Zock Tip für Heute bzw diese Woche
UNIVERSAL EXPRESS INC. Schaut sie euch an.
Gestern mit einem Ober Hammer Volumen ging
sie in USA ab.
SK war 0,0073. Sollte Heute die 0,008 fallen
dann könnte ein Mega Hype einsetzen.
Volumen war wie gesagt GIGANTISCH!!!
Man bekommt leicht unter Pari noch ein paar
Stücke aber die sind bald alle weg.
Und dann darf man gespannt sein.
Wie gesagt die 0,008 wurde mal angetestet wie
man sieht aber wenn die Heute durch geht dann
sehe ich gute Chancen auf fette Gewinne.
ja diese Aktie.
Im März stand die mal bei runden
40 Euro Cent. :-)
Also Fantasie ist gegeben. :-)))
40 Cent ? Nee, die war im Hoch bei 0,045 $. Vom jetzigem Niveau aus sind dies aber gute 500%...
denke auch ohne "News" könnte hier einiges
Ein Zock eben aber einer der nicht schlechte
Chancen hat. :-))
wenn man 0,007 ausgibt.
Bis 15:30 werden die aber auch weg sein können.
Aber wie gesagt wenn das so weiter
geht wie gestern dann werden wir
froh sein das wir dabei sind. :-)))
So das wars nun. Zu 0,006 jetzt alles
weggenommen worden. Sogar noch nicht
einmal alle bedient worden.
13:18:12 0,006 +20,00%
Taxe Stück
Bid: 13:22:39 0,006 0
Ask: 13:22:39 0,007 0
Bis der Ami öffnet könnten wir schon
die 0,008 sehen. Kommt auch etwas auf
die Stimmung drüben in den Board´s an.
Wenn die drüben ein hohes Bid sehen dann
kaufen die sich in Germany ein.
Die sind ja auch nicht Doof. HAHAHA
Erst wollte keiner den Rest und nun
so ein Bid.
Wenn die nachher alle auf einmal rein
wollen wenn der Ami Gas gibt dann
stehen wir ........
Na ja wir werden es sehen.
Ich denke so langsam kann man die
Vorbörslichen Bid´s drüben auch sehen
und deshalb denke ich wollen nun
einige noch rein. ;-))
Wendy\'s is our consumer-sector favorite
Wendy\'s International, Inc. (NYSE WEN; WSSF Rating: Above average) has moved down lately as hurricanes in the southeastern United States have hurt its profit growth.
We feel investors over-reacted to a temporary situation. It seems they have also overlooked the growing importance of the Tim Hortons donut chain. The Tim Hortons now supplies 27% of Wendy\'s total revenues, and nearly half or its profits.
Thanks to strong sales at Tim Hortons, Wendy\'s total sales in the third quarter of 2004 grew 14.2%, to $741.1 million from $648.9 million a year earlier. However, profits rose just 3.4%, to $0.60 a share from $0.58, due to rising beef costs.
The stock now trades at 14.8 times the $2.23 a share it should make this year. The $0.48 dividend yields 1.5%.
Wendy\'s is a buy."
(Back to Index)
5 Water Rd, Rocky Point, NY 11778.
Monthly, 1 year, $95.
Universal Express Inc. has great
Potential and is undervalued
Konrad Kuhn: "Universal Express Inc. (USXP), with its three major subsidiaries, initially built its future on the development of their private postal association, emulating the business model of what FTD did with the floral stores. USXP felt it could offer the same type of services to the private postal stores throughout the U.S., a $6-$8 bil. Industry that lacked continuity and support. USXP\'s Luggage Express (LEx) handles in excess of 9-10 thousand orders a month. They pick up your suitcases at home, hotel, or business and bring them to the end destination, eliminating involvement with luggage when going through airports, renting cars, or while checking into hotels. USXP just announced an agreement with The Ritz Carlton Hotels, who will be using LEx to provide door-to-door luggage service for its guests. USXP also recently signed a contract with Citibank (the credit card division), which has over 500,000 customers-that are given LEx\'s one way service for free as a result of their rewards program. As The Wall Street Journal has said, at the present time LEx is number one in the nation. USXP\'s Capital Division, which offers vehicle leasing and Gift Cards to stores, is very optimistic, with Gift Cards in over 118,000 locations across the country. As they sell, it should show bottom line results.
Most exciting is USXP\'s purchasing 80% of Alpine Airline (OTCBB: ALPE), the third largest air cargo regional airline (based on volume) in the U.S. It operates approx. 23 routes in five states and makes 55-57 round-trips daily. Alpine owns a fleet of 30 airplanes, and currently has an annual sales run rate of about $20 mil. USXP\'s first cargo airline will permit them to utilize Alpine\'s management team to advance the additional five cargo airlines with whom discussions have been ongoing. Alpine has long-term contracts with the U.S.P.S and has seen its cargo volume in the Q3 soar to approx. 5,928 tons, up a dramatic 482% over the same quarter in \'03. Historically, air freight has well outpaced the rate of GDP globally. It is expected to have an annual growth of 6% for the industry, compared with 3% growth for Global GDP.
Furthermore, USXP sold 75% of Universal Express Capital Corp. to Capital Alliance Insurance (Insurance and Funding Company) and will retain 10% of the shares with the remaining 15% of shares being distributed to USXP shareholders (when the company goes public). In addition, USXP received from Capital Alliance a funding lead commitment of $22,000,000 for Alpine Airlines Financing and $225,000,000 for their Equipment Trust Certificates Program.
Revenues for FY \'04 would have been up dramatically if not for USXP reselling both Bags to Go-to reduce its long-term debt and SCI to its former owners due to concern by SCI\'s insurance carriers and clients regarding the recent SEC public complaint filed against the company. Still, for FY \'04 revenues were up 14% to $2.8 mil., with a loss per share of (.01) vs. (.02) for the prior year. Of the 624,964,652 shares outstanding, 2% are held by insiders.
On recent news, the stock had a strong upsurge on increasing volume not seen since mid-last year. The stock needs to break through last year\'s downtrend line and close above .05 for the all-clear signal for a 1st objective of .08. There\'s no doubt, its recent battle with the SEC further differentiates this company from all others. The company is suing the SEC and feels the courts should enforce the judgment that it received ($600,000,000) because they feel that the SEC was responsible for the naked short selling that USXP was victim of. So as acquisitions materialize and strategic funding negotiations continues, and the SEC\'s case runs its normal course, the reality is that this exciting company has great potential and its stock is undervalued. Add/Buy.""""
Universal Express Signs New Dubai Agreement
NEW YORK, NY – February 22, 2006 - Universal Express Inc. (OTCBB: USXP), has today signed a new investment and advisory contract with Navstar for the creation of a joint venture and a new Mideastern publicly traded company utilizing Luggage Express services throughout the Gulf and surrounding countries.
“This unique partnership in the Middle East involves multiple influential leaders and supporters in the region,” said Richard Altomare, CEO and Chairman of Universal Express, Inc.
“Today we have signed a 40,000,000 USD guarantee with an expected 200,000,000 USD initial investment into our joint venture company,” continued Mr. Altomare.
“Based on my initial Dubai meetings and the caliber of our partners it appears that this joint venture, the available funds and these celebrated partnerships, which will be further presented when appropriate, will create much more news in the future months,” concluded Richard Altomare.
momentan verlieren aber wenn du vom Hype
ausgehst das bis sagen wir 30 Euro Cent
lief dann sind 400 % drin.
Aber wie es kommen wird das weis keiner.
Wenn ich wüsste das sie 100 % macht dann würde
ich mal alles zu 0,007 und 0,008 eben noch
Also wer mich kennt der weis Kursziele gebe
ich eigentlich nie an denn das ist auch
nichts. Chart ansehen und man sieht meist
die Wiederstände und man sieht von wo sie
kam. Dann noch Volumen beachten und dann
selbst entscheiden.
Ich denke auf jedenfall wenn die 0,008 in USA
durchbrochen wird dann ist einiges drin.