Rebound !?!
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Chinese automaker BYD, Apple and Tencent Holdings took first, second and third place, respectively in Bloomberg Businessweek's annual Tech 100 rankings of the world's best-performing tech companies of 2009. For the first time, a Chinese company tops the Tech 100 list since it started 12 years ago.
According to Businessweek's official Web site,, which topped the list in the last three years, dropped three places to fourth, while tech companies in emerging economies such as China and India have outstanding performance on the list. There are eight companies from the Chinese Mainland, such as BYD, Tencent Holdings, Baidu, ZTE and Shanda Interactive and eight companies from Taiwan included on the list.
An executive from Tencent Holdings told reporters that Tencent jumped from seventh last year to third in 2010, becoming the only Chinese Internet company included in the top-20. Internet companies on the Tech 100 list also include Yahoo Japan (19th), Google (22nd), and a Brazilian e-commerce platform B2W (96th).
To compile the list, Bloomberg started with the more than 6,500 actively-traded primary securities in the Bloomberg database in 13 tech sectors. It then set requirements of a minimum market capitalization of 1 billion U.S. dollars, revenue of at least 500 million U.S. dollars, and no more than a 5 percent decline in revenues from 2008 to 2009 (calculated in local currency).
It also excluded companies whose stock had fallen by 50 percent or more in the 12 months ending April 30, 2010. Revenues and operating income of the remaining 210 companies were then normalized so they could be fairly compared and ranked on these metrics as well as total shareholder return and employee growth.
The rankings received for normalized revenue and operating income were weighted 35 percent each, shareholder return at 20 percent and employee growth at 10 percent. After all calculations, the companies with the best summed weighted rankings made the Tech 100 list.
Das zeigt eigentlich, was die Analysten Empfehlungen wie die von Goldman Sachs wert sind...
Erst warten bis der Kurs im Vergleich zum 52W Hoch um 20 Prozent einknickt und dann die Aktie auf "Sell" setzen mit der Begründung sie sei zu teuer (!).
Vielleicht ist man als Privatanleger besser beraten, genau das Gegenteil von dem zu machen, was "Analysten" so "empfehlen"...
Gestern meldet die Deutsche Bank, dass sie selbst 500mio€ in Griechenland investiert hat. Warum macht also Ackermann so etwas?Er wusste genau , dass seine Worte einen Kurssturz auslösen...Leider stand nicht dabei, wann die 500 mio in Griechenland investiert wurden...aber ich bin mir sicher , dass Ackermann genau wusste, was er tat, als er eine solche Aussage im TV machte.
So würde ich es nicht sagen. Aus einem einfachen Grund.
Ich denke, dass bei den Analysten einfach ganz andere Faktoren mithinein spielen. Vielleicht wollen sie bei der Aktie auch wieder einsteigen oder nachlegen. Durch solche Infos kommt der Kurs unter Druck und sie erreichen, was sie wollen. Oder sie können so KOs ausknocken.
Was generell aber stimmt ist, dass die Analysten häufig dem Kurs hinterherrennen. Wenns rauf geht, kommen positive Nachrichten, wenns bergab geht, negative.
Zum Kurs: Heute ist wieder ein Gap enstanden, aber dei 30 Tage Linie wurde so durchbrochen, was ein klares Kaufsignal ist. Zum langfristigen Trendkanal fehlt nicht viel.
Demand for cars, sport-utility vehicles and multipurpose vehicles rose 25 percent from a year earlier to 885,800 last month, the China Automotive Technology & Research Center said in an e-mailed statement today. That compares with 34 percent growth in April, according to the center.
The Shanghai Composite Index fell 9.7 percent in May as Chinese stocks remained among Asia’s worst performing this year. A “diminishing wealth effect” along with high gasoline prices may contribute to a slowdown in auto sales, Credit Suisse Group AG analysts Adrian Chan and Hung Bin Toh wrote in a report last week. Vehicle sales could decline from year-earlier levels in the second half of 2010, they said.
The nation’s vehicle sales may rise 17 percent this year to 16 million, and annual demand for automobiles may eventually exceed 30 million, according to the State Information Center.
Automakers including Honda Motor Co., Nissan Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG are rushing to add production capacity in China even as demand growth slows. Honda aims to be able to make 830,000 vehicles a year in the nation by the second half of 2012, or 28 percent more than now.
Kompletter Artikel hier:
By Bloomberg News
June 1 (Bloomberg) -- China has begun giving subsidies for the private purchase of alternative energy cars to automakers on a trial basis in five cities, according to a statement posted to the Ministry of Finance’s website today.
The government is giving as much as 50,000 yuan for the purchase of a plug-in hybrid car and as much as 60,000 yuan for the purchase of an electric car, according to the statement. The trials are being held in the cities of Shanghai, Changchun, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Hefei, according to the statement.;tkr=BYDDY%3AUS&sid=aXbQxRxMoHX0
In China sind bisher nur sehr wenige der umweltfreundlichen Autos im Privatbesitz. Die Hersteller haben sich bereits seit längerem um staatliche Subventionen als Ausgleich für die höheren Produktionskosten bemüht. Die nun beschlossenen Zuschüsse werden in Schanghai, Changchun, Shenzhen, Hangzhou und Hefei gezahlt, den Zentren der chinesischen Autoindustrie.
BYD have run amok in the Chinese car industry in the past two years, seemingly coming from nowhere with their purchase of a bankrupt state owned car maker into one of the power houses of the Chinese car industry that has made Chery’s and Geely’s growth look rather meager in comparison.
BYD saw sales of over 400,000 vehicles in 2009, and is aiming to double that for 2010 with 800,000 vehicle sales and now they are attempting to enter the premium segment, which BYD has identified as being vehicles that are priced 100,000rmb ($14,646USD) and up.
According to a recent interview with BYD’s deputy general manager, Mr. Wang Jian Jun, 2010 is set to be BYD’s year for brand building year, where BYD will aim to build a global brand and will be producing some high end vehicles in which to accompany it.
Mr. Wang commented that cars priced 100,000rmb and rising are mostly cars developed by joint venture companies, but due to joint venture companies continually offering lower priced models, it is time for BYD to march into their pricing territory.
Until now, BYD’s cars have been priced from 30,000rmb to 100,000rmb, which has covered their base from mini cars to large sedans, by entering into the 100,000rmb and up price segment BYD can reach their sales goal of 800,000 cars.
BYD’s second factory in Xi’an city will be online in 2012, which will expand their production in Xi’an to 300,000 to 400,000 vehicles which will give them greater production capacity, and will no doubt serve as a production facility for them to continue into the 100,000rmb and up segment.
BYD have also set up different sales networks which target rural, sub-urban and urban with different models which makes sure that BYD models are suited to each market, and means that BYD dealers are never left with models that they cannot sell in specific markets.
The BYD F3DM plug in electric hybrid has gone on sale in Shenzhen to private buyers, and the pure electric E6 MPV is already under going road testing as a taxi in Shenzhen city, although the F3DM only sold 14 units it has already sold more than expected.
Mr. Wang believes that pricing is no longer an issue for electric car sales, especially as the government is offering subsidies of upto 50,000rmb on pure electric cars and hybrid cars to consumers, Mr. Wang believes that the biggest hurdle is now the lack of charging equipment which is putting consumers off buying something that could essentially become a large paperweight."
Geschlossen ist es erst bei 6,42. Tiefstand heute: 6,47
Am besten wäre es, es morgen am morgen zu schließen, dann hätten wir das hinter uns.
Dass das GAP bei 5,05 noch geschlossen wird, hoffe ich jetzt mal lieber nicht. (Nicht vergessen, offen ist es ja auch noch!)
BYD’s pure electric MPV, which is also China’s first mass produced pure electric car, is set to go on sale in August this year. The BYD E6 is currently on test with a Shenzhen Taxi Company in Shenzen city where they are currently pounding the streets of Shenzhen pulling customers from A to B and sharing data with BYD prior to their August 2010 launch.
The final sales price has not yet been determined, however the Chinese automotive press are estimating around 300,000RMB.
The E6 uses BYD’s own ET-POWER iron based lithium batteries, which are reportedly safer than other batteries that are currently available, and can also be charged from a regular 220 volt power supply, but with a 3C quick charging facility it can reach 80% full within 15 minutes and will go for 300km on a single charge, making it one of the furthest traveling electric cars available today. The E6 was not built for sports, with it taking 10 seconds to hit 100kph, and can hit 160kph on the open road, however one must be wise to remember that the E6 is a seriously heavy car. Despite the high price of the car, it will probably pay for itself over its lifetime with prices to fill up the E6 expected to be a third cheaper than gasoline if charged up at peak time.
Pricing for the E6 looks to be quite high at 300,000rmb ($43,000USD), but with government subsidies that will give buyers a rebate of upto 60,000rmb ($8,000USD) for each buyer, even with such subsidies being made available the E6 is still expensive, but as with all new technology it will trickle down to a reasonable price over time."
Die beiden roten Linien stellen das noch verbliebene GAP da. Fehlt also nicht mehr viel zum schließen.
Die grüne Linie oben drüber fungierte von ein paar Wochen als Unterstützung. Diese gilt es nun nachhaltig zu überschreiten. Am besten wäre es, wenn es morgen in der Früh erstmal runter geht, damit das GAP geschlossen ist und im Anschluss kann der Kurs dann wieder steigen.
Es wird sich in den kommenden Tagen auch nun zeigen, ob die BYD Daimler Nachricht nur ein kurzer Funken war, oder ob sie die Aktie nun noch weiter trägt. Ich mein, eine Kooperation mit Daimler bringt sehr viel Know-How im Automobilbereich.
Wenn ich die beiden letzten Hoch verbinde, Linie dann nach unten verschiebe, so meine ich sowas wie Übergang in neuen flacheren Aufwärtskanal zu erkennen.
Cheaters: Was meinst Du ?
Die Autobauer der Volksrepublik drängen nach Europa. Mit einem boomenden Heimatmarkt und Milliardensubventionen der Regierung im Rücken greifen sie Volkswagen , Ford und Opel an. Die erste Attacke vor drei Jahren scheiterte kläglich. Diese wird gelingen. von Kristina Spiller , Matthias Lambrecht und Claudia Wanner Wen interessiert schon Mercedes? Dieter Zetsche tut alles, um der ältesten Automarke der Welt etwas mehr Glamour einzuhauchen. Der Daimler -Stand auf dem Genfer Automobilsalon schimmert in blauem Licht, als der Konzernchef Formel-1- Idol Michael Schumacher im stylischen Flügeltürer SLS vorfahren lässt. Zetsche schwärmt vom Design der neuen Stilikone F800 Style, preist das schicke E-Klasse-Cabrio. Und wonach fragen die Journalisten? Nach dem Stand gegenüber. Am Abend zuvor hatte Daimler eine Kooperation mit dem chinesischen Autohersteller Build Your Dreams (BYD) bekannt gegeben, die später mit der Vereinbarung über den Bau eines Elektroautos für den chinesischen Markt konkretisiert wird. Das unscheinbare Podest des neuen Partners steht nur wenige Meter entfernt von der imposanten Daimler-Bühne. "Ja, dort drüben", sagt Zetsche und nickt in die Richtung. Dort steht BYD-Vertriebschef Henry Li wie ein pausbäckiger Schuljunge und genießt die Rolle als Star des Tages. Die pechschwarzen Haare korrekt gescheitelt, die halbrunde Brille etwas zu tief auf der Nase, die Augenbrauen hochgezogen. Den Chinesen unterschätzt man leicht. Wie das Auto neben ihm.
Shanghai, June 4 ( Reportedly, China's electric automaker BYD Auto will establish its European operations headquarters in Germany, with plans to build it near a large airport. The specific location will be determined during this year, said Henry Li, general manager of BYD Auto's export division.
BYD will tap the European market with its green technology. In addition to the all-electric e6 model which it plans to launch to the European market in 2011, it will also introduce the F3DM plug-in hybrid compact sedan in due time, Henry Li said. BYD will first expand business in the countries and cities that offer subsidies for electric vehicle purchases.
BYD aims to be the largest domestic automaker in China by 2015 and the world's top automaker by 2025. At present, BYD ranks sixth in China for market share in car sales, with 2009 sales reaching 415,000 units. In 2010, the company is expected to report sales of 800,000 units, while the sales target for the European market has yet to be announced.
Additionally, Volkswagen and Daimler have already signed separate cooperation agreement with BYD, to develop the battery and engine, and electric vehicles respectively."
Ich denke mal, dass heute das 6,42 GAP geschlossen wird, nachdem das Marktumfeld ja nicht grad berauschend aussieht.
Ich lasse mich jedoch gerne eines besseren belehre.
TAIPEI -(Dow Jones)- Chinese battery maker BYD Co. (1211.HK) is planning to launch a tablet PC in the first quarter of next year, product marketing manager Steven Jiang said on the sidelines of the Computex show Tuesday.
The company, which makes batteries for electric cars and counts Warren Buffett as an investor, said the tablet PC will use an Intel Corp. (INTC) chip, and the company aims to sell the device at below US$300.
"We want to tap the booming tablet PC market with competitive pricing," Jiang said.
Jiang said BYD is in talks with some Chinese PC manufacturers, but declined to give specifics.
BYD began an original design manufacturer business for PC brands two years ago, the official said.
The company hasn't decided which operating system the tablet PC will use.
-By Lorraine Luk, Dow Jones Newswires; 852-2802-7002; lorraine.luk@
On a trial basis, China is giving out as much as 50,000 yuan toward the purchase of plug-in hybrid models and up to 60,000 yuan for vehicles that run only on batteries in the cities of Shanghai, Changchun, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Hefei.
A lack of affordability has limited sales. BYD, a Shenzhen- based carmaker 10 percent owned by Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., delivered 48 of its F3DM plug-in hybrids in 2009 at 149,800 yuan apiece. It sold 290,963 of the gasoline-powered F3, which starts at 59,800 yuan.
mehr dazu hier:;tkr=BYDDY%3AUS&sid=a.Ryr1.NFoAM
Die Subentionen reduzieren den Kaufpreis um 33%. Das ist mal eine ordentliche Unterstützung des Staates. Aber wieso?
“Subsidies are generally useful in promoting alternate fuels,” said Vivek Vaidya, automotive and transportation director at market researcher Frost & Sullivan. “China also sees electric vehicles as an opportunity to leapfrog developed countries in technology areas. Hence, would definitely promote EVs and plug-in vehicles in China.”
Um die westlichen Autobauern zu "überspringen".