der nebulöse 'war on terror'
Seite 1 von 1 Neuester Beitrag: 22.04.03 21:14 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 22.04.03 19:23 | von: stiller teilhab. | Anzahl Beiträge: | 3 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 22.04.03 21:14 | von: stiller teilhab. | Leser gesamt: | 3.080 |
Forum: | Talk | Leser heute: | 2 | |
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9/11 ??? war da mal was ? erinnert sich noch jemand daran ?
9/11 startete den sog. 'war on terror(ism)' ????
hauptdrahtzieher osama bin who ???? und al queda .... axooo, ja, diiieeee.... hmmm....
obwohl maßgeblich saudischer nationalität (die anschläger zumindest), wurde keineswegs saudi arabien anggriffen (obwohl die auch öl haben und man auch da vermutet oder weiß ??? daß sie den internationalen terrorismus unterstützen und AUCH ein ziemlich grausames, hände abhacken und so, diktatorisches regime führen... aber die brauchte man zu dem zeitpunkt noch und waren (trotz allem) relativ pro amerikanisch), sondern erst mal afghanistan (weiß noch jemand, wo das ist ????), weil da ein hauptunwesennetz des internationalen terrorismus sein sollte (böse zungen behauten, es ginge da um irgendeine (schon lange in planung befindliche) öl pipeline... aber was wissen schön neidische böse zungen... ?)
osama bin who ? kam übrigens im us regierenden sprachgebrauch schon seit oktober letzten jahres nicht mehr vor (das nur so am rande). er scheint also wohl doch nicht mehr so diiiie bedrohung zu sein....
daaaamals war die ganze welt empört (wegen 9/11... erinnert sich noch jemand dran ???) und half den usa in afghanistan einzumarschieren. sie sind heute noch da, nur hört man nicht mehr so viel davon.
und irgendwie scheint sich das auch mehr von suche nach terroristen in 'geschäfte machen' (= die zerbombte infrastruktur muß ja wieder aufgebaut werden und all die dinge, die die armen afghanis bisher nicht so kannten... eventually mcdonalds und so und den coronel nicht zu vergessen 'kentucky schreit f... chicken') und ebenfalls 'gutmenschliche tätigkeit' (= 'nation building') übergegangen zu sein...
inzwischen sind wir im irak (bzw. wir ja dieses mal nicht so... außer ein paar 'füchsen'... sondern mehr die anderen... (was manche jedoch zutiefst bedauern)).
zunächst auch irgendwie wegen 9/11 (???? siehe oben... ja, da war mal was... oder ??) auch wenn dieser zusammenhang ein ziemlich mühsamer kraftakt war und eigentlich niiie so ganz richtig hergestellt werden konnte.... aber, wen interessiert das überhaupt (heute noch) ?
dann wegen der angeblichen wmd, die man in diesem falle (wie sich inzwischen immer mehr herauszustellen beginnt) wohl doch (auch) besser mit 'weapons of mass deception' übersetzen sollte. denn nun war irgendwie plötzlich doch saddam der übeltäter (auch wenn man ihm den zusammenhang zwischen den anschlägen... 9/11... erinnert sich noch jemand dran ? ... und / oder al queda (also DEM internationalen terrorismus) nicht so richtig nachweisen konnte. aber macht ja auch nichts....) denn... dreck am stecken hat er auf jeden fall (auch wenn das keinen - allen voran die (jetzt !) 'gutmenschen' usa - bisher nicht sooo wahnsinnig gestört hat)(und.... öl, nicht zu vergessen... !)
dann war er jetzt eben allein (= ohne ... osama bin who ? ... und al queda) DIIE weltbedrohung....
ok... die wmd sind noch nicht soooo richtig gefunden und so ganz diiiie bedrohung scheinen sie ja wohl auch nicht gewesen zu sein.... selbst WENN man doch noch (glück haben) und irgendwo irgend was finden sollte ???? (inzwischen würden auch schon irgendwelche (erpreßten ???) pläne und irgndwiiie die aussage: ja, daran gedacht und damit beschäftigt haben wir uns irgendwie schooon.... völlig ausreichen....)
also haben wir (ich meine, die anderen) jetzt das augenmerk irgendwie mehr auf das 'befreien des landes von seinem grausamen diktator' (und, seines öls, natürlich) und 'freiheit' (von seinem öl (und seiner asbach uuuralten schätze)) und 'demokratie' gedöns gelenkt und sind jetzt mehr damit beschäftigt die nichtfreudigen und befreit aufatmenden fahnenschwenkenden irakis irgendwie in schach zu halten, damit man die zusammengebombte infrastruktur wieder flicken kann (erinnert das nicht irgendwie an afghanistan ???? ... afghanistan ? wie ? was ?), anstatt nach terroristen zu suchen.
halt, nein. das ist ja alles viel einfacher. terrorismus ist doch ein geniales vehikel. den gibt es schließlich überall da unten.... nein, noch genialer: in je mehr staaten wir einmarschieren und sie von ihrer infrastruktur befreien, um so mehr terroristen schaffen wir..... genial... und auf diese art und weise fangen wir dann auch alle terroristen auf einen schlag. denn jeder, der irgendwie mit dem was wir machen (und das 'gute' darin nicht zu würdigen weiß) und sich gegen uns stellt, MUSS zwangsläufig terrorist sein.... genial.
und da wir auf diese art ein land nach dem anderen von terroristen (und allem, was wir sonst so brauchen können) befreien, müssen die natürlich (selbstredend MIT ihren wmd !) in die länder fliehen, die wir noch nicht gesäubert haben.
nein, halt, das öl und die geschäfte brauchen wir natürlich nicht für uns, sondern für die kosten der 'befreiung' und 'entterrorisierung' (oder, so ähnlich....)
um so mehr, da dieses mal das (eigentlich noch viel genialere) konzept nicht so richtig aufgegangen ist. irgend so ein paar blöde staaten (und die gesamte un, nach einer entsprechenden hetzkampagne dieser blöden staaten) (alles terroristen natürlich und aus purem eigennutz und eigeninteresse), wollten dieses mal nicht mitmachen (aber wir werden ihre wmd zu gegebener zeit schon finden; erst muß mal irgendwie das ergatterte öl nach hause kommen....)
denn, eigentlich hätte es ähnlich wie in afghanistan (erinnert sich noch jemand dran ???) sein oder funktionieren sollen: WIR leisten unseren teil und schicken unsere bomben (und natürlich unsere heroischen braven menschen) und wirbeln die terroristennester auf; nehmen uns - als belohnung dafür (siehe: 'to the victor goes the spoil'), was wir brauchen können und lassen die anderen (deshalb auch: coalition of the 'willing' .... oder war das doch: coalition of the billing ????? .... hhmmm.... genannt....) (inkl. unserer und deren braver (und ebenfalls 'williger') steuerzahler und anderer armen schweine, natürlich) die 'rechnung' bezahlen.... also, diesen ganzen humanitären kram und so und sich mit den restbeständen oder neugeschaffenen 'terroristen' herumschlagen, damit unsere ruhm- und ehrenhaften legionen zu neuen spoils aufbrechen können (denn, nicht vrgessen: ONLY to the victors goes the spoil !)
genial, wirklich genial. und sie haben gar keine andere wahl.
denn wir ziehen (auf terroristen- und / oder wmd-suche.... remember, da war mal was ??) von land zu land und den 'gutmütigen' und 'willigen' bleibt gar keine andere wahl, als zu bezahlen und nach uns aufzuräumen. denn man kann ja die armen verstümmelten, hungernden, unschuldigen nicht einfach im stich lassen.....
cry babies !
so, were to next (so lange die masche noch funktioniert) ?
(und wir denen auch noch weiß machen können, daß WIR die 'guten' sind und alles nur aus reiner menschenliebe und schutz und sicherheit und so was alles tun.... hihi....)
The US military has revealed it is holding juveniles at its high-security prison for terrorists at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, known as Camp Xray.
The commander of the joint task force at Guantanamo, Major General Geoffrey Miller, says more than one child under the age of 16 is at the detention center.
However, Maj Gen Miller has revealed little more about their welfare.
Maj Gen Miller says the US is holding "juvenile enemy combatants" at the centre, confirming rumours of children being held.
He has refused to reveal how many there are, their exact ages or their countries of origin.
He says they are being well cared for and are kept in facilities separate to adult prisoners.
The children are still being interrogated and will continue to be held at Guantanamo.
About 660 prisoners are in the camp.
They have not been tried or convicted of any offence but are being held as part of what the US calls its war on terror.
I had the good fortune to attend TWO Easter dinners with sets of family
members this year. Like so many of my e-friends who often complain to me
that their families think they're crazy because they believe the U.S.
government knows a lot more about the 9/11 butchery than it lets on, and
that the recent shoot-'em-up in Iraq was a totally illegal and immoral
operation that left the blood of innocent babies all over the American
flag, I'm stuck in the same boat.
I'm sympathetic to those messages, because I have a family exactly
like that, one that regards me as some odd radical and wonders when I'm
going to get picked up and locked away by Ashcroft's storm troopers for
many statements that they regard as subversive and blasphemous. But as I
have often advocated that all of us who KNOW must do the best we can
informing those of us who don't, I felt obliged to do some educating
when the opportunity appeared. Call it a feeble attempt to walk some
talk, or possibly talk some walk.
The first dinner was mild and cordial, full of presents and small
talk, with not a whimper of war, treason, or how Americans are hiding
their heads in the sand and ignoring the blooming tidal wave that
signals the coming worldwide police state. Just a little moaning about
the suspicious unpredictability of the stock market amid jocular
enthusiasm about the latest specifications concerning new cars.
The second dinner, however, with a black sheep nephew who has been
ostracized from the righteous and respectable side of the family over
his penchant for serial girlfriends and loud blues music, was much more
laid back and unpretentious, and the conversation soon drifted to war.
Actually, the new girlfriend (and in fact, the new fiancée; he's
reforming and settling down as he rocks into middle age) brought it up.
"Why do they have to keep killing all those innocent people?"
My ears perked up. What was this? A whiff of consciousness from my
very own family?
But I held back, not wanting to too soon lurch into a full-blown
oration about the criminal tendencies of America's Nazi government. But
then the opportunity presented itself when my nephew noted that it was
tragic and regrettable that many American soldiers (he's an ex-Marine)
had been stricken by illness at a result of their exposure to chemical
He looked at me for a response and I was there. "It isn't really
chemical weapons that have been the real danger," I said. "Most
Americans in the first Gulf War were sickened by the ammunition they
were using, which is made from leftover uranium from nuclear plants. And
the second leading cause of all these diseases was from the shots they
were given, which contained ingredients that to this day no one has ever
adequately identified."
His eyes widened. I continued. "Did you know that 255,000 soldiers
have filed for VA disability pensions as a result of being in the first
Gulf War? Did you know that 10,000 of those people have already died?
And they say that the potency of the ordnance they're using now is much
greater, so that we can expect the incidence of illness and cancer in
these troops who are serving now is going to be much greater that what
happened in the first Gulf War?
"You don't want me to talk about the actual diseases these people
get, not at the dinner table ... "
With that he rocked forward and took a big slug of beer. I was an
avuncular prizefighter looking for a gentle but irrevocable knockout.
"Do you know why we went to war in Iraq?" I asked quietly. His
answer was mumbled, garbled, uncertain. "Well, yeah, that guy (Saddam)
was dangerous; he was a menace."
I pushed on. "Is it OK to invade another country if the reason
you're using is a lie?" I asked.
"Well, er, no."
"There were two reasons we invaded Iraq," I said. "First was we said
he had weapons of mass destruction. We didn't find any. That reason was
a lie. Second, we said Saddam was connected with al-Qaeda and 9/11.
There IS no connection. Al-Qaeda was invented by the CIA when we
recruited Muslims to fight the Russians in Afghanistan 15 years ago. The
U.S. has fought side-by-side with al-Qaeda in Bosnia, Kosovo and
Macedonia. The connection is not between al-Qaeda and Iraq; it's between
al-Qaeda and the U.S. Both reasons we went to war in Iraq are lies, told
by our country. We killed all those people for no real reasons at all,
or at least, for reasons that are not the ones they're telling us."
I sensed I could push just a little further. "The invasion of Iraq
by the U.S. was much worse even than when Hitler invaded Poland back in
the second World War. The rest of the world now has us in the same
category as Nazi Germany when it tried to take over all of Europe. In
fact, what we did to Iraq was much worse than anything Germany ever did
to Poland.
"What it's like in this country now is exactly like it was in
Germany just before World War II started. New laws are being passed to
supposedly protect us from foreign enemies. Back then it was the
Communists; now it's the Muslims.
"Think about that when you see people waving those flags next time,"
I said, sensing he would have no comeback for any of this even if he
wanted one. "They are waving those flags and cheering for wars that will
take over any country they want for any reason at all. They don't even
have to tell the truth about why they're doing it anymore. So when you
hear someone say 'support the troops,' what they're really saying is
that we can kill anybody we want to for no reason at all. This is what
America has become."
After a long, thoughtful silence, my nephew's fiancée spoke up
again: "I just don't see why they have to kill all those innocent
This time, I couldn't resist an answer. "It's because the people who
arrange the wars make so much money off them. They want war, all the
time. It's too good a scam for them to worry about innocent people. War
is the engine that drives the economy. The same people who make the
weapons own the newspapers and TV networks, which is why they all keep
saying war is a good thing. When wars happen, some people ... some very
rich people ... get very, very rich. That's why they keep doing it.
That's why they won't stop ... unless we stop them.
"That's why it's very important that each one of us pays attention
and must say what we feel. Otherwise, they're going to keep doing it,
and it's going to get worse each time ... "
I could sense the moment had passed, that I had achieved my
objective and it was time to let up. Beer, wine, and gwumpkies had taken
their toll, and naps all around were looming in the near future for all
of us. I hadn't even lurched into my 9/11 rap, or that the Congress was
all bought off and incapable of doing anything positive for humanity, or
that the U.S. Constitution was long buried by new police-state
legislation. But I had pushed them further than I ever had, and gave
thanks for that.
After leaving for home, I further reflected about the flags I saw
flying on people's houses, the patriotic bunting on the fences, and the
marquee at the local church that read: Jesus is the Supreme Commander.
We are trapped in a poison fog of patriotism, and don't dare to
question the motives and actions of our so-called leaders. America as a
country has held us together and gives us a good life in which to
prosper and relax. The majority of us do not take the time to carefully
examine the reasons our military does what it does when it does them.
We have invented enemy targets out of statements that the rest of
the world rejects as clumsy lies. But we ignore the rest of the world
because we are Americans, point at our high-tech gadgets, and say with
horrifying hubris: "Look at what we've got. We must be right! Because
you want what we've got!"
As the venerable TV legend Walter Cronkite recently said, the future
seems very, very dark. It will continue to be so unless all Americans,
each time they see their flag waving in the breeze, realize that this
emblem now symbolizes in this year of our Lord 2003 that Americans can
kill anybody they want to for any reason we choose, even if that reason
is a lie.
Don't bother praying. God would never help people like that, people
like us.
John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," soon to
be published by Dandelion Books.