CARDERO WKN 919945 - entscheidende News 28.03.09

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342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojonesCARDERO WKN 919945 - entscheidende News 28.03.09

29.03.09 19:00
Die Chinesen wollen offensichtlich in der Marcona Region in Peru ein Stahl- und Miningzentrum bauen, dazu brauchen sie die Eisenerzprojekte von Cardero.
Der Megaport San Juan wird zum Eingangstor für China ins südliche Südamerika und durch die geplanten Transportwege über die Anden auch das Ein- und Ausgangstor der Chinesen für Brasilien und Argentinien.

Pampa de Pongo dürfte jedoch nur ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf das was noch möglich ist sein, Cardero hat
nicht nur in der Region Marcona weitere hoch interessante Projekte.

Cardero ist schuldenfrei und hat ausserdem noch 2 sehr attraktive Beteiligungen mit ITH Mines und Trevali,
aktueller Gegenwert rund 10 Mio. USD.

Am 28.03.09 wurde in der peruanischen Presse nun gemeldet (siehe unter) das die milliardenschwere Investition von Nanjinzhao "ratifiziert" wurde.
Die Ratifizierung kann nur bedeuten das von der obersten administrativen Stelle von China die endgültige
Genehmigung für das Projekt gegeben wurde.
Somit haben  die Zahlungen von 10 Mio. Euro und darüber hinaus die Restzahlung von 188 Mio. Euro sehr konkrete Formen angenommen.

Der endgültige Durchbruch für Cardero steht an.

Die Marktkap. von Cardero beträgt derzeit rd. 80 Mio. USD, angesichts des PdP Deals und der Projekte und
Beteiligungen eine günstige Chance.

zur Vorgeschichte:
Der kanadische Rohstoffexplorer Cardero Resources gab im vergangenen Herbst bekannt, sein Pampa-De-Pongo-Projekt gegen eine Barzahlung von 200 Millionen US-Dollar (USD) an den chinesischen Investor Nanjinzhao verkaufen zu wollen. Ursprünglich war geplant, den Deal in zwei Raten abzuwickeln: Bis 17.3. sollten zunächst 10 Millionen USD fließen, die restlichen 190 Millionen USD sollten bis zum 17.9. dieses Jahres folgen. Nanjinzhao hat allerdings bereits eine Vorauszahlung von 2 Millionen USD geleistet sowie Vorarbeiten auf Pampa-De-Pongo begonnen. Bis morgen werden weitere 10 Millionen USD fällig, der im Herbst zahlbare Betrag reduziert sich um den Betrag der Vorauszahlung.

am 18 März kam dann folgende Meldung:
Der Eisenerz-Explorer gab heute bekannt, dass die zweite Rate des chinesischen Käufers Nanjinzhao für das Eisenerzprojekt Pampa-De-Pongo vorerst ausbleiben wird. Statt bis zum 17. März soll die Rate von 10 Millionen US-Dollar nun spätestens bis zum 17. Mai fließen. Als Grund führt der chinesische Käufer fehlende Genehmigungen der Zentralregierung in Peking an. Treffen die Genehmigungen vor Ablauf der neuen Frist ein, sei das Geld binnen fünf Tagen auf dem Konto Carderos, so Nanjinzhao weiter.

jetzt der Durchbruch:

INVESTMENT. Yesterday, company executives Nanjinzhao Group also met the regional president, Juan Manuel Guillén Benavides, and ratify the investment of one billion dollars in the iron mine of “Pampas de Pongo, located in Bella Union (Caravelí).  
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2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleenedie Märkte

14.10.09 15:03

drehen durch, nur CARDERO hält still

wie Bob schon sagte, sie haben große Projekte, aber sie machen einfach nichts


2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleeneeine Hoffnung habe ich noch

14.10.09 15:09

Luxor soll den Laden übernehmen und das Management zum Teufel jagen

Henk und Konsorten haben bewiesen, das sie völlig unfähig sind

warum sitzt denn dieser Hitzmann seinen Arsch in Toronto breit? Hat er nichts Besseres  zu tun? Oder Hoffmann, den man bei AA nicht mehr haben wollte. Diese Typen sollen sich einen anderen Wirt suchen, auf dessen Kosten sie schmarotzen können.


2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleeneLuxor kauft

15.10.09 11:22
den Schrottladen natürlich nicht, wenn alles nur Probaganda ist , dann ist es für sie auch nur ein Spiel am Pokertisch

2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleeneMIC Matrix Lichtenfels in Bayern

15.10.09 19:48

gehört zu dem Clan , wo der Herr Gagel sein Unwesen trieb ( Neono ) auch Ullmann, Tretter, Keil ?

Wie können solche Typen noch gut schlafen? Wie können solche Leute ihren Frauen und Kindern noch in die Augen schauen? Man sollte sie aufklären, mit was für "Geschäften" sie ihren Unterhalt "verdienen"

aber kann auch sein, das ich daneben liege, meine Recherchen sind jedenfalls schockierend


2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleeneLöschung

18.10.09 18:09

Zeitpunkt: 20.10.09 15:36
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt - außerdem bitte Wortwahl überdenken. Danke.



2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleenehab ich gerade

25.10.09 17:36

bekommen ,

so funktioniert die ganze Schweinerrei und Abzocke 


sorry, das ich mich jetzt erst melde, aber ich verfolge Cardero  nur noch sporatisch.

Zu "Neono" bzw. seinem realen Namen. Ich war früher  immer täglich am Ball, was gerade Cardero betrifft. Habe threads verfolg und  BM´s auf w : o bekommen, u.a. auch von "Neono" Leider sind wichtige Daten aus  dem Board gelöscht worden, u.a. auch von Neono selbst, der mW mal Moderator im  Board war. Von anderer Seite weiss ich, dass Moderatoren wohl schonmal geneigt  waren, besondere Dienste zu leisten. Ob dies gegen ein Zuwendung geschehen ist,  entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis, aber ich persönlich gehe davon aus. Ich komme zu  den Anfängen zurück, die sich um die genannte Person bezieht. Er war  federführend im Alphatrade Thread, hat massiv die Werbetrommel gerührt, und W :  O hatte auch in seiner früheren Konstruktion mit Alphatrade zusammengearbeitet.  Herr Gagel wurde auch in einem Spiegelartikel über die damalige Hamburger  "Wildwestbörse" erwähnt. Dies alles wurde damals in den Threads  diskutiert.

Zu Cardero:
Ich habe mich von Anfang an eher kritisch zu  dieser Firma geäussert. Er habe sehr gute Kontakte in Vancouver, insbesondere  kenne ich das Brokergeschäft dort sehr gut und weiss, wie manche Herren  arbeiten. Vancouver ist die "Promoterstadt" schlechthin. Wie dies genau  funktioniert kann ich in dieser Kürze nicht erläutern, aber DDu brauchst nur  eine gute Idee und das Board mit den entsprechenden Herren findet sich schnell.  Nebeneinnahmen sind ja immer willkommen. Für mich ist es weiterhin eine sehr gut  gemachte PR-Story, mehr nicht, sorry. Und die anderen Firmen wurden schön von  deutschsprachigen Anleger finanziert. So kann man das Geschäft noch einige Jahre  weitermachen. Problem könnte allerdings sein, das die BC Security Commision in  der letzten Zeit sehr aufräumt!


342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojones...bleiben wir bei den Fakten..

04.11.09 23:05,MKT200911028006,Google.html

Perus Bergbau präsentiert umfangreiche Projekttätigkeit
Datum: 03.11.2009

Santiago de Chile (gtai) - In Peru investieren lokale wie ausländische Bergbaubetreiber zurzeit kräftig in die Erweiterung ihrer Produktionskapazitäten. Eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle spielen chinesische Staatskonzerne. Insgesamt sorgen die Vorhaben für einen erheblichen Bedarf an Maschinen, Ausrüstungen und Teilen. Deutsche Unternehmen sollten in ihren absatzstrategischen Erwägungen die Fachmessen nutzen. Mit der Expansion des Bergbaus geht eine Verbesserung der Verkehrsinfrastruktur einher.

Eine wichtige Rolle werden künftig chinesische Staatskonzerne spielen. Mitte 2009 bezifferte der peruanische Vizepräsident Luis Giampietri die geplante Investitionssumme aus Fernost auf 7,4 Mrd. US$ bis 2014. Ende Oktober sprach Yang Kaisheng von der Industrial and Commerce Bank of China sogar von einem Betrag über 6 Mrd. US$ bis 2013. Die chinesischen Betriebe interessieren sich vor allem für Eisenerz, Kupfer und Gold. Gemäß dem Ministerium für Bergbau und Energie machte die Ausfuhr von Bergbauprodukten in die VR China 2008 einen Anteil von 14,6% an den Gesamtexporten aus. Insgesamt verkaufte der Sektor Produkte im Wert von 18,7 Mrd. US$ an das Ausland. Chinesische Kunden erwarben vor allem Kupfer, in geringerem Maße auch Eisen, Blei und Zink.

Wichtige Auslandsinvestitionen (in Mio. US$)
Projekt Unternehmen Land Zeithorizont Betrag
Las Bambas X-Strata Schweiz 2014 3.600
Pampa de Pongo Nanjinzhao Group VR China 2012 3.280

Um die Großvorhaben in Angriff nehmen zu können, muss sich die Transportinfrastruktur verbessern. Die lokale Mapsa erwägt, zusammen mit einem Konsortium asiatischer Firmen (darunter Samsung und Hyundai) eine Eisenbahnlinie von Cuzco zu einem neuen Hafen in der Gegend von Marcona an der Pazifikküste zu bauen. Das würde einige Eisenerz- und Kupferprojekte in den Gebietskörperschaften Apurimac und Cuzco begünstigen. Die Investitionen belaufen sich auf insgesamt 2,3 Mrd. US$.  

2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleeneso nun werde

10.11.09 10:09

ich mal meine Befürchtung außern und sagen, das die Chinesen die 88 Millionen nie und nimmer bis zum 17. 12. 2009 überweisen

davon bin ich felsenfest überzeugt

warum sollten sie auch es besteht null Notwendigkeit


2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleenestellt sich

10.11.09 10:12

nur noch die Frage, ist das bereits im Kurs enthalten oder fällt das dann noch zurück bis ca. auf den Wert der ITH Beteiligung

da wäre noch ganz schön Platz nach unten


2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleeneich bin mal

11.11.09 10:39
gespannt, wenn der erste den F. Gagel in die Finger bekommt

342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojonesErnst & Young...

17.11.09 20:58

Factslike these are signs of a mining industry in the process ofconsolidation in the region, a phenomenon that the study "StrategicRisk Mining 2009", prepared by Global Mining Center of Ernst &Young, is one of the challenges facing the industry sector in the world. However, in Latin America this phenomenon is an opportunity.

Accordingto the analysis, the financial crisis had a greater impact on mergersand acquisitions of mining companies in the world, such operationsincreased 2% in 2008. However, changed the profile of buyers and companies that are acquired.

Capitalmarkets, more strongly after the collapse of investment banks inSeptember 2008, began to look forward to the mining and metalscompanies, a phenomenon that has been repeated in 2009. However,it is not large mining buying smaller companies in the sector, sincethese days by giants from developed countries are worried manage theirbalance sheets that have suffered the effects of low commodity prices productof the financial crisis and in some cases are reorganizing their assetsby disposing of those expendable, before returning to the greatshopping. WhatI question is the emergence of new buyers, as Vale, which come from thesame region or some similar characteristics (emerging economies).

Proceedsfrom this same phenomenon is acquisitions of Chinese companies in theregion, including the purchase of Pampa de Pongo Property, in Peru, bythe Chinese company Zibo Hongda Mining Co Ltd. These buyers, with aprofile somewhat different from previous traditional sector purchasers are interested in long-term investments in the sector and ensure future production.

Giventhe profile of the purchasers and the current situation of financialcrisis, interest in smaller companies has increased, because for thosewho have more cash is the opportunity to find interesting activitiesthat can (among other objectives) to ensure future supply and the search for partners to carry forward new projects without financial problems.

Thisnew scenario brings new challenges to companies in the region thatcould star in the upcoming mergers and acquisitions, as to permanentlyimprove their cost structures-challenge that expands to almost allmining-and to invest in exploration projects. Thesetwo changes would allow them to become even more attractive to newbuyers and to the traditional ones that become interested once thecrisis leave the sector  

2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleeneich könnte wetten

15.12.09 20:01

das bis zum 17. 12. 09 kein geld eingeht

es gibt 0 argumente für eine zahlung

henk und konsorten neono ( Frank Gagel ? ) haben alle an der nase rumgeführt , verarscht und das geld abgenommen


2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleenedas kein geld

17.12.09 08:14

heute eingeht , sollte jedem klar sein

für mich stellt sich die frage, was diesmal als begründung herhalten muss

auch die daueroptimisten können sich dann ab morgen auch mal wieder zu wort melden. oder verschlägt es ihnen die sprache


2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleenekeiner mehr da ????????

17.12.09 10:19

342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojoneswie man sich doch irren kann..

18.12.09 12:29

Cardero Receiving Final USD 88 Million For Pampa De Pongo Iron Ore Deposit, Peru

December 18, 2009: 06:00 AM ET

Cardero Resource Corp. ("Cardero" or the "Company") (TSX: CDU)(NYSE Amex: CDY)(FRANKFURT: CR5) is pleased to announce that Jinzhao Mining Peru, S.A., the Peruvian subsidiary of Zibo Hongda Mining Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Nanjinzhao Group Co. Ltd. ("Nanjinzhao"), has advised that it is proceeding with the completion of the purchase of the Pampa de Pongo Iron Deposit in Peru. Due to the fact that Nanjinzhao has not yet finalized its project financing banking arrangements with respect to the Pampa de Pongo project, and is therefore making the final payment from its own corporate resources, it has requested, and Cardero and Cardero Hierro Peru, S.A. ("Cardero Peru") have agreed, that the final payment of USD 88 million will be split into three payments, as follows:

- USD 18 million, to be paid prior to December 17, 2009 - paid

- USD 40 million, to be paid on December 17, 2009 - paid

- USD 30 million, to be paid on December 31, 2009 - to come

"We are very pleased to be concluding the sale of Pampa de Pongo to the Nanjinzhao Group and wish them much success in advancing the project to production," said Hendrik van Alphen, Cardero's president and chief executive officer. "Our initial acquisition, advancement and ultimate sale of this world-class project is a testament to both the Company's technical and corporate ability to recognize strategic value in an asset and its initiative to crystallize that value. We will work diligently to utilize these significant new funds in the best method for both shareholder value and Company growth."

With the successful completion of the  

2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleeneich gebe zu

18.12.09 13:02

das ich damit nicht gerechnet hatte

nun erwacht auch meine leiche wieder im keller


342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojones..erste Presseberichte zum pdp deal

19.12.09 21:35
Northern Miner / BN Americas

DAILY NEWS 12/18/2009 6:27:00 PM
Cardero gets the money

Vancouver - For Cardero Resources (CDU-T) getting a final US$88 million payment for its Pampa de Pongo iron ore project in Peru from Chinese-buyer Nanjinzhao has been an uphill battle.
CNanjinzhao was a tough customer. It haggled hard over the ultimate price of Pampa de Pongo, eventually getting it for half what it originally said it would pay; it blamed payment delays on the Chinese central government; and, most recently, it failed to provide a promised bank guarantee for US$88 million, the final tranche of Pampa de Pongo's US$100 million price tag.
For outsiders holding faith in the depth of Nanjinzhao's pocket was not easy.

But, while at times Cardero management sounded a bit weary, they nonetheless stuck to their guns throughout protracted negotiations, which began just over a year ago, and calmly maintained the money would come.
So no doubt celebrations were raucous the evening of Dec. 17, 2009, the day Nanjinzhao finally let Cardero know the money was in the bank. Cardero reports Nanjinzhao paid it US$58 million and that a final US$30 million payment is forthcoming Dec. 31, 2009.
Market response was upbeat. Cardero's shareprice gained about 15% or 19¢ to $1.49 on news of the final sale. Cardero, once the full payment is in the bank, will have slightly more cash than its market capitalization of about $87 million.
As Cardero notes in its press release outlining the Pampa de Pongo payment, the cash pool will allow it to advance its other properties in Peru, Mexico and the U.S. Among several properties in Mexico, Cardero's current portfolio includes the Pampa El Toro iron sands project in Peru, and the Longnose titanium project in Minnesota.
Cardero also hinted at possible acquisition of "significantly more advanced projects".
What those might be has yet to be announced. But one thing is certain. If Cardero ever decides to deal with the Chinese again, it will be an old dog on that hard road.
© 2009 The Northern Miner. All Rights Reserved.

Cardero, Hongda to wrap up Pampa de Pongo sale by year-end
Friday, December 18, 2009
Vancouver's Cardero Resource (TSX: CDU) and Zibo Hongda Mining, a subsidiary of Chinese group Nanjinzhao, plan to wrap up the sale of the Pampa de Pongo iron ore deposit in Peru's Ica region by year-end, the former reported in a release.
Due to the fact that Nanjinzhao has not yet finalized financing arrangements and is making the final payment from its own funds, the company has requested, and Cardero has agreed, that the final payment of US$88mn would be divided into three installments.
Cardero has already received US$58mn of the total and the remaining installment of US$30mn is scheduled to be paid on December 31, the release said.
With the completion of the sale, Cardero will have the funding necessary to continue exploring existing projects and also to evaluate potential acquisitions of more advanced projects.
In July Cardero unveiled an initial resource estimate for the Pampa El Toro Iron Sands property in Ica, outlining indicated resources of 242Mt grading 6.66% iron oxide, 0.72% titanium dioxide and 172ppm vanadium.
Inferred resources amount to 630Mt grading 6.48% iron oxide, 0.70% titanium dioxide and 166ppm vanadium. In terms of volume, the indicated resource amounts to 134Mm3 of ore and the inferred resource 348Mm3, Cardero said in a prior statement.
The company has additional grassroots exploration assets in Peru, as well as projects in Argentina and Mexico.

Business News Americas  

342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojonesweitere Berichte zum pdp deal..

22.12.09 07:05
Update zu den anderen Projekten lt. IR vor. im Januar 2010.

Nur eine Frage der Zeit bis die ersten Analysten aus den Löchern kommen, mit über 100 Mio. im Sack und
diversen Projekten in Aussicht wird auch der newsflow künftig ein ganz anderer sein.

December 19, 2009
That Was The Week That Was … In Canada

By Our Canadian Correspondent

Minews. Now over to our Canadian Correspondent for a look at how the Canadian Markets performed this past week.

CC. Exploration news started to dry up ahead of the Christmas holidays but for a number of companies it was politics that ruled the day. Once all the trading was done this past week, the TSX Ventures Exchange, home to more junior exploration companies than anywhere else in the world, added 0.92 of a per cent, while the TSX Gold Index fell another 3.18 per cent.

It has taken a while but Cardero Resource is close to finalizing the sale of its Pampa de Pongo iron deposit in Peru to Nanjinzhao Group Co. The Chinese company paid US$58 million this past week and agreed to pay the final US$30 million on December 31. Cardero ended the week up C$0.04 at C$1.49.

Monday, December 21st, 2009
China will control in January Nanjinzhao iron project in Ica

From the first of January 2010, the mining project Pampa de Pongo iron (Ica) will have a new owner.

Chinese conglomerate Nanjinzhao Group announced that, as of December 31, cancel the whole transaction which he made with the Canadian explorer Cardero Resource, after more than a year of talks and agreements.

The Chinese company is committed to cancel $ 88 million through December, as part of a renegotiation with Cardero held in May this year (see Otrosí say).

Through a statement, explained that Jinzhao Mining Peru, a subsidiary of Nanjinzhao Group, repaid the last Thursday 17 the sum of $ 58 million, and the difference will be paid on 31 December.

To start the negotiations, the Chinese made an initial payment of U.S. $ 12 million in October 2008.  

342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojonesStruther's Resource Stock Report on Cardero

24.12.09 08:08
Resource Stock Update - V15 #18.2 – CPQ, CDU, GGI, NL - Dec. 23, 2009

PO Box 1020 Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada N4K 6H6

Cardero Resource TSXV:CDU Recent Price – C$1.50

Entry Price $1.60 Opinion – hold

Cardero put out news that the Nanjinzhao Group Co. Ltd., is proceeding with the completion

of the purchase of Cardero Resource's Pampa de Pongo iron deposit in Peru. Due to the fact that Nanjinzhao has not yet finalized its project financing banking arrangements with respect to the Pampa de Pongo project, and is therefore making the final payment from its own corporate resources, it has requested, and Cardero and Cardero Hierro Peru SA have
agreed, that the final payment of $88-million (U.S.) will be split into three payments, as

• $18-million (U.S.), to be paid prior to Dec. 17, 2009 -- paid;

• $40-million (U.S.), to be paid on Dec. 17, 2009 -- paid;

• $30-million (U.S.), to be paid on Dec. 31, 2009 -- to come.

The stock popped up on the news but is still way undervalued and selling at a discount to
what will be its new cash value. My calculations show they have 58.5M shares out and the
US$88M is about C$91M and they have cash of C$7M plus what many do not realize they
hold 3.5M shares of Int Tower Hill, ITH that has been a big success and is now priced at over $7 so that is worth C$24.5M for a total of C$122.5M or $2.09/share

Looks like they are burning about $6M cash/year - even if we subtract that the stock is still a
good discount to $1.99 cash value
The only negative I see for the stock price is 4 million warrants exercisable at $1.50 that
expire March 1 2010 so that might act as cap on stock for the 1st 2 months of 2010.
The stock just can't seem to maintain traction, it pops higher only to fall back again but a lot of that has to do with the on again - off again buy out arrangements for their Pampa de Pongo project. I plan on holding the stock to it at least moves up to it's cash value around $2.00 and by looking at the chart that looks like an easily obtainable target.
On the chart you can see the solid support around $1.00 where I last gave an update on the
stock as a 'Strong Buy' in May at
.94. The stock is currently at it's first resistance level just
above $1.50 and might pause here for a while. However we can see the stock is in a nice
rising upward channel and it's next resistance is around $2.00 that happens to be it's cash
value. The stock has also moved above it's 200 day MA in December, another signal a
significant uptrend is in place. We should be able to obtain this target and I will re access at
that time.  

342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojonesCardero wird PeT Ende Februar

25.12.09 07:03
auf der SME vor großem Publikum präsentieren.

Das macht man vor allem dann, wenn man ein unverkäufliches Projekt hat und sich dort bis auf die
Knochen blamieren möchte, genau so wie PdP mit ein paar lächerlichen Bohrungen und mit minimalem
finanziellen Aufwand von nicht mal 4 Mio. USD unverkäuflich war.

Ein bißchen Vertrauen in G.H. habe ich trotzdem.  GG (großes Grinsen)
Die 30k werden sich auch noch lohnen.

10:45 AM
Development of Cardero Resources’ Pampa El Toro Property
in Peru
J. Ripke; Cardero Resource Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Cardero Resources is developing its iron (magnetite) sands resource in Peru, Pampa El
Toro, located near Nasca in the desert coastal region of southern Peru. The property is approximately
45 km from the port of San Juan, close to the large Marcona iron mine. A percussion
drilling program was completed and SRK Consulting Engineers have been retained
to complete the NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate. During 2008, a dry
magnetic separation pilot beneficiation plant was designed and operated for two separate
campaigns. Additional testwork has shown that screening to remove a small fraction of
high silica material results with a concentrate containing greater than 65% total iron. Forty
tons of 58% iron content concentrate was shipped to the U.S. for electric smelting tests. In
addition, a research program is being conducted to recover valuable titanium and vanadium
from the slag.  

342 Postings, 7110 Tage dankojoneswallberg fond top holdings

25.12.09 08:09

Premium Pearls One (EUR) (23.12.2009)

Fondsname: Premium Pearls One
Anlagekategorie: Aktienfonds
ISIN: LU0333856689
Mindest Anlagesumme: 10000 EUR

Top Holdings (30.11.2009)
Monument Mining Ltd. 6,16%
Monument Mining Ltd. 5,38%
Cardero Resources Corporation 5,17%
Cardero Resources Corporation 3,91%  

33227 Postings, 5741 Tage GreenyNews !

02.02.10 15:27
Feb 02, 2010 09:01 ET
Cardero Updates Project Development Strategy

Evaluating Potential Major Acquisitions

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 2, 2010) - Cardero Resource Corp. ("Cardero" or the "Company") (TSX:CDU)(NYSE Amex:CDY)(FRANKFURT:CR5) is pleased to provide an update on its corporate strategy and key mineral projects following the recently completed sale of the Pampa de Pongo Iron Deposit in Peru for total gross proceeds of USD 100 million. Cardero is now focused on utilizing these substantial funds to maximize shareholder value through advancement of its key development and exploration projects in addition to potential major acquisitions.

The Company continues to advance its Pampa El Toro Iron Sands deposit in southern Peru as ongoing discussions and technical reviews with potential strategic partners progress. Strengthening iron ore markets have triggered an increased interest in this iron deposit that is strategically situated in close proximity to substantial infrastructure including highways, power, a deepwater port and an operating iron ore mine.

Given the Company's current working capital of approximately $93.5 million (prior to payment of the as-yet unquantified taxes in connection with the Pampa de Pongo sale) and significant marketable securities portfolio (current gross market value approximately $31 million), Cardero is also actively reviewing potential mineral project acquisitions. Advanced-stage projects in both the base and precious metals sectors are currently being evaluated with the impetus to identify assets that will contribute significantly to increasing the market value of the Company.

"With the recent sale of Pampa de Pongo for USD 100 million, the Company is now endowed with a strong treasury to put to work on behalf of its shareholders," stated Hendrik van Alphen, Cardero's President and Chief Executive Officer. "We are excited to have the significant funds available for our growth plans but will remain very selective and diligent in their utilization."

"Over the past few years Cardero has also excelled in an 'incubator' role for a number of junior exploration companies within the Cardero Group (," continued Mr. van Alphen. "The Company's shareholdings in International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (TSX: ITH), Trevali Resources Corp. (CNSX: TV), Dorato Resources Inc. (TSX-V: DRI) and Wealth Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V: WML) have all garnered significant returns. The Cardero Group model has earned significant investor and industry interest – and has emerged as a highly-qualified, multi-disciplinary team of mineral explorationists and technical personnel that can boast a very successful track record."

An exploration drill program is currently underway on the Company's Baja Iron Oxide-Copper- Gold project in Mexico and a follow-up drill program is also planned for the Organullo Gold project in Argentina. A resource definition drill program has recently been initiated on the Longnose Iron-Titanium Deposit, as well as an exploration drill program on the TiTac Iron-Titanium-Vanadium Deposit, both in Minnesota.

Ongoing exploration and development efforts will focus on the following key projects:

- Pampa El Toro Iron Sands, Peru – advancing a large, bulk-tonnage, potentially low-OPEX iron-titanium-vanadium deposit. An initial independent resource estimate completed in mid-2009 indicates a substantial resource within only a fraction of the total concession area. Multi-phase melting tests have successfully been completed (producing pig iron) on iron ore concentrates produced from pilot plant operations at Pampa El Toro. Cardero is in preliminary discussions with major iron and steel groups and is considering both a strategic joint venture to production scenario and/or a potential sale. A conceptual project overview video can be seen at:

- Iron-Titanium Deposits, Minnesota – The Company is undertaking a drill program to generate an independent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate at the Longnose Deposit, Minnesota, USA. Previous work by BHP stated that Longnose is "the largest, highest-grade resource of ilmenite (FeTiO3) in North America". The independent resource estimate is anticipated in mid-2010. The Company is also carrying out a drill program on the TiTac Iron-Titanium-Vanadium project in Minnesota.

- Organullo Gold Project, Argentina – targeting multi-million ounce gold potential. Initial drill testing of the Organullo gold project is planned for Q1-2010. The Company believes that historic exploration failed to adequately test this large, pervasive gold -bearing system and that it has the potential to host a large bulk tonnage gold deposit. Recent geophysical surveys by the Company, which generated significant anomalies, substantiate this model.

- Baja Iron Oxide-Copper- Gold Belt – an aggressive drilling program is underway following-up previous drill intercepts, highlights of which include 260 metres @ 0.24% copper (within which 47 metres returned 0.74% copper and high grade replacement mineralization of 6.5 metres of 4% copper and 0.4 g/t gold ).

Iron – Titanium – Vanadium Portfolio

Pampa El Toro Iron Sands Deposit - Peru

The initial independent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate of the dune-field hosted Pampa El Toro Iron Sands Deposit by SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. (SRK) has identified an indicated resource of 241,831,000 tonnes grading 6.67% Fe2O3, 0.72% TiO2 and 172 ppm vanadium plus an additional inferred resource of 629,881,000 tonnes at 6.48% Fe2O3, 0.70% TiO2 and 166 ppm vanadium within only approximately 15% of the total 10,300-hectare concession area. SRK calculated the resource to a nominal depth of 30 metres as a conceptual mining depth to provide a 30-year life-of-mine resource. Drill testing of the dune sands has been undertaken to depths of up to 60 metres in certain drill holes, which have returned similar grades. The September, 2009 SRK report is available in full on SEDAR.

Metallurgical test-work undertaken at the US Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory's 'state-of-the-art' laboratory and testing facilities in Oregon, USA has successfully produced high-quality Pig Iron at a bench-scale level and according to design. Ongoing metallurgical testing at the Colorado School of Mines during 2010 is ascertaining the recoverability of vanadium and titanium from the smelter slag produced during the melting tests.

The Company continues preliminary discussions with several major iron and steel groups with respect to the Iron Sands project, although there can be no assurance that such discussions will lead to an agreement for the sale or joint venture of the project nor can the Company estimate a time-line for any such agreement to be reached. The Company believes that the combination of potentially low CAPEX and OPEX and a quick time to market - offering the potential opportunity to generate significant medium-term cash flow - make the projected economics of the project attractive. Accordingly, the Company will evaluate very carefully any sale or JV proposal with a view to determining the best way to create and enhance long-term shareholder value.

Iron-Titanium-Vanadium Deposits – Minnesota, USA

Cardero is commencing drill programs on both its Longnose Iron-Titanium deposit and TiTac Iron-Titanium-Vanadium deposit, located in north-eastern Minnesota, USA. Previous work by BHP Minerals, a precursor to BHP Billiton (the world's largest mining conglomerate), estimated the Longnose deposit contained 27.57 million tonnes at 21.3% titanium dioxide (TiO2), which it classified as a "probable reserve". BHP also estimated a global resource for the deposit of approximately 45.36 million tonnes, and noted that this remains open. During this period BHP stated that Longnose is "the largest known resource (grading over 46% FeTiO3) of ilmenite in North America with over 27 million tonnes identified".

This historical resource estimate is considered relevant by the Company, both for the purposes of the Company's decision to initially acquire the property and to guide the Company in formulating its resource definition and exploration program for the project. The current drill program will seek to verify the historical resources and includes re-sampling, re-analysis and an independent NI 43-101 resource calculation, which will be completed by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. In parallel with this work, planned metallurgical work will build on work previously completed by Pickands-Mather, Hazen Research and the Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI). Results are anticipated by mid-2010.

The Company cautions that both the BHP report and the included resource estimate were prepared before the introduction of NI 43-101, and are therefore historical in nature and the Company is not treating such resources as a current resource under NI 43-101. Investors are further cautioned that a qualified person has not yet completed sufficient work to be able to verify the historical resources, and therefore they should not be relied upon.

Gold Projects

Organullo Bulk Tonnage Gold Prospect – Argentina

The 100% owned 6,100-hectare Organullo property is located in Salta Province, NW Argentina. The Company is evaluating a large gold -endowed system where the geological features share similarities with the deeper, structurally controlled, epithermal gold mineralization at El Indio in Chile. The Company believes historic exploration failed to adequately test this large, pervasive gold -bearing system and it has the potential to host a large bulk-tonnage gold (with accessory copper and bismuth) deposit.

Earliest recorded work in the area of the Organullo property comes from reports of small-scale production from the Julio Verne mine during the 1930's. Mining activity focussed on two high-grade, sub-parallel veins with concentrates reported to average between 10-20 g/t gold , 8.2% copper and 12.5% bismuth. Most recently, in 1994-1995, Triton Mining Corp. and Northern Orion Explorations, Ltd. jointly conducted a mapping and prospecting campaign and completed a 17-hole, 3,295-metre reverse circulation (RC) drill program. This was followed with a 6-hole diamond drill program in 1997 and an additional 12-hole RC drill program in 1999 by Northern Orion. Despite the aggressive historic drilling, it appears that most of those holes were oriented parallel to mineralized structures and consequently either missed completely the main target structure identified at the Julio Verne mine or provided intersections that are not representative. In addition, recoveries were very poor, on the order of 20-30%, due to loss of potentially mineralized clay rich zones and high groundwater saturation.

Potential remains open at depth below the Julio Verne workings, along strike of known mineralization and along postulated parallel structures that remain untested.

The Company successfully completed its Phase 1 exploration program in mid-December 2009, undertaking components of mapping, soil and rock sampling, and ground geophysics. Initial drill testing is scheduled to occur in late Q1-2010.

Textures, geochemistry, host rocks and alteration assemblages are consistent with the high-sulphidation styles of epithermal mineralization that host prolific gold mineralization elsewhere in the central Andes. Detailed structural and alteration surveys indicate significant hydrothermal fluid activity on the property associated with epithermal mineralization. Drilling will test the potential for large Bajo de la Alumbrera or El Salvador-style porphyry deposits at depth.

Copper – Gold Projects

Baja Iron Oxide-Copper- Gold (IOCG) Belt

Recent structural re-interpretation and analysis has successfully developed multiple bulk-tonnage copper- gold targets on the Company's Baja Iron Oxide-Copper- Gold project. Previous exploration by Anglo American and Cardero successfully intersected locally productive and large pervasive IOCG systems at the Picale and San Fernando prospects in addition to identifying several other large copper bearing IOCG targets. Technical reports with respect to the results of previous work by Anglo and the Company at the Baja IOCG project are available on SEDAR.

Drill highlights ranged from 260 to 280 metres @ 0.20% to 0.24% copper & 19% iron within which higher-grade intervals occur, ranging from 31 to 47 metres at 0.96% to 0.74% copper at San Fernando. At Picale previous exploration drilling by Cardero intersected high-grade mineralization in a flat lying replacement body – highlights include 6.5 metres @ 4% copper and 0.4 g/t gold . Current exploration drilling is testing the test bulk tonnage copper targets at the San Fernando, San Jose and Santa Maria prospects.

Qualified Person

EurGeol Dr. Mark D. Cruise, Cardero's Vice President-Business Development and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release. Dr. Cruise is not independent of the Company as he is an employee and shareholder.

Grant of Incentive Stock Options

The Company announces that, pursuant to its 2002 Incentive Stock Option Plan, it has granted incentive stock options to a director and a consultant allowing them to purchase up to an aggregate of 500,000 common shares in the capital stock of the Company. The options are exercisable at a price of $1.41 for a period of two years ending February 1, 2012.

Audited Financial Statements/Annual Report

The Company announces that its audited financial statements, associated management discussion and analysis, Annual Information Form and Annual Report on Form 40-F for the year ended October 31, 2009 were all filed on SEDAR and EDGAR on January 29, 2010. The Company will provide hard copies of all or any of the foregoing documents to its shareholders, free of charge, upon request to the Company at 1-888-770-7488 or by e-mail to Copies of these documents can also be downloaded from the Company's website at

About Cardero Resource Corp.

Cardero's focus through 2010 is to realise the considerable value it believes is locked in its remaining iron ore assets in the Marcona District of southern Peru, the Baja district of Mexico and in Minnesota, USA while continuing to progress its base and precious metal exploration projects in Argentina and Mexico and aggressively seek out and potentially acquire new advanced stage projects. The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol CDU), the New York Stock Exchange Amex (symbol CDY) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol CR5). For further details on the Company readers are referred to the Company's web site (, Canadian regulatory filings on SEDAR at and United States regulatory filings on EDGAR at

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of CARDERO RESOURCE CORP.

Hendrik van Alphen, President

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 27E of the Exchange Act. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement and cost of exploration and testing programs, anticipated exploration program results, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves, the potential for the expansion of the estimated mineral resources at Pampa el Toro, the potential for further upgrading of the concentrate from Pampa el Toro, the potential for the commercial production of pig iron from Pampa el Toro concentrate, the potential for the commercial recovery of titanium and vanadium from the slag resulting from the processing of Pampa el Toro concentrate to make pig iron, the timing of any agreement with respect to the sale or joint-venturing, or the development of, Pampa el Toro, the potential low CAPEX and OPEX at Pampa el Toro, business and financing plans and business trends, are forward-looking statements. Information concerning mineral resource estimates also may be deemed to be forward-looking statements in that it reflects a prediction of the mineralization that would be encountered if a mineral deposit were developed and mined. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate, potential and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, adverse changes in the world prices for iron, titanium and/or vanadium, the Company's inability to enter into appropriate off-take agreements for the potential products from any operation at Pampa el Toro, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, potential difficulties in adapting pilot scale operations and testing to commercial scale operations, the Company's inability to produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies, and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's Annual Information Form filed with certain securities commissions in Canada and the Company's annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), and other information released by the Company and filed with the appropriate regulatory agencies. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via and its United States public disclosure filings may be accessed via, and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.

Cautionary Note Regarding References to Resources and Reserves

National Instrument 43 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43 101") is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators which establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Unless otherwise indicated, all reserve and resource estimates contained in or incorporated by reference in this press release have been prepared in accordance with NI 43 101 and the guidelines set out in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (the "CIM") Standards on Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves, adopted by the CIM Council on November 14, 2004 (the "CIM Standards") as they may be amended from time to time by the CIM. United States shareholders are cautioned that the requirements and terminology of NI 43-101 and the CIM Standards differ significantly from the requirements and terminology of the SEC set forth Industry Guide 7. Accordingly, the Company's disclosures regarding mineralization may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by companies subject to the SEC's Industry Guide 7. Without limiting the foregoing, while the terms "mineral resources", "inferred mineral resources" and "indicated mineral resources" are recognized and required by NI 43-101 and the CIM Standards, they are not recognized by the SEC and are not permitted to be used in documents filed with the SEC by companies subject to Industry Guide 7. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability, and United States shareholders are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of a mineral resource will ever be converted into reserves. Further, inferred resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and as to whether they can be mined legally or economically. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of the inferred resources will ever be upgraded to a higher resource category. In addition, the NI 43-101 and CIM Standards definition of a "reserve" differs from the definition adopted by the SEC in Industry Guide 7. In the United States, a mineral reserve is defined as a part of a mineral deposit which could be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time the mineral reserve determination is made.

Cautionary Note Regarding References to Other Mineral Properties

This press release contains information with respect to adjacent or similar mineral properties in respect of which the Company has no interest or rights to explore or mine. The Company advises US investors that the SEC's mining guidelines strictly prohibit information of this type in documents filed with the SEC. Readers are cautioned that the Company has no interest in or right to acquire any interest in any such properties, and that mineral deposits on adjacent or similar properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties.

This press release is not, and is not to be construed in any way as, an offer to buy or sell securities in the United States.

33227 Postings, 5741 Tage GreenyUnd noch was:

02.02.10 19:01
Cardero starts exploration drilling at Baja and TiTac

2010-02-02 12:00 ET - News Release

Mr. Hendrik van Alphen reports


Cardero Resource Corp. has released an update on its corporate strategy and key mineral projects following the recently completed sale of the Pampa de Pongo iron deposit in Peru for total gross proceeds of $100-million (U.S.). Cardero is now focused on using these substantial funds to maximize shareholder value through advancement of its key development and exploration projects in addition to potential major acquisitions.

The company continues to advance its Pampa El Toro iron sands deposit in southern Peru as continuing discussions and technical reviews with potential strategic partners progress. Strengthening iron ore markets have triggered an increased interest in this iron deposit that is strategically situated in close proximity to substantial infrastructure including highways, power, a deepwater port and an operating iron ore mine.

Given the company's current working capital of approximately $93.5-million (prior to payment of the as-yet unquantified taxes in connection with the Pampa de Pongo sale) and significant marketable securities portfolio (current gross market value approximately $31-million), Cardero is also actively reviewing potential mineral project acquisitions. Advanced-stage projects in both the base- and precious-metal sectors are currently being evaluated with the impetus to identify assets that will contribute significantly to increasing the market value of the company.  

321 Postings, 8512 Tage physicalCardero Intersects Massive Iron-Titanium

31.08.10 23:23
Cardero Intersects Massive Iron-Titanium and Copper Mineralization at TiTac and Longnose Projects in Minnesota
Highlights include:

TTC-014: 532.79 metres grading 28.79% Fe2O3, 14.85% TiO2 and 0.23% Cu including 145.08 metres of 30.35% Fe2O3, 20.19% TiO2 and 0.4% Cu

LNG-001: 81.53 metres grading 43.51% Fe2O3 and 20.51% TiO2 including 55.17 metres of 47.13% Fe2O3 and 23.07% TiO2

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 31, 2010) - Cardero Resource Corp. ("Cardero" or the "Company") (TSX:CDU)(NYSE Amex:CDY)(FRANKFURT:CR5) is pleased to announce very positive initial drill results from its Ferro-Titanium TiTac and Longnose projects in northern Minnesota, USA. Initial results indicate the presence of semi-massive to massive iron and titanium oxide and associated copper mineralization over exceptionally broad intervals. Cardero has been aggresively drilling and evaluating potential resources at TiTac and Longnose - both projects previously having been subject to historical exploration with Longnose, according to BHP Minerals (now BHP Billiton) being "the largest known ilmenite (FeTiO3) resource in North America."

The Company has completed a total of 36 diamond drill holes at the projects for a total of 11,506 metres with significant iron-titanium and copper mineralization being intersected in the majority of the holes at both projects. Phase one drilling has been completed and SRK Consulting of Vancouver, Canada has been retained to prepare an independent NI 43-101 resource estimate upon receipt of all remaining assays. Mineralization remains open for expansion and, contingent on results, it is anticipated that additional resource definition and expansion drilling will re-commence in late-2010.

Drilling Program

The Company initiated exploration and resource drilling in mid-February 2010, aiming to complete a maiden NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate on both projects. Drilling in the Spring was hampered by unseasonably warm weather and early ground break-up. As a result, drilling at the higher priority Longnose was severely curtailed with the drill moving to drier areas of the project. Consequently, drilling has focussed on the lower priority TiTac project, while drilling at Longnose is now scheduled to recommence in late-2010 once the ground is frozen.

A total of 36 drillholes (including two abandoned) have been completed of which 6 provided an initial test of the Longnose project where the moderately dipping mineralized unit was intersected in all four holes. The remaining 30 holes focused on the TiTac project.

A total of 17 drillholes were originally planned for TiTac and drilling commenced on TiTac North (total of 8 holes drilled). Holes 3 to 8 intersected the main intrusion with oxide mineralization ranging from 5% to 60% total oxide mineralization (predominantly ilmenite and magnetite). Due to spring breakup, additional drilling on TiTac North was deferred until the 2010-2011 winter drilling season. Six drillholes were originally planned for TiTac South but, due to extensive mineralized oxide intersections, an additional 17 holes were drilled, for a total of 23 holes, on TiTac South. The additional drillholes were targeted in consultation with resource specialists of SRK Consulting. Highlights are reported here in Table 1. Additional results are pending from holes 14 to 19, and the remainder of the holes are currently being sampled on site.

Future Work

Winter drilling, scheduled to commence in late 2010, will focus on completion of resource definition drilling at Longnose and TiTac North. The program is expected to total 5,000-to-15,000 metres, in addition to the 11,506 metres already completed. The resource estimate at TiTac South could be completed by the end of 2010. Additional NI 43-101 compliant resource estimates will then be completed for Longnose and TiTac North as results become available.

Drill Results -- Highlights

Table 1: Drill results from TiTac and Longnose iron-titanium projects in Minnesota

DRILLHOLE (metres) (metres) (metres) TiO2% Fe2O3% Cu %
TTC-003-10 TiTac North interval 32.31 68.88 36.58 16.77% 45.85% 0.080%
including 39.93 62.79 22.86 19.01% 50.19% 0.068%
interval 94.18 103.94 9.76 18.76% 30.93% 0.228%
interval 142.04 151.18 9.14 15.09% 32.43% 0.212%
interval 251.76 278.13 26.37 13.81% 30.19% 0.258%
TCC-004-10 TiTac North interval 72.15 97.84 25.69 15.03% 28.23% 0.227%
interval 206.35 226.92 20.57 18.26% 43.80% 0.226%
interval 235.76 253.59 17.83 14.90% 33.46% 0.241%
interval 259.99 287.12 27.13 17.43% 34.06% 0.230%
TTC-005-10 TiTac North interval 128.23 140.51 12.28 16.77% 28.76% 0.288%
interval 207.87 244.75 36.88 16.45% 38.07% 0.260%
interval 263.96 278.13 14.17 18.00% 32.75% 0.272%
interval 297.48 469.70 172.22 12.88% 38.48% 0.152%
including 297.48 393.50 96.02 14.35% 43.06% 0.095%
including 306.63 358.44 51.82 16.84% 49.59% 0.070%
TTC-009-10 TiTac South interval 44.35 275.84 231.50 11.44% 28.05% 0.160%
including 153.16 255.79 102.63 16.44% 32.91% 0.198%
including 153.16 235.00 81.84 17.72% 34.71% 0.222%
TTC-010-10 TiTac South interval 282.24 391.97 109.73 13.49% 30.82% 0.159%
including 335.58 391.97 56.39 15.30% 31.51% 0.222%
including 366.06 391.97 25.91 19.77% 30.06% 0.319%
TTC-011-10 TiTac South interval 104.85 168.86 64.01 15.91% 40.03% 0.211%
TTC-012-10 TiTac South interval 84.12 115.70 31.58 12.85% 25.92% 0.165%
interval 258.47 363.02 104.55 14.66% 24.75% 0.193%
TTC-013-10 TiTac South interval 94.49 144.78 50.29 16.30% 28.81% 0.240%
TTC-014-10 TiTac South interval 33.83 566.62 532.79 14.85% 28.79% 0.203%
including 151.64 209.09 57.46 16.45% 31.37% 0.180%
including 228.60 432.21 203.61 18.76% 29.34% 0.330%
including 228.60 373.68 145.08 20.19% 30.35% 0.397%
LNG-001-10 Longnose interval 49.07 88.09 39.01 20.63% 35.78% 0.252%
interval 99.67 181.20 81.53 20.51% 43.51% 0.102%
including 123.44 178.61 55.17 23.07% 47.13% 0.084%
LNG-003-10 Longnose interval 5.18 73.21 68.03 17.47% 37.80% 0.104%
including 5.18 42.98 37.80 21.05% 38.79% 0.131%
LNG-004-10 Longnose interval 1.22 39.93 38.71 17.89% 27.08% 0.069%

To view Figure 1 please click on the following link:

Project Background

Cardero has acquired and is exploring two iron-titanium projects on the edge of the Duluth Complex in north-eastern Minnesota.

The Longnose Project was first discovered in the 1950's through aeromagnetic and gravity geophysical surveys, and was first drilled by Bear Creek Mining Company in 1958. The Partridge River Intrusion (PRI) hosts the Longnose body, which dominantly consists of oxide-bearing peridotite, pyroxenite, and semi-massive and massive iron and titanium oxide. BHP Minerals previously produced a historic (pre-NI 43-101 standards), "probable reserve" at Longnose, estimating 27.57 million tonnes at 21.3% TiO2, stating at the time that Longnose is "… the largest known ilmenite resource in North America." However, the Company cautions that both the BHP report and the included resource estimate were prepared before the introduction of NI 43-101, and are therefore historical in nature and the Company is not treating such resources as a current resource under NI 43-101. Investors are further cautioned that a qualified person has not yet completed sufficient work to be able to verify the historical resources, and therefore they should not be relied upon.

The TiTac Project was first drilled by U.S. Steel Corporation after it discovered several magnetic highs in the area. The TiTac body is hosted by anorthositic and troctolitic rocks of the Anorthositic Series, the Boulder Lake intrusion, and the Western Margin intrusion. The TiTac body dominantly consists of oxide-bearing pyroxenite and peridotite, and massive and semi-massive Fe and Ti oxide.

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is primarily used as a white powder pigment due to its brightness and very high refractive index. It provides excellent opacity to products such as paints, coatings, plastics, paper, inks, fibres, food and cosmetics. Titanium metal is also used as a light, high-strength and corrosion-resistant material in the fabrication of specialized components in the aeronautical and aerospace industries, and in high-end sporting goods and medical components.

Recent North America contract prices for titanium dioxide have been in the range of US$1.17-1.34/lb.

Qualified Person

EurGeol Keith J. Henderson, P.Geo., Cardero's Vice-President Exploration and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release (other than historical data) and has approved the disclosure herein. Mr. Henderson is not independent of the Company as he is an officer and a director and holds common shares and incentive stock options.

The analytical results were reviewed by Tansy O'Connor-Parsons, Cardero's Senior Geochemist. Cardero on-site personnel rigorously collect and track samples which are then security sealed and shipped to ALS Laboratory Group. ALS Laboratory Group's quality system complies with the requirements for the international standards ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 17025:1999. Analytical accuracy and precision are monitored by the analysis of reagent blanks, reference material and replicate samples. Quality control is further assured by the use of international and in-house standards. Certified reference material, blank material, and quarter-core duplicates are inserted at regular intervals into the sample sequence by field personnel prior to shipping in order to independently assess analytical accuracy and precision. In addition, representative blind duplicate samples are routinely forwarded an ISO-compliant third party laboratory for additional quality control.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of CARDERO RESOURCE CORP.

Hendrik van Alphen, President

About Cardero Resource Corp.

Cardero's focus through 2010 is to realise the considerable value it believes is locked in its remaining iron ore assets in the Marcona District of southern Peru, and in Minnesota, USA while continuing to progress its base and precious metal exploration projects in Argentina and Mexico, and aggressively seek out and potentially acquire new advanced stage projects. The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol CDU), the NYSE-Amex (symbol CDY) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (symbol CR5). For further details on the Company readers are referred to the Company's web site (, Canadian regulatory filings on SEDAR at and United States regulatory filings on EDGAR at

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 27E of the Exchange Act. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement and cost of exploration programs, anticipated exploration program results, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves, the delineation of NI 43-101 compliant estimated resources at TiTac and Longnose, business and financing plans and business trends, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, variations in the market for, and pricing of, any mineral products the Company may produce or plan to produce, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, the Company's inability to produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies, and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's Annul Information Form filed with certain Canadian Securities Commissions and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other information released by the Company and filed with the appropriate regulatory agencies. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via and its United States public disclosure filings may be accessed via, and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.

This press release is not, and is not to be construed in any way as, an offer to buy or sell securities in the United States.


Quelle :  

2177 Postings, 5767 Tage morleene@Greeny und andere Trommler

04.09.10 16:09

werdet Ihr auch von IMC bezahlt, damit Ihr für Cardero trommelt?

die Liegenschaften von Cardero taugen nichts 

das Geschäftsmodel von CDU sollte mitlerweile allen bekannt sein

ich dachte Neono hatte die Germanen schon alle abgezockt und sich abgesetzt

IMC hatte Ihn offenbar und andere bezahlt, damit er in einschlägigen Foren für CDU trommelt

es wurden unzählige Aktionäre um Ihr Geld gebracht

schönen Sonntag noch


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