Universal Express (920232) STRONG BUY!
war 2 stunden nicht am board, schaue rein und dein "AAAAH" hat mir nen enormen schreck versetzt.
das mit den großbuchstaben scheint dir ja gut zu gefallen...
PS: irgendwo fliegt bei mir noch ne schnabeltasse von meinem patenkind rum - willst die? dann passiert dir sowas nicht mehr ;-))))
Ok, ok, jetzt reichts aber JanWayne!!!!!
Kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.... Hat nicht jeder zur Sicherheit eine Firewall am Start?
zwischen Deiner Betreffzeile und dem großen Kasten für den Rest Deines Postings?
So was wie Erweiterten HTML-Editor benutzen z.B.
Nov 14, 2003 (financialwire.net via COMTEX) -- (FinancialWire) Trading in Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: PPHM) were temporarily halted this week while the company's transfer agent and the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation looked for some 3 million shares that the DTC said its records showed and which the company's transfer agent, did not.
The matter, now resolved, only serves to further illustrate the kinds of problems that have dogged at
least 119 identified public companies, many of whom have claimed that the DTC does not properly account for illegal short sales, leading to phantom certificates, and which are now the subject of a comment period at www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/34-48709.htm extending until January 5.
Some thirteen on the list of 119, such as A.G. Edwards, Inc. (NYSE: AGE), Ameritrade Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: AMTD), Deutsche Bank AG (NYSE: DB), and E*Trade Group, Inc. (NYSE: ET), have been accused by one or more public companies as allegedly participating in short selling activities or abuses, or of failing to settle trades.
Others include FleetBoston (NYSE: FBF), Goldman, Sachs & Co. (NYSE: GS), Knight Securities, LP (NASDAQ: NITE), Ladenburg Thalmann & Co., Inc. (AMEX: LHS), M. H. Myerson & Co., Inc. (NASDAQ: MHMY), Olde / H&R Block (NYSE: HRB), Charles Schwab (NYSE: SCH), Toronto-Dominion's (NYSE: TD), TD Waterhouse Group and vFinance, Inc. (OTCBB: VFIN).
During discussions about the proposed new rule, which would make it illegal for anyone to sell a company's shares short without having first finding stock that can be delivered within two days, the Commissioners sharply disagreed with the staff that the accompanying new "rising bid" rule could not be applied equally to over-the-counter stocks.
The staff was insistent that OTC and OTCBB stocks do not have reliable consolidated prices, but the Commissioners, including Chairman William Donaldson, implored the staff to try harder, and suggested that public commentators "may help us find a solution."
The proposed rule states that if a broker or an investor fails to deliver within two days after the settlement date, the account of that firm or individual will effectively be unable to short sell that stock for 90 days.
Critics already disagree with that, believing that it should be the brokers and dealers who "assist" the short selling process who should be banned from short selling if their firm is in violation.
Since the proposed rule will effect short selling outside the U.S. as well as within the borders, the biggest campground for manipulative traders, Canada, would be sharply curtailed.
Staff said that in 1999 when short selling was last examined, the SEC got over 2,000 comments. The upcoming 60-day comment period could see that record broken.
The SEC said that comments should be sent by hard copy or e-mail, but not by both methods. Comments sent by hard copy should be submitted in triplicate to Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609.
Comments also may be submitted electronically at the following E-mail address: rule-comments@sec.gov. All comment letters should refer to File No. S7-23-03. Comments submitted by e-mail should include the file number in the subject line. Comment letters received will be available for public inspection and copying in the Commission's Public Reference Room, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549. Electronically submitted comment letters will be posted on the Commission's Internet web site (www.sec.gov).
Observers have said that trades to not settle because broker-dealers do not effect buy-ins, as required by law, and that there is an unspoken understanding that any brokerage that tries to force a buy-in will be retaliated against.
Some 106 companies among the 119 named to date have issued press releases or been named in the media as having been victimized, or as taking various actions, either alone or in concert with other companies, to oppose manipulative trading in the form of illegal naked short selling. The actions have ranged from lawsuits to withdrawals and threatened withdrawals from the electronic trading system managed by the Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., to withdrawals from toxic financings, to the issuance of dividends or name changes designed to squeeze manipulators, to joining associations or networks or to contacting regulatory authorities to provide documentation of abuses or otherwise complain.
The complete list of those 106 companies include Advanced Viral Research Corp. (OTCBB: ADVR), AdZone Research, Inc. (OTCBB: ADZR), Amazon Natural Treasures (OTC: ANTD), America's Senior Financial Services (OTCBB: AMSE), American Ammunition, Inc. (OTCBB: AAMI), AngelCiti Entertainment (OTCBB: AGLC), ATSI Communications, Inc. (OTC: ATSC), Federal Agricultural Mortgage / Farmer Mac (NYSE: AGM) Allied Capital (NYSE: ALD), American Motorcycle (OTC: AMCYV), American International Industries (OTCBB: AMIN), Ameri-Dream (OTC: AMDR), Adirondack Pure Springs Mt. Water Co. (OTCBB: APSW), Bluebook International (OTCBB: BBIC), Blue Industries (OTCBB: BLIIV), Bentley Communications (OTCBB: BTLY), BIFS Technologies Corporation (OTCBB: BIFT), Biocurex (OTCBB: BOCX). Broadleaf Capital Partners, Inc. (OTCBB: BDLF), Chattem, Inc. (NASDAQ: CHTT), Critical Home Care (OTCBB: CCLH), Composite Holdings (OTC: COHIA), CyberDigital, Inc. (OTCBB: CYBD). Diamond International Group (OTCBB: DMND), Dobson Communications Corp. (NASDAQ: DCEL), Eagle Tech Communications (OTC: EATC), Edgetech Services (OTCBB: EDGH);
Also, Endovasc Ltd. (OTCBB: EVSC), Enviro-Energy Corporation (OTCBB: ENGY), Environmental Products & Technologies (OTC: EPTC), EPIXTAR Corp. (OTCBB: EPXR), eResearchTechnologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: ERES), Flight Safety Technologies (OTCBB: FLST), Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE), FreeStar Technologies (OTCBB: FSRCE), Geotec Thermal Generators, Inc. (OTCBB: GETC), Genesis Intermedia (OTC: GENI), GeneMax Corp. (OTCBB: GMXX), Global Explorations Inc (OTC: GXXL), Global Path (OTCBB: GBPI), GloTech Industries, Inc. (OTCBB: GTHI), Green Dolphin Systems (OTCBB: GLDS), Group Management (OTCBB: GPMT), Hop-On (OTC: HPON), H-Quotient, Inc., (OTCBB: HQNT), Hyperdynamics Corp. (OTCBB: HYPD), International Biochem (OTCBB: IBCL), Intergold Corp. (OTCBB: IGCO), International Broadcasting Corporation (OTCBB: IBCS), InternetStudios, Inc. (OTCBB: ISTO), ITIS Holdings (OTCBB: ITHH), Investco Corp. (OTCBB: IVCO), Lair Holdings (OTC: LAIR), Lifeline BioTechnologies Inc. (OTC: LBTT), Life Energy & Technology (OTCBB: LETH), MBIA (NYSE: MBI);
Also, MegaMania Interactive (OTC: MNIA), MetaSource Group, Inc. (OTCBB: MTSR), Midastrade.com (OTC: MIDS), Make Your Move (OTCBB: MKMV), Medinah Minerals (OTC: MDMN), MSM Jewelry Corp. (OTC: MSMC), Nanopierce Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: NPCT), Nutra Pharmaceutical (OTCBB: NPHC), Nutek (OTCBB: NUTK), Navigator Ventures (OTC: NVGV), Orbit E-Commerce, Inc. (OTCBB: OECI), Pitts & Spitts (OTC: PSPP), Sales OnLine Direct (OTCBB: PAID), Pacel Corp. (OTCBB: PACC), PayStar Corporation (OTC: PYST), Petrogen Corp. (OTCBB: PTGC), Pinnacle Business Management (OTC: PCBM), Premier Development & Investment, Inc. (OTCBB: PDVN), PrimeHoldings.com, Inc. (OTC: PRIM), Phlo Corporation (OTCBB: PHLC), Resourcing Solutions (OTC: RESG), Reed Holdings (OTC: RDHC), Rocky Mountain Energy Corp. (OTCBB: RMECE), RTIN Holdings (OTCBB: RTNHE), Saflink Corp. (NASDAQ: SFLK), Safe Travel Care (OTCBB: SFTVV), Sedona Corp. (OTCBB: SDNA);
Also, Sionix Corp. (OTCBB: SINX), Sonoran Energy (OTCBB: SNRN), Starmax Technologies (OTC: SMXIF), Storage Suites America (OTC: SSUA), Suncomm Technologies (OTC: STEH), Sports Resorts International (NASDAQ: SPRI), Technology Logistics (OTC: TLOS), Swiss Medica, Inc. (OTCBB: SWME), Ten Stix, Inc. (OTCBB: TNTI), Tidelands Oil (OTCBB: TIDE), Titan Construction (OTC: TTCS), Trezac Corp. (OTCBB: TRZAV), Universal Express, Inc. (OTCBB: USXP), Valesc Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: VLSHV), Vega Atlantic (OTCBB: VGAC), Viragen (AMEX: VRA), Viragen International (OTCBB: VGNI), Vista Continental Corporation, (OTCBB: VICC), Viva International (OTCBB: VIVI), Vtex Energy (OTCBB: VXENE) and Wizzard Software (OTCBB: WIZD), WorldTradeShow.com (OTC: WTSW) and Y3K Secure Enterprise Software, Inc. (OTCBB: YTHK).
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und was muss ich sehen nix hat sich getan!
Ausser das Bier vergeudet worden ist und jovi seine Feuerwand nicht besiegen kann
Aber ich kann dich beruhigen jovi,mit meinem PC auf Arbeit kann ich den HTML-Editor auch nicht öffnen.
Aber alles in allem ist ja nix passiert,Kurs hält sich drüben stramm über ,10 ohne Meldung und mit bescheidenem Umsatz.
Die basher bei rb haben eine Pause eingelegt,im Vergleich zu den anderen Tagen,da bleiben uns nur noch die
Eier wenn sie wissen was ich meine.
joker(der das Bier im Bauch hat und nicht auf der Tastatur
- auf der Maus
- am Drucker
- auf dem Mauspad
- auf meinem Schreibtisch
Na ja da ham wir´s ja. Sehen kann´s Jovi wohl, nur öffnen nicht.
Auf der homepage ist aber noch nichts zu finden.