Uranerz Energy! Dinge gehen ihren Gang!

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164 Postings, 6540 Tage safeharbourAuch noch investiert

21.09.07 22:34
bist nicht alleine, biomuell. Angeblich sollen die Gespräche mit Areva wieder begonnen haben. Jedoch unter anderen Voraussetzungen. Insider wissen sicher mehr. Schöner Verlauf jedenfalls und noch viel Potential bis zum ATH und darüber.

Etwas anderes: Biomuell, kennst du den BB Emerging Markets Trader? Der wird am Montag einen Namen einer kürzlich in Frankfurt gelisteten nigerianischen Bank bekannt geben. Vielleicht bist du ja Abonnent oder kennst zufällig einen nigerianischen Bankwert in Frankfurt. Danke im Voraus!  

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellHier steht etwas an !!

24.09.07 10:03
anders als Forsys und Powertech - hat Uranerz bereits eine TADELLOSE BODENBILDUNG abgeschlossen!


Freitags - wie auch öfters schon an den Tagen zuvor - hohe Umsätze gegen Börsenschluss!

meiner meinung steht hier etwas an!!  

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellUranerz + 7 % und Powertech + 9 %

24.09.07 15:33
ich bin der meinung  - was immer auch dahinter steckt - es ist kein Zufall, dass die beiden nachbarn gerade - im gegensatz forsys - heute vor(US)börslich so anziehen !!!  

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellgerücht

25.09.07 10:31
Bei Uranerz (URZ, WKN A0F5XB) machen Gerüchte die Runde, nach denen die jüngst akquirierte Nammco Gruppe, die bislang privat war, über 60 Mio. Pfund Uran besitzt. Dies würde Uranerz jedoch in völlig neue Dimensionen befördern! Bislang bewertet der Markt Uranerz mit geschätzten 18-20 Mio. Pfund Uranressourcen.  

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellwürde eine verdreifachung des Kurses bedeutet

25.09.07 14:59
wenn das RSR gerücht sich bewahrheiten sollte  

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellKurzfristiges KZ: 5 €

26.09.07 18:11

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellkorrektur: meinte 4 €

27.09.07 10:00

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellUran Spot preise steigen wieder

28.09.07 10:58

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellniemand will uranerz haben

02.11.07 18:19
kommt noch ;0)  

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellhier sieht es nach AUSBRUCH aus

05.11.07 11:17
nicht heute, aber vielleicht schon gegen Ende der Woche oder in der nächsten  

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuellgestern angekündigt - und heute passiert

06.11.07 23:19
manchmal ist es wirklich einfach, wenn man sich den chart etwas besser ansieht  

5847 Postings, 6555 Tage biomuell+14 %

06.11.07 23:20

35 Postings, 6724 Tage RE11Uranerz steigt und steigt

21.05.08 17:33
In Amerika kauft einer schon seit Tagen die Stücken von Uranerz auf. Immer weiter so.  

35 Postings, 6724 Tage RE11+18% heute

21.05.08 18:59

35 Postings, 6724 Tage RE11Heute wieder 15% rauf.

24.06.08 18:26
Durch den stark gestiegenen Ölpreis, denken viele wieder auf Atomenergy umzusteigen, das erhöht die Nachfrage auf Uran.
McCain will 45 neue Atomkraftwerke bauen
Der Ölpreis steigt, die Amerikaner werden nervös. US-Präsidentschaftsbewerber McCain setzt nun massiv auf die Atomenergie. Er fordert 45 neue Reaktoren bis zum Jahr 2030 und "Hunderte" in der Zeit danach - eine saubere Sache auch für das Klima, sagt er.


Koch plant neue Atomkraftwerke ab 2010
Hessens Ministerpräsident Roland Koch (CDU) will den Bau neuer Atomkraftwerke in Deutschland ab 2010 erneut prüfen.


Auch Italien will neue Atomkraftwerke

China will 32 neue Atomkraftwerke bauen - Atomkraft in China
China reagiert auf den Energiehunger seiner Riesen-Volkswirtschaft: Die Volksrepublik will in den nächsten Jahren 32 neue Atomkraftwerke bauen - in Anbetracht der gigantischen Energieprobleme des Landes ist das allerdings nicht mehr als ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.

Mit dem Bau der 32 neuen Reaktoren soll dem rasant wachsenden Energiebedarf der Volksrepublik Rechnung getragen werden, erklärte der Vizedirektor der staatlichen Nuklearbehörde, Shen Wenquan, laut einem Bericht in einer Fachzeitschrift für Energiefragen. Im Moment sind in China neun Reaktoren im Einsatz. Die neuen Meiler sollen innerhalb der nächsten 15 Jahre entstehen.


Das sind ganz schön viele Atomkraftwerke, die in der Planung sind.

30 Postings, 5850 Tage DadakUranerz hält die Krise durch

15.04.09 09:36
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Uranerz Reports on Uranium ISR Mine Permitting Update

Casper, Wyoming, March 26, 2009 -- Uranerz Energy Corporation ("Uranerz" or the "Company") (NYSE Amex: URZ; TSX: URZ; Frankfurt: U9E) is pleased to announce that, with the recent receipt of a Request for Additional Information ("RAI") on environmental issues from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC"), the permitting activities associated with the Nichols Ranch In-Situ Recovery ("ISR") Uranium Project located in the Powder Basin of Wyoming, are progressing.

Applications for a Permit to Mine and a Source Material License for the Nichols Ranch ISR Uranium Project were submitted to the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality -- Land Quality Division ("WDEQ") and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") in December of 2007. Both the NRC and WDEQ applications were deemed complete for further technical and environmental review in April 2008 and August 2008, respectively. In the fall of 2008, Uranerz received the RAI for the technical review from the NRC. Uranerz submitted the response to this RAI, consisting of answers with supporting data, to the NRC during March 2009. This return of information and data will allow the NRC to progress with the review, which should lead ultimately to the issuance of the required Source Materials License that allows Uranerz to receive, possess, use, transfer, or deliver radioactive materials. Uranerz also received RAIs from the NRC for the environmental portion of the application review on March 12, 2009. Again, as with the technical review request, Uranerz will respond as soon as practicable. The WDEQ is currently conducting their detailed review of the Permit to Mine application and additional questions are expected in the near future.

The mine plan for the Nichols Ranch ISR Uranium Project includes a central processing facility at the Company's Nichols Ranch property and a satellite ion exchange facility at its Hank property. The ultimate production level from these two properties is planned to be in the range of 600,000 to 750,000 pounds per year (as U308). The central processing facility is planned for a licensed capacity of 2 million pounds per year of uranium (as U308) and will process uranium-bearing well-field solutions from Nichols Ranch, as well as uranium-loaded resin transported from the Hank satellite facility, plus uranium-loaded resin from any additional satellite deposits that may be developed on the Company's other Powder River Basin properties. This centralized design enhances the economics of the Company's potential additional satellite projects by maximizing production capacity while minimizing further capital expenditures on processing facilities. The project is at a stage where it is progressing through the detailed engineering and design.

"I am very pleased with the effort that has been put forth from the Uranerz regulatory team as well as the regulatory agencies in moving this project forward in the best possible time frame. We are confident this effort will result in obtaining the necessary authorizations so that we can meet our goals of being a uranium producer in 2011", stated Mike Thomas, Uranerz Energy's Environmental, Safety, and Health Manager.

"The progress in our efforts to move the Company's Nichols Ranch ISR Uranium Project towards commercial production has been significant", stated Uranerz Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, George Hartman. "We have been very satisfied with the professionalism and thoroughness of both of the regulatory agencies and their staff in their review of our applications."

About Uranerz
Uranerz Energy Corporation is a pure-play uranium company listed on the NYSE Amex Exchange (formerly called the American Stock Exchange) and the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") under the symbol "URZ", and is also listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol "U9E".

Members of the Uranerz management team have specialized expertise in the in-situ recovery ("ISR") uranium mining method, and the Company collectively owns or controls (including through its interest in the Arkose Mining Venture) approximately 124,200 acres (50,255 hectares or 194 square miles) in the Pumpkin Buttes Uranium Mining District of the central Powder River Basin of Wyoming, U.S.A., an area well-known for hosting uranium-mineralized roll fronts often amenable to ISR mining techniques.

The Company has submitted federal and state mining applications to build and operate the Nichols Ranch ISR Uranium Project which, when licensed and constructed, is planned to consist of a central processing facility at the Nichols Ranch property and a satellite facility at the Hank property. Commercial ISR mining in the Powder River Basin has been ongoing since 1987, with production coming from the Smith Ranch-Highland mine currently owned and operated by Cameco Resources Inc. and from AREVA NC's Irigaray-Christensen Ranch ISR mine located in the Pumpkin Buttes uranium mining district (presently on stand-by, but re-start of operations has been announced). Commencement of operations at the Nichols Ranch ISR Uranium Project is dependent on receipt of required regulatory approvals.

ISR mining comprised 29% of global uranium production in 2007 according to the World Nuclear Association. Wyoming ISR advantages include low capital costs, low operating costs, and low environmental impact. Wyoming is the largest uranium producer in the USA with a long ISR history and has the largest known uranium resource base in the USA. Uranerz management has a record of licensing commercial ISR projects.

Further Information
For further information, contact the Company's Investor Relations department at 1-800-689-1659 or please refer to the Company's website at www.uranerz.com, review the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov, or visit the Company's profile on the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com.  

119 Postings, 5595 Tage radypausbruch

12.06.09 17:57

9546 Postings, 6499 Tage TykoHeute?

16.12.09 14:46
auf WL

das wollen wir mal erst sehn......

Noch einer dabei?

9546 Postings, 6499 Tage Tykonews

17.12.09 07:17
DJ IRW-PRESS: URANERZ ENERGY: Uranerz erhält UVE-Entwurf für das ISR-Uranprojekt Nichols Ranch

09:50 15.12.09

DJ IRW-PRESS: URANERZ ENERGY: Uranerz erhält UVE-Entwurf für das ISR-Uranprojekt Nichols Ranch

Uranerz erhält UVE-Entwurf für das ISR-Uranprojekt Nichols Ranch

CASPER, WYOMING, 9. Dezember 2009 -- Uranerz Energy Corporation ("Uranerz" oder das "Unternehmen") (TSX: URZ)(NYSE Amex: URZ)(FRANKFURT: U9E) freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass die United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") - die US-Atomregulierungskommission - den Entwurf zu einer Umweltverträglichkeitserklärung für das unternehmenseigene ISR-Uranprojekt Nichols Ranch in den Campbell und Johnson Counties in Wyoming, U.S.A. übermittelt hat. Dieser Entwurf zur Umweltverträglichkeitserklärung ("UVE") für das ISR-Uranprojekt Nichols Ranch dient als "Ergänzung zur allgemeinen Umweltverträglichkeitserklärung in Bezug auf Urananlagen mit In-situ-Laugung" ("Supplement to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities").

Die Übermittlung des Entwurfs zur Umweltverträglichkeitserklärung ist ein wesentlicher Schritt im Verfahren zum Erhalt einer Zulassung für Ausgangsmaterial. Der Erhalt einer solchen "Ausgangsmaterial-Lizenz", die es dem Unternehmen ermöglicht, radioaktives Material in Empfang zu nehmen, zu besitzen, zu verwenden und zu transportieren, ist erforderlich, bevor eine Uranmine zur In-situ-Laugung ("ISR") errichtet und betrieben werden kann.

Die vorläufige Empfehlung der NRC im Entwurf zur Umweltverträglichkeitserklärung lautet:

"Nach Abwägung der Auswirkungen der vorgeschlagenen Vorgangsweise und nach einem Vergleich mit möglichen Alternativen geben die Mitarbeiter der NRC im Einklang mit den Bestimmungen gemäß 10 CFR 51.71(f) die folgende vorläufige NEPA-Empfehlung hinsichtlich der vorgeschlagenen Vorgangsweise ab. Die Mitarbeiter der NRC sprechen die Empfehlung aus, dass vorbehaltlich etwaiger Sicherheitsanforderungen die Umweltauswirkungen der vorgeschlagenen Vorgangsweise (Ausstellung einer Ausgangsmaterial-Lizenz für das vorgeschlagene ISR-Projekt Nichols Ranch) nicht so groß sind, als dass die Ausstellung einer Ausgangsmaterial-Lizenz unverantwortlich wäre.

Die Mitarbeiter der NRC sind zum Schluss gekommen, dass der Gesamtnutzen aus der vorgeschlagenen Vorgangsweise größer ist als die Nachteile für die Umwelt und die Kosten. Dabei werden folgende Aspekte in Betracht gezogen:

Die möglichen Auswirkungen auf sämtliche Umweltressourcengebiete dürfen nur GERING sein, außer es handelt sich um:

1. historische und archäologische Ressourcen während der Errichtung,

2. visuelle und landschaftlich reizvolle Ressourcen während der Errichtung und

3. sozioökonomische Ressourcen (insbesondere im Hinblick auf Demographie, Siedlungspolitik und lokale Finanzen) während des Betriebs.

In diesen Fällen dürfen solche Auswirkungen nur MÄSSIG sein."

In den Erkenntnissen des Entwurfs zur Umweltverträglichkeitserklärung findet sich kein Bezug auf "schwerwiegende" Umweltauswirkungen im Zusammenhang mit dem ISR-Uranprojekt Nichols Ranch.

"Die Übermittlung dieses NRC-Dokuments ist ein wesentlicher Schritt im Genehmigungsverfahren. Zusammen mit der erst kürzlich erhaltenen Genehmigung hinsichtlich der Luftgüte (Air Quality Permit) kommen wir damit der Bauphase auf dem Projekt Nichols Ranch wieder ein Stück näher. Die Anlagenplanung ist zu ungefähr 90% abgeschlossen und die ersten Bestellungen von Geräten, bei denen mit einer längeren Lieferzeit zu rechnen ist, können bereits im ersten Quartal 2010 erfolgen," sagte George Hartman, Chief Operating Officer von Uranerz.

Über Uranerz

Uranerz Energy Corporation ist ein Uranexplorationsunternehmen mit Sitz in den USA, dessen Schwerpunkt auf der kommerziellen ISR-Uranproduktion liegt. Das Unternehmen kontrolliert einen strategischen Landbesitz im Uranabbaugebiet Pumpkin Buttes im zentralen Powder River Basin (Wyoming, USA).

Das Management-Team von Uranerz verfügt über fachliches Know-how bezüglich der ISR-Uranabbaumethode und kann zudem eine langjährige Erfahrung bei der Lizenzierung, der Errichtung und dem Betrieb von kommerziellen ISR-Uranprojekten vorweisen. Das Unternehmen hat langfristige Verträge zum Verkauf von Uran an zwei der größten Atomkraftwerke der USA, einschließlich Exelon, unterzeichnet.

Wyoming kann auf eine lange Geschichte des kommerziellen ISR-Uranabbaus zurückblicken, die bis in das Jahr 1987 zurückreicht. Wyoming weist die größten Reserven auf und ist der größte Uranproduzent aller US-Bundesstaaten.

Uranerz Energy Corporation notiert an der NYSE Amex und an der Toronto Stock Exchange unter dem Kürzel URZ" sowie an der Frankfurter Börse unter dem Kürzel U9E".

Weitere Informationen

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte die Investor-Relations-Abteilung des Unternehmens unter 1-800-689-1659 oder besuchen Sie uns im Internet: www.uranerz.com. Sie können auch die Veröffentlichungen des Unternehmens bei der Securities and Exchange Commission unter www.sec.gov lesen oder das Profil des Unternehmens auf der Website von SEDAR unter www.sedar.com begutachten.

Diese Pressemitteilung kann zukunftsgerichtete Informationen und zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen gemäß den geltenden US-amerikanischen und kanadischen Wertpapiergesetzen enthalten oder sich darauf beziehen. Dazu können - ohne Einschränkung - auch Aussagen zählen, die im Hinblick auf erwartete Fortschritte oder Ergebnisse betreffend die behördliche Genehmigung, u.a. - jedoch nicht ausschließlich - den Antrag bei der NRC, auf den sich der übermittelte Entwurf zur Umweltverträglichkeitserklärung bezieht, getätigt werden, sowie Aussagen zu den geplanten Fortschritten bei Anlagenplanung und Anlagenbau. Solche zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen spiegeln unsere derzeitige Auffassung hinsichtlich zukünftiger Ereignisse wider und unterliegen bestimmten Risiken, Unwägbarkeiten und Annahmen, einschließlich jener Risiken und Ungewissheiten, auf die in unseren jüngsten Finanzberichten sowie in den bei der United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") (abrufbar unter www.sec.gov) und der Canadian Securities Administrators (abrufbar unter www.sedar.com) eingereichten Registrierungsunterlagen hingewiesen wird. Sollten eines oder mehrere dieser Risiken oder Ungewissheiten eintreten oder sollten sich diesen zugrunde liegende Annahmen als unrichtig erweisen, dann könnten sich die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich von jenen unterscheiden, die geplant, angenommen, geschätzt oder erwartet wurden. Wir sind nicht verpflichtet, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen zu aktualisieren, es sei denn, dies wird in den entsprechenden Gesetzen gefordert.

Kontakt: Uranerz Energy Corporation Investor Relations 1-800-689-1659 oder (604) 689-1659 (604) 689-1722 (FAX) www.uranerz.com

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30 Postings, 5850 Tage DadakInteressante Interview

03.02.10 16:45
Interview mit Glen Catchpole
(nur Teilweise kopiert)

Uranerz acquires major interest in sizeable wyoming holdings

'Confident We Will Be Able to Identify a Significant Amount of Uranium'

An Interview with Glenn Catchpole, CEO of Uranerz Energy Corporation

StockInterview.com interviewed Glenn Catchpole, chief executive officer of Uranerz Energy Corporation (AMEX: URZ) shortly before the NAMMCO acquisition closed. The land package addition has tripled the land area under the control of Uranerz Energy in the Powder River Basin. Mr. Catchpole shared with us his excitement on this new acquisition and why he believes the new property addition could be quite promising. Mr. Catchpole also provided us with a look at his previous work experience as well as details on production plans, drill results and general updates on Uranerz operations.

Glenn Catchpole, CEO of Uranerz Energy Corporation

How would you describe the current status of Uranerz Energy Corporation?

Glenn Catchpole:
From the very beginning of activating this company and starting this venture, our business model has been to become a producer of natural uranium using the in-situ recovery mining method.  The reason we chose that model is because our team has experience doing just that, in terms of permitting, developing, mining and producing natural uranium using in-situ recovery.  So that has been our model since day one, and it has driven our acquisition efforts to locate properties that we call quality properties that in our opinion have a good chance of being economically mined using the in-situ recovery method. I am very pleased with the success we’ve had so far in obtaining and advancing uranium properties that we feel have good potential. Uranerz has acquired a considerable land position in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming in addition to having properties in the area of the Athabasca Basin and also in Mongolia. We certainly are going to continue our acquisition efforts but as to where we are today, we are very pleased with our progress.

So you are happy with your two primary ore properties, the Hank and Nichols Ranch?

Glenn Catchpole:
As a starting point, yes.  We feel that those are going to be able to be produced and provide us with a good return on our investment and they represent just the start of our plans for the future in terms of developing production in the Pumpkin Buttes uranium district of Wyoming.  

Uranerz Energy believes it has what it takes to become a successful producer of uranium. They have assembled experienced professionals, a large land package in uranium producing regions, and are progressing on the road to permits for their properties.  

In Uranerz Energy Corporation materials, there is an ISR triangle depicted, which includes people, properties and permits.  How does Uranerz measure up in these categories?

Glenn Catchpole:
Well in reference to that ISR triangle, on the bottom of it is the people category.  We feel that having an experienced uranium staff is one of our main strengths.  We have a very experienced, professional group in our organization.  When I say experienced, it’s not just in uranium but specifically in the production of uranium using the low-cost in-situ recovery mining method.  I have spent my entire thirty-one year professional career in uranium development and production using this particular mining method.  Our chief operating officer, George Hartman, likewise has spent most of his professional career in the in-situ recovery mining business and some eighteen years of that specific to uranium.  Our senior geologist responsible for exploration has extensive experience in Wyoming, in sandstone geology and with this core team, we feel we can successfully put, for instance, the Hank and Nichols Ranch properties into production efficiently and make them profitable operations.  As for the environmental permitting of uranium projects, I started out my career on that side of the business. I actually worked for the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, DEQ, as their senior hydrologist and the person who reviewed the in-situ recovery permit applications back in the 1975-1977 timeframe. From there I went into private industry, and my first job was to get the commercial permits for a project out in the Red Desert of Wyoming, which we did, and later on with the old Uranerz, I was directly involved in the commercial permitting of two more projects, this time in the Powder River Basin.  So, in the earlier days in my career, I spent a considerable amount of time on the permitting side and with that background, we are now training the next generation of professionals in our organization including our permitting manager Mike Thomas. We believe that in Wyoming we have a very good handle on the permitting process as our team has permitted three commercial ISR uranium projects in the state.

Having worked on the flip side of the coin, if you will, do you believe it has given you more of a unique perspective beneficial to your current work?

Glenn Catchpole:
Probably to some degree, I might have a better appreciation for what the regulatory folks are looking for in terms of the level of detail, but that’s not something that somebody else couldn’t, in this business, catch up with, but I do think it helps to some degree.  Also, some of my colleagues back when I was working for the Wyoming DEQ, are still working for that agency and in fact, the DEQ project manager for the Uranerz permitting in the Powder River Basin is a person that I worked with, some thirty years ago.  We have thus built up a good rapport with those folks and that should help us too.

Are some of the regulations that you now have to follow some that you had helped put into law, into practice?

Glenn Catchpole:
While I was working at the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, we developed a guideline relative to water quality sampling and analysis, and determining which chemical species should be part of the list for analyzing.  I worked on that and was part of that effort and that guideline, although it has been revised several times since I left the department, is still in use today.

The Nichols Ranch property has a defined roll-front, and drill results have confirmed the validity of the deposit.
The most advanced property in the Uranerz portfolio seems to be the Nichols Ranch property, with the roll-front identified.  How excited are you about this property and what can you tell us about the recent drill results?

Glenn Catchpole:
That property, just to give a little history on it, was one that we acquired from a third party by the name of Excalibur Industries.  As part of that acquisition, it included historical data, such as drill logs and lithologic logs, and some reports and maps with that information. From the analysis that we did, Uranerz felt very positive about that project, both in terms of the quality, or the grade of the ore and the thickness, the hydrology, everything seemed to fit very well.  We then did additional drilling and we acquired additional private mineral land nearby, adjacent to it, and from the results of that drilling which were on what is called the nose of the roll-front, we became even more excited about it.  We had some very good results from drilling.  One hole in fact, had 11 feet of uranium at a grade of .64 % which is very good in Wyoming for solution mining.  So, based on both the historic drilling and the subsequent drilling and exploration that we performed on that property, we feel very good about it and very confident that it’s going to make a good ISR mine.

That data that you quoted, that’s actually in the nose that you are talking about?

Glenn Catchpole:
Most of that was in the nose, not all of it.

What can you tell us about the Hank property and the progress of the delineation of the deposit?

Glenn Catchpole:
The Hank property, just like the Nichols property, was one we acquired from that same third party, and it also included the historic database.  From that database, plus additional drilling that we’ve completed, we feel comfortable that it will also make a good ISR uranium mine.  That’s why we’ve started the permitting effort on it.  The additional drilling, while not as rewarding as Nichols Ranch, because we were not in the nose of the ore body, is still very encouraging.

Where are you planning on processing the ore?

Glenn Catchpole:
We plan to construct our main processing facility at the Nichols Ranch site, and that processing facility will include the ion-exchange circuit, elution and precipitation circuits and a drying and packaging circuit, so we will be able to produce final product at the Nichols Ranch facility.  The Hank facility will be constructed as a satellite plant, consisting of an ion-exchange circuit, and we will be trucking the resin loaded with uranium from the Hank property over to Nichols Ranch and that’s a distance of about six miles.  

Uranerz Energy is progressing toward becoming a producer of uranium.  

When we first met you had discussed your previous ISR experiences and talked about being frugal in the building of a processing facility, or implementing the Chevrolet version instead of the Cadillac version.  Is this still your plan and what will this mean for Uranerz investors?

Glenn Catchpole:
Our plan is to build a very efficient, state-of-the-art processing facility, but we will do it in the most economic way possible and still have very safe and environmentally friendly facilities, but there won’t be a lot of fluff or bells and whistles that really aren’t needed to produce the final product.  We took this approach on a commercial ISR uranium mine we built in Wyoming the early 1980s and probably saved the joint venture about 30 to 40% in capital costs. We are in the process of preparing our internal economic assessment on Hank-Nichols Ranch production facilities and that should be completed early this year.  At that point we will have a good handle on what those capital costs are going to be, but they should be very reasonable based on the design that we are planning to use.  

Recently announced as well was the completion of the acquisition of the interest in land held by NAMMCO.  Can you briefly explain who is NAMMCO and why they have assembled the land position that they currently have?

Glenn Catchpole:
NAMMCO is a private company based in Casper, Wyoming that utilized the services of a very experienced uranium geologist by the name of Steve Payne to go out and put together a land package in the Powder River Basin. Based on that individual’s experience and based on research that he performed, we believe they put together an excellent land package with properties located very close to our holdings in the Powder River Basin, in some cases right adjacent to ours.  They did not have the expertise to mine the properties themselves, so they began to look for possible partners or a company to purchase the properties from them, and they had a number of companies interested. In the end, we were able to acquire an 81% interest while they retain a 19% working interest.  The NAMMCO project will be operated as a joint venture, with Uranerz as the operator.

Uranerz Energy has nearly tripled its land holdings in the Powder River Basin with its recent acquisition of an 81% interest in land held by NAMMCO, shown above in orange. Uranerz's previous holdings are shown in blue, with Cameco's properties in red and Areva's properties in green.

What is the scale of the NAMMCO land package?

Glenn Catchpole:
The land package they put together covers some plus or minus 77,000 acres, so it is a big package.  The geologist who put it together identified numerous oxidation reduction fronts on the land.  Obviously not all the land is going to contain uranium, but we are confident that at the end of the day we will be able to identify a significant amount of uranium.

Can you explain what Steve Payne was referring to by the stacked roll-front deposits and how that differs from a basic roll-front?

Glenn Catchpole:
A stacked roll-front deposit is very typical in Wyoming.  It just simply means that, in these Wyoming deposits, there are layers of sand, not just one big massive sand, but a number of less thick sands, and it might be separated by some sort of confining layer like a shale or a mudstone unit, and you can have a roll-front in each or several of these sands.  When that happens in the same area, these are called stacked fronts, or stacked roll-fronts and it’s not uncommon in Wyoming. If the quality of the mineralization in each front meets the test for being economically recovered, the most common way is to mine each sand, or each roll-front, separately, from the most deep to shallowest.  

What has captured your interest in the NAMMCO holdings?

Glenn Catchpole:
First and foremost, they’re in an area where historically there has been a lot of drilling in the past and where there has been previous uranium mineralization located.  So, it’s the right neighborhood.  That’s one thing.  Secondly, is the fact that Mr. Payne has identified these oxidation-reduction fronts when he put together the NAMMCO land package. Generally speaking, if you’re going to find uranium in a sandstone hosted environment, it’s going to be along these oxidation reduction fronts, and so that’s the other factor that has encouraged us to pursue this deal.  

1435 Postings, 5381 Tage njimko@Knappschaftsk.

25.04.10 19:58
und Alle hier engagierten.
Ich habe einen thread zu Explorern eröffnet:


Mich würde eure Meinung dazu sehr interessieren?


ISIN: US91688T1043
Symbol: U9E
64,2MioAktien outstanding, 75,382,087 full diluted
10,7MiolbUranU3O8 = 500Mio$ M&IR
Genehmigunge bis mitte 2010 danach ca 12 - 18 Monate bis zum
Produktionsbeginn ab mitte 2011

2502 Postings, 5565 Tage FegefeuerThread tot bei diesen Kaufkursen??

03.08.10 15:48
Weitere News von Uranerz von heute:


Hier geht in der zweiten Jahreshälfte noch einiges.  

2502 Postings, 5565 Tage FegefeuerJetzt wirds mal wieder interessant

15.09.10 18:15
Chart könnte eine Trendwende andeuten. Newsflow ist auch gegeben. Auch bei Uranium Energy gehts seit einiger Zeit bergauf. Erleben wir die Trendwende im Uransektor?

Mein EK liegt bei 1 € glatt. Hab die letzte Zeit zum verbilligen genutzt.

Noch jemand da?  

56 Postings, 5381 Tage m r djo

21.09.10 14:12

aber erst seit heute ;)



25 Postings, 5441 Tage stoxyHeute noch rein ...

21.09.10 15:19

oder einen kleinen Kursrückgang abwarten ? Hatte bis heute morgen eigntl. die hier im Sinn : www.ariva.de/uranium_res_inc-aktie

Habt Ihr ne unverb. Meinung ? Bin am hadern ob eine oder beide.


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