Velocys Aktie mit viel Potential !
Grünes Fliegen: Experte erklärt, wie Wasserstoff die Luftfahrt revolutionieren könnte, wenn diese Probleme gelöst werden
Es ist ja praktisch noch nichts entwickelt für die Luftfahrt und wenn ich dann noch lese das bis 2050 63% SAF beigemischt werden soll gibt es auch keinen Anreiz teuren Wasserstoff einzusetzen wenn man viel günstigeren SAF einsetzen kann zumal man keine weiteren Kosten und Änderungen an Infrastruktur tätigen muss.
Der Wasserstoff muss auch erstmal aus erneuerbaren Energien in ausreichender Menge verfügbar sein und wird dann wohl eher erstmal bei den bis dahin zahlreichen H2 Lkws gebraucht.
herzlich willkommen bei Velo!
Velocys hat mit Wasserstoff nicht viel am Hut.
Velo baut Reaktoren um aus Müll, durch das Fischer Tropsch verfahren synthetische Krafstoffe zu produzieren.
Des Weiteren besitzt Velo eine Menge an Patenten technischer Bauteilen, die notwendig sind um so einen Reaktor zu betreiben.
Selbst große Triebwerksbauer wie MTU Rolls Royce, setzten auf synthetische Krafstoffe, da die Umrüstung der bestehenden Triebwerke einfacher und nachhaltiger sind.
FUCHS hat absolut recht mit dem Gewicht der Tanks. Zusätzlich ist der Gegendruck denn so ein Tank auf 10 000m Höhe benötigt ebenfalls noch nicht gelöst!
Mach bitte nicht hier das selbe wie bei Netcents!!
Nur ich Spiele mit meinen Stück,und sonst keiner.
Nur damit ihr bescheid wisst.
Hier schreibe ich wie bei Netcents...
Sobald ich was finde, das zu Velocys passt, poste ich es mit Quellenangaben, mehr nicht !
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SAF Marktanalyse:
Weitere Förderungen der britischen Regierung (nicht velocys spezifisch)
The new Bayou Fuels website is now online and shows the scale and benefits of the project, which will be located in Natchez, Mississippi. It highlights the important role for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in reaching targets for emissions reduction and ultimately net zero. Plans for the facility and Velocys integrated technology are demonstrated. The website provides summary information on this first-of-its-kind facility.
The Bayou Fuels brand includes a trademarked name and logo as well as a dedicated colour palette to reflect its individual identity. The launch recognises the significant progress of the project along with political strides forward at federal and state level.
The Bayou Fuels plant will enable the commercial-scale production of negative-carbon liquid fuels to help deliver net zero carbon aviation by 2050. Once operational, the plant will have a nameplate capacity of 25 million gallons per annum of negative carbon intensity SAF which can be blended with conventional Jet A to deliver net zero fuel to airlines.
The project has received noteworthy local support in Mississippi, with the Mayor of Natchez, Dan Gibson, calling the project historic. Chandler Ross, Executive Director of local development support organisation, Natchez Inc, commented, This is a huge opportunity for us and the benefit to the county is more than $1 billion of capital outlay to the site.
This local endorsement mirrors the significant federal support for the development of a domestic SAF industry in the United States. The Biden White House recently committed to producing billions of gallons of SAF to reduce aviation emissions of greenhouse gases. The White House briefing paper cited Velocys as a project that will help us achieve our 2030 goals.
Other federal initiatives include the launch of a new Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge to inspire a dramatic increase in the production of SAF to at least 3 billion gallons per year by 2030 and providing financial support for SAF projects and fuel producers totalling up to $4.3 billion alongside ongoing funding opportunities.
Velocys has welcomed these developments and recognises the prime position of the Bayou Fuels project to meet SAF demand and net zero goals in the USA. The new Bayou Fuels website and brand will help drive future growth in this initiative
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In a statement this morning, the airport said it's also looking at other policies that would scale up production of sustainable fuels in the UK, including a price support mechanism and loan guarantees.
John Holland-Kaye, Heathrow chief executive, said: “We should aim for 2019 to have been the peak year for fossil-fuel use in global aviation.”
The demand comes as debate intensifies over how to tackle the challenge of lowering air travel’s carbon footprint – and who pays for it. Last week, the airline industry’s main lobby group adopted a target of eliminating carbon emissions on a net basis by 2050.
Increasingly, the industry has rallied around SAFs – which the latest jets can easily accommodate – as one way to cut back on the use of conventional fuel. However, it is expensive and still produced in only limited amounts.
Mr Holland-Kaye called on the UK to set an example as it hosts the coming COP26 climate conference at the end of this month, and said an acceleration of SAF use “will protect the benefits of flying for future generations.”"
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