VENA RES INC. von Anfang an dabei sein!

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228 Postings, 6772 Tage DirkWeVENA RES INC. von Anfang an dabei sein!

03.04.06 13:57
Marktkapitalisierung erst 18,2 Mil
Aktuelle Analystenbewertung von Heute 12:50

Vena Resources kaufen

Die Experten von "MiningInside" stufen das Wertpapier von Vena Resources (/ WKN A0D8VU) mit "kaufen" ein. Das kanadische Unternehmen habe sich auf die Erkundung und Erschließung rohstoffreicher Gebiete in Peru spezialisiert. Neben der Exploration neuer Rohstoffvorkommen erwerbe das Unternehmen auch bereits erfolgreich betriebene Projekte und führe diese fort. Vena Resources konzentriere sich auf den Abbau von Basismetallen, Edelmetallen sowie Uran und sei darüber hinaus auch im klassischen Bergbau (Zink, Mangan) tätig. Im Segment Edelmetalle betreibe Vena Resources insgesamt elf Projekte, zwei davon seien bereits in einer fortgeschrittenen Phase. Massive Fortschritte habe das Unternehmen auch im Geschäftsfeld Uran vorzuweisen. Im vergangenen Jahr sei es gelungen, das peruanische Institut für Nuklearenergie (IPEN) als langfristigen Partner zu gewinnen. Das Management des Unternehmens sei ausschließlich mit hochkarätigen Führungskräften besetzt. Als CEO fungiere Juan Vegarra, der vor seinem Wechsel zu Vena Resources bereits eine erfolgreiche Karriere bei Microsoft durchlaufen habe. Vegarra könne auf Kontakte zu wichtigen Ansprechpartnern in der Bergbau-Branche sowie hochrangigen Vertretern der peruanischen Regierung zurückgreifen. Unter seiner Führung sei es Vena Resources gelungen, innerhalb kürzester Zeit ein breites Portfolio mit aussichtsreichen Rohstoff-Projekten aufzubauen. Das Projekt "Aucapampa" zähle zu den am weitesten entwickelten Projekten des Unternehmens. Die Durchführung dreier Bohrprogramme habe ergeben, dass etwa 20 Mio. Tonnen Gestein mit Goldmineralisation vorhanden seien. Erste metallurgische Tests ließen darauf schließen, dass bis zu 92% der untersuchten Oxidschicht verwertet werden könnten. Da bislang erst 25% des Areals erschlossen worden seien, sei die Perspektive für das laufende Jahr äußerst viel versprechend. Des Weiteren werde Vena Resources in den kommenden Monaten damit beginnen, die Rohstoffvorkommen in "Las Princesas" zu untersuchen und exakt zu quantifizieren. Das Areal "Las Princesas" sei umgeben von den seit Jahren erfolgreich betriebenen Abbaustätten "Quiruvilca" (Pan American Silver) und "Lagunas Norte" (Barrick Gold). Vena Resources besitze zudem in der peruanischen Region Cuzco Uranabbau-Gebiete, die sich über insgesamt 15.500 Hektar erstrecken würden. Bislang seien gerade einmal 30% der Areale erschlossen worden. Das wirtschaftliche Potenzial des Uran-Abbaus werde bei einem näheren Blick auf die Entwicklung der Uran-Nachfrage deutlich. Um alleine den Bedarf der in westlichen Ländern betriebenen Reaktoren zu decken, sei bis zum Jahr 2013 eine Verdopplung der Uran-Produktionskapazitäten notwendig. Nach Einschätzung der Experten besteche Vena Resources durch ein klar strukturiertes und Erfolg versprechendes Geschäftsmodell. Dem erfahrenen Management sei es gelungen, das Portfolio mit aussichtsreichen und lukrativen Projekten zu füllen. Für ein Investment in die Aktien des Unternehmens spreche auch die positive Preisentwicklung an den internationalen Rohstoffmärkten, die für die kommenden Jahre deutliche Umsatz- und Gewinnsteigerungen erwarten lasse. Aufgrund gestiegener Rohstoffpreise und der notwendigen Neubewertung bestehender Vorkommen sowie des signifikanten Potenzials bislang nicht erschlossener Abbaugebiete sei mit einer Kursverdopplung zu rechnen. Das Kursziel der Aktie würden die Experten daher bei 1,10 EUR sehen. Auf dieser Grundlage raten die Experten von "MiningInside", das Wertpapier von Vena Resources zu kaufen.  

228 Postings, 6772 Tage DirkWeVENA RES

09.05.06 20:52
Performaxx vom 09.05.2006, 13.08 Uhr

Vena Resources – Vorstandsvorsitzender begeistert Investoren

Rohstoff-Kracher mit über 100% Kurspotenzial!

Am vergangenen Freitag hatte unser Experten-Team die Gelegenheit, mit Juan Vegarra, dem Vorstandsvorsitzenden unserer Top-Empfehlung Vena Resources (ISIN CA9225891063/ WKN A0D8VU), ein persönliches Gespräch zu führen.

Vegarra war im Rahmen einer laufenden Europa-Roadshow in Frankfurt zu Gast und hat bei den anwesenden Analysten und Investoren einen hervorragenden Eindruck hinterlassen. Der erfahrene Vegarra zeigte sich bezüglich der Aussichten für die kommenden Monate extrem zuversichtlich. Im direkten Gespräch konnten wir uns über die Fortschritte bei den laufenden Projekten informieren.

Brandheiße Nachrichten gibt es vom peruanischen Gold-Projekt "Aucapampa" zu berichten. Der mit den laufenden Untersuchungen beauftragte Geologe Greg Myers hat eine erste Analyse vorgelegt, die offenbar so viel versprechend ausgefallen ist, dass sich das Unternehmen dazu entschieden hat, die Exploration des 3.000 Hektar umfassenden Gebietes auszuweiten und eine zusätzliche Bohrkampagne durchzuführen. Die Ausweitung des Projekts führt zu einer Neubewertung des Rohstoffpotenzials und dürfte für zusätzliche Kursfantasie sorgen.

Dass die Marktkapitalisierung von Vena Resources derzeit viel zu niedrig ist, zeigt ein Blick auf die weiteren Projekte im Unternehmensportfolio. Einer Studie zufolge beträgt der Wert der Rohstoffvorkommen im Zink/Mangan-Projekt "Azulcocha" 44 Mio. Kanadische Dollar. Das Rohstoffvorkommen in diesem Abbaugebiet wird auf über 600 Mio. Pfund Zink geschätzt. Allein dieses Projekt rechtfertigt damit bereits die Höhe der aktuellen Marktkapitalisierung.

Dabei hat Vena Resources zahlreiche andere heiße Eisen im Feuer – neben weiteren Gold- und Silberarealen verfügt das Unternehmen auch über Beteiligungen an lukrativen Kupfer- und Molybdän-Liegenschaften.

Die rapiden ökonomischen Fortschritte in Asien – insbesondere in China – haben die Nachfrage nach Kupfer massiv angeheizt und dafür gesorgt, dass der Preis für den begehrten Rohstoff in den letzten 12 Monaten um 100% gestiegen ist.

Wir gehen davon aus, dass sich die in den vergangenen Monaten an den Rohstoff-Märkten zu beobachtende Entwicklung mit unvermindertem Tempo fortsetzt und rechnen daher mit weiteren Preissteigerungen bei den von Vena Resources geförderten Mineralien.

Als äußerst aussichtsreich sind auch die sich über insgesamt 15.500 Hektar erstreckenden Uran-Abbaugebiete von Vena Resources anzusehen. Angesichts einer drohenden Verknappung hat der Preis für Uran in den letzten Monaten explosionsartig angezogen. Die Uran-Projekte befinden sich noch in einer frühen Phase der Entwicklung, das Unternehmen wird in naher Zukunft die ersten Bohrmaßnahmen durchführen. Das Geschäftsfeld Uran wird vom Markt gegenwärtig nicht in der Bewertung des Unternehmens berücksichtigt.

Jede positive Nachricht wirkt sich somit spürbar auf den Unternehmenswert und damit auch auf den Kurs der Aktie aus.

Das Meeting mit Juan Vegarra, die neuesten Nachrichten und die extrem niedrige Marktkapitalisierung haben unsere positive Einschätzung noch einmal massiv untermauert. Der Aktie sollten in den kommenden Wochen unterstützt von erneuten guten Nachrichten weitere Kursanstiege bevorstehen.

Auf Sicht von 12 Monaten sehen wir für Vena Resources weiterhin ein Kursziel von 1,20 EUR.

Ihre Redaktion von Global SmallCap Report


Kurs (05.05.06): 0,56 EUR
Kursziel: 1,20 EUR
Kurs-Potenzial: 110%

ISIN: CA9225891063
Symbol: V1R.FSE

Marktsegment: Freiverkehr

Branche: Bergbau

673 Postings, 6821 Tage flakaWarte auf rebound

09.05.06 22:30
Habe ich auch schon länger auf der Watchlist.

Ich warte aber noch auf den Rebound wird sehr bald sehr interessant denke ich.

263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775Konsolidierung

17.04.07 10:33

dürfte in Kürze beendet sein!!

Vena hires Crystal Research; grants stock options

2007-04-16 17:51 ET - News Release

Mr. Juan Vegarra reports


Vena Resources Inc. has engaged Crystal Research Associates of New York to provide an in-depth executive informational overview on Vena Resources, as well as provide quarterly updates thereafter. Crystal Research is an independent research service company that is dedicated to increasing the visibility of growing public and private companies that represent extraordinary investment opportunities and more specifically, a focus on companies that demonstrate:

solid growth prospects;
well-designed operating and growth strategies; and
an experienced and proven management team.

Vena has agreed to pay Crystal Research $37,500 (U.S.) for its services and to grant 250,000 share purchase options exercisable at $1.60 for a four-year period. The agreement with Crystal Research and the option grant are subject to regulatory approval.

The company has also granted a total of 1.45 million options also exercisable at $1.60 to directors, officers and employees of the company in Canada and Peru.

We seek Safe Harbor.

Quelle: stockwatch


263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775NEWS !

19.04.07 07:15

Vena identifies two anomalies at Azulcocha West

2007-04-18 18:02 ET - News Release

Mr. Juan Vegarra reports


Vena Resources Inc.'s first results of an extensive geophysical program conducted by ARCE Geophysics in the Azulcocha West project (six kilometres west of the historical Azulcocha zinc mine), including 12.4 square kilometres of magnetometry and induced polarization, have returned positive results. Two large targets (first-degree anomalies) have been identified.

The first target along the Cochas-Gran Bretana fault line is approximately 3,500 metres by 500 metres in size where the Waie, Triunfo and Cantagallo areas are located, and is open to the south. The prospects Waie and Triunfo were previously drill tested by the Japanese operators two decades ago and significant polymetallic intersects were found as previously reported. The second target to the northwest is approximately 2,000 metres by 900 metres in size in the Jesus Maria and San Pablo prospects. These two prospects have never been drill tested.

An extensive induced polarization program to be conducted this April/May will be focused on these two large targets, leading to a 40-hole, 8,000-metre drill campaign scheduled to commence in June of this year, as well as 500 metres in underground workings.

These encouraging results are part of the joint exploration agreement Vena signed last year with Glencore of Switzerland, which is financing the work plan for the next two years.

We seek Safe Harbor.
Quelle: stockwatch

263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775Interessanter Artikel...

27.04.07 10:50
Cameco eyeing U exploration in Puno - Peru
Published: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 14:21 (GMT -0400)

The world's largest uranium producer, Saskatchewan-based Cameco (NYSE: CCJ), is in talks with Torontonian junior Vena Resources (TSX-V, BVL: VEM) to sign a JV to explore for uranium in Peru's Puno department.

The two are in talks to hammer out a deal to explore one or more of Vena's greenfield uranium properties in Puno in which Cameco would pay Cdn$10mn (US$8.87mn) over four years to gain a 50% interest, Cameco spokesperson Lyle Krahn told BNamericas.

"There are interesting uranium occurrences in that area worth pursuing," Krahn said, adding that venturing into South America through exploration in Peru is part of a global plan to expand Cameco's uranium assets past its current high-yield deposits in Saskatchewan.

In keeping with that plan the company is willing to consider other areas of the continent as well, he said.

The projects in Puno are in their earliest days with no resources yet defined, according to Krahn.

Vena owns three greenfield properties in Puno, according to the company's website: Munani, Lagunillas and Río Blanco.

By  Pablo Gaete
Quelle: Businnes News Americas

...und übrigens: Montag (30.4.) ist endlich die Auktion für Michiquillay !!!!

263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775News....

25.05.07 22:47
...niemand mehr hier....???


427 Postings, 6608 Tage 18prozentdoch doch

28.05.07 14:28
noch ein joint venture wäre echt super
dann springt der kurs wieder locker 30-50%  

263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775news!

20.06.07 20:35

Press Release Source: Vena Resources Inc.

Vena Resources Provides Uranium Exploration Update in Peru
Wednesday June 20, 11:14 am ET

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 20, 2007 -- Vena Resources Inc. (CDNX:VEM.V - News)(Lima:VEM.LM - News)(Frankfurt:V1R.F - News)(Other OTC:VNARF.PK - News) is pleased to announce that after a field visit from Vena and Cameco exploration managers, a multi-phase exploration program is being initiated in all three regions of Puno where Minergia SAC (a company jointly owned by Vena and Cameco) controls numerous near-surface targets. The intent of the first phase of the multi-year program is to better understand the geology of the three regions in Puno. Details of the exploration program are highlighted below:

New Corani (Macusani) - Ignimbrite - Vein/Fracture Mineralization

- Diamond drilling of approximately 25 drill holes from the top plateau with five of these holes to be drilled to approximately 250 meters and the remaining 20 drill holes to be drilled to approximately 100 meters. The 250 meter holes are being drilled to determine if the lower volcanic stratigraphy can be productive;

- Drilling of 10 to 15 regional drill holes elsewhere in the Macusani region for volcanic stratigraphy correlation with the aim of intersecting mineralization in similar orientations;

- Commence baseline soil/water sampling at and surrounding the project lands to establish backgrounds prior to, or in conjunction with, more intensive exploration work; and

- Cameco geoscientists and researchers will look at any potential mineralogy from a hand sample point of view using infrared spectrometry techniques. The goal will be to compare the prospective Ignimbrite three (I-3) with the other two as well as look at un-mineralized versus mineralized I-3 to verify whether differences exist adjacent to the vein/fracture mineralization. The aim would be an attempt to use airborne hyperspectral techniques to remotely focus on high priority areas in a regional sense which could be useful as another screening tool for regional target generation away from known occurrences or could assist with prioritizing the known occurrences.

Munani - Uranium Mineralization in Sedimentary Sandstone Formations

- Map stratigraphy in a vertical sense along sections;

- Sample Huancane Formation for geochemistry as well as using scintillometer/spectrometer surveying for future correlation; and

- Drill four diamond drill holes with at least one hole to a depth of 200 meters and the others to a depth between 75 to 100 meters; drill holes will be spaced 250 meters apart or further to accommodate two lines of drill holes. These initial vertical holes will test for the presence of this style of stratiform-stratabound mineralization at depth. If positive indications are received from this easy phase of exploration, additional drilling and exploration should follow.

Lagunillas - Uranium Mineralization in Volcano-Sedimentary Environment

- Mineralization consists of multiple horizons of variable thickness and radioactivity associated with black chert, or along contacts with volcanic rocks (below) or sandstone / volcaniclastic rocks (above)

- Stratigraphic mapping of vertical sections in combination with scintillomter/spectrometer surveying and sampling will be completed. Two vertical sections are underway and two additional sections will be completed at adequate spacing to assist future drill hole correlation; and

- Diamond drilling of seven holes along the 2 to 5 km long, 1 to 3 km wide area on four lines with two drill holes on each line. Drill holes will be spaced 500 meters apart along lines separated by about 500 meters. Two drill holes will be deep (over 250 meters) to explore what lies beneath the three to four known radioactive horizons. The other five drill holes will be 100 to 150 meters each. All drill holes will be vertical at this stage for ease of correlation targeting sub-horizontal, stratabound stratiform mineralization.

Statements in this press release regarding the Company's business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties, such as estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Shares Outstanding: 70,778,073

Fully-Diluted: 90,910,644

The TSX does not accept the responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    Vena Resources Inc.
    Juan Vegarra
    Chairman & CEO
    (416) 364-7739, ext. 120

Source: Vena Resources Inc.


263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775Super News letzte Woche!

30.07.07 14:25

DGAP-News: Vena Resources Inc.

09:16 30.07.07  


Vena Resources Inc.: Vena Resources stößt in Azulcocha auf neue Zonen mit Zinkmineralisierung

Corporate News übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

( AG) - Das kanadische Unternehmen Vena Resources Inc. (ISIN
CA9225891063/ WKN A0D8VU) teilte letzte Woche mit, dass man im Rahmen des
laufenden Programms zur Bestätigung der historischen Ressourcenschätzung
auf der Liegenschaft Azulcocha auf eine unerwartet hohe Mineralisierung und
zudem auf neue Zonen mit Zinkmineralisierung gestoßen ist.

Bei den Arbeiten in der Eastern Zone konnte die aus den historischen
Schätzungen bekannte Mineralisierung von 3,5 Meter auf insgesamt 14,5 Meter
ausgeweitet werden. Über 12 Meter konnte das Unternehmen einen
durchschnittlichen Zinkgehalt von 20,5% und über 2,5 Meter einen
durchschnittlichen Zinkgehalt von 19,1% ermitteln.

Bei der Azulcocha-Mine wurden auf dem Minenniveau 0 die Vorbereitungen zum
Abbau abgeschlossen. Vena Resources steht für den Verkauf von 11.500 Tonnen
Material (darunter 1.483 Tonnen mit einer Mineralisierung von 17% Zink)
unter Vertrag. Hiervon wurden 1.808 Tonnen mit einer Mineralisierung von
8,3% bereits verkauft.
(c)DGAP 30.07.2007

263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775VENA - NEWS !

01.08.07 19:47
Press Release Source: Vena Resources Inc.

Vena Begins Pilot Mill Operations and Provides Infrastructure Update on Azulcocha Polymetallic Project
Wednesday August 1, 12:55 pm ET

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - Aug. 1, 2007) - Vena Resources Inc. (TSX:VEM - News; LIMA:VEM - News; FRANKFURT:V1R - News; OTCBB:VNARF - News) is pleased to announce that an on-site pilot mill has been commissioned and is now fully operational at Azulcocha. Processing is underway of a 10,000 tonnes stockpile averaging 10% zinc, extracted from the -0 and the -40 mine levels. Processing this material will help define the metallurgical character of the mineralization in preparation for the construction of a scalable 500 tpd modular production mill, planned to come on stream during the first quarter of 2008.

Detailed engineering blueprints for the 500 tpd mill have been completed and construction has been contracted to LeRoy Su Corporation (Nova Scotia, Canada) and ABR Mineria S.A.C. In preparation for a larger milling and mining operation, a three megawatt electrical sub-station is being installed and will be functional by October of this year. Turbo SA was granted the sub-station construction contract and ENERSUR has signed an agreement to provide electricity to the sub-station.

A recovery circuit is being added to the pilot mill to recover lead from mineralization recently discovered in underground workings. This lead-bearing mineralization has been encountered in crosscuts on the -40 mine level. From previous drilling results, site geologists anticipate that a new high grade lead zone may be encountered along the planned eastern drift extension on the -40 mine level. Exploration tunnelling is underway to verify the grade and the extent of this potential new lead zone.

Due to the increased activity at Azulcocha, SGS Laboratories is building an on-site 100 sample per day laboratory to service the Azulcocha mine and related projects. This facility will assay drill core and samples from the underground operations and be responsible for processing daily plant audit samples recovered from the production mill. The new SGS Laboratory will also process drill core and samples from the Azulcocha West targets - a planned program of 20 diamond drill platforms (totalling 8000 metres).

James W. Stewart B.Sc., PhD, a Professional Geoscientist in the province of British Columbia and the Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed this news release.

Statements in this press release regarding the Company's business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties, such as estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Shares Outstanding: 71,238,073

Fully-Diluted: 91,010,644

The TSX does not accept the responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Kirsten Marcia
Vena Resources Inc.
Director of Investor Relations
(416) 364-7739, ext. 142
(416) 364-5400 (FAX)

Source: Vena Resources Inc.  

263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775Hammer News !! :o)))

05.09.07 11:12
Press Release Source: Vena Resources Inc.

Vena Resources Signs Strategic Alliance with Cameco Corporation to Explore Uranium Assets in Peru and Provides Technical Update
Wednesday September 5, 2:00 am ET

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 5, 2007) - Vena Resources Inc. (TSX:VEM - News; LIMA:VEM - News; FRANKFURT:V1R - News; OTCBB:VNARF - News) is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding agreement with Cameco Corporation ("CAMECO") in the creation of a jointly-owned company to explore and develop Vena's uranium assets in Peru.

Juan Vegarra, Chairman and CEO of Vena Resources stated: "CAMECO's strong technical expertise and financial position makes them the ideal partner to help Vena develop the uranium industry in Peru. We share common values with regards to environmental protection and social awareness that will enable us to establish strong community relationships in these remote areas of Peru so that all parties may benefit from this investment. CAMECO's long-standing commitment to explore for the next generation of uranium deposits together with their vision of providing clean energy to the world will be the driving force behind this partnership aiming towards eventual mine development in Peru."

Vena is exploring for uranium in numerous Project Areas with the technical support provided by CAMECO geologists. CAMECO has the option to invest $10 million over the next four years to obtain up to 50% of MINERGIA S.A.C. ("MINERGIA"), a Vena subsidiary that controls uranium claims with an aggregate area of 40,000 hectares, in three regions of Puno and Moquegua, Peru. CAMECO can increase its stake in MINERGIA to 60% when a feasibility study is completed and to 70% when mine development commences.

The strategic nature of the agreement requires that any future investment, including any future acquisition by CAMECO or Vena involving uranium assets in Peru, will be done via MINERGIA for the next four years. Vena remains the operator in Peru.

CAMECO has advanced MINERGIA CAD$400,000 as an initial capital contribution representing 2% of MINERGIA that will be used to repay a total of US$660,000 corresponding to working capital expenses incurred by Vena on behalf of MINERGIA since the signing of the Letter of Intent on January 27, 2007. MINERGIA'S new Joint Technical Committee (two members from Cameco and two members from Vena) has approved a US$1.08 million budget for the remainder of 2007.

As a result of ongoing geological evaluation in the Munani district, Puno, MINERGIA has staked a new prospect named "Crucero", measuring 1,200 hectares. Uranium mineralization in the form of Autunite and Meta-autunite occurs as fracture coatings and disseminations in volcanic and sandstone strata and is widely distributed in both lithologies. Radiometric counts of 3,000 cps and above were recorded over significant areas. In the Macusani district, Puno, three new prospects - Nueva Corani Oeste, Amariza Sur and Calvario Real - have been added.

Formal authorization to drill has been obtained from local communities in the Macusani and Lagunillas districts.

Peru has a history of uranium exploration dating back to the 1950s under the authority and control of the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy (IPEN) with support from European and American experts. During three decades of exploration efforts, IPEN identified 78 target areas designated from high to low priority. Vena gained access to this data after signing a strategic collaboration agreement with that institute in February 2005, and subsequently staked 40,000 hectares of claims covering IPEN'S highest priority targets in three regions of Puno.

In related news, Vena has signed an agreement with CIMM PERU S.A. to build a sample preparation unit in the city of Juliaca, Puno, where samples will be crushed and ground, and representative splits sent to Lima for analysis. The new facility is designed to handle the assaying requirements from upcoming drilling and exploration programs on Vena's uranium properties, and also from base and precious metal projects located in Puno.

Statements in this press release regarding the Company's business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties, such as estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Shares Outstanding: 71,238,073

Fully-Diluted: 91,310,644

The TSX does not accept the responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Kirsten Marcia
Vena Resources Inc.
Director of Investor Relations
(416) 364-7739, ext. 142
(416) 364-5400 (FAX)


288 Postings, 6376 Tage Gold DiggerMeine Fresse,

05.09.07 11:22
die Hammer News wirken sich ja enorm aus!
Der Kurs explodiert ja förmlich nach oben!
Hier kann man bestimmt aus 5000 € in 12 Mon. 5010 € machen!
Der Wahnsinn...  

263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775Geduld...

19.09.07 12:47
Geduld macht sich hier sicher bezahlt. Von Sept.06 bis Febr.07 hatte sich Vena verdreifacht, zuletzt auch stark unter der Marktschwäche gelitten, aber hält sich noch auf der Verdopplung über letzte 12 Monate gesehen.
Die kommenden 6 Monate dürften erneut sehr spannend werden...

Ist natürlich nicht jedermanns Sache, hier steckt kein Pusherblättchen dahinter oder so etwas, sondern solide Firmenarbeit!


263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775Interessante Info...

11.10.07 19:19
...aus dem Nachbar-board:

(von user Woemske 11.10.07  16:34:19)
"Hier die Empfehlung aus stockwatch:

Lundin refreshes Vena buy for its long-term value

2007-09-17 19:34 ET - In the News

Brien Lundin, in the July/August, 2007, edition of the Gold Newsletter, refreshes his buy recommendation for Vena Resources Inc., recently $1.29, because the company offers attractive long-term value. Mr. Lundin said buy Vena in March, 2005, at 49 cents, in August, 2005, at 28 cents, and in June, 2007, at $1.36. An investment of $1,000 each time is now worth $7,981. Vena has launched a multiyear exploration effort to better understand the geology of its uranium properties in Peru, which it believes hold the promise to become world-class deposits. Importantly, this view seems to be shared by Cameco as that company has entered into a JV agreement with Vena whereby it has the option to earn up to a 50-per-cent interest in Vena's projects by investing $10-million over the next four years. Meanwhile, Vena has received highly economic results from drilling at the past-producing Azulcocha mine in Peru, including 32.5 metres of 6.7 per cent zinc. Mr. Lundin asserts that these Azulcocha results largely validate the company's current market cap. In short, Mr. Lundin thinks that Vena has a lot going for it, and therefore is a company offering long-term value.

Im Grunde nichts neues. Konkret gesagt: Buy !!!

Oder für uns Investierte: Hold"


263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775Empfehlung!

06.11.07 13:16
Halloooo - ist hier noch jemand...???

Heute eine schöne Empfehlung von VENA:


263 Postings, 6443 Tage bb775NEWS !!

26.11.07 19:38
Vena Resources Discovers Zinc Skarn Zone in Azulcocha West Project 11/26/2007  

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 26, 2007) - Vena Resources Inc. ("Vena" or the "Company") (TSX:VEM)(LIMA:VEM)(FRANKFURT:V1R) is pleased to announce that results from the ongoing drill program at Azulcocha West indicate near-surface zinc mineralization in skarn at the San Pablo target. The San Pablo and Jesus Maria areas were earlier identified as exploration targets for skarn-type mineralization, principally on the basis of geological and geophysical observations. The San Pablo discovery is located on the western flank of the San Pedro stock, a small intrusive body characterized by an intense associated magnetic anomaly and a strong surface geochemical response for lead. This is a notable departure from the carbonate replacement style of mineralization which prevails at Vena's Azulcocha mine, approximately five kilometres to the east.

Highlights of the San Pablo skarn discovery hole are as follows:


               Azulcocha West DDH SP-02-07

From             To    Interval       % Zn      Weighted
            Metres                              Average

19.32         21.20        1.88       7.61
21.20         22.00        0.80      10.31
22.00         23.50        1.50       6.32          7.66
23.50         25.06        1.56       0.21
25.06         26.70        1.64      10.91
26.70         28.20        1.50       3.93          7.57
28.20         28.60        0.40       0.83
28.60         30.10        1.50       8.72
30.10         31.60        1.50       3.43          6.07
                         12.28                     6.08

All drill intercepts at the San Pablo skarn target are down-hole lengths, not true widths. Drill results for the entire program will be posted on the Company's website at

In light of this encouraging new information the Company has been decided to drill a minimum of 10 holes to further explore the contact zone of the San Pablo stock and extend drilling to the Jesus Maria target a few hundred metres to the south where a comparable geophysical and geochemical response has been encountered. In the event of positive results, the San Pablo - Jesus Maria drill program will be expanded accordingly.

A total of 20 platforms have been built at Azulcocha West to drill up to 40 holes on 10 targets for a total of 8,000 metres of drilling. The intent of the program is to test the extent of the mineralization, followed by an in-fill drill program on which to base a NI 43-101 compliant resource in 2008.

In addition to the drill rig in the San Pablo - Jesus Maria area, two rigs are currently dedicated to drilling the Maria Fe, Valeria, Divisoria, Lagartija and Waie targets along the north contact of the Chuquipite intrusion. Drilling is also contemplated on prospects along the Cocha - Gran Bretaa fault, the same fault that on which the Azulcocha Mine is located, further to the east.

Juan Vegarra, Chairman and CEO states:

"The results from San Pablo come as a nice surprise. The geophysical data supports extensive skarn development in the underlying rocks and warrants further drilling in the vicinity to better understand the nature and extent of the skarn mineralization. Additionally, we are looking forward to the establishment and operational commencement in mid-December of a 3.0 megawatt electrical sub-station to complete the assay work that has been delayed due to unstable electricity being delivered by generator power."

Azulcocha West is a joint venture with Glencore to explore the western portion of Azulcocha over the next year at a cost to Glencore of US$3.75 million. Azulcocha is near Huancayo, Peru, located approximately 260 kilometres east from the city of Lima.

The drilling programs are being supervised by Dr. James W. Stewart P.Geo., Vena's Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. Core samples will be cut longitudinally with a diamond saw, with one half of the core placed in sealed bags and temporarily shipped to SGS laboratories in Lima, Peru, an ISO certified assay laboratory. SGS has completed an on-site lab and core samples will be analyzed on-site as of mid-December. The program includes a comprehensive assay quality control routine comprising the systematic use of standards, blanks and field duplicate samples. Secondary laboratories will be used for check assaying.

Statements in this press release regarding the Company's business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties, such as estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Shares Outstanding: 71,278,073

Fully-Diluted: 91,885,644

To view a map of the Azulcocha Mine, please visit the following link:

The TSX does not accept the responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

       Vena Resources Inc.
       Kirsten Marcia
       Director of Investor Relations
       (416) 364-7739, ext. 142
       Fax: (416) 364-5400 (FAX)

Source: Vena Resources Inc.


274 Postings, 6054 Tage rivaKurz vor news...

07.04.08 11:38
Sollten bals news kommen - ist hier noch jemand dabei??
Denke mir, sobald die Explorer wieder ein wenig auferstehen, wird hier wieder ordentlich was gehen!!

274 Postings, 6054 Tage rivaTrendumkehr!

21.05.08 07:15
Hier sollte jetzt wieder was gehen. 38-Tage-Linie durchbrochen, Bodenbildung scheint abgeschlossen - und auf geht's!! News sollten auch in der pipeline sein...


274 Postings, 6054 Tage rivaNEWS :))

21.05.08 09:36

May 21, 2008 02:00 ETVena Intersects 14.6 Metres of 0.211% U3O8 Near Surface
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 21, 2008) - Vena Resources Inc. ("Vena" or the "Company") (TSX:VEM)(LIMA:VEM)(FRANKFURT:V1R) today announced additional results of a Uranium exploration project in the Macusani district of southeast Peru where a drill program consisting of ten platforms on the Tantamaco property, which is held by Minergia S.A.C. (a Peruvian company jointly owned by Vena and strategic partner Cameco) is currently underway.

Seven holes were drilled, radiating from each drill platform #2 and #3. These drill sites are designed to test grade and extent of Uranium mineralization present in ignimbrites and associated rhyolitic tuffs. Mineralized intervals have been established and reported using a geochemical cutoff of greater than 200 ppm. No grades have been cut. Drill results for the entire program will be posted on the Company's website at the end of the Macusani drill program. An additional 18 holes are being logged and assayed. A total of 4,610 metres have been drilled so far. Following are highlights from these two platforms:

To view the accompanying table, please visit the following link:

Vena is now using three rigs in Tantamaco, Corani and Amariza as well as two ISO certified labs (SGS and CIMM Peru) to speed up the drill program. The Company has also hired VDG Geophysics to perform a 9,000 metre gamma-probing program.

"The Tantamaco property continues to show strong near surface Uranium mineralization in a multi-layered system," said Juan Vegarra, Chairman and CEO of Vena Resources. "The results are very encouraging and will be studied closely as we begin to delineate a possible high-tonnage low grade surface uranium resource."

The drilling program is supervised by Rodney Ogilvie P.Geo., Vena's Vice President of Engineering and Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. Core samples are cut longitudinally with a diamond saw with one-half of the core placed in sealed bags and initially shipped to sample preparation laboratories in Juliaca, 800 km southeast of Lima. Following the preparation stage, the sample pulps are sent to analytical laboratories in Lima. CIMM Peru and SGS are ISO certified assay laboratories. The program is designed to include a comprehensive assay quality control routine comprising the systematic use of standards, blanks and field duplicate samples. Secondary laboratories are used for check assaying.

About Vena Resources

Vena Resources Inc. is a Canadian mining company focused on the exploration and development of Peru's mineral potential. Employing a model of diversification across metals and regions in Peru to mitigate investment risk, the Company consists of four divisions: Mining, Energy, Precious Metals and Base Metals. Vena's zinc project, Azulcocha, with an initial NI 43-101 resource estimate of almost 200 million pounds is scheduled to commence production in fall 2008. Together with the Company's strategic partners, Cameco and Glencore, Vena will advance its significant portfolio of almost 100,000 hectares this year. Through its board of directors, Vena Resources possesses a unique quality of skills and experience in management, mining and finance relating to Peru and Canada.

Statements in this press release regarding the Company's business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties, such as estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Shares Outstanding: 71,648,073

Fully-Diluted: 92,710,644


448 Postings, 6322 Tage SuperGarfieldund nun?

24.07.08 23:16
was ist aus dem Gepusche geworden, Stand heute?
ein Reinfall.

Übrigens: "Global Smallcap ..." sagt alles.
2006 haben sie noch ganzseitige Anzeigen im AKTIONÄR gebracht, mittlerweile sind sie dort wohl rausgeflogen.
Hi Ho Silver u.a. - alle mittlerweile eingebrochen.

Heute haben die "Experten" von "Global Smallcap ..." wieder was losgelassen.
Los, Kaufen, Ihr Lemminge!


9565 Postings, 6504 Tage TykoRichtig , immer wieder durch BB`s ins Gerede ge-

08.08.08 19:59
bracht....heute 20% plus und morgen?

Ob die News jetzt helfen? Irgendwie passt das gut zusammen....

Eindecken......News......BB`s.......kurzer Hype......Ausstieg der Initiatoren....Lemminge zerfleischen  sich gegenseitig.......Kurs unten.......nach einigen Monaten gehts von vorne los....

Lemminge gibts immer wieder.......und neue ebenfalls....

9565 Postings, 6504 Tage TykoÜbernahmegefahr?!

01.09.08 15:19
siehe news

274 Postings, 6054 Tage rivaHaben wir den Boden gesehen...?

03.11.08 13:27
Vena Resources Updates Exploration and Development Strategy
10/24/2008 2:00:44 AM - Market Wire

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 24, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
Vena Resources Inc. ("Vena" or the "Company") (TSX: VEM)(LIMA: VEM)(FRANKFURT: V1R) is pleased to provide shareholders with an overview of its exploration and development strategy during these times of world-wide economic concern.

Vena's current cash position, including committed investments from our partners Cameco and Glencore is close to $9 million dollars. As it is currently unknown when the global economy will rebound, Vena has taken steps to preserve and allocate capital strategically by focusing the bulk of its financial and intellectual resources to the expansion of four projects that will not require significant investment, are self-sustaining and will provide the Company with near term results - the Pucara gold/copper project, Uranium exploration with Cameco, building the coal business through its investment in Sudamericana de Carbon (SDC) and obtaining final permits for the Azulcocha poly-metallic mine and expand its NI 43-101 compliant resources.

The exploration and development plans for Pucara and SDC are expected to advance these divisions such that the expenditures made will be offset by organic growth resulting in advancement and expansion of operations with a neutral effect on Vena's cash resources. SDC has reviewed several anthracite projects and is expected to make key announcements shortly related to the potential acquisitions and the expansion of the briquetting facilities that are currently installed at a key customer's property. Vena may undertake drilling of some of these projects to confirm non-43-101 compliant historical resources but given the nature of coal seams, low exploration costs are expected.

Vena will respond tomorrow to final observations from the Peru government mining ministry on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) permit for the Azulcocha mine. The Company will proceed with its application for a building permit. Once the EIA is approved, the Company will commence an underground drilling program to expand the known NI 43-101 compliant resources. On the Azulcocha West joint exploration project with Glencore, Vena and Glencore are continuing to drill previously identified targets and drill locations are adjusted based on findings. The current drill program is 50% completed and results will be announced on completion.

Vena and Cameco continue to advance the Uranium exploration program in the Puno region of southern Peru. The initial results of the drill program at Macusani exceeded expectations and these results are currently being analyzed to define the next drill program at Macusani with the goal of delineating a resource in the short term. While the Macusani results are being studied, Vena is focused on the Lagunillas region, where three large targets will be drilled over the coming months.

Vena will continue to deliver significant exploration and development milestones in the coming months. Our management and technical team is focused to drive shareholder value and preserve cash. As is the case with many other companies, there is a strong disconnect between current market valuations and corporate assets - Vena remains focused on continuing to build its business for the long term.

About Vena Resources

Vena Resources Inc. is a Canadian mining company focused on the exploration and development of Peru's mineral potential. Employing a model of diversification across metals and regions in Peru to mitigate investment risk, the Company consists of four divisions: Mining, Clean Energy, Precious Metals and Base Metals. Together with the Company's strategic partners, Cameco and Glencore, Vena will advance its significant portfolio of almost 100,000 hectares this year. Through its board of directors, Vena Resources possesses a unique quality of skills and experience in management, mining and finance relating to Peru and Canada.

For further information on Vena Resources, please visit the Company website at

Statements in this press release regarding the Company's business which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties, such as estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

Shares Outstanding: 79,019,073

Fully-Diluted: 102,641,895

The TSX does not accept the responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Contacts: Vena Resources Inc. Juan Vegarra Chairman & CEO (416) 364-7739, ext. 120 (416) 364-5400 (FAX) Email: Website: Equicom Group Joanna Longo (416) 815-0700, ext. 275 Email:

SOURCE: Vena Resources Inc.
Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.


274 Postings, 6054 Tage rivaInterview

05.11.08 17:14
An Interview with Juan Vegarra, CEO of Vena Resources (

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