Teles - KZ 120 ? Infos ?

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Neuester Beitrag: 27.03.00 08:41
Eröffnet am:17.03.00 12:17von: SirDonaldAnzahl Beiträge:23
Neuester Beitrag:27.03.00 08:41von: Trueffel-Ferk.Leser gesamt:7.274
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99 Postings, 9233 Tage SirDonaldTeles - KZ 120 ? Infos ?

17.03.00 12:17

ein Bekannter von mit hat mir Teles mit

18 Monatsziel von 120 € empfohlen !

Was meint Ihr dazu und wie seht Ihr die Zukunft von Teles
(kommt Strato eigentlich an die Börse ?)  

301 Postings, 9493 Tage BatpedRe: Teles - KZ 120 ? Infos ?

17.03.00 12:36
Ein Bekannter von mir hat mir Teles vor einem Jahr mit 6 Monatsziel 180 E empfohlen...damit dürfte klar sein was ich von der Meldung halte.
Ich glaube bei Teles nur noch was ich sehe...

ein Alt-Telesianer  


442 Postings, 9474 Tage KalahariRe: Teles - KZ 120 ? Infos ?

17.03.00 12:37
Hi SirDonald,
der Bekannte scheint Dir nicht wohl gesonnen zu sein. Hast Du zufällig dessen Auto mal zu Schrott gefahren?  :-))
Aber mal Ernst beiseite: Teles ist im Moment nach unten hin relativ stark abgesichert. Auch bei Konsolidierung des Gesamtmarktes kann Teles eigentlich fast nur bis 26/25 Euro abrutschen (es sein denn, der Himmel fällt uns auf den Kopf....). Was das Kursziel nach oben angeht, bin ich inzwischen etwas desillusioniert. Und 120 Euro halte ich sowieso für stark übertrieben. Wenn Teles diese Jahr nochmal in die Gegend der 60 Euro kommt, wäre das schon eine enorme Leistung. Lasse mich aber auch gerne von noch höheren Kursen überraschen...... Aber selbst positive Nachrichten haben in den letzten Monaten Teles bis maximal 40 Euro treiben können und danach ging es wieder bergab.



11 Postings, 9215 Tage tonysorry leute,

17.03.00 13:56
aber ich kann es bald nicht mehr hören (lesen)  


171 Postings, 9188 Tage rionegroRe: Teles - KZ 120 ? Infos ?

17.03.00 14:09
Stellungnahme der KPNQwest bzgl. des Ausbaukonzeptes

What is KPNQwest doing to cope with the rapid growth of Strato customers?

Current situation
KPNQwest Germany (Xlink) has experiences performance problems during a phase of
rapid customer growth for their major hosting customer; Strato AG. Executive
Management of KPNQwest assigned a special project team that will ensure a rapid
performance increase for the Strato AG and their customers.

Network connectivity
The hosting facilities in KPNQwest Germany is directly connected to the
EURORings and local peerings. This ensures the best possible connectivity to the
Internet. This part has not caused scalability problems regards to Strato.

Server farm
KPNQwest has experienced performance problems with the current set-up of the
server farm. The following actions are taken to improve performance:

* Added resources to the project team. (Project Management, internal specialists
and vendor expertise)
* Enabling expiry time on web servers to reduce traffic on static content
* Implementing Resource Manager to distribute process load between operations
* Building new architecture with internal experts and experts from world known
hardware and content providers
* Preparing for migration to new KPNQwest Architecture
Installing Proxy Cache for faster delivery of content

The above mentioned actions are short term actions to improve performance. In
parallel the new KPNQwest architecture will be put in place to ensure
performance, scalability and reliability for future growth of KPNQwest's IP
hosting services

KPNQwest Networking and hosting services

KPNQwest's service provides direct global Internet connectivity on Europe's
largest IP backbone network. And because we understand the critical importance
of business applications, we guarantee the highest availability and lowest
possible latency (traffic delay through the network) in the market place today,
a guarantee underpinned by our use of leading-edge switching technology and
excellent global peering.

KPNQwest's IP Transit is available at speeds from 2Mbps up to multiples of 155
Mbps. Our service features the fastest response times, world-class performance
and guaranteed best-in-class availability. And because our IP network is
wholly-owned and self-managed, data security is ensured.
Anyone working in the world of the internet will be well aware of the difficulty
of planning network capacity levels. New technologies allow KPNQwest customers
to run bursts of data well above normal planned levels for short time periods,
without degradation of service to their customers. When customers want to
upgrade their network capacity, or exploit the network's bursting facilities,
they expect us to make it happen quickly and effectively. Our excellent service
and customer support enables equally quick and effective responses to queries.
Building, owning and running a state-of-the-art IP network results in very

definite advantages to KPNQwest's customers:

- Ultra capacity at Terabit levels (a Terabit is a thousand billion bits),
designed for future high-speed broadband applications without limits.
- Congestion-free transport, resulting in packet/cell loss approaching zero
Re-routing of traffic in less than a second in the unlikely event of major
cable damage, due to the self-healing properties of Synchronous Digital
- Hierarchy (SDH)
- Service Level Guarantees
- Around the clock Customer Care, 24 hours/7 days per week, every week.

All KPNQwest's IP services are offered over the KPNQwest EuroRings™ network,
Europe's largest IP backbone. With links via THE ac1, Gemini and TAT14
transatlantic cables to Qwest's 30,000 km US network, it is the largest fibre
optic IP backbone in the world. It is specially designed built for current and
future IP broadband services such as Internet2, with its gigaPoPs and massive
parallel computing power.

One of the most important network parameters is speed. Not just the raw data
speed within the laser beams, but the effective throughput of the network.
Through the IP backbone minimal latency and therefore maximum throughput is
guaranteed. For domestic IP traffic we offer an average of 85 msec (.085
seconds) round trip time (RTT). For transatlantic IP traffic we offer an average
lower than 95 msec RTT. On-line reporting, available through a secure web
interface, provides updates on access link loading.

Internet Protocol (IP) networks work by sending discrete packets of data between
processors across the network. One critical measurement of performance is the
percentage of packets which for various reasons are lost or become corrupted
during transmission. Two main methods of communication are used, riding on the
top of the IP stream. UDP transmission (User Datagram Protocol, a very fast and
direct way of broadcasting data) results in better than one packet lost per
thousand. TCP transmission (higher grade service, where packets are
re-transmitted if lost or damaged) results in less than 0.1% packet


KPNQwest cybercentres extend the reach of businesses and reduce the complexity
of commercial internet operations. KPNQwest's pan-European system of
interconnected cybercentres manages customer application infrastructures
throughout Europe, allowing them to focus on core business. And because the
cybercentres are directly connected to the EuroRingsTM network, they deliver
world class performance and reliability.

KPNQwest provides all of the prerequisites required for application and web
hosting. The flexible cybercentre portfolio works for all types of business,
ranging from small enterprises to large multinational corporations.
Today, KPNQwest has regional hosting centres in 12 European locations; soon,
latest-technology mega-cybercentres will open in key European cities, including
London, Milan, Munich, Paris, Prague, and Stockholm. These mega-cybercentres,
which are currently under construction connect directly into KPNQwest's fibre
infrastructure. Each mega-cybercentre is approximately 10,000 square meters in

The KPNQwest Cybercentres provides a full range of features, from simple
co-location capabilities to complex application hosting.
The KPNQwest equipment co-location service is the most basic offer and it is the
foundation for all other cybercentre services. Customers using the co-location
service lease floor space in one or more cybercentres. This service typically
includes a raised computer floor and power supply. Extra resources can be
included on request, for example, additional air-conditioning could be

The Telehousing service provides the next level of support. Telehousing
customers receive cabinet space in a climate-controlled room, fitted with a
raised floor for cable routing and an un-interruptible power supply. In
addition, basic communication facilities such as distribution frames and
telephone lines are provided. Digital Distribution Frames (DDF) and Optical
Distribution Frames (ODF) allow customers to connect directly to the KPNQwest
network, and also to other local providers should they wish. On-site service
engineers also provide first line maintenance if required, such as card
changing, resetting equipment, alarm condition monitoring checks and setting
loops for remote testing.

KPNQwest also provides clients with the latest Internet or IT servers as well as
supporting services. These services include installation of operating systems,
back-up maintenance, performance monitoring of servers and equipment upgrades.
Building on these basic services, some businesses are provided with a managed
web site as part of a complete Internet environment. Internet services such as
corporate E-mail, intranet, search engines, on-line catalogues and streaming
video and audio are hosted by KPNQwest. This includes building and managing the
web servers, provide the Internet domain names as well as security precautions
such as firewalls. All these key activities can be provided from the centralised
Network Operating Centre.

German (Xlink) Hosting Facility and Strato application

The Xlink hosting centre in Germany, hosting the Strato services, is part of the
KPNQwest cybercenter infrastructure, and thus enjoys the superior connectivity
provided by the KPNQwest backbone, as well as having the usual KPNQwest
fail-safe and redundant data center facilities. Power is provided by redundant
battery systems and diesel generators, assuring continuous operation.
High-volume air conditioning and cooling facilities are also redundant and
fail-safe, ensuring that an ideal environment is maintained for the computing

The processing systems that support the Strato application are based on two
redundant, top-end Sun multiprocessor systems (E6500), that share a
clusterable/mirrorable file system. These main servers are front-ended and
supported by a number of high-performance Sun E4500 servers running distributed
application services. By using the double redundancy of distributing application
processing and file service to separate, independently redundant multiprocessor
machines, reliability and fail-safe operation can be assured, along with
sufficient processing power to be scalable to accommodate the very high-volume
needs of the application. The opportunities for load balancing and performance
tuning provided by tools such as Sun Resource Manager and the load balancer
system employed by KPNQwest ensure that capacity can be grown as the number of
users continue to grow.

Backup strategies based on multi-level duplication (primary and secondary
storage) allows for recovery even in case of catastrophic system failures that
the safety systems (such as the automated fire extinguisher system and
environmental control systems) might not be able to avert.

Hosting environment specifications
* Cabinet space *

Space is offered in lockable cabinets with standard 19'' suspension, for housing
the server equipment. The outside dimensions of this 19 inch cabinet is 60 cm in
width, 80 cm in depth, and 220 cm in height. For large systems no cabinet space
is required (e.g. Sun Enterprise Server E6500 and Sun Storage A3500).

* Raised floor *

The raised floor has a load bearing capacity of 475 kg/m2 with a maximum point
load of 3.75 kg/cm2. This floor will enable cabling to be brought via cable
ducts to the equipment.

* Power supply *

The data centre used for STRATO is supplied with the following power features:
- Redundant power supply of 220-240 Volts AC; two outlets per rack;
- Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) with a minimum of 15 minutes battery
- Diesel generator backup

* Climate control *

Climate control is according to norm ETS class 3.1 'Telecommunication Centres'.
This norm describes the following environmental conditions:
- Climatic conditions, air temperature and humidity,
- Biological conditions,
- Chemical active substances,
- Mechanical conditions
- Normative references of this ETS are IEC publication 721.3-3: Stationary use
at weather protected locations.
- The average temperature will be 21° C +/- 10%, the average humidity will be
50%+/- 10 %.

* Smoke, fire and water protection *

Automatic smoke, fire and water detection in line with the locally applicable
standard fire code is installed at all sites. Also an automated fire
extinguishing system based on the security gas FT200 is installed.

* Access and security *

The access to the Telehousing room is secured with highly secure doors and an
electronic access protection system. Only employees and representatives
mentioned in an agreed list are allowed on the site. A security check will be
executed. Visitors must prove their identity. The visitor will always be
accompanied by KPNQwest personnel (or representatives of KPNQwest).

Interconnection to KPNQWEST network

Within the Telehousing room interconnection is provided to KPNQwest services.
KPNQwest provides interconnection cabling up to the customer cabinet in
correspondence with provided bandwidth service.

Server Hardware and Storage

* Server Systems *

The server environment for STRATO bases on Sun Microsystems servers using the
Solaris operating system. The quantity of resources scales with the number of
customer packages and the development of resource usage by existing customers.
Distribution of load and services on the different servers is planned and
performed by KPNQwest depending on the requirement of the individual services
and the usage development. Beside few exception services are put on separate
servers e.g. web, mail, and ftp service.
Depending on the services, KPNQwest uses different types of Sun Enterprise

- E420R or similar for smaller single services
- E4500 or E6500 for web services
- E4500 or or E6500 for storage access

* Resouce Management *

In order to guarantee high average performance for all customers, KPNQwest uses
Sun Solaris Resource Manager. The resource management allows KPNQwest to define
resource availability and priorities for different services and users on a

* Load Balancers *

KPNQwest uses load balancing mechanisms to guarantee high availabili


99 Postings, 9233 Tage SirDonaldRe: Teles - KZ 120 ? Infos ?

24.03.00 01:35
na dann werde ich mal einsteigen und langsam eine Position
aufbauen. bin auch der meinung, daß nach unten kaum noch
platz ist. gibts bei teles ausser strato noch andere
töchter dîe an die börse kommen könnten ?  

3374 Postings, 9196 Tage PieterIst ja wunderbar alles bei Xlink, bin nur mal gespannt, wann denn

24.03.00 09:28
der nächste tagelange Totalausfall von Strato kommt.
Das wird dann den Teleskurs wieder richtig andeuen, aber nach unten.



111 Postings, 9180 Tage volksfürsorgeTeles wird heute Nachmittag schon zünden........... o.T.

24.03.00 10:10

220 Postings, 9369 Tage BraveheartWarum,Volksfürsorge. Gibt es einen bst. Grund?

24.03.00 11:13
Oder ist es nur der Wunsch? Naja,würde mich selber freuen, aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, warum gerade heute NAchmittag Teles zünden sollte. Wenn Du mehr weißt als andere, dann poste dies.

139 Postings, 9123 Tage splitterÄhnliches behauptete er schon vor Wochen o.T.

24.03.00 11:31


111 Postings, 9180 Tage volksfürsorgeSchau mer mal!

24.03.00 12:35
Ich weiß in der Tat nichts Neues, aber irgendwo ist bei Teles wieder der Teles der Punkt zum Einsteigen. Schaut Euch den Chart der letzten Wochen einfach mal an; Tiefpunkt 27 Euro, irgendwie gabs dann ne adhoc oder ne Mini-Empfehlung und der Kurs ist bis 39 Euro gelaufen. Dann gibt es leider starke Widerstände und wenn die jetzt beim 4. Anlauf endlich mal geknackt sind, dann ist der Weg nach oben offen. Also Splitter und Co: Ihr könnt mich verdammen, aber wer Lust hat soll und kann einsteigen.
Schaut ein bißchen n-TV und 3Sat-Börse und dann sehen wir weiter!!!
Gruß Vofü  

111 Postings, 9180 Tage volksfürsorgeSchau mer mal!

24.03.00 12:36
Ich weiß in der Tat nichts Neues, aber irgendwo ist bei Teles wieder der Punkt zum Einsteigen. Schaut Euch den Chart der letzten Wochen einfach mal an; Tiefpunkt 27 Euro, irgendwie gabs dann ne adhoc oder ne Mini-Empfehlung und der Kurs ist bis 39 Euro gelaufen. Dann gibt es leider starke Widerstände und wenn die jetzt beim 4. Anlauf endlich mal geknackt sind, dann ist der Weg nach oben offen. Also Splitter und Co: Ihr könnt mich verdammen, aber wer Lust hat soll und kann einsteigen.
Schaut ein bißchen n-TV und 3Sat-Börse und dann sehen wir weiter!!!
Gruß Vofü  

342 Postings, 9271 Tage FundiIch gönne uns allen ja wirklich die 120 E

24.03.00 17:27
aber diese ewigen "ab heute geht's los" und "letzte Chance" und "am Freitag
sehen wir 90 Euro" regen mich mittlerweile mehr auf als sie mich aufbauen.
Teles ist z.Zt. der Sch... des Jahres und bei jedem Teles-Kurs, den ich
sehe, könnte ich die Krise bekommen. Hätte im August '99 mit über 100 %
Gewinn steuerfrei bei umgerechnet 50 E verkaufen können, nach der Halbierung
dachte ich aber, daß Teles sich mal wieder erholt, aber seit dem geht's
nur noch abwärts. Wartet doch mal die Zahlen ab (sollen ja am Wochenende
kommen). Wenn's wirklich mal steigen würde wär's ja schön, aber daß das
kurzfristig passiert kann ich mir eigentlich schon nicht mehr vorstellen.

Ein von Teles extrem genervter


111 Postings, 9180 Tage volksfürsorgeHI Fundi, wo hast Du die Info her, daß dieses Wochenende die 99er Zahlen kommen ?

26.03.00 11:49
Ich warte jetzt auch schon den ganzen März auf Zahlen. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, daß die Zahlen über den (reduzierten) Erwartungen sind.
Naja, auf eine neue Woche mit der Hoffnung, daß Teles steigt. Verdient hätten wir es ja allemal.
Gruß Vofü  

826 Postings, 9094 Tage KAWAMANRe: Teles - KZ 120 ? Absoluter Schwachsinn. In Deinem Interesse - Finger weg !!

26.03.00 12:42

Charttechnisch sehr schlecht. Kursrückgang bis 25 € möglich. Bei Unterschreiten sofort verkaufen.
200 T-Linie drückt ebenfalls noch. Oberer Wiederstand bei 40 €.
Empfehlung: Finger weg derzeit. Es gibt aussichtsreichere Aktien.

Have good trades.


144 Postings, 9155 Tage aentÜbernahmegerücht: Cisco plant Telesübernahme, siehe

26.03.00 14:35
Hoffentlich klappt es, dann könnte teles endlich ausbrechen.  


342 Postings, 9271 Tage FundiHi Vofü : Ich hatte irgendwo den Termin 25.3.2000 gelesen

26.03.00 15:09
weiß allerdings nicht mehr wo und kann bis jetzt auch nichts finden.
War vielleicht auch 'ne Fehlinformation, aber im März sollten sie wohl
auf jeden Fall kommen und da gibt's ja nicht mehr allzu viele Möglichkeiten.

Frönen wir also weiterhin dem Prinzip Hoffnung


609 Postings, 9420 Tage Schtonkaent: Was soll die Verbreitung von solchen Lügenmärchen?

26.03.00 18:01
auf der ganzen Website von nice-letter ist das Wort Teles nirgends erwähnt!
Ich meine mich an andere Postings von dir zu erinnern, in denen du es mit der Wahrheit nicht sehr genau nimmst.

Über eine Teles-Übernahme oder zumindest Kooperation durch Cisco hatte ich vor Wochen hier mal sinniert, aber es gab und gibt keinerlei Anhaltspunkte dafür!



56 Postings, 9276 Tage GewinnerHe Schtonk,denn Artikel gibt es wirklich!!

26.03.00 19:44
:Etwas aus dem Ruder läuft unsere Empfehlung AG (NICE*Letter 7/00). In Korrekturphasen wie derzeit trifft es Werte, die noch tief in den roten Zahlen stecken, trotz Zukunftspotenzial als erstes. Aktuell sind 28% Minus zu verbuchen. Hält der Abwärtstrend an, dann bei ca. 33% bis 35% die Stoploss-Reissleine ziehen.
Nach dem Weggang des CFOs bei Adobe (Nasdaq: ADBE) erholt sich der Softwarehersteller wieder. Mit verantwortlich dafür sind Superzahlen im ersten Quartal 2000: 64,6 (i.V. 38,3) Mio. USD Gewinn und 282,2 (226,9) Mio. USD Umsatz gingen durch die Bücher. Adobe-Chef John Warnock zeigte sich zuversichtlich, dass das Unternehmen auch in den kommenden Quartalen zulegen wird. »Zum Start in das zweite Quartal befinden wir uns in der bisher besten Position, sowohl was die Effizienz des Unternehmens als auch die Vorstellungen von neuen Produkten betrifft«, so Warnock. Adobe will noch im ersten Halbjahr 2000 das Vektorgrafikprogramm »Illustrator 9.0«, die Bildbearbeitung »Photoshop 6.0« sowie die Animationssoftware »LiveMotion« auf den Markt bringen. Seit Besprechung in Ausgabe 14/99 verbuchen Sie 220% Gewinn. Warten Sie noch ein paar Wochen, und Sie können den Gewinn steuerfrei vereinnahmen. Aber auch längerfristig ist noch mehr drin.
Wie von uns erwartet meldete das Softwareentwicklungsunternehmen Versant (VSNT; NICE*Letter 5/00) nicht nur ein Abkommen mit France Telecom, sondern mit einer Vielzahl weiterer Kooperationspartner. Der Kurs zog seither kräftig an, blieb aber auch von der jüngsten Konsolidierung nicht verschont. Wer vor sieben Wochen mit einstieg, erzielte seither ein Plus von 76%. Zieht Nasdaq wieder an, dürfte Versant wieder zu den Gewinnern zählen. Deshalb: engagiert bleiben.
Die derzeitige Konsolidierung geht an Media 100 (MDEA), unsere CeBIT-Entdeckung aus Ausgabe 8/00, nahezu spurlos vorüber. Innerhalb von drei Wochen stehen bis zu 59% Gewinn auf Ihrem Konto. Solche Value-Werte sollten Sie nicht aus der Hand geben. Für die jüngste Kursstärke war u.a. eine Kaufempfehlung von Prudential Securities zuständig. Aus der Gerüchteküche: Jüngst wurden uns etliche Gerüchte zugetragen, die eine Reihe unserer Werte betreffen. So soll France Telecom an Mobilcom interessiert sein, und British Telecom liebäugle angeblich mit Telefonica. In den USA sollen Intel oder Microsoft an CMGI Interesse zeigen, und Cisco könnte sich möglicherweise die Teles AG krallen. Wir konnten diese Gerüchte bis zum Redaktionsschluss nicht verifizieren, und geben sie hier deshalb mit den nötigen Vorsichtsbedenken weiter.

Also nicht umbedingt ernst-zunehmend.

      Gruß Gewinner  


171 Postings, 9188 Tage rionegroRe: Teles - KZ 120 ? Infos ?

26.03.00 21:41
KPNQwest Action Plan


[ Allgemeines Forum der IG Kunden der Strato Medien AG ]


Geschrieben von Rochus Strato am 26. März 2000 17:30:12:

Anbei ist ein Beitrag von Johan Helsingius (CTO KPNQwest), den ich hier natürlich sofort poste.
Die angekündigte Information zum Ausbau der Technik ( in detailierter Form) wird voraussichtlich am 27.03.2000 hier bekanntgegeben und auf aktualisiert.


KPNQwest Action Plan

I have to start by apologising for writing in English, as my knowledge of the German language is unfortunately rather poor.

As has been discussed in this forum, there have been performance and reliability problems related to the very rapid growth and extreme market success of the Strato web services, hosted by Xlink, the German subsidiary of KPNQwest. The explosive growth has caused scalability issues related to the network, the server systems and the operating/management procedures and systems in use for this application.

To address the problem, the executive management of KPNQwest has assigned a special project team to quickly enhance the performance and ensure greater reliability of the service, as well as provide an architecture that will be able to support the continuing growth needs of the applications. The project team, consisting of experts and project management both from the KPNQwest headquarters and KPNQwest country operations, reports directly to the KPNQwest headquarters, and works closely together with KPNQwest's technology and systems partners and suppliers.

The short-term activities address performance bottlenecks and issues in several areas:

Network connectivity

As the KPNQwest Eurorings fibre infrastructure is rolled out in Germany, the IP backbone is migrated to the high-speed, high-capacity core backbone. As we have investigated possible bottlenecks, it appears that backbone network capacity isn't currently an issue, but the continuous growth of the service will in the future require the capacity increases made possible by the Eurorings buildout.

We are currently investigating some potential performance issues in the peerings between the KPNQwest network and some of the German IP networks. If this turns out to be a real issue, we will negotiate and implement improved peerings with other networks.

Some perceived performance problems could have been caused by capacity problems in other networks beyond the control of KPNQwest. While there is little KPNQwest can do about these problems beyond pointing out these problems to the networks in question, we will put in place monitoring tools that will help users find out the source of the performance problems.

There have also been a number of hostile attacks against the systems, with several denial-of-service attacks of the same type that caused severe service outages for major US web sites. While systematic security measures and protection systems help against "routine" attacks, the more sophisticated attacks can only be countered by our security teams tracking down the sources and reconfiguring routers and systems to adopt to each specific attack.

Server farm

The rapid increases in demand caused performance problems with the server farm. This was due to a number of bottlenecks in the original system design and architecture. The success and popularity of the service has simply outgrown the original architecture. Our first reaction was to increase the amount and power of the hardware, but we found that we had reached the limits of what the operating system software was able to support reliably. Thus it has become clear that the system needs to be re-engineered into a much more distributed model.

In the short term, the following measures are being taken:

1. Improving the performance of serving static web content by front-ending the servers with multiple, high-performance caching systems. The first caching systems are already in place, and have resulted in a significant performance improvement.
2. Introducing full disk mirroring to improve both performance and fault tolerance.
3. Reducing the risk of individual scripts and processes using excessive amounts of resources by employing the Sun Resource Manager software to distribute and manage process load. This has helped us to avoid process-related slowdowns. Fine-tuning of resource management will provide even better control of performance.
4. Re-organising the distribution of application components among the machines and adding front-end systems to increase parallelism and avoiding performance problems caused by operating system limitations.
5. An intensive program to measure, analyse and identify other possible bottlenecks and potential performance problems (peering, network, servers).
6. Implement improved monitoring and management systems, both for internal use and as external tools for the user community.
7. Reviewing and improving operational procedures to ensure upgrades, improvements and maintenance operations are performed in a tightly controlled manner, with minimum impact to the service.

These actions are all short-term actions, intended to rapidly improve performance. Many have already been tried out, and have resulted in significant improvements. We feel confident that implementing them fully will ensure more than adequate performance and reliability to cope with near-term growth. In parallel with these activities, a new system architecture that is in line with the future scalable KPNQwest cybercenter systems architecture will be deployed, and the applications will be gradually migrated to the new architecture as the demand continues to grow.

I'm more than happy to try to, along with my team, answer any questions you might have in relation to the current situation and our actions. Feel free to e-mail me - preferably in English, if possible, but I can arrange for messages to me to be translated, but with a delay. I'm also more than happy to address questions in these public forums, but again, the language might be an issue.

Welcoming your input and feedback,

Johan "Julf" Helsingius,
Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer,
KPNQwest N.V.





140 Postings, 9169 Tage voltagoFür Teles kann man tatsächlich ein KZ von 120 € errechnen,

27.03.00 00:26
aber dummerweise weiß niemand, wann sie zu steigen anfängt und wie lange das dann dauert. Vielleicht in wenigen Monaten, vielleicht aber auch erst in 10 Jahren???

Lieber mal einen deutlichen Ausbruch über 40 € abwarten, bevor man einsteigt, oder aber bei einem Rückgang unter 25 € billig einkaufen und liegenlassen. Und beten...  


242 Postings, 9171 Tage NoPusher120 ?? schwer vorstellbar im moment o.T.

27.03.00 01:30


817 Postings, 9188 Tage Trueffel-FerkelMit Geduld ist (fast) alles möglich...! oder? o.T.

27.03.00 08:41

   Antwort einfügen - nach oben