachter hat gestern im Kanadischen Fernsehen Oilexco als einen von drei Top-Picks für dieses Jahr vorgestellt. Kursziel: 13$.
Das ist sicherlich locker drin, wenn die so weiter machen.

Oilexco Signs Farm-in Agreement for Ptarmigan
CALGARY, CANADA, Jan 24, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Oilexco Incorporated ("Oilexco") and its wholly owned subsidiary Oilexco North Sea Ltd have entered into an agreement that will allow Oilexco to earn a 60% working interest in the undeveloped Ptarmigan oil discovery located in Block 15/29a in the UK Central North Sea.

Oil was discovered at Ptarmigan in Paleocene Forties sands by the well 15/29a-9 in 1994. This well flowed 1,889 barrels of 43 degrees API oil per day and 1.4MM cubic feet per day of gas through a 28/64" choke, at 1112 psi flowing pressure, from 20 feet of perforations in a 54 foot thick oil bearing sand.

Oilexco will earn its 60% interest in Ptarmigan by paying 100% of the costs to drill a three leg appraisal well to original 15/29a-9 discovery well. Upon completion of the appraisal drilling program Oilexco's equity interest partners at Ptarmigan will be as follows: Chevron 28%; Conoco Philips 10%; Gaz de France 2%. Oilexco will be named as operator of Ptarmigan upon completion of the program, subject to approval by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Drilling operations at Ptarmigan are scheduled to commence in the second quarter.

The Ptarmigan oil accumulation is located 15 kilometers southwest of Oilexco's Brenda oil development. Once the appraisal drilling has been completed, Oilexco and its partners will explore all options for early field development including the option of a sub-sea tie-back to the production manifold at Brenda.

"Oilexco is the right kind of company to bring Ptarmigan into production quickly, and we look forward to a successful appraisal program which will allow us to move forward on it with our partners", said Oilexco President & CEO Arthur Millholland.

8451 Postings, 7463 Tage KnappschaftskassenDer 14. März 2007 ist Stichtag für den COUNTDOWN

05.02.07 11:21
NORDSEE – Der 14. März 2007 ist Stichtag für den COUNTDOWN!

Am 14. März, also in sechs Wochen, beginnen die Bohrungen im Laurel Valley Gebiet in der Nordsee. ETERNAL ENERGY hat hier mit Oilexco den führenden Partner für Ölexploration in der Nordsee an seiner Seite. Oilexco war zwischen 2004 und 2005 das aktivste Explorationsunternehmen in der Nordsee und ist gerade dabei, das Ölfeld Brenda in Produktion zu bringen.

Das Laurel Valley Projekt von Eternal Energy beherbergt drei potentielle Ölfelder, die jetzt durch das Bohrprogramm auf ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit analysiert werden müssen. Die Tatsache, dass die bekannten Ölfelder Claymore, Scapa (20 km südlich) und Goldeneye (9 km nördlich) in der Nachbarschaft liegen, kann als Indiz dafür gewertet werden, dass weitere wirtschaftliche Ölfelder in der Gegend liegen müssen. Beim Claymore Field alleine wurden bisher bereits 639 Millionen Barrel Öl gefördert. Experten schätzen daher das Potential auf bis zu 600 Millionen Barrel!
Der Rohölanteil an diesem Projekt würde im Erfolgsfall also bei über 3,5 MILLIARDEN (!) US-Dollar liegen.
In der Folge würden positive Resultate  mit Sicherheit das Interesse von einigen Großkonzernen, wie z.B. Shell oder Encana wecken. Diese beiden Unternehmen sind direkte Nachbarn des Projektes und es wäre nur eine logische Konsequenz, aufgrund der „Economies of Scale“, dass diese ein großes Interesse haben müssten, ihre Ölfelder in der Region zu erweitern.  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willGulf ist auch dabei

05.02.07 11:45

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_will2007-03-23 15:52 ET - News Release

24.03.07 07:10
Oilexco to use Ocean Guardian for another year

2007-03-23 15:52 ET - News Release

Mr. Arthur Millholland reports


Oilexco Inc.'s wholly owned subsidiary Oilexco North Sea Ltd. has exercised the one-year option in its contract with a subsidiary of Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. for the semi-submersible Ocean Guardian. Oilexco had contracted the Ocean Guardian in December of last year for a one-year period commencing in April, 2007, with an option to extend the contract for an additional year ending in April, 2009. The contracted rig rate for the additional one year period is $350,000 (U.S.) per day. Total value of the contract extension is $127.75-million (U.S.).

The Ocean Guardian is scheduled to commence appraisal drilling at the Ptarmigan oil accumulation in mid- to late April. At Ptarmigan the company is paying 100 per cent of the cost of a three-leg well to appraise a 1994 oil discovery which flowed on drill test 1,889 barrels of 43-degree API oil per day and 1.4 million cubic feet per day of gas through a 28/64-inch choke, at 1,112-pound-per-square-inch flowing pressure, from 20 feet of perforations, in a 54-foot-thick oil-bearing Paleocene Forties sand at a depth of 7,100 feet. Upon completion of the appraisal well, Oilexco will earn 60-per-cent interest in the Ptarmigan oil accumulation.

At the company's Brenda/Nicol development the remaining work scope is limited to the laying and connecting of the umbilical between the Brenda manifold and the Balmoral facility. This operation has been delayed due to bouts of severe weather, and vessel availability during weather windows in March. The company's subsea contractor has indicated a subsea installation vessel and dive support vessel are now available to lay and connect the umbilical. This operation is scheduled to commence at the end of next week. Weather permitting, this operation should take three to four days to complete. Commissioning and final inspections of the facilities will then begin allowing oil production from the Brenda and Nicol developments to commence by the third week in April, weather permitting.

"First oil from Brenda and Nicol appears to be within our grasp," said Arthur Millholland, president and chief executive officer of Oilexco. "With this milestone past we can then fully concentrate on our 2007 development at Ptarmigan and our 2007 to mid-2008 development project at Shelley. The long-term drilling contract for the Ocean Guardian is a key piece in our strategy as it and our other long-term contracted rig the Sedco 712 will allow the company to continue its aggressive program of exploration, appraisal and development drilling in the U.K. North Sea well into the future," added Mr. Millholland. "Having these two rigs will allow Oilexco to continue to create significant shareholder value."

Mr. Millholland, PGeo, is the qualified person that has reviewed the technical information contained in this press release.

We seek Safe Harbor.  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willup vollgas

17.05.07 19:56

491 Postings, 6609 Tage siggilederTurbo- Gang

30.05.07 23:34
Die letzten Wochen ging es hier nur noch nach oben!!  

491 Postings, 6609 Tage siggilederIch seh schon die Sterne

30.05.07 23:39
Die letzten Wochen waren schon echt stark  

491 Postings, 6609 Tage siggilederSorry !!

30.05.07 23:46
Aber bei den positiven Chartverlauf, kann man sich schon mal wiederholen  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willIn der deutschen Rechtschreibung

07.06.07 06:46
ist mir das 'ss' lieber als das 'ß'. 'Geld in Massen'
ist sicherlich attraktiver als 'Geld in Maßen'!

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bigchart.png (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

8451 Postings, 7463 Tage KnappschaftskassenOilexco Tests Oil at Huntington From Fulmar Sands

13.06.07 20:42
Der Test der unteren Zone beim Huntington Feld ist abgeschlossen.

4624 Barrels Öl und 1,6 mmcf Gas durch ein 64/64 Zoll Drossel bei 310 psia Druck.
Das sind schon beachtliche Werte, Eine Produktionsbohrung sollte ein vielfaches davon erreichen.
Wenn sich zudem die Größe des Feldes bestätigt, kann mit mehreren Brunnen hier nächstes Jahr eine wirklich gewaltige Produktion starten.
Dazu kommt noch die größere obere Paleozän Schicht, die jetzt getestet wird.
Und dann ist da noch die Trias-Schicht, die bei älteren Bohrungen auch Öl enthielt.
Also, Huntington sieht immer mehr nach einem richtig, richtig großem Wurf aus.

Oilexco Tests Oil at Huntington From Fulmar Sands
Tuesday June 12, 12:00 am ET

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(CCNMatthews - June 12, 2007) - Oilexco Incorporated ("Oilexco") announces that its wholly owned subsidiary Oilexco North Sea Limited and its partners have successfully drill stem tested the Upper Jurassic Fulmar sand in its recently announced multiple zone light oil discovery on its 40% owned Huntington Prospect in Block 22/14b in the UK Central North Sea. Oilexco's partners in the discovery are Altinex Oil (UK) Limited (20%), E.ON Ruhrgas UK Exploration and Production Limited (25%), and Carrizo Oil and Gas, Inc (15%).

The discovery well 22/14b-5 was drilled to a total depth of 13,325 feet. The Upper Jurassic Fulmar sand at 12,750 feet was drill stem tested through 101 feet of perforations across 130 feet of oil bearing Fulmar sand. The test flowed 39º API oil up to a maximum rate of 4,624 bbls/d and associated gas at a rate of 1.6 MMcf/d through a 64/64 inch choke with a flowing tubing pressure of 310 psia. There was no water or sand produced during the test. Flow rates were restricted by the test equipment utilized for the test. Preparations for drill stem testing of the Paleocene Forties interval will commence immediately after the suspension of the Upper Jurassic Fulmar zone.

Further appraisal of the Huntington oil accumulations are planned for the fourth quarter using one of Oilexco's two long term contracted semi-submersible drilling rigs. The structures tested by the 22/14b-5 well are significant. This appraisal will confirm the size of the structures which will aid in the definition of potential development solutions going forward.

"We have had an enviable drilling record over the last year", said Oilexco President and CEO Arthur Millholland. "Our success at Sheryl, Shelley, Kildare and now Huntington give us new opportunities to grow the Company. These development opportunities combined with our Ptarmigan project, which is incremental to our Brenda/Nicol Fields, will give Oilexco a significant presence in the UK North Sea well into the future," added Mr Millholland

13793 Postings, 9144 Tage Parocorpwenn ich mir den chart so anschaue...

13.06.07 20:44
wäre da zumindest ein teilverkauf nicht mal angesagt...?



8451 Postings, 7463 Tage KnappschaftskassenDiese Entscheidung trifftst Du ganz alleine!

13.06.07 20:45
Eine Überlegung ist es auf jeden Fall wert!  

13793 Postings, 9144 Tage Parocorpteilverkauf hätte

14.06.07 10:33

schon jetzt 3% gewinn gesichert...


vg, paro

täglich frische news aus trading, forex, internet & sport: hier geht´s zum blog  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willseufz

14.06.07 19:37
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OIL - T1.613.02 · 13.036.913.02+0.463.71,297.316,7871,51412.90  13.04  12.8712.80 4.54 13:13:52Jun 1220 min     RT 1.5¢ 

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Recent Bulletins
Date ETPriceTypeHeadline
2007-06-12 01:48 12.22 News Release Oilexco tests oil at Upper Jurassic Fulmar 
2007-06-11 07:18 12.05 News Release Oilexco begins Brenda, Nicol fields production 
2007-06-08 12:13 12.17 News Release Oilexco to increase credit to $500-million (U.S.) 
2007-06-05 17:55 11.32 News Release Oilexco to drill stem test Fulmar sand 
2007-06-01 09:03 11.45 In the News Post says Oilexco find keeps analysts upbeat 
2007-05-31 07:58 11.65 In the News Globe says Oilexco downgraded after North Sea discovery 
2007-05-30 08:54 11.18 In the News FP says Oilexco North Sea light oil strike causes stir 
2007-05-29 09:12 10.80 News Release Oilexco JV discovers multizone light oil at Huntington 
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3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willsaustark in canada

04.09.07 20:16
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3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willye$$$$

06.09.07 05:36

14,05 CAD = 9,77918 EUR  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willguckst du

06.09.07 06:04

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willpari wären sie schon längst

12.09.07 18:14
zweistellig in frankfurt,

aber ob heute oder morgen

ich habe viel zeit  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willQuelle

15.09.07 08:38



Since Good40 and Gimperial Wolf have such a hard time figuring out where Oilexco is going, I thought I might help them out.

A very fun week for us - UP UP and AWAY. Didnt end as strong as I would like, but all and all it was a beauty. Anyways, here are my thoughts on the technicals.

For a start, lets look at this week - The following graph shows the week broken out in half hour increments. A weak start on Monday morning, with strength coming in the afternoon. Then a beautiful run, new highs on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was kinda weak, we are currently oversold. I would (sorry to say) expect some weakness on Monday as well - possibly a great entry as low as $14.00 based on the longer term charts below. If we can move on some strength through 14.65 or so, then it signals the uptrend is back on.

So, lets take a look at daily picture for the last three months. The chart is below. Currently looks overbought, but still in a very strong position in that we are well above the moving average and the parabolic SAR is still well in the buy zone. The interesting thing is we look like we have just finished the second up-wave of the so-called Elliot Wave.

The interpretation of the Elliott Wave Theory is as follows:

Every action is followed by a reaction.
There are five waves in the direction of the main trend followed by three corrective waves (a "5-3" move).
A 5-3 move completes a cycle.
This 5-3 move then becomes two subdivisions of the next higher 5-3 wave.
The underlying 5-3 pattern remains constant, though the time span of each may vary.

In the Oilexco chart I have labelled 1, 2 and 3 below. It suggest a re-trace then a run to $16.50 or so.

Elliot waves are interesting (by the way , you can read about them at http://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/111401.asp ). If you look at the yearly chart for Oilexco (1 week intervals) you see what looks like a very similar pattern emerging. We were in a shallow uptrend, then we broke out of that trend to the upside. Through Phase 1, Phase 2 and into Phase 3 of the Elliot Wave. Target for Phase 3 is at least $17-18 - maybe higher but certainly not lower. Then an even bigger run up in Phase 5.

All of this bullishness is fully supported by the point and figure chart shown below. Even Stockcharts identifies it as a bullish breakout.

SO, all in all Oilexco looks like it may have a bit of a retracement in an overall very bullish trend. It would have to drop below 13 for the trend to be broken. Supporting this is a very bullish chart for West Texas Intermediate. Again, Elliot wave behaviour is shown and we are in the early stages of Good Times. Here is to a great week next week and a strong run all the way to Christmas.



3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willOILEXCO oder

18.09.07 22:35
Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf.

14,90 CAD = 10,5180 EUR  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_will2007-10-02 06:13 ET - In the News

02.10.07 17:52
Globe says Stone manager recommends buying Oilexco


15,47 CAD = 10,9238 EUR

Hallelu Hallelu Hallelu Halleluja  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willhört ihr die engel singen

02.10.07 21:09
spürt ihr die sanften schwingen
hat sich das warten nicht gelohnt

15,61 CAD  = 11,0552 EUR  

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willye$$$

05.10.07 17:23
Live-Mittelkurse mit Stand vom 2007.10.05 15:21:14 UTC.
16,05 CAD
Kanada Dollar
=11,5650 EUR
1 CAD = 0,720561 EUR 1 EUR = 1,38781 CAD

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_willzwölf

09.10.07 20:06

3483 Postings, 7868 Tage ich_will17

10.10.07 20:26
Bewähre dich, sei stark, hart, klug, und du hast gewonnen.

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