WNBD - Shortsqueeze Play am Ausbrechen! (2)
Seite 3 von 7 Neuester Beitrag: 29.06.11 00:52 | ||||
Eröffnet am: | 17.11.06 09:44 | von: RoulettProfi | Anzahl Beiträge: | 152 |
Neuester Beitrag: | 29.06.11 00:52 | von: Heron | Leser gesamt: | 34.327 |
Forum: | Hot-Stocks | Leser heute: | 13 | |
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ob das mal was wird?
von denen wo ich sehr überzeugt bin/wahr
gingen die meisten am A..................
2nd Winning Colours(R) Multi-Cleaner Truckload for Dynamic Paints in 2007
Big Box Accounts Show Growth
Winning Brands Corporation (PINKSHEETS: WNBD) www.WinningBrands.ca announces that Dynamic Paints of Mississauga, Ontario, has issued its 2nd truckload Purchase Order in 2007 for Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner in response to growing demand for the environmental paint and stain remover amongst its "big box" retail customers.
Winning Brands' Sales Manager Lorne Kelly considers it significant that with this order the year-over-year sales growth for Winning Colours® through this distribution channel has surpassed 100% compared with 2006. "It is encouraging to see existing distributors re-order Winning Colours® at a growing pace, rather than relying only on a larger network for their growth," says Kelly. Dynamic Paints is one distributor supplying national stores such as Home Depot and Canadian Tire, as well as independent home improvement retailers with Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner. "Today's P.O. is in addition to recent partial truckload orders for the USA as U.S. stores begin stocking the new product for the first time," adds Kelly. A truckload of Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner varies between U.S. $75,000 to U.S. $125,000 in ex-factory value depending upon mix of size SKUs in the shipment.
Winning Brands' CEO Eric Lehner notes that with the recent activation of professional purchase order financing and accounts receivable financing for Winning Colours®, inventory turns will be easier to accommodate. "It's not very glamorous to talk about the mechanics of financing, but in reality it means a lot for a company's viability to be able to produce a growing volume without distress," notes Lehner. "Getting the basics right and being a consistent performer is often a better predictor of long term success than great ideas by themselves," he adds. "Luckily, we've got both."
Winning Brands Corporation manufactures Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner in North America for consumer and commercial markets. Winning Brands' full product range includes a variety of environmentally responsible alternative cleaning solutions, including its non-toxic SMART(TM) Wet Cleaning Solutions alternative to Perchlorethylene used in Dry Cleaning, as well as health and beauty aids for persons with chemical sensitivities.
Certain statements in this news release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "future," "may," "will," "would," "should," "plan," "projected," "intend," and similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Winning Brands Corporation (the Company) to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company's future operating results are dependent upon many factors, including but not limited to the Company's ability to: (i) obtain sufficient capital or a strategic business arrangement to fund its expansion plans; (ii) build the management and human resources and infrastructure necessary to support the growth of its business; and (iii) competitive factors and developments beyond the Company's control. Winning Colours is a Registered Trademark of Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd and used under licence. SMART(TM) Wet Cleaning Solutions is a trademark of Solvent Free Solutions Inc.
Winning Brands Corporation
Office Direct (705) 737-4062
11 Victoria Street, Suite 220A
Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 6T3
Source: Market Wire (July 3, 2007 - 9:07 AM EDT)
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10:07 AM | Winning Colours(R) Qualifies for Accounts Receivable Financing - Market Wire | |
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3:32 PM | Holland America Line Converting ms Amsterdam to SMART(TM) Wet Cleaning - Market Wire | |
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11:01 AM | SMART(TM) Wet Cleaning Chain: Plant Expansion Needed to Meet Demand - Market Wire | |
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9:10 AM | SMART(TM) Wet Cleaning Facility Honoured by Texas House of Representatives - Market Wire | |
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3:59 PM | Winning Colours Multi-Cleaner Deliveries Commence to Five Star Group - Market Wire Bulletin Winning |
aber nein ermuß mit seiner Oel Mafia seinen guten Ruf ruinieren
Bulletin Winning
eine MK von min.2Mill ist gerechtfertigt
allso kurs von 0,01 ist derzeit das minimum
an der Börse wird die Zukunft gehandelt
MK von 20Mill sind dabei doch noch garnicht übertrieben
allso kurse von 10cent jederzeit möglich
mein ZIEL bei WINNING min.eine MK von 70Mill
das ist mein Standpunkt und überhaupt keine Kaufempfehlung
das ganze bei lage der Dinge wie sie derzeit nachvollziehbar sind
Bulletin WINNING
Thema-sollte man auch nicht ausser acht lassen
bisher keine Spur von Dilution
die Jungs könnten uns in den Himmel Kataputieren
meine ich ernst
keine Dilution seit fast 2 Jahren
fast einmalig an der OTC/PK
Bulletin WINNING
Ich beobachte WNBD schon lange und stehe sporadisch mit Eric in Kontakt. Hier seine Antwort auf meine Fragen bezüglich der Sharestructure, des Problems des niedrigen PPS und Zahlen:
Hello Mr. XXX,
We have been advised that the recent spate of selling is a phenomenon known as naked short selling. I have been further advised that a symbol has been placed beside our security on the trading screens to require a physical certificate for settlement when selling in order to protect the company. The company's outstanding share count is still within the authorized limit of 500M and at least half of these are restricted Rule 144 stock. So the effective float is approximately 250M. We are interviewing IR companies to help communicate our message to the investment community. As I mentioned in the investor section of the website, it is a little premature to release financial data until our financing plan is more firm. Thank you for your very kind thoughts about the work we are doing. You are correct in believing that we are serious and interested in building a good company for the future.
Eric Lehner, CEO
Winning Brands Corporation
TruServ Canada Lists New Winning Colours(R) Multi-Cleaner 4-Ounce Size
500+ Stores to Gain Access
Winning Brands Corporation (PINKSHEETS: WNBD) www.WinningBrands.ca announces that the Canadian operations of TruServ have listed the new 4-ounce pocket size of Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner for their stores nationally. Winning Colours® is an environmentally oriented cleaning solution that is growing in popularity due to its kindness to skin, respect for the environment and gentleness on surfaces previously considered too delicate for use of a stain remover.
TruServ Canada supplies a complete range of Hardware, Tools, Paint, Sporting Goods, and Housewares through independently owned member stores known to consumers as True Value, V&S and Country Depot Stores. There are over 500 locations. The new 4-ounce pocket size is sold to retailers in 12 packs with a self-standing pop-up counter display that is small enough to fit beside store cashiers for impulse buying. TruServ's decision to grant a product number to this version of Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner immediately across their system enables their individual stores to easily place orders by computer to suit local demand. The special convenience of Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner in a 4-ounce size is the reason for this recently introduced package. The 4-ounce package and dispensing top is designed to fit almost anywhere, including pockets, purses, glove compartments, took kits, etc. Winning Brands is positioning Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner as the new household name in stain removing -- with the added benefit of environmental responsibility. Its launch slogan is "You Win. Stains Lose."
Winning Brands Corporation manufactures Winning Colours® Multi-Cleaner in North America for domestic and industrial use. Winning Brands' full product range includes a variety of environmentally responsible cleaning solutions, including its non-toxic SMART(TM) Wet Cleaning Solutions alternative to Perchloroethylene used in Dry Cleaning.
Certain statements in this news release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "future," "may," "will," "would," "should," "plan," "projected," "intend," and similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Winning Brands Corporation (the Company) to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company's future operating results are dependent upon many factors, including but not limited to the Company's ability to: (i) obtain sufficient capital or a strategic business arrangement to fund its expansion plans; (ii) build the management and human resources and infrastructure necessary to support the growth of its business; and (iii) competitive factors and developments beyond the Company's control. Winning Colors is a Registered Trademark of Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd and used under licence. SMART(TM) Wet Cleaning Solutions is a trademark of Solvent Free Solutions Inc.
Winning Brands Corporation
Office Direct (705) 737-4062
11 Victoria Street, Suite 220A
Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 6T3
Source: Market Wire (July 6, 2007 - 9:02 AM EDT)
auf zu den ersten TAUSEND
Hab endlich wieder grüne Zahlen.
Wird aber nicht lange halten.
Am Montag geht es genauso schnell wieder runter wie es hoch ging.
Der Short Trader geht immer erst kurze Zeit Long und stützt seinen Ask durch einen starken Bid. Sind genügend Stücke abverkauft, daß mit dem Rest das verbliebene Bid abbedient werden kann, dann stürzt der Kurs.
Naked Short Selling? Hmmm, wie soll das gehen, wenn nach Feierabend die Shorts immer gleich glatt gestellt werden und wer liefert dann immer auch gleich den passenden Ask, damit glatt gestellt werden kann? :-)
hinlegt, bin auch mal mit dabei und hoffe das noch ein paar
von euch hier sind.
Immerhin sieht es zur Zeit charttechnisch sehr gut aus,
da ist auf jeden Fall noch schön Platz nach oben.
Mal sehen wie es diese Woche weitergeht, allen Investierten
viel Glück.
Daumen drücken und Kerzen an.
z.Z 0,012 in USA.
find´ ich toll, schon wieder zusammen auf einem Thread.
Hand --- mit einem Schlösser
Also dann wollen wir doch mal sehen ob wir diesesmal mehr Glück
haben, sieht ja zur Zeit wirklich gut aus.
Im Moment stehen wir ja fast pari mit uns hier, wäre ja schön
wenn die Amis gleich nochmal richtig Gas geben würden.
Sonst noch jemand dabei ;-)
lasse mich mal überraschen ob es Morgen zu ersten Gewinnmitnahmen kommt
oder ob es noch weiter geht.
Auf jeden Fall würden wir jetzt Morgen hier schon bei 0,009 eröffnen,
also dann lauf oder besser renn noch ein wenig,
hattest dich ja lange genug ausgeruht alte WB ;-)
Werden sich bestimmt noch welche melden.
@ Alle
1. Teuer Einkaufen so um die 0,01 €
2. Hier posten, albern, jubeln
3. Noch teurer verkaufen
4. Hier wieder posten und jubeln
Hand --- mit dem selben Schlösser